Shiny object alert: Trump wants Clinton emails released


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2016
Things must be heating up over on Pennsylvania Ave. Trump wants to release the Clinton emails and the timing of this announcement is pretty suspect. It seems to me such an obvious distraction, food for the fish, something he knows his base will tear into and divert attention from any negative press he might have coming his way. I bet he’s been saving this one for a while. Is this as transparent to you all as it is to me?

Trump wants remaining State Dept. Clinton emails released - CNNPolitics
Just a couple days ago, Sarah Huckabee Sanders said they believed the Mueller investigation would be making some decisions in the near future. She said it was just guesstimation on their part, but what I believe REALLY happened is that the FBI alerted them that someone was about to be arrested.
Wonder who?
Okay...the Secretary of State and D nominee for POTUS DESTROYS 33,000 GOVERNMENT emails and we are suppose to ignore this. Only if you are blind, deaf, and dumb.

Tell me what would happen to the average joe government worker, if he/she destroyed government property?
Okay...the Secretary of State and D nominee for POTUS DESTROYS 33,000 GOVERNMENT emails and we are suppose to ignore this. Only if you are blind, deaf, and dumb.

Tell me what would happen to the average joe government worker, if he/she destroyed government property?
Defend it all you want, I fully recognize the Lock Her Up crew... but my point stands regarding the timing of all this. Trump could have called for the emails when he got into office. He is doing it now for political reasons
It is called transparency. I understand. You aren't used to it.
She has nothing to hide, right?
Not my point. Read the OP again. This is all about politics, not justice. He could have opened this Can 9 months ago
Okay...the Secretary of State and D nominee for POTUS DESTROYS 33,000 GOVERNMENT emails and we are suppose to ignore this. Only if you are blind, deaf, and dumb.

Tell me what would happen to the average joe government worker, if he/she destroyed government property?
Defend it all you want, I fully recognize the Lock Her Up crew... but my point stands regarding the timing of all this. Trump could have called for the emails when he got into office. He is doing it now for political reasons

Yup, I'm sure you'll be disappointed to find out zero of the emails went to Bill, and only two were about the wedding.
Okay...the Secretary of State and D nominee for POTUS DESTROYS 33,000 GOVERNMENT emails and we are suppose to ignore this. Only if you are blind, deaf, and dumb.

Tell me what would happen to the average joe government worker, if he/she destroyed government property?
Defend it all you want, I fully recognize the Lock Her Up crew... but my point stands regarding the timing of all this. Trump could have called for the emails when he got into office. He is doing it now for political reasons

Yup, I'm sure you'll be disappointed to find out zero of the emails went to Bill, and only two were about the wedding.
I’m not to worried about it. I don’t really care what happens to Clinton. If she did something wrong then she should be held accountable... but I’m also not going to let that narrative distract from the things that are actually happening with our leadership that are now in power.
Trump wants Clinton emails released
Number One:
Whether he wants them released or not is irrelevant. They've been ordered released by the judiciary.
Number Two:
  • September 2017 -- Three days after the FBI denied an attorney’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for documents related to the Hillary Clinton email investigation, a federal judge is telling the agency to make them public. U.S. District Judge James E. Boasberg overruled objections by the Trump administration, which insisted that making the information public would violate grand jury secrecy rules. (Source)
Were Trump so desirous of all that content being released, all he had to do was order that the case opposing the FOIA request, a case by his own Justice Department, be withdrawn and instruct the FBI to provide the requested information. Such a withdrawal, at the very least, would have made getting the information cost less -- none of the court's resources spent to hear the case, and no more of the FBI's resources spent to prepare for and argue the case.

That, however, isn't what he did. What he's done is recently make an assertion about having such a desire to his deflective vitriol pertaining to Hillary Clinton, something that nobody who's paying attention has failed to notice coincides with the submission of the first formal charges coming from Mueller's "Russia" investigation.

It is yet another instance in which the man's actions (or failure to act) appear not to corroborate his words.
Okay...the Secretary of State and D nominee for POTUS DESTROYS 33,000 GOVERNMENT emails and we are suppose to ignore this. Only if you are blind, deaf, and dumb.

Tell me what would happen to the average joe government worker, if he/she destroyed government property?
Defend it all you want, I fully recognize the Lock Her Up crew... but my point stands regarding the timing of all this. Trump could have called for the emails when he got into office. He is doing it now for political reasons
I am defending nothing. I agree that Trump is likely playing some kind of crazy game, but the fact remains Clinton needs to be held accountable for her criminal acts.
Okay...the Secretary of State and D nominee for POTUS DESTROYS 33,000 GOVERNMENT emails and we are suppose to ignore this. Only if you are blind, deaf, and dumb.

Tell me what would happen to the average joe government worker, if he/she destroyed government property?
Defend it all you want, I fully recognize the Lock Her Up crew... but my point stands regarding the timing of all this. Trump could have called for the emails when he got into office. He is doing it now for political reasons
I am defending nothing. I agree that Trump is likely playing some kind of crazy game, but the fact remains Clinton needs to be held accountable for her criminal acts.
Yeah I agree. If the Clintons broke a law then hold them accountable. But this situation right now is being completely politicized as a distraction from Mueller. I think it’s pretty obvious
Okay...the Secretary of State and D nominee for POTUS DESTROYS 33,000 GOVERNMENT emails and we are suppose to ignore this. Only if you are blind, deaf, and dumb.

Tell me what would happen to the average joe government worker, if he/she destroyed government property?
Defend it all you want, I fully recognize the Lock Her Up crew... but my point stands regarding the timing of all this. Trump could have called for the emails when he got into office. He is doing it now for political reasons

Yup, I'm sure you'll be disappointed to find out zero of the emails went to Bill, and only two were about the wedding.
I’m not to worried about it. I don’t really care what happens to Clinton. If she did something wrong then she should be held accountable... but I’m also not going to let that narrative distract from the things that are actually happening with our leadership that are now in power.

Glad to see you referred to actual "leadership", we haven't seen much of that in the last 16 years.
The timing is suspect? Since when does Trump have to worry about "negative press" when everything in the freaking criminal conspiracy in the MSM is consistently negative? Trump wanted the Hildabeast's e-mails released before he was president.
He called on WIkileaks months ago to release Clinton's emails. He praised Julian Assange.
As well he should, though I suspect he was just blowing smoke as he often does.

The NSA has ALL of Cankle's emails (Russians, Chinese, and likely others do too). Trump, if he really wanted to, could demand the NSA release them.
He called on WIkileaks months ago to release Clinton's emails. He praised Julian Assange.
As well he should, though I suspect he was just blowing smoke as he often does.

The NSA has ALL of Cankle's emails (Russians, Chinese, and likely others do too). Trump, if he really wanted to, could demand the NSA release them.
Why didn't he demand the release?
Things must be heating up over on Pennsylvania Ave. Trump wants to release the Clinton emails and the timing of this announcement is pretty suspect. It seems to me such an obvious distraction, food for the fish, something he knows his base will tear into and divert attention from any negative press he might have coming his way. I bet he’s been saving this one for a while. Is this as transparent to you all as it is to me?

Trump wants remaining State Dept. Clinton emails released - CNNPolitics
Yeah, but who cares about Chelsea's wedding and her yoga lessons?
Things must be heating up over on Pennsylvania Ave. Trump wants to release the Clinton emails and the timing of this announcement is pretty suspect. It seems to me such an obvious distraction, food for the fish, something he knows his base will tear into and divert attention from any negative press he might have coming his way. I bet he’s been saving this one for a while. Is this as transparent to you all as it is to me?

Trump wants remaining State Dept. Clinton emails released - CNNPolitics
/—-/ the timing of the Muller indictments seeems suspect. It was announced right after the Hildabeast/Obozo/Putin collusion story broke. Things must be heating up in Chapaqua.
He called on WIkileaks months ago to release Clinton's emails. He praised Julian Assange.
As well he should, though I suspect he was just blowing smoke as he often does.

The NSA has ALL of Cankle's emails (Russians, Chinese, and likely others do too). Trump, if he really wanted to, could demand the NSA release them.
Why didn't he demand the release?
Because he is no different than Obama, when it comes to protecting the State.

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