Shelia Jackson demands "Martial Law" to end Shutdown

sounds like some parliamentary trick that nobody's heard of.

maybe the House Speaker has the power to bring up a bill very quickly.
That dumb bitch doesn't even know the difference between Mars and the moon, but idiots like Hoffstra keep voting her in........
seriously though, you have to be one paranoid idiot to think she was talking about the military taking over all civilian authority in the USA in order to end the shutdown.

folks need to put their little Alex Jones away and not listen to him.
I'm not surprised Lee would say something like that. Blacks think Obama should be given unrestricted power to do any damn thing he wants to do.
Its just a procedure to speed up voting on bills in the House

Under the martial law procedure, longstanding House rules that require at least one day between the unveiling of significant legislation and the House floor vote on that legislation — so that Members can learn what they are being asked to vote on — are swept away. Instead, under “martial law,” the Leadership can file legislation with tens or hundreds of pages of fine print and move immediately to debate and votes on it, before Members of Congress, the media, or the public have an opportunity to understand fully what provisions have been altered or inserted into the legislation behind closed doors. This is the procedure that the Leadership intends to use to muscle through important bills in the next two days.

Statement by Robert Greenstein: House Leadership Invokes ?Martial Law,? Forcing Members to Vote on Key Bills Without Full Knowledge of What They Are Voting On: Move Represents Erosion Of The Democratic Process ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
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I'm not surprised Lee would say something like that. Blacks think Obama should be given unrestricted power to do any damn thing he wants to do.

its a procedural maneuver to speed up voting.

God, you guys need to lay off the Alex Jones Kool-aid.
I'm not surprised Lee would say something like that. Blacks think Obama should be given unrestricted power to do any damn thing he wants to do.

its a procedural maneuver to speed up voting.

God, you guys need to lay off the Alex Jones Kool-aid.
That doesn't make sense. If they're not willing to vote, what good is "speeding up voting"?
I'm not surprised Lee would say something like that. Blacks think Obama should be given unrestricted power to do any damn thing he wants to do.

its a procedural maneuver to speed up voting.

God, you guys need to lay off the Alex Jones Kool-aid.
That doesn't make sense. If they're not willing to vote, what good is "speeding up voting"?

I don't give a shit if it doesn't make sense to your pea-size brain.

Its merely a procedural move.

It has nothing to do with the military taking over the USA!!!!!
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its a procedural maneuver to speed up voting.

God, you guys need to lay off the Alex Jones Kool-aid.
That doesn't make sense. If they're not willing to vote, what good is "speeding up voting"?

I don't give a shit if it doesn't make sense to your pee-size brain.

Its merely a procedural move.

It has nothing to do with the military taking over the USA!!!!!
And I don't give a shit if YOU give a shit, puspocket.
And I don't give a shit if YOU give a shit, puspocket.

that's fine.

keep telling yourself that she was talking about a military take over of the USA.

go hide in the closet, under your bed, in the basement, waiting for the black helicopters to come.

I could care less.

even PrisonPlanet says the remark was just about a procedural move.
Its just a procedure to speed up voting on bills in the House

Under the martial law procedure, longstanding House rules that require at least one day between the unveiling of significant legislation and the House floor vote on that legislation — so that Members can learn what they are being asked to vote on — are swept away. Instead, under “martial law,” the Leadership can file legislation with tens or hundreds of pages of fine print and move immediately to debate and votes on it, before Members of Congress, the media, or the public have an opportunity to understand fully what provisions have been altered or inserted into the legislation behind closed doors. This is the procedure that the Leadership intends to use to muscle through important bills in the next two days.

Statement by Robert Greenstein: House Leadership Invokes ?Martial Law,? Forcing Members to Vote on Key Bills Without Full Knowledge of What They Are Voting On: Move Represents Erosion Of The Democratic Process ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

So it's FORCE. Yes, that is a military takeover of the United States. Our Representatives are hijacked by a few oligarchs in this process, by FORCE.

Read my signature tyrant, it applies to these situations, then combine it with the quoted text below:
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government,

Keep adding more cars onto the long train of abuses, eventually you'll seize the Engine of Tyranny by overburdening it.

He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.

This "Martial Law" forfeits the right of Representation, because it forces them to make misinformed votes. You cannot be Represented if your Representatives don't know how to Represent you.

He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.
King Obama will not give his Assent to ANY law, unless Obamacare is unquestioned. Instead, he could give his Assent to almost the entirety of the Government and negotiate Obamacare separately.

He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.
King Obama put the IRS in charge of medical services. Enjoy.
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Well this is interesting because of what she was referring to.

Paul Joseph Watson said that when used in legislative context, the term is somewhat obscure, but has been used before to define lawmakers’ ability to “fast track” legislation without going through the usual congressional process.

But, he said, her call for "martial law" would appear to conflict with Article I, Section 7, Clause I of the Constitution, which specifically states that, “All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives.”

The resolution Jackson Lee spoke of came from the Senate.

Sheila Jackson Lee on continuing resolution: 'We have martial law' - National Policy & Issues |
Its just a procedure to speed up voting on bills in the House

Under the martial law procedure, longstanding House rules that require at least one day between the unveiling of significant legislation and the House floor vote on that legislation — so that Members can learn what they are being asked to vote on — are swept away. Instead, under “martial law,” the Leadership can file legislation with tens or hundreds of pages of fine print and move immediately to debate and votes on it, before Members of Congress, the media, or the public have an opportunity to understand fully what provisions have been altered or inserted into the legislation behind closed doors. This is the procedure that the Leadership intends to use to muscle through important bills in the next two days.

Statement by Robert Greenstein: House Leadership Invokes ?Martial Law,? Forcing Members to Vote on Key Bills Without Full Knowledge of What They Are Voting On: Move Represents Erosion Of The Democratic Process ? Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

Doesn't that remind you of how Obamacare became law?

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