Awkward point about the actions of "Wonder Woman" in the new movie...she kills to get Steve Trevor back? Without remorse? She still a hero?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
From John Nolte......did Wonder Woman kill a man so that she could get Steve Trevor back? An innocent man?

I know people can debate about whether or not a comic book hero can kill criminals to stop them....but apparently the man she essentially kills to get Steve back is an innocent man, who has done nothing wrong......

Bad story telling?

Wonder Woman aka Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) makes a wish to have Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) back. Even though she hardly knew the guy and heā€™s been dead for 66 years, she still canā€™t get over him. So she wishes to get him back and get him back she does, but ā€¦ in another manā€™s body.

And not just any manā€™s body.

Trevorā€™s spirit and soul jump into an actual guy ā€” I mean an actual living guy with an apartment and clothes; a guy with a job and some sort of emotional life. At first, we see the guy. Then, because they wanted to bring Chris Pine back, we see only Steve Trevor. Butā€¦

Thereā€™s no question Steve Trevor is inhabiting another manā€™s body, and thereā€™s no question that Wonder Woman is a sociopath who has no problem with this.

Even while the two of them are standing in the guyā€™s apartment, she has no qualms using this guyā€™s body for sex.

Sheā€™s also prepared to kill the guy.

What I mean is that in order for Trevor to return in this guyā€™s body, this guyā€™s soul and spirit disappear. His soul and his spirit are snuffed out, and Wonder Woman doesnā€™t care. She never even questions the price an innocent man has to pay so she can reunite with her sweetheart.

Worse still, she just assumes she and Trevor will be together forever, which is the equivalent of killing the guy.

In the end, she only agrees to return the guyā€™s soul and spirit to his own body after she has no other choice. But had she not been forced to, Wonder Woman wouldā€™ve been fine with killing the guy to get what she wants.

This guy must have parents and friends. What about those people?

What about having sex with this guyā€™s body without his consent?

Can you imagine if Pepper Potts died, returned in a living womanā€™s body, and Iron Man took that woman to bed?

If the screenplay had even a little intelligence, this could have been a fairly interesting idea, a real moral dilemma in keeping with the movieā€™s theme about how wishes come with a curse. Okay, you wanted Steve. Here he is. But an innocent man paid the price. Whachoo gunna do now?

If Wonder Woman was not a sociopath, imagine the emotional torture and dramatic possibilities of that situation. Here they are, finally reunited, but they canā€™t really be together because 1) it came at the cost of an innocent man, and 2) it would be wrong to use his body as a sex doll.

While I was sitting there watching this, I kept waiting for the Here Comes Mr. Jordan/Heaven Can Wait escape clauseā€¦

Yes, Iā€™m in another manā€™s body, but I was put in this body just after he died, and now his soul is in Heaven, and this is my body, so what do you say we grab that magic lasso and go do the nasty?

But the movie doesnā€™t do that, which means those of us watching are forced to put the fact that Wonder Woman is a sociopath out of our mindsā€¦

What about this guyā€™s poor mother? Stop thinking about that and look at the CGI.

The only thing that kind of saves it comes at the end. This guy comes back, Wonder Woman flirts with him, he doesnā€™t respond, and youā€™re thinking Oh, he really is too stupid to live.

But then youā€™re wondering, Whatā€™s he going to tell his boss?

Regardless, he still returns believing he blacked out for a few days, so he probably thinks he has a brain tumor.

This would have been such an easy screenplay fix. Why not have Steve Trevor return in his own body? How hard would it have been to do that? You know, Wonder Woman comes home from work and finds Steve there trying to figure out the TV, or something? Wouldnā€™t it make more sense wish-wise if he showed up in her apartment?

It's just a bad movie all together. Gal Gadot is good as Wonder Woman..she's nice to look at. Not a particularly great actress, but I like her as Wonder Woman.

However, whomever wrote the story for this movie needs to be given some Ritalin. Story is an absolute mess.

This movie (like the first WW) has a villain problem. As in.. the villains are boring, and not threatening. Can't have a good hero/heroine without a proper villain.

I would bet the script was written by a millennial. The ADHD generation is ruining everything now days.
It's a movie. There are tons of real life problems but we are supposed to be concerned over a fantasy movie?
It's a movie. There are tons of real life problems but we are supposed to be concerned over a fantasy movie?

Hey, dipshit.......we can do a lot of things at the same time.....and talking about movies is a good diversion from a stolen election and democrats burning and looting our cities.
People complaining and starting multiple threads over a silly movie and I'm the miserable one? LOL

Second post I have seen about the movie and this one is a different topic. Makes sense there would be multiple posts consider the movie just dropped two days ago.

Only one I see complaining is you..per usual. You are always complaining about everything, because you are miserable insufferable turd person leftist moonbat who isn't happy unless they are shitting on something.
People complaining and starting multiple threads over a silly movie and I'm the miserable one? LOL

Second post I have seen about the movie and this one is a different topic. Makes sense there would be multiple posts consider the movie just dropped two days ago.

Only one I see complaining is you..per usual. You are always complaining about everything, because you are miserable insufferable turd person leftist moonbat who isn't happy unless they are shitting on something.

And now....back to the purpose of the thread............

This story line is really is amazing that it was allowed to go forward when it just seems that by now, story lines like this would be fairly easy to Nolte points out, there are ways to do this that actually work...
There is a Show on NetFlix...I think it is called Travellers....about people from the future trying to stop a global catastrophe by jumping into bodies of people in the present......but they jump into bodies of people they know died......and they do it just as they are dying.........

It wasn't a bad premise.......dealing with the consequences of taking over lives while trying to complete their mission.......but the people were already dead........
I watched the stupid movie yesterday with my granddaughter. She liked it but I thought it sucked.

However, didn't the guy show up at the end of the move when WW was walking down the street? Like he was never gone?

I know it is only a fantasy story and you suppose to suspend belief but I am still trying to figure out how they went to the Smithsonian Air Museum and stole a jet fighter with a range of about 1000 miles (without refueling) and took off and flew to Egypt and back. Piloted by someone who last flew WWI biplanes. Really? Come on Man!
Seems like a case of too many cooks in the kitchen, because the screen play has 3 different writing credits, including the director... and the other two writers have more experience in writing super hero television for the WB than anything else.

I always like it when it's one person's singular vision for a story, or movie rather than a compilation of different people's competing ideas.. usually seems to deliver a better experience.
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Seems like a case of too many cooks in the kitchen, because the screen play has 3 different writing credits, including the director... and the other two writers have more experience in writing super hero television for the WB than anything else.

I always like it when it's one person's singular vision for a story or movie than compilation of different people's competing ideas.. usually seems to deliver a better experience.

Multiple writers is always a bad sign....
Just got back from seeing the movie. I thought it was better than the first. I won't get into it that much so as to not give a lot away but Wonder Woman had no idea what the trade off was when she wished Steve back.

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