She was another pschco witch lefty from hell

We all know the type.


Angry, humorless, and hates Trump as they blame him for all the world's problems

It's sad that there are sooooo many of them, isn't it.
Snowflakes and their guns.

You'd think they'd start a lobbying group. But then, they don't want one; they don't want to be accountable.
We all know the type.


Angry, humorless, and hates Trump as they blame him for all the world's problems

It's sad that there are sooooo many of them, isn't it.
It is...and this comic courtesy of Mudwhistle, is hilariously accurate.
Not only was she a psycho bitch but those strict gun laws that shithass California has didn't do a damn thing to stop her from shooting people.

Neither did Youtube's silly ass "gun free zone". What could possibly go wrong?

However, California's oppressive anti right to keep and bear arms laws and Youtube's silliness prevented victims from having the ability to protect themselves.

Stupid gun control laws and gun control policies never stop gun crimes. Just prevents law abiding citizens from having the ability to protect themselves.
The family of the psycho Muslim bitch warned the police that she might do something stupid but typical for the government they didn't do jackshit.

Another example of why the government can't provide for our security and we need the right to keep and bear arms to provide for ourselves.
so another leftist whacko goes off

libs are dangerous people

probable was at the march for our lies also
Leftist Liberal - Check
Vegan - Check
Mooslim - Check

Another Leftist Shooter.....they all are- 98% are either Leftist Mooslims, or Leftist Radicals. This woman was both.
Who cares is she was a mooslim...doesn't matter....she was a Leftist....which is far more dangerous.

However, she did have a Legitimate Beef with YouTube Censoring Channels like hers.
They have cut off a lot of people's incomes. And this woman was one of them.

I think they should reconsider their policies.
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One of the first eyewitnesses interviewed was an illegal alien that wouldn't give his name. He said he wished he was allowed to carry a gun, because he could have stopped her.

I said to myself, someone find this guy and see what it takes to get him citizenship. We want that guy here.

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