Shannyn Moore: My Guns Are Less Regulated Than My Uterus

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There is no life lost in an abortion. The potential for life is ended. Life, as we know it, does not begin at conception. Until the fetus is capable of surviving outside the womb, it is not a life.

There is no funeral, no period of mourning. If a woman suffers a miscarriage she isn't given bereavement leave, and is expected to return to work the next day as if nothing has happened. No one mourns the loss, save its mother.

When people are shot and killed, lives are ended. Families are torn apart. There is real suffering. Children may lose a parent which profoundly impacts the rest of their lives. The two events are in no way equal.
There is no life lost in an abortion. The potential for life is ended. Life, as we know it, does not begin at conception. Until the fetus is capable of surviving outside the womb, it is not a life.

There is no funeral, no period of mourning. If a woman suffers a miscarriage she isn't given bereavement leave, and is expected to return to work the next day as if nothing has happened. No one mourns the loss, save its mother.

When people are shot and killed, lives are ended. Families are torn apart. There is real suffering. Children may lose a parent which profoundly impacts the rest of their lives. The two events are in no way equal.

That is your view on the situation, and your view only. If it what allows you to support abortion for "i feel like it" reasons so be it, but at least admit is all a bunch of mental exercises to deny the simple fact that you are OK with the killing of a distinct living thing.

And I have to assume you have never experienced a miscarrage, because some of the family members I know that have had them have suffered terribly because of it.
There is no life lost in an abortion. The potential for life is ended. Life, as we know it, does not begin at conception. Until the fetus is capable of surviving outside the womb, it is not a life.

There is no funeral, no period of mourning. If a woman suffers a miscarriage she isn't given bereavement leave, and is expected to return to work the next day as if nothing has happened. No one mourns the loss, save its mother.

When people are shot and killed, lives are ended. Families are torn apart. There is real suffering. Children may lose a parent which profoundly impacts the rest of their lives. The two events are in no way equal.

That is your view on the situation, and your view only. If it what allows you to support abortion for "i feel like it" reasons so be it, but at least admit is all a bunch of mental exercises to deny the simple fact that you are OK with the killing of a distinct living thing.

And I have to assume you have never experienced a miscarrage, because some of the family members I know that have had them have suffered terribly because of it.

You know nothing about me or the women who have had abortions. I have never had an abortion but I have friends and family who have. None of them took the decision lightly. All of them felt it was the right choice.

One was 19 years old. She had married at 16 - pregnant. Had another baby a year after the first. Her husband was drinking, hitting her and their babies, and she was pregnant again. She had an abortion, got a divorce, went back to school and got a good job. It wouldn't have happened if she'd had a third child.

These are hard choices women make. They aren't "for convenience" in the sense of so they can go on partying or having fun. They're so these women and their existing children will have a chance for a better life.

Look at the reality of who is having abortions:

- over half are married or in a committed relationship

- 75% already have one or more children

- 80% live below or just above the poverty line

- half used birth control the month they got pregnant

- most are over 21 and under 30.

I personally would never have had an abortion. My son was born at a difficult time in my marriage and his father didn't want another child but I could not and did not consider any other options. That's what bring pro choice means. Doing what you feel is right for you based on your situation and beliefs. We split up shortly after my son's birth.

I have experienced two miscarriages. I dealt with them by becoming pregnant again almost immediately so that when the due date rolled around, I was happily awaiting the birth of my baby, not mourning the child who never was.

I had undergone surgery to have a third child and was ecstatic when I was pregnant since there was only a 40% chance of success. When the doctor told me the fetus had no heartbeat, weeks after it should have, and that the ultrasound showed no growth over the previous ultra sound, I felt like I had been punched in the stomach and all of the wind had been knocked out of me. But I took from it that my surgery was a success and I could get pregnant again.

My doctor told me my attitude would help me get pregnant again. And it did.

You are an insensitive asshole who thinks he understands women and you have no fucking clue who we are.

Go Shannyn!
There is no life lost in an abortion. The potential for life is ended. Life, as we know it, does not begin at conception. Until the fetus is capable of surviving outside the womb, it is not a life.

There is no funeral, no period of mourning. If a woman suffers a miscarriage she isn't given bereavement leave, and is expected to return to work the next day as if nothing has happened. No one mourns the loss, save its mother.

When people are shot and killed, lives are ended. Families are torn apart. There is real suffering. Children may lose a parent which profoundly impacts the rest of their lives. The two events are in no way equal.
In your opinion... dolt
There is no life lost in an abortion. The potential for life is ended. Life, as we know it, does not begin at conception. Until the fetus is capable of surviving outside the womb, it is not a life.

There is no funeral, no period of mourning. If a woman suffers a miscarriage she isn't given bereavement leave, and is expected to return to work the next day as if nothing has happened. No one mourns the loss, save its mother.

When people are shot and killed, lives are ended. Families are torn apart. There is real suffering. Children may lose a parent which profoundly impacts the rest of their lives. The two events are in no way equal.

That is your view on the situation, and your view only. If it what allows you to support abortion for "i feel like it" reasons so be it, but at least admit is all a bunch of mental exercises to deny the simple fact that you are OK with the killing of a distinct living thing.

And I have to assume you have never experienced a miscarrage, because some of the family members I know that have had them have suffered terribly because of it.

You know nothing about me or the women who have had abortions. I have never had an abortion but I have friends and family who have. None of them took the decision lightly. All of them felt it was the right choice.

One was 19 years old. She had married at 16 - pregnant. Had another baby a year after the first. Her husband was drinking, hitting her and their babies, and she was pregnant again. She had an abortion, got a divorce, went back to school and got a good job. It wouldn't have happened if she'd had a third child.

These are hard choices women make. They aren't "for convenience" in the sense of so they can go on partying or having fun. They're so these women and their existing children will have a chance for a better life.

Look at the reality of who is having abortions:

- over half are married or in a committed relationship

- 75% already have one or more children

- 80% live below or just above the poverty line

- half used birth control the month they got pregnant

- most are over 21 and under 30.

I personally would never have had an abortion. My son was born at a difficult time in my marriage and his father didn't want another child but I could not and did not consider any other options. That's what bring pro choice means. Doing what you feel is right for you based on your situation and beliefs. We split up shortly after my son's birth.

I have experienced two miscarriages. I dealt with them by becoming pregnant again almost immediately so that when the due date rolled around, I was happily awaiting the birth of my baby, not mourning the child who never was.

I had undergone surgery to have a third child and was ecstatic when I was pregnant since there was only a 40% chance of success. When the doctor told me the fetus had no heartbeat, weeks after it should have, and that the ultrasound showed no growth over the previous ultra sound, I felt like I had been punched in the stomach and all of the wind had been knocked out of me. But I took from it that my surgery was a success and I could get pregnant again.

My doctor told me my attitude would help me get pregnant again. And it did.

You are an insensitive asshole who thinks he understands women and you have no fucking clue who we are.
The person that pays the bigges price in an abortion is the most innocent party… baby butchery is very profitable unfortunately for the kid that is being butchered.
You know what I find really interesting? Every time there is a mass shooting, not only do the gun sales go up, but stock in gun manufacturers goes up as well.

Now think about this..................guns killed 59 people (so far), and injured over 400 in just one night, by just one shooter.

If any other industry killed 59 people and injured over 400 in just one day, by just one company (think food poisoning or air bags going off unintended), then the American people would be calling for the heads of the CEO's of that company because they killed people.

But nothing when guns are used for mass shootings. Why?
Now think about this..................guns killed 59 people (so far), and injured over 400 in just one night, by just one shooter
An unstable nutcase, using a semi automatic firearm
opened fire on a large group of people, killing 59

Guns didn't kill them, he killed them using a gun...
he could have thrown a grenade or bomb into the crowd
If any other industry killed 59 people and injured over 400 in just one day, by just one company (think food poisoning or air bags going off unintended), then the American people would be calling for the heads of the CEO's of that company because they killed people.

But nothing when guns are used for mass shootings. Why?
The abortion industry kills THOUSANDS of babies EVERY DAY
when women use their services to kill their babies

He chose to fire a semi automatic firearm into a crowd,
women(girls) choose to go to an abortion clinic,
both resulted in loss of life

Let's use the examples you provided....
food poisoning and defective air bags

In both those examples, injury or loss of life,
is due to negligence, safety standards and greed

Food poisoning results from cross contamination
and the failure to handle, process and store food products

When a glitch occurs in numerous cars,
of a specific make and model,
where injury or loss of life occurs,

somewhere along the line,
proper testing and safety standards
were inadequate or ignored.

In both cases, the companies are to blame
because there is an assumption, on the part of the consumer
that the company implements and adheres to strict standards
where consumer protection and safety is first and foremost.

Why should gun manufacturers be responsible
for a loon that goes on a shooting spree?

Guns don't kill people, people kill people,
using guns, knives, rope, hammers, poison,
cars, bats, pipes, bricks, screwdrivers, chainsaws,
axes, wire, extension cords, anti freeze, you name it

People kill...what they use is irrelevant

Guns make it easy to kill people. Unfettered access to guns means that people who are planning to kill people can do so easily and efficiently.

I'm grateful I live in a country where handgun ownership is very restricted, and semi-automatic and automatic weapons are banned. Mass shootings are very rate. Our murder rate, gun crime rate, and suicide by gun are a fraction of yours.

If guns kept you safe, the US would be the safest first world country there is, instead of the most dangerous.

Complete bullshit that America is the most dangerous country in the world for crying out loud. That's an insane assertion. And up here semi autos and handguns are allowed no problem with the proper license.


Homicide rate per 100,000 inhabitants in 2012.
0–1 1–2 2–5 5–10 10–20 >20

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia

25 Countries With The Highest Murder Rates In The World
You know what I find really interesting? Every time there is a mass shooting, not only do the gun sales go up, but stock in gun manufacturers goes up as well.

Now think about this..................guns killed 59 people (so far), and injured over 400 in just one night, by just one shooter.

If any other industry killed 59 people and injured over 400 in just one day, by just one company (think food poisoning or air bags going off unintended), then the American people would be calling for the heads of the CEO's of that company because they killed people.

But nothing when guns are used for mass shootings. Why?
Now think about this..................guns killed 59 people (so far), and injured over 400 in just one night, by just one shooter
An unstable nutcase, using a semi automatic firearm
opened fire on a large group of people, killing 59

Guns didn't kill them, he killed them using a gun...
he could have thrown a grenade or bomb into the crowd
If any other industry killed 59 people and injured over 400 in just one day, by just one company (think food poisoning or air bags going off unintended), then the American people would be calling for the heads of the CEO's of that company because they killed people.

But nothing when guns are used for mass shootings. Why?
The abortion industry kills THOUSANDS of babies EVERY DAY
when women use their services to kill their babies

He chose to fire a semi automatic firearm into a crowd,
women(girls) choose to go to an abortion clinic,
both resulted in loss of life

Let's use the examples you provided....
food poisoning and defective air bags

In both those examples, injury or loss of life,
is due to negligence, safety standards and greed

Food poisoning results from cross contamination
and the failure to handle, process and store food products

When a glitch occurs in numerous cars,
of a specific make and model,
where injury or loss of life occurs,

somewhere along the line,
proper testing and safety standards
were inadequate or ignored.

In both cases, the companies are to blame
because there is an assumption, on the part of the consumer
that the company implements and adheres to strict standards
where consumer protection and safety is first and foremost.

Why should gun manufacturers be responsible
for a loon that goes on a shooting spree?

Guns don't kill people, people kill people,
using guns, knives, rope, hammers, poison,
cars, bats, pipes, bricks, screwdrivers, chainsaws,
axes, wire, extension cords, anti freeze, you name it

People kill...what they use is irrelevant

Guns make it easy to kill people. Unfettered access to guns means that people who are planning to kill people can do so easily and efficiently.

I'm grateful I live in a country where handgun ownership is very restricted, and semi-automatic and automatic weapons are banned. Mass shootings are very rate. Our murder rate, gun crime rate, and suicide by gun are a fraction of yours.

If guns kept you safe, the US would be the safest first world country there is, instead of the most dangerous.

Complete bullshit that America is the most dangerous country in the world for crying out loud. That's an insane assertion. And up here semi autos and handguns are allowed no problem with the proper license.


Homicide rate per 100,000 inhabitants in 2012.
0–1 1–2 2–5 5–10 10–20 >20

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia

25 Countries With The Highest Murder Rates In The World
Living in rural areas in America is about as safe in the world is you can ever get, living in progressive controlled urban areas not so much… LOL
There is no life lost in an abortion. The potential for life is ended. Life, as we know it, does not begin at conception. Until the fetus is capable of surviving outside the womb, it is not a life.

There is no funeral, no period of mourning. If a woman suffers a miscarriage she isn't given bereavement leave, and is expected to return to work the next day as if nothing has happened. No one mourns the loss, save its mother.

When people are shot and killed, lives are ended. Families are torn apart. There is real suffering. Children may lose a parent which profoundly impacts the rest of their lives. The two events are in no way equal.

That is your view on the situation, and your view only. If it what allows you to support abortion for "i feel like it" reasons so be it, but at least admit is all a bunch of mental exercises to deny the simple fact that you are OK with the killing of a distinct living thing.

And I have to assume you have never experienced a miscarrage, because some of the family members I know that have had them have suffered terribly because of it.

You know nothing about me or the women who have had abortions. I have never had an abortion but I have friends and family who have. None of them took the decision lightly. All of them felt it was the right choice.

One was 19 years old. She had married at 16 - pregnant. Had another baby a year after the first. Her husband was drinking, hitting her and their babies, and she was pregnant again. She had an abortion, got a divorce, went back to school and got a good job. It wouldn't have happened if she'd had a third child.

These are hard choices women make. They aren't "for convenience" in the sense of so they can go on partying or having fun. They're so these women and their existing children will have a chance for a better life.

Look at the reality of who is having abortions:

- over half are married or in a committed relationship

- 75% already have one or more children

- 80% live below or just above the poverty line

- half used birth control the month they got pregnant

- most are over 21 and under 30.

I personally would never have had an abortion. My son was born at a difficult time in my marriage and his father didn't want another child but I could not and did not consider any other options. That's what bring pro choice means. Doing what you feel is right for you based on your situation and beliefs. We split up shortly after my son's birth.

I have experienced two miscarriages. I dealt with them by becoming pregnant again almost immediately so that when the due date rolled around, I was happily awaiting the birth of my baby, not mourning the child who never was.

I had undergone surgery to have a third child and was ecstatic when I was pregnant since there was only a 40% chance of success. When the doctor told me the fetus had no heartbeat, weeks after it should have, and that the ultrasound showed no growth over the previous ultra sound, I felt like I had been punched in the stomach and all of the wind had been knocked out of me. But I took from it that my surgery was a success and I could get pregnant again.

My doctor told me my attitude would help me get pregnant again. And it did.

You are an insensitive asshole who thinks he understands women and you have no fucking clue who we are.

You are the one trying to justify the situation by calling a fetus "not life". Personally I don't care if people have abortions or not, I just refuse to condone the mental exercises people do to justify their position that ignore the plain simple truth. And the truth is you and the doctor are killing something. People can candy-coat that plain simple fact via talks of viability and development, but it doesn't change the fact that, in the case of birth-control style abortions, you are killing something because it is inconvenient.

And the truth is usually insensitive or hard.
There is no life lost in an abortion. The potential for life is ended. Life, as we know it, does not begin at conception. Until the fetus is capable of surviving outside the womb, it is not a life.

There is no funeral, no period of mourning. If a woman suffers a miscarriage she isn't given bereavement leave, and is expected to return to work the next day as if nothing has happened. No one mourns the loss, save its mother.

When people are shot and killed, lives are ended. Families are torn apart. There is real suffering. Children may lose a parent which profoundly impacts the rest of their lives. The two events are in no way equal.

That is your view on the situation, and your view only. If it what allows you to support abortion for "i feel like it" reasons so be it, but at least admit is all a bunch of mental exercises to deny the simple fact that you are OK with the killing of a distinct living thing.

And I have to assume you have never experienced a miscarrage, because some of the family members I know that have had them have suffered terribly because of it.

You know nothing about me or the women who have had abortions. I have never had an abortion but I have friends and family who have. None of them took the decision lightly. All of them felt it was the right choice.

One was 19 years old. She had married at 16 - pregnant. Had another baby a year after the first. Her husband was drinking, hitting her and their babies, and she was pregnant again. She had an abortion, got a divorce, went back to school and got a good job. It wouldn't have happened if she'd had a third child.

These are hard choices women make. They aren't "for convenience" in the sense of so they can go on partying or having fun. They're so these women and their existing children will have a chance for a better life.

Look at the reality of who is having abortions:

- over half are married or in a committed relationship

- 75% already have one or more children

- 80% live below or just above the poverty line

- half used birth control the month they got pregnant

- most are over 21 and under 30.

I personally would never have had an abortion. My son was born at a difficult time in my marriage and his father didn't want another child but I could not and did not consider any other options. That's what bring pro choice means. Doing what you feel is right for you based on your situation and beliefs. We split up shortly after my son's birth.

I have experienced two miscarriages. I dealt with them by becoming pregnant again almost immediately so that when the due date rolled around, I was happily awaiting the birth of my baby, not mourning the child who never was.

I had undergone surgery to have a third child and was ecstatic when I was pregnant since there was only a 40% chance of success. When the doctor told me the fetus had no heartbeat, weeks after it should have, and that the ultrasound showed no growth over the previous ultra sound, I felt like I had been punched in the stomach and all of the wind had been knocked out of me. But I took from it that my surgery was a success and I could get pregnant again.

My doctor told me my attitude would help me get pregnant again. And it did.

You are an insensitive asshole who thinks he understands women and you have no fucking clue who we are.

You are the one trying to justify the situation by calling a fetus "not life". Personally I don't care if people have abortions or not, I just refuse to condone the mental exercises people do to justify their position that ignore the plain simple truth. And the truth is you and the doctor are killing something. People can candy-coat that plain simple fact via talks of viability and development, but it doesn't change the fact that, in the case of birth-control style abortions, you are killing something because it is inconvenient.

And the truth is usually insensitive or hard.

No, you are the one doing the mental gymnastics here. The fetus is not a life, it is a potential for life. 1/3 of all early pregnancies end in miscarriage and that potential is never realized.

It is the anti-choice crowd which needs to convince people that a baby is being murdered in order to make their untenable and unconstitutional position somewhat reasonable. Based on no evidence and only religious conviction you would strip women of the rights to privacy and of the right to make the most personal decision of their lives.

Having a baby is a life altering event for everyone in the family. This isn't as simple as saying "oh I'm pregnant let's have a baby". It affects the family dynamics, the family finances, your potential for employment, where you will live and what kind of life your family can have. To mindlessly assume that another child will be a welcome addition is patently false.

If someone walked into your house and said you must have another child you'd tell them to get the fuck out. It's not their decision. But that's what you were telling women they must do.

It's none of your business. None. That you have to tie yourself into knots to define this potential for life as a baby shows how far you will go to take away women's rights.
There is no life lost in an abortion. The potential for life is ended. Life, as we know it, does not begin at conception. Until the fetus is capable of surviving outside the womb, it is not a life.

There is no funeral, no period of mourning. If a woman suffers a miscarriage she isn't given bereavement leave, and is expected to return to work the next day as if nothing has happened. No one mourns the loss, save its mother.

When people are shot and killed, lives are ended. Families are torn apart. There is real suffering. Children may lose a parent which profoundly impacts the rest of their lives. The two events are in no way equal.

That is your view on the situation, and your view only. If it what allows you to support abortion for "i feel like it" reasons so be it, but at least admit is all a bunch of mental exercises to deny the simple fact that you are OK with the killing of a distinct living thing.

And I have to assume you have never experienced a miscarrage, because some of the family members I know that have had them have suffered terribly because of it.

You know nothing about me or the women who have had abortions. I have never had an abortion but I have friends and family who have. None of them took the decision lightly. All of them felt it was the right choice.

One was 19 years old. She had married at 16 - pregnant. Had another baby a year after the first. Her husband was drinking, hitting her and their babies, and she was pregnant again. She had an abortion, got a divorce, went back to school and got a good job. It wouldn't have happened if she'd had a third child.

These are hard choices women make. They aren't "for convenience" in the sense of so they can go on partying or having fun. They're so these women and their existing children will have a chance for a better life.

Look at the reality of who is having abortions:

- over half are married or in a committed relationship

- 75% already have one or more children

- 80% live below or just above the poverty line

- half used birth control the month they got pregnant

- most are over 21 and under 30.

I personally would never have had an abortion. My son was born at a difficult time in my marriage and his father didn't want another child but I could not and did not consider any other options. That's what bring pro choice means. Doing what you feel is right for you based on your situation and beliefs. We split up shortly after my son's birth.

I have experienced two miscarriages. I dealt with them by becoming pregnant again almost immediately so that when the due date rolled around, I was happily awaiting the birth of my baby, not mourning the child who never was.

I had undergone surgery to have a third child and was ecstatic when I was pregnant since there was only a 40% chance of success. When the doctor told me the fetus had no heartbeat, weeks after it should have, and that the ultrasound showed no growth over the previous ultra sound, I felt like I had been punched in the stomach and all of the wind had been knocked out of me. But I took from it that my surgery was a success and I could get pregnant again.

My doctor told me my attitude would help me get pregnant again. And it did.

You are an insensitive asshole who thinks he understands women and you have no fucking clue who we are.

You are the one trying to justify the situation by calling a fetus "not life". Personally I don't care if people have abortions or not, I just refuse to condone the mental exercises people do to justify their position that ignore the plain simple truth. And the truth is you and the doctor are killing something. People can candy-coat that plain simple fact via talks of viability and development, but it doesn't change the fact that, in the case of birth-control style abortions, you are killing something because it is inconvenient.

And the truth is usually insensitive or hard.

No, you are the one doing the mental gymnastics here. The fetus is not a life, it is a potential for life. 1/3 of all early pregnancies end in miscarriage and that potential is never realized.

It is the anti-choice crowd which needs to convince people that a baby is being murdered in order to make their untenable and unconstitutional position somewhat reasonable. Based on no evidence and only religious conviction you would strip women of the rights to privacy and of the right to make the most personal decision of their lives.

Having a baby is a life altering event for everyone in the family. This isn't as simple as saying "oh I'm pregnant let's have a baby". It affects the family dynamics, the family finances, your potential for employment, where you will live and what kind of life your family can have. To mindlessly assume that another child will be a welcome addition is patently false.

If someone walked into your house and said you must have another child you'd tell them to get the fuck out. It's not their decision. But that's what you were telling women they must do.

It's none of your business. None. That you have to tie yourself into knots to define this potential for life as a baby shows how far you will go to take away women's rights.

It is a biological organism distinct from the hosting organism.

And as I said my issue isn't with abortion, it's with the crappy SC decision that took the issue away from the States and with people who feel the need to justify killing something by making it seem like they are not killing something.

The difference between miscarriage and an abortion is intent, and intent is the crux of the whole argument.

The only thing this law is saying is make up your freaking mind before 20 weeks has passed.
There is no life lost in an abortion. The potential for life is ended. Life, as we know it, does not begin at conception. Until the fetus is capable of surviving outside the womb, it is not a life.

There is no funeral, no period of mourning. If a woman suffers a miscarriage she isn't given bereavement leave, and is expected to return to work the next day as if nothing has happened. No one mourns the loss, save its mother.

When people are shot and killed, lives are ended. Families are torn apart. There is real suffering. Children may lose a parent which profoundly impacts the rest of their lives. The two events are in no way equal.

That is your view on the situation, and your view only. If it what allows you to support abortion for "i feel like it" reasons so be it, but at least admit is all a bunch of mental exercises to deny the simple fact that you are OK with the killing of a distinct living thing.

And I have to assume you have never experienced a miscarrage, because some of the family members I know that have had them have suffered terribly because of it.

You know nothing about me or the women who have had abortions. I have never had an abortion but I have friends and family who have. None of them took the decision lightly. All of them felt it was the right choice.

One was 19 years old. She had married at 16 - pregnant. Had another baby a year after the first. Her husband was drinking, hitting her and their babies, and she was pregnant again. She had an abortion, got a divorce, went back to school and got a good job. It wouldn't have happened if she'd had a third child.

These are hard choices women make. They aren't "for convenience" in the sense of so they can go on partying or having fun. They're so these women and their existing children will have a chance for a better life.

Look at the reality of who is having abortions:

- over half are married or in a committed relationship

- 75% already have one or more children

- 80% live below or just above the poverty line

- half used birth control the month they got pregnant

- most are over 21 and under 30.

I personally would never have had an abortion. My son was born at a difficult time in my marriage and his father didn't want another child but I could not and did not consider any other options. That's what bring pro choice means. Doing what you feel is right for you based on your situation and beliefs. We split up shortly after my son's birth.

I have experienced two miscarriages. I dealt with them by becoming pregnant again almost immediately so that when the due date rolled around, I was happily awaiting the birth of my baby, not mourning the child who never was.

I had undergone surgery to have a third child and was ecstatic when I was pregnant since there was only a 40% chance of success. When the doctor told me the fetus had no heartbeat, weeks after it should have, and that the ultrasound showed no growth over the previous ultra sound, I felt like I had been punched in the stomach and all of the wind had been knocked out of me. But I took from it that my surgery was a success and I could get pregnant again.

My doctor told me my attitude would help me get pregnant again. And it did.

You are an insensitive asshole who thinks he understands women and you have no fucking clue who we are.

You are the one trying to justify the situation by calling a fetus "not life". Personally I don't care if people have abortions or not, I just refuse to condone the mental exercises people do to justify their position that ignore the plain simple truth. And the truth is you and the doctor are killing something. People can candy-coat that plain simple fact via talks of viability and development, but it doesn't change the fact that, in the case of birth-control style abortions, you are killing something because it is inconvenient.

And the truth is usually insensitive or hard.

No, you are the one doing the mental gymnastics here. The fetus is not a life, it is a potential for life. 1/3 of all early pregnancies end in miscarriage and that potential is never realized.

It is the anti-choice crowd which needs to convince people that a baby is being murdered in order to make their untenable and unconstitutional position somewhat reasonable. Based on no evidence and only religious conviction you would strip women of the rights to privacy and of the right to make the most personal decision of their lives.

Having a baby is a life altering event for everyone in the family. This isn't as simple as saying "oh I'm pregnant let's have a baby". It affects the family dynamics, the family finances, your potential for employment, where you will live and what kind of life your family can have. To mindlessly assume that another child will be a welcome addition is patently false.

If someone walked into your house and said you must have another child you'd tell them to get the fuck out. It's not their decision. But that's what you were telling women they must do.

It's none of your business. None. That you have to tie yourself into knots to define this potential for life as a baby shows how far you will go to take away women's rights.

It is a biological organism distinct from the hosting organism.

And as I said my issue isn't with abortion, it's with the crappy SC decision that took the issue away from the States and with people who feel the need to justify killing something by making it seem like they are not killing something.

The difference between miscarriage and an abortion is intent, and intent is the crux of the whole argument.

The only thing this law is saying is make up your freaking mind before 20 weeks has passed.

You can't even test for genetic abnormalities until 20 weeks have passed dipshit. It takes 2 - 3 weeks for results.

After the first trimester the most common reason for abortion is genetic abnormality or risk to the health of the mother. You want women to make these decisions before they have the information needed to assess whether the pregnancy is viable or not.

These are personal matters between a woman and her doctor and you have no business in them.
So the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of kindergarteners, mall shoppers and moviegoers? Is that freedom?

so what do you want to do about it? Put all the mentally ill in hospitals and hire a Nazi to collect all the guns in America???

I personally would like conservatives to shut the fuck up about sex and contraception and mind their own narrow minded ignorant business.
Too funny. A progressive calling other people narrow-minded.
That is your view on the situation, and your view only. If it what allows you to support abortion for "i feel like it" reasons so be it, but at least admit is all a bunch of mental exercises to deny the simple fact that you are OK with the killing of a distinct living thing.

And I have to assume you have never experienced a miscarrage, because some of the family members I know that have had them have suffered terribly because of it.

You know nothing about me or the women who have had abortions. I have never had an abortion but I have friends and family who have. None of them took the decision lightly. All of them felt it was the right choice.

One was 19 years old. She had married at 16 - pregnant. Had another baby a year after the first. Her husband was drinking, hitting her and their babies, and she was pregnant again. She had an abortion, got a divorce, went back to school and got a good job. It wouldn't have happened if she'd had a third child.

These are hard choices women make. They aren't "for convenience" in the sense of so they can go on partying or having fun. They're so these women and their existing children will have a chance for a better life.

Look at the reality of who is having abortions:

- over half are married or in a committed relationship

- 75% already have one or more children

- 80% live below or just above the poverty line

- half used birth control the month they got pregnant

- most are over 21 and under 30.

I personally would never have had an abortion. My son was born at a difficult time in my marriage and his father didn't want another child but I could not and did not consider any other options. That's what bring pro choice means. Doing what you feel is right for you based on your situation and beliefs. We split up shortly after my son's birth.

I have experienced two miscarriages. I dealt with them by becoming pregnant again almost immediately so that when the due date rolled around, I was happily awaiting the birth of my baby, not mourning the child who never was.

I had undergone surgery to have a third child and was ecstatic when I was pregnant since there was only a 40% chance of success. When the doctor told me the fetus had no heartbeat, weeks after it should have, and that the ultrasound showed no growth over the previous ultra sound, I felt like I had been punched in the stomach and all of the wind had been knocked out of me. But I took from it that my surgery was a success and I could get pregnant again.

My doctor told me my attitude would help me get pregnant again. And it did.

You are an insensitive asshole who thinks he understands women and you have no fucking clue who we are.

You are the one trying to justify the situation by calling a fetus "not life". Personally I don't care if people have abortions or not, I just refuse to condone the mental exercises people do to justify their position that ignore the plain simple truth. And the truth is you and the doctor are killing something. People can candy-coat that plain simple fact via talks of viability and development, but it doesn't change the fact that, in the case of birth-control style abortions, you are killing something because it is inconvenient.

And the truth is usually insensitive or hard.

No, you are the one doing the mental gymnastics here. The fetus is not a life, it is a potential for life. 1/3 of all early pregnancies end in miscarriage and that potential is never realized.

It is the anti-choice crowd which needs to convince people that a baby is being murdered in order to make their untenable and unconstitutional position somewhat reasonable. Based on no evidence and only religious conviction you would strip women of the rights to privacy and of the right to make the most personal decision of their lives.

Having a baby is a life altering event for everyone in the family. This isn't as simple as saying "oh I'm pregnant let's have a baby". It affects the family dynamics, the family finances, your potential for employment, where you will live and what kind of life your family can have. To mindlessly assume that another child will be a welcome addition is patently false.

If someone walked into your house and said you must have another child you'd tell them to get the fuck out. It's not their decision. But that's what you were telling women they must do.

It's none of your business. None. That you have to tie yourself into knots to define this potential for life as a baby shows how far you will go to take away women's rights.

It is a biological organism distinct from the hosting organism.

And as I said my issue isn't with abortion, it's with the crappy SC decision that took the issue away from the States and with people who feel the need to justify killing something by making it seem like they are not killing something.

The difference between miscarriage and an abortion is intent, and intent is the crux of the whole argument.

The only thing this law is saying is make up your freaking mind before 20 weeks has passed.

You can't even test for genetic abnormalities until 20 weeks have passed dipshit. It takes 2 - 3 weeks for results.

After the first trimester the most common reason for abortion is genetic abnormality or risk to the health of the mother. You want women to make these decisions before they have the information needed to assess whether the pregnancy is viable or not.

These are personal matters between a woman and her doctor and you have no business in them.

Do you have a source for that? because some tests are done in the first trimester, and what I read is genetic testing can be done at around 15 weeks.

Fine move it up to 25 weeks as the ban limit.
So the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of kindergarteners, mall shoppers and moviegoers? Is that freedom?

so what do you want to do about it? Put all the mentally ill in hospitals and hire a Nazi to collect all the guns in America???

I personally would like conservatives to shut the fuck up about sex and contraception and mind their own narrow minded ignorant business.
Too funny. A progressive calling other people narrow-minded.

Conservatism is, by definition, narrow minded. Conservatism rejects freedom and seeks to "conserve" the status quo. Conservatism rejects change, rejects personal freedom and seeks to preserve the current way of life.

Conservatives have fought against rights for minorities, for women, for gays, and for personal freedom. That they have attempted to cloak bigotry and intolerance in the guise of religion and personal freedom shows the lengths to which these people will go to preserve the status quo.
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There is no life lost in an abortion. The potential for life is ended. Life, as we know it, does not begin at conception. Until the fetus is capable of surviving outside the womb, it is not a life.

There is no funeral, no period of mourning. If a woman suffers a miscarriage she isn't given bereavement leave, and is expected to return to work the next day as if nothing has happened. No one mourns the loss, save its mother.

When people are shot and killed, lives are ended. Families are torn apart. There is real suffering. Children may lose a parent which profoundly impacts the rest of their lives. The two events are in no way equal.

Sounds like you support late term abortion bans, or at least you should, as babies can now survive outside the womb at previously unheard of times. Naturally, when we perfect the artificial womb, abortion should cease altogether, as babies could survive quite nicely outside the womb entirely.

Or are you arguing the other end of the spectrum, in which toddlers and any kids that would die if left to themselves are targets for death, as they cannot survive without someone else being required to care for them?

Just where does this "survive outside the womb" thing end, anyway? Does anyone really know what they mean when they say it? Based on what I've seen, they really mean a child can be violently killed as long as he/she remains out of sight in a womb, where we can't witness the brutal ending.

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There is no life lost in an abortion. The potential for life is ended. Life, as we know it, does not begin at conception. Until the fetus is capable of surviving outside the womb, it is not a life.

There is no funeral, no period of mourning. If a woman suffers a miscarriage she isn't given bereavement leave, and is expected to return to work the next day as if nothing has happened. No one mourns the loss, save its mother.

When people are shot and killed, lives are ended. Families are torn apart. There is real suffering. Children may lose a parent which profoundly impacts the rest of their lives. The two events are in no way equal.

Sounds like you support late term abortion bans, or at least you should, as babies can now survive outside the womb at previously unheard of times. Naturally, when we perfect the artificial womb, abortion should cease altogether, as babies could survive quite nicely outside the womb entirely.

Or are you arguing the other end of the spectrum, in which toddlers and any kids that would die if left to themselves are targets for death, as they cannot survive without someone else being required to care for them?

Just where does this "survive outside the womb" thing end, anyway? Does anyone really know what they mean when they say it? Based on what I've seen, they really mean a child can be violently killed as long as he/she remains out of sight in a womb, where we can't witness the brutal ending.

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I believe that the choice lies with the mother until the child is born and it's none of your fucking business.

This is a matter between a woman and her doctor and the rest of you can and should keep out of it.

You have no dog in this hunt unless you are the woman or the father of the child. If you are the father, the woman should consider your opinion but in the end, the decision is hers and hers alone.
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