Sex Change: Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided

There is no reason to think that being transgendered is to be "manifestly mentally ill".

To be biologically male, and believe one's self to be female, or vice versa, is to believe a falsehood, in the face of overwhelming and incontrovertible proof that it is a falsehood. That is the very definition of being delusional, which is certainly a defining characteristic of mental illness.

There is simply not any rational way to reconcile being “transgender” with being of sound mind. “Transgenderism” is prima facie proof of mental illness.
The hysterical obsession with this topic is ridiculous, given the infrequency of these operations. In contrast, we've got huge problems domestically with hunger, homelessness, lack of medical care, violence, and drug addiction, among other things.

Many Americans seem to have a huge obsession with any topic that remotely involves sex or the human body. (I saw a nipple. Call the police!) This itself is a sign of mental illness. Yet, you go to several European countries and everybody just strips and thinks nothing of it, like Germany. We are so backwards over here.
Many Americans seem to have a huge obsession with any topic that remotely involves sex or the human body. (I saw a nipple. Call the police!) This itself is a sign of mental illness.

Denying the biological distinction between male and female, and claiming that a person can, in any meaningful way, have a “gender” that is contrary to one's biological sex, is certainly solid prima facie proof of mental illness.
The hysterical obsession with this topic is ridiculous, given the infrequency of these operations. In contrast, we've got huge problems domestically with hunger, homelessness, lack of medical care, violence, and drug addiction, among other things.

Many Americans seem to have a huge obsession with any topic that remotely involves sex or the human body. (I saw a nipple. Call the police!) This itself is a sign of mental illness. Yet, you go to several European countries and everybody just strips and thinks nothing of it, like Germany. We are so backwards over here.

I agree that the hysterical obsession with this topic is ridiculous, but please keep in mind that WE are not the ones who began it. We were perfectly happy ignoring them and letting them do whatever they were going to do without us, but they and their activists couldn't be satisfied with that. They HAD to get in everyone's face and make it a big, huge public deal, and it's not only disingenuous but laughable to try to pretend that defending in a fight that was forced on us rather than meekly surrendering somehow makes US the obsessed aggressors.

Before you ever even start to make a "look how much better other countries are!" argument to us, you should stop yourself and remember two things: first, YOUR idea of "wonderful" is not everyone's idea of it, and two, if we wanted to live in a country just like XYZ in Europe, we would have already packed up and moved there.
It is criminal that the left exploits these poor, tormented people. Their actions are unforgivable and history will look back on them with disgust.
Contrary to the claims of activists, sex isn’t “assigned” at birth—and that’s why it can’t be “reassigned.” As I explain in my book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment, sex is a bodily reality that can be recognized well before birth with ultrasound imaging. The sex of an organism is defined and identified by the way in which it (he or she) is organized for sexual reproduction.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. Those hurting the most - suffering from a very real mental illness - are terribly exploited by the left.

Sex Change: Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided

Dear P@triot
It IS about changing the outward appearance, externally.
Both men and women get nosejobs to change their image.
This totally changed the careers and success of several stars
who wouldn't get the roles and success they wanted were it not for changing their image,
audience response, and market value.

It absolutely DOES make a difference if people who
want to express and portray their image as male or female
to do so.

Now where you are right, it's NOT going to fix any
INTERNAL issues that aren't resolved spiritually.

That can only be resolved by forgiving and accepting unconditionally.

For some people they can heal BEFORE coming out and changing.
For others, they come out and change in order to finish healing.

But you are right, the physical changes are NO SUBSTITUTE
for spiritually forgiving and healing INTERNALLY.

If I were in counseling, I would recommend the spiritual
healing FIRST, then after someone is fully reconciled at peace,they can
better decide what orientation or identity is right for them.

This not only affects gender or sexual orientation,
but I recommend spiritual healing when people are
in conflict over religious or political issues and identity as well.

Projecting battles externally and placing blame and responsibility on "other people:
or "Other groups" does NOT solve the internal conflicts within each person or group by themselves.

Each needs to fix their own issues FIRST, not externally focus or blame on others,
and worse, not depend on "getting voted in or out of office" as the solution.

Our culture based on media images promotes this habit
of external solutions and "cosmetic fixes" we can "see"

You are right P@triot there is NO Substitute
for the internal work that needs to be done.

You might use the transgender issue to point this out.
But it's a universal problem with "racism" projected onto "external" symbolic fixes
and politics doing that because of our media based culture
where our perceptions mix with public policy.
The hysterical obsession with this topic is ridiculous, given the infrequency of these operations. In contrast, we've got huge problems domestically with hunger, homelessness, lack of medical care, violence, and drug addiction, among other things.

Many Americans seem to have a huge obsession with any topic that remotely involves sex or the human body. (I saw a nipple. Call the police!) This itself is a sign of mental illness. Yet, you go to several European countries and everybody just strips and thinks nothing of it, like Germany. We are so backwards over here.

I agree that the hysterical obsession with this topic is ridiculous, but please keep in mind that WE are not the ones who began it. We were perfectly happy ignoring them and letting them do whatever they were going to do without us, but they and their activists couldn't be satisfied with that. They HAD to get in everyone's face and make it a big, huge public deal, and it's not only disingenuous but laughable to try to pretend that defending in a fight that was forced on us rather than meekly surrendering somehow makes US the obsessed aggressors.

Before you ever even start to make a "look how much better other countries are!" argument to us, you should stop yourself and remember two things: first, YOUR idea of "wonderful" is not everyone's idea of it, and two, if we wanted to live in a country just like XYZ in Europe, we would have already packed up and moved there.

No fight was "forced" on anyone. Its was ginned up by right-wingers who needed to find some issue to complain about, and this involved the all important SEX, SEX, SEX! And they can yell "persecution"!

We don't all want to be backwards, even if these morons think we do, and they want to drag us all back into their "culture."
The hysterical obsession with this topic is ridiculous, given the infrequency of these operations. In contrast, we've got huge problems domestically with hunger, homelessness, lack of medical care, violence, and drug addiction, among other things.

Many Americans seem to have a huge obsession with any topic that remotely involves sex or the human body. (I saw a nipple. Call the police!) This itself is a sign of mental illness. Yet, you go to several European countries and everybody just strips and thinks nothing of it, like Germany. We are so backwards over here.

I agree that the hysterical obsession with this topic is ridiculous, but please keep in mind that WE are not the ones who began it. We were perfectly happy ignoring them and letting them do whatever they were going to do without us, but they and their activists couldn't be satisfied with that. They HAD to get in everyone's face and make it a big, huge public deal, and it's not only disingenuous but laughable to try to pretend that defending in a fight that was forced on us rather than meekly surrendering somehow makes US the obsessed aggressors.

Before you ever even start to make a "look how much better other countries are!" argument to us, you should stop yourself and remember two things: first, YOUR idea of "wonderful" is not everyone's idea of it, and two, if we wanted to live in a country just like XYZ in Europe, we would have already packed up and moved there.

No fight was "forced" on anyone. Its was ginned up by right-wingers who needed to find some issue to complain about, and this involved the all important SEX, SEX, SEX! And they can yell "persecution"!

We don't all want to be backwards, even if these morons think we do, and they want to drag us all back into their "culture."

Oh, really? Right-wingers just suddenly took it into their heads to inveigh against a miniscule population of mentally ill people who did nothing to draw their attention, such as - just off the top of my head - filing court cases and making demands of major businesses and such? Is that REALLY how it happened?

It doesn't involve sex, the act, at all, except inasmuch as leftists feel the need to tell us more about their sex lives than we even really want to know about our own. It obviously involves sex in the sense of "biological determination of one's natural role in reproduction of the species".

WE don't all want to be backward, even if these morons who are think they're wonderfully progressive and morally superior, and want to drag us all into their utopia.

If we thought your vision was desirable, we'd go live where it's already in play. We are not demanding that every place in the world be OUR ideal, and that YOU must have no choice but to live in it. So why in the holy fuck can't you do us the same courtesy?
The hysterical obsession with this topic is ridiculous, given the infrequency of these operations. In contrast, we've got huge problems domestically with hunger, homelessness, lack of medical care, violence, and drug addiction, among other things.

Many Americans seem to have a huge obsession with any topic that remotely involves sex or the human body. (I saw a nipple. Call the police!) This itself is a sign of mental illness. Yet, you go to several European countries and everybody just strips and thinks nothing of it, like Germany. We are so backwards over here.

I agree that the hysterical obsession with this topic is ridiculous, but please keep in mind that WE are not the ones who began it. We were perfectly happy ignoring them and letting them do whatever they were going to do without us, but they and their activists couldn't be satisfied with that. They HAD to get in everyone's face and make it a big, huge public deal, and it's not only disingenuous but laughable to try to pretend that defending in a fight that was forced on us rather than meekly surrendering somehow makes US the obsessed aggressors.

Before you ever even start to make a "look how much better other countries are!" argument to us, you should stop yourself and remember two things: first, YOUR idea of "wonderful" is not everyone's idea of it, and two, if we wanted to live in a country just like XYZ in Europe, we would have already packed up and moved there.

No fight was "forced" on anyone. Its was ginned up by right-wingers who needed to find some issue to complain about, and this involved the all important SEX, SEX, SEX! And they can yell "persecution"!

We don't all want to be backwards, even if these morons think we do, and they want to drag us all back into their "culture."

We have enough Democrat mistakes to fix without going out and looking for something to be outraged over.
No fight was "forced" on anyone. Its was ginned up by right-wingers who needed to find some issue to complain about, and this involved the all important SEX, SEX, SEX! And they can yell "persecution"!

We don't all want to be backwards, even if these morons think we do, and they want to drag us all back into their "culture."

So to be clear, Lysteria believes that people who insist on calling boys boys and girls girls are "backwards". Next up, the cult of remaking reality will insist that it's "old fashioned" to call a zebra an equine with stripes.
The hysterical obsession with this topic is ridiculous, given the infrequency of these operations. In contrast, we've got huge problems domestically with hunger, homelessness, lack of medical care, violence, and drug addiction, among other things.

Many Americans seem to have a huge obsession with any topic that remotely involves sex or the human body. (I saw a nipple. Call the police!) This itself is a sign of mental illness. Yet, you go to several European countries and everybody just strips and thinks nothing of it, like Germany. We are so backwards over here.

I agree that the hysterical obsession with this topic is ridiculous, but please keep in mind that WE are not the ones who began it. We were perfectly happy ignoring them and letting them do whatever they were going to do without us, but they and their activists couldn't be satisfied with that. They HAD to get in everyone's face and make it a big, huge public deal, and it's not only disingenuous but laughable to try to pretend that defending in a fight that was forced on us rather than meekly surrendering somehow makes US the obsessed aggressors.

Before you ever even start to make a "look how much better other countries are!" argument to us, you should stop yourself and remember two things: first, YOUR idea of "wonderful" is not everyone's idea of it, and two, if we wanted to live in a country just like XYZ in Europe, we would have already packed up and moved there.

No fight was "forced" on anyone. Its was ginned up by right-wingers who needed to find some issue to complain about, and this involved the all important SEX, SEX, SEX! And they can yell "persecution"!

We don't all want to be backwards, even if these morons think we do, and they want to drag us all back into their "culture."

We have enough Democrat mistakes to fix without going out and looking for something to be outraged over.

Just exactly what are you fixing? It seems that all of the steps that the Republicans have taken have focused on making our current situation worse, and exacerbating our problems. The current Republicans seem fixated on wanting more pollution, more workplace accidents, more unintended pregnancies, more consumer ripoffs, more poverty, more hunger, more people without access to health care, more involvement in unnecessary international conflicts, etc. Just what problems are Republicans "fixing" instead of making worse? Do tell.
Just exactly what are you fixing? It seems that all of the steps that the Republicans have taken have focused on making our current situation worse, and exacerbating our problems. The current Republicans seem fixated on wanting more pollution, more workplace accidents, more unintended pregnancies, more consumer ripoffs, more poverty, more hunger, more people without access to health care, more involvement in unnecessary international conflicts, etc. Just what problems are Republicans "fixing" instead of making worse? Do tell.

Just exactly what are you fixing? It seems that all of the steps that the Republicans have taken have focused on making our current situation worse, and exacerbating our problems. The current Republicans seem fixated on wanting more pollution, more workplace accidents, more unintended pregnancies, more consumer ripoffs, more poverty, more hunger, more people without access to health care, more involvement in unnecessary international conflicts, etc. Just what problems are Republicans "fixing" instead of making worse? Do tell.

View attachment 181606
How utterly meaningless.
That you don't understand the meaning does not indicate that the meaning is not there.
Oh, dear. do tell. I'm not sure of the symbolism. This seems like a pile of bolts to me.

I guess it should be no surprise that someone who doesn't know the difference between boys and girls, might also have difficulty with the distinction between bolts and nuts.
That you don't understand the meaning does not indicate that the meaning is not there.
Oh, dear. do tell. I'm not sure of the symbolism. This seems like a pile of bolts to me.

I guess it should be no surprise that someone who doesn't know the difference between boys and girls, might also have difficulty with the distinction between bolts and nuts.
Who gives a damn. Posting a dumb picture doesn't explain why you are so obsessed with what other people do.
That you don't understand the meaning does not indicate that the meaning is not there.
Oh, dear. do tell. I'm not sure of the symbolism. This seems like a pile of bolts to me.

I guess it should be no surprise that someone who doesn't know the difference between boys and girls, might also have difficulty with the distinction between bolts and nuts.

Well, you know, innies . . . outties . . . no real difference, right?

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