Serious Training and Instruction For Determined Terrorists!


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
Lynn Cheney in "A Time For Freedom" said:

The British try to raise money with the Stamp Act, a tax on colonists that is met with protest and boycott.


Parliament repeals the Stamp Act and passes the Declaratory Act, which proclaims the right of Parliament to make laws that are binding on the colonies "in all cases whatsoever".


The Townshend Acts, a new British effort to tax the colonies, spurs American protests.

"First strip a person naked, then heat the tar until it is thin, and pour it upon the naked flesh, or rub it over with a tar brush..... After which, sprinkle decently upon the tar, whilst it is yet warm, as many feathers as will stick to it."
-Instructions for tarring and feathering, a technique sometimes used by colonists to intimidate British officials and sympathizers.​


"The Liberty Song", America's first patriotic song, is published.

One man's Terrorist is another man's Patriot.
Look at it another way. You lot were freeloading on the Brits who gave you defence, you wouldn't pay your way so they tried to get you to pay by taxation. At least now you pay for your own defence :lol:

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