Serious Foreign Policy Discussion


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
It seems to me that the era of global American hegemony, largely the result of two World Wars, is coming to an end. If so, the question remains what new world order will replace it.

The main actors on the new world stage seem to be the U.S., China, Russia and Islamic Fundamentalism (spread among several countries). The minor actors seem to be those other countries with nuclear weapons capabilities, plus a German-led Europe. With which of these countries should the U.S. seek alliances and/or mutual cooperation?

I think China and Russia are the two most likely candidates. The North-South division of Korea is a relic of the Korean War, and its continued instability poses an increasing threat of a refugee crisis on China's doorstep. I believe that a demilitarized (and united) Korea is in the interest of both China and the U.S. This could be accomplished by a U.S. military strike against NK followed by Chinese occupation until order is restored.

Russia poses a trickier problem in that it has a history of violating agreements with other countries whenever it suits her. Thus any agreement with Russia must contain automatic and severe penalties for anything less than full compliance. That being said, Russia may be able to play an important role in quelling Iran's nuclear ambitions, as well as providing energy resources to Europe. The key to cooperation with Russia is to create economic dependence while maintaining sufficient energy reserves to guard against blackmail by threatening to shut down energy pipelines.

Do America's vital interests require a military presence in South Korea and ground troops in the Middle East? If not, why not let China and Russia take care of their proximate interests while we hold the strings to their economies?

Wow. It's amazing how many pussies are shitting their pants over North Korea.
P.S. I forgot to mention that I will not reply to the idiots on my IGNORE list.
I agree: USA+Russia+China against Islamic Fundamentalism.

I'm just afraid, US Congress will do its best not to let it happen, they are still very dependable on the Establishment.
Clearly the fear of Lil' Kim and ISIS has driven some people over the edge of insanity, making them want to ally our country with the two worst mass murdering nations in human history.

Talk about a total lack of perspective! HOLY SHIT!!!!
Tell me something, "serious foreign policy" bois.

How many ICBMs do China and Russia have pointing at us combined?

And you are shitting yourselves over NORTH KOREA because of ONE missile test!?!?!?

Talk about about a total lack of perspective!
Wow. It's amazing how many pussies are shitting their pants over North Korea.

Didn't you hear? North Korea has a missile that might even be able to land in western Alaska and possibly hit a grizzly bear in the head!
Every country needs nukes to ensure their security. Thats what we have been told in the UK in support of the wretched trident programme.

America needs to send trump off on a golfing trip and let some adults deal with Korea.

Kim might be a fuckwit but the rhetoric from the west would have put anyone on their guard. If Sadaam had actually had nukes then he would still be in power.
It seems to me that the era of global American hegemony, largely the result of two World Wars, is coming to an end. If so, the question remains what new world order will replace it.

The main actors on the new world stage seem to be the U.S., China, Russia and Islamic Fundamentalism (spread among several countries). The minor actors seem to be those other countries with nuclear weapons capabilities, plus a German-led Europe. With which of these countries should the U.S. seek alliances and/or mutual cooperation?

I think China and Russia are the two most likely candidates. The North-South division of Korea is a relic of the Korean War, and its continued instability poses an increasing threat of a refugee crisis on China's doorstep. I believe that a demilitarized (and united) Korea is in the interest of both China and the U.S. This could be accomplished by a U.S. military strike against NK followed by Chinese occupation until order is restored.

Russia poses a trickier problem in that it has a history of violating agreements with other countries whenever it suits her. Thus any agreement with Russia must contain automatic and severe penalties for anything less than full compliance. That being said, Russia may be able to play an important role in quelling Iran's nuclear ambitions, as well as providing energy resources to Europe. The key to cooperation with Russia is to create economic dependence while maintaining sufficient energy reserves to guard against blackmail by threatening to shut down energy pipelines.

Do America's vital interests require a military presence in South Korea and ground troops in the Middle East? If not, why not let China and Russia take care of their proximate interests while we hold the strings to their economies?


Good thread!

In essence, we are screwed..............more than likely...........America that is. We will last longer than most others, but the world will be against us more, and more, as time goes by.

Consider----------> America will not align with expansionists like Russia or the Chinese. To get them to go along with stopping NK and eventually Iran, we will have to cede the Korean Peninsula, abandon the Japanese, and the Middle East and Israel. What other chips do we have to offer? Economics? May work in the short term, but they can trade with each other. It will slow their economies down for sure, but it will slow ours down also.

And then, within 15 to 25 years, Islam will have control of both France and the UK, legally by vote thanks to leftist policies of open borders. France is already pretty close to the tipping point as I speak. You will no longer be dealing with a prime minister of Britain who speaks in one voice with the people. Instead, you will be dealing with a prime minister who has tremendous internal strife, and fully 40% of the constituency will despise America as they import, and those imported reproduce far faster than the nations population does.

Many Americans see the future quite clearly by what is happening. Other Americans think it is grand, and want it here. (think lefties) In reality, all the NK is, is a proxy for China, just as Syria and Iran are proxies for Russia. These 2 Communist countries understand that it is better to prick us with problems through someone else, then have to deal with us straight up. They did it in Vietnam and we gave up. They did it before with the NK and we signed a cease fire. It worked before, why would they not try it again!

Americans live their lives, and no longer have a stomach for war, and almost every country on the planet knows this; but it is NOT United States specific. The West in general feels the same way. It doesn't make a nickels difference that virtually EVERY American knows these people want to destroy us any way possible, they just believe it is all magically going to go away. After 9/11, you would think Americans would have awakened, and they probably did, problem was.........the POLITICIANS screwed it up! They played nice, took to long, and Americans went back to sleep believing they were all safe again.

So who should we align ourselves with? Well, if you are speaking of Western civilization survival in the next 75 years, we should align ourselves with anyone wanting to solve the immigration, and rogue state expansionism problem, QUICKLY. Wait to long, and NATO will be dealing with voters who despise Western way of life as much as Iran does. At that time, it will be to late and America will stand alone...............unless of course the lefties get their way because they will throw it all in crapper without a shot ever being fired!

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