September 11, 2001

Another view ( opinion, observation )


It probably looked like a missile when the jet liner hit.

Not to the light poles that got knocked down or the drivers who saw a plane fly overhead seconds before it hit.
Like I said, I saw it live on TV the planes,& the flights, the families of those in the flights all real, And I was worried it would collapse, from the instinctive reasoning of what impact and fire spread I saw.
Saudis would make a fuss if it weren't real as they were tarnished by the perps being from there.
If someone saw evidence of tampering with the building to bring it down the first conclusion would be the same perp group did it to assure full destruction, but that was never made an issue, meaning they didn't see such evidence.
Another view ( opinion, observation )


It probably looked like a missile when the jet liner hit.

Funny how one of the most secured air spaces in America only had a few frames of what hit the Pentagon where you can't tell what it was. People think that passenger planes and fighter jets can basically perform the same kind of maneuvers when in actuality, a passenger plane is simply a bus with wings. This amateur pilot that couldn't even fly a Cessna proficiently did a 270 degree corkscrew turn and glided mere inches off the ground without disturbing the grass after hitting lamp posts?

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Another view ( opinion, observation )


It probably looked like a missile when the jet liner hit.

Funny how one of the most secured air spaces in America only had a few frames of what hit the Pentagon where you can't tell what it was. People think that passenger planes and fighter jets can basically perform the same kind of maneuvers when it actuality, a passenger plane is simply a bus with wings. This amateur pilot that could even fly a Cessna proficiently did a 270 degree corkscrew turn and glided mere inches off the ground without disturbing the grass?

What was the field of vision of the camera? How many frames per second?
How fast was the plane traveling at impact?
How many frames do you think it should have caught?

Do the math.........
Like I said, I saw it live on TV the planes,& the flights, the families of those in the flights all real, And I was worried it would collapse, from the instinctive reasoning of what impact and fire spread I saw.
Saudis would make a fuss if it weren't real as they were tarnished by the perps being from there.
If someone saw evidence of tampering with the building to bring it down the first conclusion would be the same perp group did it to assure full destruction, but that was never made an issue, meaning they didn't see such evidence.

People are not saying that people didn't die on 9/11/01. What people are saying is that this was allowed to happen. Three high rise buildings collapsed in their own footprint but only two planes were involved? Those that believe that a conspiracy this big would take too many people to pull this off and eventually someone would tell. I disagree, an operation like this would be highly compartmentalized just like the JFK assassination but of course decades later people now know that it was indeed a conspiracy and that Oswald was a patsy. People involved sign NDAs and or they are loyal to those above them and they know that they will be under surveillance for the rest of their lives. I don't want to believe that this was allowed to happen but after really looking at facts that were so blatantly in my face? I can't pretend anymore and I won't. LA RAM FAN is a dogged researcher even more so than I am so I just have to laugh at the naysayers and trolls that go right for the personal insults instead of intelligently discussing the issue. I am past of the point of giving a fuck on what people think of what I have learned. It changes nothing anyway.
Another view ( opinion, observation )


It probably looked like a missile when the jet liner hit.

Funny how one of the most secured air spaces in America only had a few frames of what hit the Pentagon where you can't tell what it was. People think that passenger planes and fighter jets can basically perform the same kind of maneuvers when in actuality, a passenger plane is simply a bus with wings. This amateur pilot that couldn't even fly a Cessna proficiently did a 270 degree corkscrew turn and glided mere inches off the ground without disturbing the grass after hitting lamp posts?

Leave it to delusional dale to fall hard for CIT's debunked bullshit. :cuckoo:
Another view ( opinion, observation )


It probably looked like a missile when the jet liner hit.

Funny how one of the most secured air spaces in America only had a few frames of what hit the Pentagon where you can't tell what it was. People think that passenger planes and fighter jets can basically perform the same kind of maneuvers when in actuality, a passenger plane is simply a bus with wings. This amateur pilot that couldn't even fly a Cessna proficiently did a 270 degree corkscrew turn and glided mere inches off the ground without disturbing the grass after hitting lamp posts?

Sorry kids, this was Muslim terrorism. Plain pure and simple. people are overthinking this playing games

Yeah, Jihadists that are so fervently religious and staid in their beliefs always snort cocaine with pink haired strippers the night before a suicide mission while leaving enough "evidence" behind to make it so easy for the mighty men of "da gubermint" to put these complicted pieces together....and even before Building 7 collapsed, they knew that it was CIA asset Osama bin Laden that was behind it! THANK GOD that there was an act of providence when the passport of one of the terrorist pilots fell to the ground in pristine condition and that amidst all the chaos that someone found it and got it to the authorities! No passenger survived, the plane was crispy critter'ed but the passport survived......maybe they should build planes out of the same material that is used to make passports....ya think?
Another view ( opinion, observation )


It probably looked like a missile when the jet liner hit.

Funny how one of the most secured air spaces in America only had a few frames of what hit the Pentagon where you can't tell what it was. People think that passenger planes and fighter jets can basically perform the same kind of maneuvers when in actuality, a passenger plane is simply a bus with wings. This amateur pilot that couldn't even fly a Cessna proficiently did a 270 degree corkscrew turn and glided mere inches off the ground without disturbing the grass after hitting lamp posts?

Sorry kids, this was Muslim terrorism. Plain pure and simple. people are overthinking this playing games

Yeah, Jihadists that are so fervently religious and staid in their beliefs always snort cocaine with pink haired strippers the night before a suicide mission while leaving enough "evidence" behind to make it so easy for the mighty men of "da gubermint" to put these complicted pieces together....and even before Building 7 collapsed, they knew that it was CIA asset Osama bin Laden that was behind it! THANK GOD that there was an act of providence when the passport of one of the terrorist pilots fell to the ground in pristine condition and that amidst all the chaos that someone found it and got it to the authorities! No passenger survived, the plane was crispy critter'ed but the passport survived......maybe they should build planes out of the same material that is used to make passports....ya think?

Imbecile... all the thousands of posts you put here and yet, you're still too stupid to know how to use the quote feature. :eusa_doh:

Meanwhile, you posted crap by CIT who have been thoroughly debunked as though it helps bolster your hallucinations when it actually casts the opposite effect. The rest of your delusion is equally as retarded. We know what a demolition looks and sounds like.

Barring your magical explosives, that didn't happen on 9.11 :cuckoo:
Sorry kids, this was Muslim terrorism. Plain pure and simple. people are overthinking this playing games

thanks for proving as always the ONLY research you have doen on this is read what the 9/11 coverup commission and the NIST report told ya.:haha:

as always you enter threads to troll them never looking at the evidence as you paid shills always do.:itsok:
Sorry kids, this was Muslim terrorism. Plain pure and simple. people are overthinking this playing games

thanks for proving as always the ONLY research you have doen on this is read what the 9/11 coverup commission and the NIST report told ya.:haha:

as always you enter threads to troll them never looking at the evidence as you paid shills always do.:itsok:

7 pages and still nothing on how to pull off the logistics of this. Still nothing on how to keep the thousands of people on the inside quiet. All we get are smiley faces, and the craziest General in US history (hey he also thinks there's large buildings and production facilities on the surface of Mars). I think he's said about the gist of it.
Sorry kids, this was Muslim terrorism. Plain pure and simple. people are overthinking this playing games

thanks for proving as always the ONLY research you have doen on this is read what the 9/11 coverup commission and the NIST report told ya.:haha:

as always you enter threads to troll them never looking at the evidence as you paid shills always do.:itsok:

7 pages and still nothing on how to pull off the logistics of this. Still nothing on how to keep the thousands of people on the inside quiet. All we get are smiley faces, and the craziest General in US history (hey he also thinks there's large buildings and production facilities on the surface of Mars). I think he's said about the gist of it.

They all signed NDAs.
They all signed NDAs.

Nice one (I can't tell but 99% sure that was sarcasm lol). I mean so has every presidential staff and every president has had leaks. But this one is dead quiet. Not one deathbed confession. Not one cleanup guy who was paid off going broke with nothing to lose writing a book. The government can't keep a blowjob in the oval office a secret, but damn it George W Bush pulled the wool over all of our eyes. Smartest mind ever in America right there I tell ya.
Like I said, I saw it live on TV the planes,& the flights, the families of those in the flights all real, And I was worried it would collapse, from the instinctive reasoning of what impact and fire spread I saw.
Saudis would make a fuss if it weren't real as they were tarnished by the perps being from there.
If someone saw evidence of tampering with the building to bring it down the first conclusion would be the same perp group did it to assure full destruction, but that was never made an issue, meaning they didn't see such evidence.

People are not saying that people didn't die on 9/11/01. What people are saying is that this was allowed to happen. Three high rise buildings collapsed in their own footprint but only two planes were involved? Those that believe that a conspiracy this big would take too many people to pull this off and eventually someone would tell. I disagree, an operation like this would be highly compartmentalized just like the JFK assassination but of course decades later people now know that it was indeed a conspiracy and that Oswald was a patsy. People involved sign NDAs and or they are loyal to those above them and they know that they will be under surveillance for the rest of their lives. I don't want to believe that this was allowed to happen but after really looking at facts that were so blatantly in my face? I can't pretend anymore and I won't. LA RAM FAN is a dogged researcher even more so than I am so I just have to laugh at the naysayers and trolls that go right for the personal insults instead of intelligently discussing the issue. I am past of the point of giving a fuck on what people think of what I have learned. It changes nothing anyway.

Yeah apparently the 9/11 apologist is clueless about bld 7 the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission that all the shills that have trolled this thread that he needs to stop listening to have always ended up with shit on their faces each time its brought up.:haha:

He was talking about the twin towers collapsing due to the fires allegedly with the alleged belief the steel frames were only like 10 feet thick or whatever yet like nobody ever can, he cant explain bld 7 which did NOT get hit by an airliner notice that?:haha:

and even if bld 7 did not collapsed he has ignored what witnesses in the towers reported of explosions in the basement before the plane struck above,notice that also?:rofl:

and you just debunked it so well with the example of the JFK assassination and how with operation northwoods,hundreds of people can be involved and keep a secret because if they say otherwise,they know they will be killed off.:D Like you said so well,we now know through hard evidence though the years there was multiple shooters with hundreds of people involved with a few that have just NOW come forward in years recently confessing their involvement because NOW they know they are going to be dead soon so they are spilling the beans about it.

they had to stay quiet all these years because had they not,as we know they would have been killed off. so for the people with the ramblings it would take hundreds of them involved and they could not keep a secret,enough of that garbage already,that is an old and a tiresome lame excuse that does not fly.:rolleyes:

the people who have that wild claim obviously do not know about that word you mentioned compartmentalization.:rolleyes: excellent jof of taking him to school there by the way with my help of course.:up:
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Yeah apparently the 9/11 apologist is clueless about bld 7 the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission that all the shills that have trolled this thread that he needs to stop listening to have always ended up with shit on their faces each time its brought up.:haha:

He was talking about the twin towers collapsing due to the fires allegedly with the alleged belief the steel frames were only like 10 feet thick or whatever yet like nobody ever can, he cant explain bld 7 which did NOT get hit by an airliner notice that?:haha:

and even if bld 7 did not collapsed he has ignored what witnesses in the towers reported of explosions in the basement before the plane struck above,notice that also?:rofl:

Actually the hearing explosions BEFORE the planes struck has been debunked. BUt lets keep that one going ok. It can sit right with the equally believable "Spiderman pulled down building 7 with his webs" theory.

And what do you mean Bld 7 didn't get hit, there was lots of damage to it.

Were you trying to actually say now that they pulled off the logistics of this PERFECTLY but then just fucked up and said

"what about building 7"
"Lets blow that one up too"
"Ok, should we have a plane hit it"
"Nah, we will say it was magic".

Lol, you can see the pictures and still frames from when they were shooting live of the destruction to that from the debris. You really think they go from Einstein to Igor on this? Come on. YOU aren't that gullible are you?

Thanks for pushing another page though with no word on how to pull off the logistics of this. I mean the most basic part.
Like clockwork, the handlers of the sockpuppet troll^ thats been posting here for years got sent back by his handlers after getting paid some big bucks for all his ass beatings here to sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is.:haha:
Sorry kids, this was Muslim terrorism. Plain pure and simple. people are overthinking this playing games

thanks for proving as always the ONLY research you have doen on this is read what the 9/11 coverup commission and the NIST report told ya.:haha:

as always you enter threads to troll them never looking at the evidence as you paid shills always do.:itsok:
Which is more than you have done as all you have is a few fictional videos which have been debunked.

You have been pwned repeatedly and can only cry about it
Another view ( opinion, observation )


It probably looked like a missile when the jet liner hit.

Funny how one of the most secured air spaces in America only had a few frames of what hit the Pentagon where you can't tell what it was. People think that passenger planes and fighter jets can basically perform the same kind of maneuvers when in actuality, a passenger plane is simply a bus with wings. This amateur pilot that couldn't even fly a Cessna proficiently did a 270 degree corkscrew turn and glided mere inches off the ground without disturbing the grass after hitting lamp posts?

The pentagon is next to DC which is not the most secure airspace on earth as anyone who has visited DC can attest to. The sky is littered with commercial and military aircraft of every description.

The reason for the few frames has long since been established and it is because the cameras in question were for ground surveillance and filmed very slowly to catch thieves breaking into cars and buildings. They were not designed to photograph fast moving aircraft.

They performed no fighter plane caliber maneuvers and no one claimed that they did so that statement is irrelevant.

Yes they could fly a cessna or any other plane. As any pilot will tell you FLYING an aircraft in clear daytime weather is easy. Anyone can do it with minimal training. It is taking off and landing which is difficult and the hijackers had to perform neither take off or landing.

The turn was just a turn and any plane can turn the corkscrew merely means they descended while turning which any and all planes can also do. Being a flying bus does not mean a plane cannot TURN.

It did not glide at all much less inches and no one said it did and finally the grass was in fact just as disturbed as one would expect.

your claims were debunked and proven false years ago sorry but you need to get with the times
They all signed NDAs.

Nice one (I can't tell but 99% sure that was sarcasm lol). I mean so has every presidential staff and every president has had leaks. But this one is dead quiet. Not one deathbed confession. Not one cleanup guy who was paid off going broke with nothing to lose writing a book. The government can't keep a blowjob in the oval office a secret, but damn it George W Bush pulled the wool over all of our eyes. Smartest mind ever in America right there I tell ya.

Nice one (I can't tell but 99% sure that was sarcasm lol).

On my part, it was.
One of these idiots claimed that all the myriad people needed to rig the towers, fake the jets, etc, all signed NDAs and have all been followed, ever since, to make sure they don't spill the beans.

Can you imagine? Hey, Joe, why have we been surveilling this guy for the last 16 years?
Well, Bill, he helped rig the WTC with a million pounds of explosives. We need to follow him
to make sure he never spills the beans.


Nothing keeps a secret better than multiplying by 4 (or is it 6? 8?) the number of people who have to keep it, eh?
As someone that was a major refuter of the idea that 9/11/01 was an inside job by rogue elements of the alphabet agencies and the shadow government aka "The Deep State" for eleven years? I can say that I am 100 percent satisfied that the official story was a lie and that the "conspiracy theorists" were correct. It started by watching the documentary "Loose Change" when my son dared me to do so. He said if I would watch it and if I can refute the evidence that he would never hound me again about it. I eagerly accepted the challenge because I'll be damned if some snot-nosed kid that I have raised is going to tell me how the cow eats the cabbage. I got about 45 minutes into it when I got this feeling I can only describe is a punch to the solar plexus but I kept taking notes so I could do the proper vetting of the information. I wasn't 100 percent sure but let's just say that I realized that there was more to the event than what we were told. I really dug deep into it including the following of the money and that was a weird ass rabbit hole to go down. It goes back to the Black Eagle Trust, The Knights of Malta in the military that confiscated gold in the Philippines during WWII that were part of the black ops program and many of them like Colonel Edward Lansdale and James Angleton were also involved in the Kennedy assassination. Key references are Leo Wanta, the currency swaps that crashed the ruble and the ten year securities that were bought up illegally in September of 1991 that were about to expire and how the Bush clan and their fellow oil and gas crooks were involved. The strategic target of one of the planes hit...... like the Cantor-Fitzgerald office that authenticated securities for the S.E.C. The Fed shut down the S.E.C for two weeks that allowed ten year securities to pass through with no scrutiny. During that morning they were there to discuss evidence of major insider trading and securities fraud by some major players. One of the people with evidence got stuck in traffic didn't die that day and his evidence has been a major piece of the puzzle.

There were many things accomplished by this false flag event and as usual, it had to do with money, greed, power and to push forward this police state via draconian legislation along with the globalist PNAC plan. Those of you that doubt this could happen or simply can't believe that this would be allowed? I totally feel ya......I was just like you so you will get no damnation from me. I will not ridicule you nor will I insult you. You will have to come to your own conclusions and if you have already etched them in stone, nothing I or anyone else can say here will change your mind. I only opened my eyes by accident and I often wish that I had never taken this road but you can't "un-see" something. Those that speak out on this and know the things I do? I back you 100 percent because you are correct.

That's funny because Loose Change has been shredded debunked and flushed with the rest of the turds by many many people such as this guy.

or these people.

Screw Loose Change: The Top Lies and Deceptions of Loose Change 1-10

Seems you did not look very hard as loose change is a crockumentary which produces no evidence and merely misleads with distortions and lies and this was easy to prove.

Much like all of the twoofer claims

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