September 11, 2001

Sonny Clark

Diamond Member
Dec 12, 2014
Gadsden Alabama
Another view ( opinion, observation )


Who cares, we got to set the middle east on fire and start 7 endless wars of empire and wealth extraction in the aftermath.
yeah and one of the wealth extraction wars you fuckers wont talk about.
War on poverty cost
The War on Poverty has cost $22 trillion -- three times more than what the government has spent on all wars in American history. Federal and state governments spend $1 trillion in taxpayer dollars on America's 80 means-tested welfare programs annually.
The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion - NCPA
High proportion of passengers linked to the military in Flight 77 that reportedly hit the Pentagon.


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There are many inconsistencies with respect to American Airlines Flight 77, which allegedly crashed into the Pentagon at 9:37 am on September 11, 2001. We will not list them here, and other articles on this site give a detailed list. But new elements have emerged recently, the result of investigations carried out by independent journalists. Here is an excerpt from

Pino Cabras's book Strategie per una guerra. He noted the strange proportion of passengers working for the military sector in

Flight 77, and who officially died on September 11 at the Pentagon.

The Voltaire Network article about the cockpit door of Flight 77 [1] -which reveals disturbing details, little or not at all deepened by official investigations, but which will have to be scrutinized by even unofficial investigations- Draws our attention to some of the anomalies of this terrible day. It is not only the character of Commander Burlingame to challenge us. Flight 77 had a high density of passengers working secretly for the defense sector. Between 16 and 21 people out of the 58 passengers of this flight.

Most of them were aerospace engineers. One of them, Mr. Yamnicky, had long been a CIA operative who worked for Veridian as an aerospace engineer. Another passenger on this list, Mr Caswell, was head of a team of about one hundred scientists for the US military. Others worked for Boeing and Raytheon in El Segundo, California on a project called "Black Hawk."

We present here some information about these interesting passengers of Vol 77, which are part of the lists obtained by browsing the obituaries on the Web or in the newspaper articles published in the days following the attacks.

1- John D. Yamnicky Sr., 71, of Waldorf, Maryland was on a professional trip on American Airlines Flight 77. It was a former military pilot retired, but he worked for a defense contractor in the Veridian Corp., based in Virginia, where -after he retired with the rank of Captain in 1979. He operated on Programs relating to fighter planes and air-to-air missiles. His son, John Yamnicky, stated that his father had worked on the development of the F / A-18 fighter. John Yamnicky Sr., once graduated from the US Naval Academy in 1952, became a pilot test for the US Navy, flying a bomber A-4, and he would have told his travels and missions for the US Navy in Korea And Viet Nam. "He has crashed five times, but has always been unharmed," said Cindy Sharpley, a friend of the family. "Except this last time" (AP, 2001)

Yamnicky graduated the Navy Test Pilot School, located in Patuxent River in 1960. He also spent a Masters in International Relations at George Washington University in 1966. Mr Yamnicky, which also ensured benefits on airliners, became Captain in 1971, while at Patuxent River, and then served the Office of the Defense Secretariat.

2- William E. Caswell was a 3rd generation physicist whose duties in the US Navy were so secret that his relatives knew virtually nothing of what he did on a daily basis.
They did not even know precisely why he was sent to Los Angeles on that cursed flight of American Airlines on September 11, 2001.

It was a journey he often did, explains his mother Jean Caswell. "We never knew what he was doing, because he could not tell us. We learn not to ask questions. "[2].

In a publication from Princeton University, the supervisor of Caswell said that in the eighties, he learned that the US Navy was looking for a scientific expert who can advise on a secret project on advanced technology, and He had proposed the name of Bill Caswell. "I was not involved in his daily work, but in all respects, it was his thesis project: starting from scratch, he moved very quickly to a position of scientific leader at the head of a team of scientists. More than one hundred researchers in one of the most demanding areas of the US Navy. "His technical and managerial abilities were highly appreciated by his colleagues and had earned him the highest honors and distinctions of the Navy.
The irony of the fate was that he was traveling precisely for this project, as passenger of American Airlines Flight 77, and that it perished in the crash of the plane.

3- and 4- Wilson Flagg, 63, born in Millwood, Virginia, a US Navy admiral, a pilot for American Airlines before retiring. He was one of three admirals charged by the US Navy in the Tailhook scandal in 1991 on sexual violence. His wife Darleen, of the same age, is also dead in the crash.
The warning letter in his file effectively blocked any promotion and led him to leave the US Navy. He became a pilot for American Airlines before he retired. His nephew Ray Sellek indicated that he continued to go to the Pentagon to provide technical advice to the point of having an office.

5- Stanley Hall, 68, of Rancho Palos Verdes, California. Program Director at Raytheon Co. "It was our electronic warfare guru," said one of his colleagues at Raytheon, a company that provides the US Department of Defense. Hall had developed and developed anti-radar technologies. He was a posed and competent man, a sort of paternal figure. "Many of our young engineers saw him as a mentor," said Rn Colman, Raytheon's spokesperson.

6- Bryan Jack, 48, of Alexandria, Virginia, a budget analyst and director of the Tax Planning and Economics Division at the Department of Defense (Dod). Jack, who worked at the Pentagon, was sent to California to teach at the Naval Postgraduate School. His colleagues say that he was a brilliant mathematician. As head of programming and tax policies for the office of the Secretary of Defense, he was a leading budget analyst. He had been working at the Pentagon for 23 years.
Jack had married artist Barbara Rachko in June 2001. Ms. Rachko was working all week in her studio in New York and so they only saw themselves at the weekend either in their home in Alexandria in their apartment in New York York. Barbara Rachko has an airline pilot license and worked for seven years as a naval officer. She had left active service, but remained a reserve commander for the Navy.

7- Keller, Chandler 'Chad' Raymond. Chad was born in Manhattan Beach, California on October 8, 1971. He was an eminent engineer specializing in propulsion and project manager at Boeing Satellite Systems [3]
8- Dong Lee, 48, from Leesburg, Virginia, engineer at Boeing Co.
9- Ruben Ornedo, 39 years old from Los Angeles, was a propulsion engineer at Boeing in El Segundo, California.
10- Robert Penninger, 63, of Poway, California, Electrical Engineer at a Defense Supplier, BAE Systems. He has been working in San Diego since 1990.
11- and 12- Robert R. Ploger III, 59, of Annandale, Virginia, software architect at Lockheed Martin Corp., and his wife Zandra Cooper.
13. John Sammartino, 37, of Annandale, Virginia, technical manager for XonTech Inc. in Arlington, Virginia, a military science and technology company specializing in defense missiles and sensor technologies, 2003 by another company producing for the military, the Northrop Grumman. Sammartino was an avid traveler with his Platinum card from American Airlines, and was traveling to the company's headquarters in Van Nuys, California, accompanied by his colleague Leonard Taylor.
Upon leaving the university, Sammartino was hired as an engineer at the Naval Research Lab; He worked for 11 years for XonTech.
14. Leonard Taylor, 44, of Reston, Virginia, technical manager at XonTech, was born in Pasadena, California. He graduated from Andover High School in 1975 and from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute in 1979 [4].
15. Vicki Yancey, 43, from Springfield, was traveling to Reno for a work meeting, but she had not planned to be on Flight 77. Yancey, a former naval electronics technician, worked for Vredenburg , A defense supplier, she had to leave for Washington earlier, but problems with tickets delayed her departure, as her husband explained to the Washington Post. She called her husband ten minutes after embarking to inform her that she had finally managed to get a seat on the plane. [5]
16. Charles F. Burlingame III, 52, graduated in 1971 from U.S. Naval Academy, was a captain on American Airlines Flight 77. Burlingame was a reservist of the Navy and had even worked in the Pentagon wing that the plane was alleged to have struck [according to the official version].
17. Barbara K. Olson, 45, a conservative lawyer and commentator. Olson was known to television viewers as a combative, self-confident political reporter who represented the Conservative viewpoint. She formed an influential couple in the social and political landscape of Washington with her husband Theodore B. Olson, a prominent lawyer who had successfully defended George W. Bush's election in Florida before the Supreme Court. President Bush had appointed Mr. Olson to the position of US Attorney General, who was responsible for the administration's strategy in the US courts.
The history of the phone call is curious. Mr. Olson said that while he was in his office in the Justice Department on Tuesday morning he had received a call from his wife who would have used his cell phone on American Airlines Flight 77 to tell him That the aircraft had been diverted. This version, much criticized because of the impossibility of using a laptop from an airplane, was subsequently modified by another one in which Barbara Olson would have used a siege telephone. But as another article in the Voltaire Network reports, there is no record of this call in the recordings.
The Olson, married for 4 years, were perfectly complementary in terms of style. She was the most sincere of the two in his comments on television, while he was more thoughtful in his role as constitutional advocate in charge of the Republican establishment.
Barbara Olson was one of the most indefatigable critics of Bill and Hillary Clinton, against whom she conducted ruthless inquiries. She wrote a book entitled Hell to Pay (Regnery 1999), extremely critical of Hillary Rodham Clinton, followed by a posthumous book focusing on Clinton's final weeks at the White House, entitled Final Days Regnery, 2001). [6].

18. Karen Kincaid, 40, from Washington, DC. A native of Iowa, she was a partner in Washington law firm Wiley Rein & Fielding, specializing in communications legislation. She traveled to Los Angeles to attend a conference on the wireless industry. She was training to run the Marine Corps marathon scheduled for October 28, with the man she had married 5 years ago, Peter Batacan, a lawyer working for another firm.
Wiley Rein & Fielding is a powerful law firm working for the Republican camp that was part of the vast team of lawyers who helped Bush and Cheney in the much-discussed post-election affair following the 2000 presidential election. An important defense tool in cases of white-collar crime.
19. Steven 'Jake' Jacoby was the Director of Operations at Metrocall Inc., headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, one of the two largest national pager companies, these "people-seeking" instruments. "The fact that Metrocall's operational network has continued to operate and deliver vital communications during this harsh day is due to Jake," said Vince Kelly, the company's chief financial officer. Jacoby's last job was to oversee the development of two-way "seeker" devices for the sick in emergency situations, spokeswoman Timothy Dietz said. The company distributed devices to emergency personnel working at the claims scene in Washington and New York. [...]
It should be noted that in the lists of passengers of other flights, there is also a certain density of people related to the military sector and Intelligence.
Three Raytheon employees were on American Airlines Flight 11 which crashed on the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Raytheon is one of the leading providers of Defense, and is a fundamental component of the Global Hawk remote control technologies, so much appreciated by the Pentagon. Among the numerous hypotheses that can not be demonstrated, but technically plausible and therefore worthy of further study, is that on remote-controlled aircraft.
There are some particularly troubling things about Raytheon. An article in USA Today in October 2001 announced that Raytheon had been fired 6 times by a Fedex Boeing 727 during a perfectly executed landing on a Naval air base in New Mexico in August 2001, unmanned.
The system used radio signals from the final part of the runway that were sent to the aircraft. The electronic devices on the ground coordinated their location using GPS. No pilot on board was to intervene during the maneuver. Repeat: it was a perfectly developed technology and available in August 2001, a month before the fateful attacks.
Already in early 2001, a special aircraft from the Global Hawk program had crossed the Pacific Ocean from the USA to Australia, with no one on board.
As we have just seen, the main actors of these programs as well as other experts in the aerospace sector officially died on 11 September 2001.
One of the objections raised about the likelihood of an internal conspiracy to US institutions and intelligence is the difficulty, if not the impossibility, of maintaining secrecy when too many executants and conspirators are involved. Those who organize a tragedy like the one of September 11 are in any case sufficiently ruthless to even include the sacrifice of the executants who could speak, mixing them with the other victims. The remains of the victims were entirely managed by the military. Difficult therefore to know today how and where the passengers died.
For now, this is only an investigation hypothesis.

Forte proportion de passagers liés à l’armée dans le vol 77 qui aurait percuté le Pentagone, par Pino Cabras
High proportion of passengers linked to the military in Flight 77 that reportedly hit the Pentagon.


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There are many inconsistencies with respect to American Airlines Flight 77, which allegedly crashed into the Pentagon at 9:37 am on September 11, 2001. We will not list them here, and other articles on this site give a detailed list. But new elements have emerged recently, the result of investigations carried out by independent journalists. Here is an excerpt from

Pino Cabras's book Strategie per una guerra. He noted the strange proportion of passengers working for the military sector in

Flight 77, and who officially died on September 11 at the Pentagon.

The Voltaire Network article about the cockpit door of Flight 77 [1] -which reveals disturbing details, little or not at all deepened by official investigations, but which will have to be scrutinized by even unofficial investigations- Draws our attention to some of the anomalies of this terrible day. It is not only the character of Commander Burlingame to challenge us. Flight 77 had a high density of passengers working secretly for the defense sector. Between 16 and 21 people out of the 58 passengers of this flight.

Most of them were aerospace engineers. One of them, Mr. Yamnicky, had long been a CIA operative who worked for Veridian as an aerospace engineer. Another passenger on this list, Mr Caswell, was head of a team of about one hundred scientists for the US military. Others worked for Boeing and Raytheon in El Segundo, California on a project called "Black Hawk."

We present here some information about these interesting passengers of Vol 77, which are part of the lists obtained by browsing the obituaries on the Web or in the newspaper articles published in the days following the attacks.

1- John D. Yamnicky Sr., 71, of Waldorf, Maryland was on a professional trip on American Airlines Flight 77. It was a former military pilot retired, but he worked for a defense contractor in the Veridian Corp., based in Virginia, where -after he retired with the rank of Captain in 1979. He operated on Programs relating to fighter planes and air-to-air missiles. His son, John Yamnicky, stated that his father had worked on the development of the F / A-18 fighter. John Yamnicky Sr., once graduated from the US Naval Academy in 1952, became a pilot test for the US Navy, flying a bomber A-4, and he would have told his travels and missions for the US Navy in Korea And Viet Nam. "He has crashed five times, but has always been unharmed," said Cindy Sharpley, a friend of the family. "Except this last time" (AP, 2001)

Yamnicky graduated the Navy Test Pilot School, located in Patuxent River in 1960. He also spent a Masters in International Relations at George Washington University in 1966. Mr Yamnicky, which also ensured benefits on airliners, became Captain in 1971, while at Patuxent River, and then served the Office of the Defense Secretariat.

2- William E. Caswell was a 3rd generation physicist whose duties in the US Navy were so secret that his relatives knew virtually nothing of what he did on a daily basis.
They did not even know precisely why he was sent to Los Angeles on that cursed flight of American Airlines on September 11, 2001.

It was a journey he often did, explains his mother Jean Caswell. "We never knew what he was doing, because he could not tell us. We learn not to ask questions. "[2].

In a publication from Princeton University, the supervisor of Caswell said that in the eighties, he learned that the US Navy was looking for a scientific expert who can advise on a secret project on advanced technology, and He had proposed the name of Bill Caswell. "I was not involved in his daily work, but in all respects, it was his thesis project: starting from scratch, he moved very quickly to a position of scientific leader at the head of a team of scientists. More than one hundred researchers in one of the most demanding areas of the US Navy. "His technical and managerial abilities were highly appreciated by his colleagues and had earned him the highest honors and distinctions of the Navy.
The irony of the fate was that he was traveling precisely for this project, as passenger of American Airlines Flight 77, and that it perished in the crash of the plane.

3- and 4- Wilson Flagg, 63, born in Millwood, Virginia, a US Navy admiral, a pilot for American Airlines before retiring. He was one of three admirals charged by the US Navy in the Tailhook scandal in 1991 on sexual violence. His wife Darleen, of the same age, is also dead in the crash.
The warning letter in his file effectively blocked any promotion and led him to leave the US Navy. He became a pilot for American Airlines before he retired. His nephew Ray Sellek indicated that he continued to go to the Pentagon to provide technical advice to the point of having an office.

5- Stanley Hall, 68, of Rancho Palos Verdes, California. Program Director at Raytheon Co. "It was our electronic warfare guru," said one of his colleagues at Raytheon, a company that provides the US Department of Defense. Hall had developed and developed anti-radar technologies. He was a posed and competent man, a sort of paternal figure. "Many of our young engineers saw him as a mentor," said Rn Colman, Raytheon's spokesperson.

6- Bryan Jack, 48, of Alexandria, Virginia, a budget analyst and director of the Tax Planning and Economics Division at the Department of Defense (Dod). Jack, who worked at the Pentagon, was sent to California to teach at the Naval Postgraduate School. His colleagues say that he was a brilliant mathematician. As head of programming and tax policies for the office of the Secretary of Defense, he was a leading budget analyst. He had been working at the Pentagon for 23 years.
Jack had married artist Barbara Rachko in June 2001. Ms. Rachko was working all week in her studio in New York and so they only saw themselves at the weekend either in their home in Alexandria in their apartment in New York York. Barbara Rachko has an airline pilot license and worked for seven years as a naval officer. She had left active service, but remained a reserve commander for the Navy.

7- Keller, Chandler 'Chad' Raymond. Chad was born in Manhattan Beach, California on October 8, 1971. He was an eminent engineer specializing in propulsion and project manager at Boeing Satellite Systems [3]
8- Dong Lee, 48, from Leesburg, Virginia, engineer at Boeing Co.
9- Ruben Ornedo, 39 years old from Los Angeles, was a propulsion engineer at Boeing in El Segundo, California.
10- Robert Penninger, 63, of Poway, California, Electrical Engineer at a Defense Supplier, BAE Systems. He has been working in San Diego since 1990.
11- and 12- Robert R. Ploger III, 59, of Annandale, Virginia, software architect at Lockheed Martin Corp., and his wife Zandra Cooper.
13. John Sammartino, 37, of Annandale, Virginia, technical manager for XonTech Inc. in Arlington, Virginia, a military science and technology company specializing in defense missiles and sensor technologies, 2003 by another company producing for the military, the Northrop Grumman. Sammartino was an avid traveler with his Platinum card from American Airlines, and was traveling to the company's headquarters in Van Nuys, California, accompanied by his colleague Leonard Taylor.
Upon leaving the university, Sammartino was hired as an engineer at the Naval Research Lab; He worked for 11 years for XonTech.
14. Leonard Taylor, 44, of Reston, Virginia, technical manager at XonTech, was born in Pasadena, California. He graduated from Andover High School in 1975 and from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute in 1979 [4].
15. Vicki Yancey, 43, from Springfield, was traveling to Reno for a work meeting, but she had not planned to be on Flight 77. Yancey, a former naval electronics technician, worked for Vredenburg , A defense supplier, she had to leave for Washington earlier, but problems with tickets delayed her departure, as her husband explained to the Washington Post. She called her husband ten minutes after embarking to inform her that she had finally managed to get a seat on the plane. [5]
16. Charles F. Burlingame III, 52, graduated in 1971 from U.S. Naval Academy, was a captain on American Airlines Flight 77. Burlingame was a reservist of the Navy and had even worked in the Pentagon wing that the plane was alleged to have struck [according to the official version].
17. Barbara K. Olson, 45, a conservative lawyer and commentator. Olson was known to television viewers as a combative, self-confident political reporter who represented the Conservative viewpoint. She formed an influential couple in the social and political landscape of Washington with her husband Theodore B. Olson, a prominent lawyer who had successfully defended George W. Bush's election in Florida before the Supreme Court. President Bush had appointed Mr. Olson to the position of US Attorney General, who was responsible for the administration's strategy in the US courts.
The history of the phone call is curious. Mr. Olson said that while he was in his office in the Justice Department on Tuesday morning he had received a call from his wife who would have used his cell phone on American Airlines Flight 77 to tell him That the aircraft had been diverted. This version, much criticized because of the impossibility of using a laptop from an airplane, was subsequently modified by another one in which Barbara Olson would have used a siege telephone. But as another article in the Voltaire Network reports, there is no record of this call in the recordings.
The Olson, married for 4 years, were perfectly complementary in terms of style. She was the most sincere of the two in his comments on television, while he was more thoughtful in his role as constitutional advocate in charge of the Republican establishment.
Barbara Olson was one of the most indefatigable critics of Bill and Hillary Clinton, against whom she conducted ruthless inquiries. She wrote a book entitled Hell to Pay (Regnery 1999), extremely critical of Hillary Rodham Clinton, followed by a posthumous book focusing on Clinton's final weeks at the White House, entitled Final Days Regnery, 2001). [6].

18. Karen Kincaid, 40, from Washington, DC. A native of Iowa, she was a partner in Washington law firm Wiley Rein & Fielding, specializing in communications legislation. She traveled to Los Angeles to attend a conference on the wireless industry. She was training to run the Marine Corps marathon scheduled for October 28, with the man she had married 5 years ago, Peter Batacan, a lawyer working for another firm.
Wiley Rein & Fielding is a powerful law firm working for the Republican camp that was part of the vast team of lawyers who helped Bush and Cheney in the much-discussed post-election affair following the 2000 presidential election. An important defense tool in cases of white-collar crime.
19. Steven 'Jake' Jacoby was the Director of Operations at Metrocall Inc., headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, one of the two largest national pager companies, these "people-seeking" instruments. "The fact that Metrocall's operational network has continued to operate and deliver vital communications during this harsh day is due to Jake," said Vince Kelly, the company's chief financial officer. Jacoby's last job was to oversee the development of two-way "seeker" devices for the sick in emergency situations, spokeswoman Timothy Dietz said. The company distributed devices to emergency personnel working at the claims scene in Washington and New York. [...]
It should be noted that in the lists of passengers of other flights, there is also a certain density of people related to the military sector and Intelligence.
Three Raytheon employees were on American Airlines Flight 11 which crashed on the North Tower of the World Trade Center. Raytheon is one of the leading providers of Defense, and is a fundamental component of the Global Hawk remote control technologies, so much appreciated by the Pentagon. Among the numerous hypotheses that can not be demonstrated, but technically plausible and therefore worthy of further study, is that on remote-controlled aircraft.
There are some particularly troubling things about Raytheon. An article in USA Today in October 2001 announced that Raytheon had been fired 6 times by a Fedex Boeing 727 during a perfectly executed landing on a Naval air base in New Mexico in August 2001, unmanned.
The system used radio signals from the final part of the runway that were sent to the aircraft. The electronic devices on the ground coordinated their location using GPS. No pilot on board was to intervene during the maneuver. Repeat: it was a perfectly developed technology and available in August 2001, a month before the fateful attacks.
Already in early 2001, a special aircraft from the Global Hawk program had crossed the Pacific Ocean from the USA to Australia, with no one on board.
As we have just seen, the main actors of these programs as well as other experts in the aerospace sector officially died on 11 September 2001.
One of the objections raised about the likelihood of an internal conspiracy to US institutions and intelligence is the difficulty, if not the impossibility, of maintaining secrecy when too many executants and conspirators are involved. Those who organize a tragedy like the one of September 11 are in any case sufficiently ruthless to even include the sacrifice of the executants who could speak, mixing them with the other victims. The remains of the victims were entirely managed by the military. Difficult therefore to know today how and where the passengers died.
For now, this is only an investigation hypothesis.

Forte proportion de passagers liés à l’armée dans le vol 77 qui aurait percuté le Pentagone, par Pino Cabras

A flight out of Washington DC had passengers who worked in DC and/or for the government.

Very suspicious.
Interesting facts:
1)in 1998 Bill mysteriously lets Bin Laden slip away. We know he received pay to play money from Saudis and others, but not what those favors were.
2) Hillary conveniently didn't get to the Pentagon until after it was hit. She also was not in NY like she lied about.
Hillary Clinton wrongly says she was in NYC on 9/11
3)Bill makes a speach in Australia
on Sept 10th our time zone(event not yet happened)- Sept 11th in Australia(would have assumed it happened if he knew the plot) a speach regretting not capturing or taking out Bin Laden during his chance in 1998.
4) Sept 11 2016 Hillary has a heat spell faint (also guilt feelings anxiety attack?)
5)we now know there is no limits to how far Clintons and their cronies will go to seize power and set up their opponent party that they felt slighted by.

Conclusion, as long as we don't know by and through Clinton admission to what the favors were, then we have to conclude the worst scenerio.
Whether that be letting Bin Laden go as favor to the Saudis, not knowing what that would lead to that ended up causing 911, Afghan war, Iraq war, Isis and perhaps Syria crisis.
String of events all steming from pure greed and corruption by the Clintons.
The other even worse & harder to accept scenerio is that they knew all along the full scope of the plot, hence the Australia speach was a time zone goof or they were bamboozled into thinking the plot was involving something else as a target and they were played, hence feelings of guilt wpuld be too much to bare.

*note I am using Dem and MSM methods of deduction, especially the part where they say lying (like Clinton's whereabouts on 911) is a covering up and admission to something problematic that is there, that they don't want you to see, and that there is enough smoke to warrant investigation according to their own logic.
Remember there is a string of behavior, and acts that warrant questions, as these events actually happened, all suspicious knowing what we know now.
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We need more war because it enriches the Oligarchy.

This is why Congress voted 98-2 in the Senate and 419-3 in the House, for MORE sanctions on Russia. All based on trumped up lies.

More war abroad equals less liberty at home...but the .01% get richer. So it is all good.
Another view ( opinion, observation )



I can't get it to pass the BS meter. Almost all of these have the US leadership wanting this to happen. So you are saying they didn't think knocking down ONE of the twin towers would be enough? Or one attack on the pentagon? It's overkill for no reason at all. US is voting to kick Osama's ass no matter what. Now you are getting hundreds or thousands of potential leaks involved, just to really really really make the case for war that could be made without them.

And the Pentagon missile one is a joke. Thousands watched that happen, saw the plane circle then hit. People were right there as it happened taking pictures of the wreckage, the bodies. Nobody was sneaking around planting debris and bodies that they somehow got. This is a government that can't keep a blowjob in the oval office a secret. I'm not buying that thousands were in on it and we have no deathbed admissions or anything.
Another view ( opinion, observation )




case closed,you have checkmated the 9/11 apologists who ignore what you just posted.cheesgame is over and you checkmated them.:clap:

Here is more facts that prove you checkmated them. The company that builds those jet airliners,their spokesperson said the airline parts they saw in the photos were nothing at all like the airline parts you see in an airliner,I think that someone who is the head of a company that builds airplanes is a much better credible source than a bunch of so called witnesses who could EASILY be people who work for corrupt government agencies on their payroll.:lmao::rofl:

Never mind they never could find any bodies because the government said they VAPORIZED. That works for a movie in hollywood but sorry 9/11 apologists,that dont work in the REAL world.:lmao::rofl:

Here is where it gets even more interesting.It sounds like even one of the own 9// commissions screwed up and had a slip of the tongue in this short video.:D

then there is this reporter here who you hear says there is NO EVIDENCE a plan hit.:D

and this debunks it that an airliner hit it as well.this short

dont the 9/11 apologists ever get tired of their constant ass beatings they suffer here everyday from people like us sonny?:D
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