Seniors medication and baby formula from looted CVS


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011
Now that the serial criminals completed their loot of the Baltimore CVS, how are the local seniors going to get their medication or mothers get formula and diapers for the babies? Can the looters who needed to take out CVS supposedly in the name of Freddie Gray help out their community by getting these people medicine and baby formula? From a business and risk persoective, why should CVS rebuild in the neighborhood?
Now that the serial criminals completed their loot of the Baltimore CVS, how are the local seniors going to get their medication or mothers get formula and diapers for the babies? Can the looters who needed to take out CVS supposedly in the name of Freddie Gray help out their community by getting these people medicine and baby formula? From a business and risk persoective, why should CVS rebuild in the neighborhood?

How much farther will they really have to drive now? There's plenty of people in west Texas drivin' three hours to go get their groceries, and then three hours to get back home. Those people in Baltimore got like 20 different CVS to choose from.
Seniors medication and baby formula from looted CVS
That's fucking scary, are they planning to increase breeding?
Now that the serial criminals completed their loot of the Baltimore CVS, how are the local seniors going to get their medication or mothers get formula and diapers for the babies? Can the looters who needed to take out CVS supposedly in the name of Freddie Gray help out their community by getting these people medicine and baby formula? From a business and risk persoective, why should CVS rebuild in the neighborhood?
CVS should not have been cajoled into opening the store in the first place. If the people want drug stores and grocers in their neighborhood, they should clean up their act and turn the neighborhood into an area where people want to be, instead of one that only druggies looking for a fix go to.
Now that the serial criminals completed their loot of the Baltimore CVS, how are the local seniors going to get their medication or mothers get formula and diapers for the babies? Can the looters who needed to take out CVS supposedly in the name of Freddie Gray help out their community by getting these people medicine and baby formula? From a business and risk persoective, why should CVS rebuild in the neighborhood?

How much farther will they really have to drive now? There's plenty of people in west Texas drivin' three hours to go get their groceries, and then three hours to get back home. Those people in Baltimore got like 20 different CVS to choose from.
The point is that few of these people drive at all. The city just about demanded CVS build that store. Now, instead of a short walk to a drug store, people, including seniors and young parents will have to take public transportation. (when it's not closed down due to rioting)
It took 3 years of cajoling to get CVS to open. They won't bother reopening. The public they served decided it wasn't necessary to have one there.
The serial criminals that looted CVS and the locals and politicians that justified their anger in alignment with protesters all collectively felt that the CVS was expendable; otherwise, there would be a sense of accountability or at least remorse for what was done to the CVS and other businesses. These are the same voices that cried about whites and businesses fleeing the City, calling them racists.

Why would any business want to locate in an area more likely for unrest? Why should tourists come into the City to spend their money and risk unrest? Baltimore bought itself a major image problem from an economic development perspective.
The serial criminals that looted CVS and the locals and politicians that justified their anger in alignment with protesters all collectively felt that the CVS was expendable; otherwise, there would be a sense of accountability or at least remorse for what was done to the CVS and other businesses. These are the same voices that cried about whites and businesses fleeing the City, calling them racists.

Why would any business want to locate in an area more likely for unrest? Why should tourists come into the City to spend their money and risk unrest? Baltimore bought itself a major image problem from an economic development perspective.
Same thing has happened in the St. Louis City area with the largest grocers in the metro pulling out because of rioting, arson and THEFT. Shit on them.
Now that the serial criminals completed their loot of the Baltimore CVS, how are the local seniors going to get their medication or mothers get formula and diapers for the babies? Can the looters who needed to take out CVS supposedly in the name of Freddie Gray help out their community by getting these people medicine and baby formula? From a business and risk persoective, why should CVS rebuild in the neighborhood?

Looters are lawbreakers and should be dealt with accordingly,

as should cops who murder innocent black men.
Now that the serial criminals completed their loot of the Baltimore CVS, how are the local seniors going to get their medication or mothers get formula and diapers for the babies? Can the looters who needed to take out CVS supposedly in the name of Freddie Gray help out their community by getting these people medicine and baby formula? From a business and risk persoective, why should CVS rebuild in the neighborhood?

Looters are lawbreakers and should be dealt with accordingly,

as should cops who murder innocent black men.

See how the far left is running their dangerous religious narrative..
Now that the serial criminals completed their loot of the Baltimore CVS, how are the local seniors going to get their medication or mothers get formula and diapers for the babies? Can the looters who needed to take out CVS supposedly in the name of Freddie Gray help out their community by getting these people medicine and baby formula? From a business and risk persoective, why should CVS rebuild in the neighborhood?

Looters are lawbreakers and should be dealt with accordingly,

as should cops who murder innocent black men.

See how the far left is running their dangerous religious narrative..

So it's dangerous to believe that looters should be brought to justice?

lol, your vacation made you even more stupid. Unnaturally stupid.
How far are you willing to go with that? Suppose I own a store in Baltimore and people break in to loot. I'm in my office with a weapon with several large capacity magazines. What should I do?
their cheerleaders doesn't care about any of that.

according to them.... they have a RIGHT to rage, cause the rest of the people mayhem and chaos in their lives and Burn and loot to boot all over someone they: don't even KNOW personally. the hell if it affects seniors or babies
CVS should not reopen...
Local stores,Mom and Pop shops and and all businesses should close up and move the fuck outta there...
They depend on the Mayor and Police Commisioner to protect their property...and they just stood by and let the riots go on.

Get out now or be stuck there forever and be the target of the local thugs...
The Republicans have been looting far more from senior medication ever since they blocked Medicare from the ability to negotiate drug prices.

You could stock all the shelves of a CVS with the money they've stolen from seniors.
The Republicans have been looting far more from senior medication ever since they blocked Medicare from the ability to negotiate drug prices.

You could stock all the shelves of a CVS with the money they've stolen from seniors.

You are shifting the goal posts and its weak. Medicare and politics behind it have nothing to do with the fact that local residents including seniors (Medicare or no Meficare) depend on easy proximity of CVS and other retailers in their neighborhood. The serial criminals destroyed that and the politicians let them do it because it was expendible. Based on these facts, liberals can't cry racism or use senior citizens as props because CVS does not want to come back.
I just don't get it and I probably never will....
The folks burn down the town and then will bitch that they live in a shithole and don't have any opportunities
or nowhere to shop and buy healthy food because the fucking white man don't build nothing for the black man.

And our favorite Libs here will say....

True Dat!
I just don't get it and I probably never will....
The folks burn down the town and then will bitch that they live in a shithole and don't have any opportunities
or nowhere to shop and buy healthy food because the fucking white man don't build nothing for the black man.

And our favorite Libs here will say....

True Dat!

We are reliving history. The same neighborhoods in Baltimore that got torched in 2015 were the same ones that got torched in 1968. Corporate America came in and built. Small Businesses stayed. The criminals burnt it down and some politicians are giving them a pass by lumping them in with peaceful protestors. The same voices will be screaming racism because business will we be afraid to come in.

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