Senior Israeli diplomat: 'This land is ours'

I suppose you have the DNA documents to prove this. The Palestinians don't even claim to be descended from the ancient Hebrews. Some of them claim to be descended from the ancient Canaanites and Philistines (which is a laugh anyway).
In fact there is evidence of this and its been posted on this website many times.

NOPE just conjecture and unsubstantiated self interest has been posted. All the rebuttals have been ignored because they show the ONE geneticist who expounds this theory is use false data.

Not only do I have all my teeth, but I have no fillings or cavity's.

Apart from the two you speak out of
Only an article like this could quickly bring me back to the boards instantly after a nice break from the hate and hostilities that fuel this conflict.....

Israel's new government is full of sick thieving people who disobey their-own God's Commandment of Thou shall not steal...

I rest my case to the UN...

Senior Israeli diplomat This land is ours - Yahoo News
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel's new deputy foreign minister on Thursday delivered a defiant message to the international community, saying that Israel owes no apologies for its policies in the Holy Land and citing religious texts to back her belief that it belongs to the Jewish people.

And yet according to the God of Abraham, He is the one who gathered them home, to where they are, and where His Son will spend eternity in their midst.
Either God is the thief, or they are right where they belong....

Don't mind Pbel. We keep him here for laughs while those he supports are killing us Christians & Jews all over the world.
They are killing Christians because of Israeli atrocities and their obvious thieving ways on Muslims instead of listening to what the World is saying...

Iran wants nukes, Saudi Arabia...ISIS winning next door, the future looks bright...

So because of alleged Israeli atrocities muslims are killing Christians in Africa, Asia, Europe and the USA ................
And yet according to the God of Abraham, He is the one who gathered them home, to where they are, and where His Son will spend eternity in their midst.
Either God is the thief, or they are right where they belong....
The Palestinian's are the direct decendents of the ancient Israelites.

The Israeli's, are just a bunch of war-mongering wanna-be's, with no lineage to the ancient Hebrews.

I suppose you have the DNA documents to prove this. The Palestinians don't even claim to be descended from the ancient Hebrews. Some of them claim to be descended from the ancient Canaanites and Philistines (which is a laugh anyway).

"Professor Ariella Oppenheim, from Hadassah Medical School laboratories at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem tells us that the Palestinians are descendants of the Israelites according to their DNA.

“The DNA of the Palestinians are closer to the DNA of the Ashkenazi Jews than to the DNA of Jews of the Middle East”

An international genetic study was conducted by professor Oppenheim with Professor Marina Fiereman and Dr. Dvora Filom to reach this conclusion.

90 of the Palestinians are hidden Israelites ETZ YOSEPH

Is this one of your "source documents" that you go on about so much. Did you check the site properly and see that it is an EXTREMIST GROUP that promote Jesus as God ?
Only an article like this could quickly bring me back to the boards instantly after a nice break from the hate and hostilities that fuel this conflict.....

Israel's new government is full of sick thieving people who disobey their-own God's Commandment of Thou shall not steal...

I rest my case to the UN...

Senior Israeli diplomat This land is ours - Yahoo News
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel's new deputy foreign minister on Thursday delivered a defiant message to the international community, saying that Israel owes no apologies for its policies in the Holy Land and citing religious texts to back her belief that it belongs to the Jewish people.
Actually one cannot own the land permanently but can rent it for 49 years, to remind you nothing is your but belongs to God and this life is nothing but a temporary corridor to the afterlife.
Only an article like this could quickly bring me back to the boards instantly after a nice break from the hate and hostilities that fuel this conflict.....

Israel's new government is full of sick thieving people who disobey their-own God's Commandment of Thou shall not steal...

I rest my case to the UN...

Senior Israeli diplomat This land is ours - Yahoo News
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel's new deputy foreign minister on Thursday delivered a defiant message to the international community, saying that Israel owes no apologies for its policies in the Holy Land and citing religious texts to back her belief that it belongs to the Jewish people.

And yet according to the God of Abraham, He is the one who gathered them home, to where they are, and where His Son will spend eternity in their midst.
Either God is the thief, or they are right where they belong....

So you mistake God for Britain as well. Oh Good God. Really, those people in Israel may act like the OT Hebrews but they are not.

Tell me who your ancestor was back in 1000 BC. What tribe did you come from?

One minute Jew is a race, the next its one whose Mom was jew, the next is its one who practices Judaism from Judea, the next its one who is a convert, next, its one who is atheist, secular that sees Judaism as a tradtition.

So tell me who is a jew?
Only an article like this could quickly bring me back to the boards instantly after a nice break from the hate and hostilities that fuel this conflict.....

Israel's new government is full of sick thieving people who disobey their-own God's Commandment of Thou shall not steal...

I rest my case to the UN...

Senior Israeli diplomat This land is ours - Yahoo News
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel's new deputy foreign minister on Thursday delivered a defiant message to the international community, saying that Israel owes no apologies for its policies in the Holy Land and citing religious texts to back her belief that it belongs to the Jewish people.
Actually one cannot own the land permanently but can rent it for 49 years, to remind you nothing is your but belongs to God and this life is nothing but a temporary corridor to the afterlife.

So your a jew who believes in the afterlife, most don't. I mean Guno thinks Christians are crazy since they believe in heaven and hell. Are you a messianic jew?
The Georgian Jews have an approximately 2,600-year history in the region. The origin of Georgian Jews, also known as Gurjim or kartveli ebraelebi, is debated. The most popular view is that the first Jews made their way to southern Georgia after Nebuchadnezzar's conquest of Jerusalem in 586 BCE and exile in Babylon. This claim is supported by the medieval Georgian historical account by Leonti Mroveli, who writes:

Then King Nebuchadnezzar captured Jerusalem. The Jews who fled thence come to Kartli and requested from the mamasakhlisi [local ruler] of Mtskheta territory in return for tribute. He gave [a place] and settled them on the Aragvi, at spring which was called Zanavi, which was later renamed as Zanavi, the quarter of Jews

'It’s all ours': Israeli deputy FM slams Western interference, saying Holy Land is Jewish

Tzipi Hotovely told Israeli diplomatic representatives aboard that the Holy Land belongs to the Jews

I don't care who this bitch (another Pam Geller)is, but her people left the "bloody land" 2600 years ago, so does that mean that whoever lived where I live now 2600 years ago , the Indians can come and take my home and my land.

I just can't stand these Zionist, like one poster said, the Palestinians have more right to the land than any Zionist scum.

PS: she is a Georgian who practices Judaism , that gives her no right to other peoples land.
Only an article like this could quickly bring me back to the boards instantly after a nice break from the hate and hostilities that fuel this conflict.....

Israel's new government is full of sick thieving people who disobey their-own God's Commandment of Thou shall not steal...

I rest my case to the UN...

Senior Israeli diplomat This land is ours - Yahoo News
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel's new deputy foreign minister on Thursday delivered a defiant message to the international community, saying that Israel owes no apologies for its policies in the Holy Land and citing religious texts to back her belief that it belongs to the Jewish people.

And yet according to the God of Abraham, He is the one who gathered them home, to where they are, and where His Son will spend eternity in their midst.
Either God is the thief, or they are right where they belong....

Don't mind Pbel. We keep him here for laughs while those he supports are killing us Christians & Jews all over the world.
They are killing Christians because of Israeli atrocities and their obvious thieving ways on Muslims instead of listening to what the World is saying...

Iran wants nukes, Saudi Arabia...ISIS winning next door, the future looks bright...

So because of alleged Israeli atrocities muslims are killing Christians in Africa, Asia, Europe and the USA ................
It is in America's interests to keep a Pax Americana in the ME...but the PNAC eight Israeli lackeys sold GW Bush to invade Iraq which Israel trough AIPAC so conjured with Political money contributions....

So bad is the money game that Americans in congress actually support actions that our against our own interests and bring terrorism to our shores.
Don't mind Pbel. We keep him here for laughs while those he supports are killing us Christians & Jews all over the world.
Go fuck yourself, clownboy.

Oh my goodness. Now look what I have done. "Go fuck yourself clownboy." I am so sorry for upsetting you Take it easy Billy. You'll give yourself a stroke or a heart attack. And we need you here to show the world why we support Israel. Be well & please post here most often.
Tzipi Hotovely told Israeli diplomatic representatives aboard that the Holy Land belongs to the Jews

Sounds good to me.
So you have no problem with stealing land that others were living on and taking it for your own, even though it was never yours to begin with? So now say if Iran bombed Tel Aviv and moved Iranians in that would be just fine as well.

How about if an Indian comes to your home or apt and said my relatives lived here 2600 years ago, and I want it now, would you say OK, let me pack my stuff?
Tzipi Hotovely told Israeli diplomatic representatives aboard that the Holy Land belongs to the Jews

Sounds good to me.
So you have no problem with stealing land that others were living on and taking it for your own, even though it was never yours to begin with? So now say if Iran bombed Tel Aviv and moved Iranians in that would be just fine as well.

How about if an Indian comes to your home or apt and said my relatives lived here 2600 years ago, and I want it now, would you say OK, let me pack my stuff?

So you have no problem with stealing land

Which land was stolen?
Who was it stolen from?
Tzipi Hotovely told Israeli diplomatic representatives aboard that the Holy Land belongs to the Jews

Sounds good to me.
So you have no problem with stealing land that others were living on and taking it for your own, even though it was never yours to begin with? So now say if Iran bombed Tel Aviv and moved Iranians in that would be just fine as well.

How about if an Indian comes to your home or apt and said my relatives lived here 2600 years ago, and I want it now, would you say OK, let me pack my stuff?

So you have no problem with stealing land

Which land was stolen?
Who was it stolen from?

Whoever was living there, they are called Palestinians.
Tzipi Hotovely told Israeli diplomatic representatives aboard that the Holy Land belongs to the Jews

Sounds good to me.
So you have no problem with stealing land that others were living on and taking it for your own, even though it was never yours to begin with? So now say if Iran bombed Tel Aviv and moved Iranians in that would be just fine as well.

How about if an Indian comes to your home or apt and said my relatives lived here 2600 years ago, and I want it now, would you say OK, let me pack my stuff?

So you have no problem with stealing land

Which land was stolen?
Who was it stolen from?

Whoever was living there, they are called Palestinians.

The Jordanians didn't own that land.
Just because they squatted there doen't make them owners.
Tzipi Hotovely told Israeli diplomatic representatives aboard that the Holy Land belongs to the Jews

Sounds good to me.
So you have no problem with stealing land that others were living on and taking it for your own, even though it was never yours to begin with? So now say if Iran bombed Tel Aviv and moved Iranians in that would be just fine as well.

How about if an Indian comes to your home or apt and said my relatives lived here 2600 years ago, and I want it now, would you say OK, let me pack my stuff?

So you have no problem with stealing land

Which land was stolen?
Who was it stolen from?

Whoever was living there, they are called Palestinians.

The Jordanians didn't own that land.
Just because they squatted there doen't make them owners.

Seems Jews squat everywhere and anywhere, at least the Pals or Jordans as you like to call them , stayed through thick and thin. Now your trying to kill them off like those Hebrews in the OT did.
Tzipi Hotovely told Israeli diplomatic representatives aboard that the Holy Land belongs to the Jews

Sounds good to me.
So you have no problem with stealing land that others were living on and taking it for your own, even though it was never yours to begin with? So now say if Iran bombed Tel Aviv and moved Iranians in that would be just fine as well.

How about if an Indian comes to your home or apt and said my relatives lived here 2600 years ago, and I want it now, would you say OK, let me pack my stuff?

So you have no problem with stealing land

Which land was stolen?
Who was it stolen from?

Whoever was living there, they are called Palestinians.

The Jordanians didn't own that land.
Just because they squatted there doen't make them owners.

Seems Jews squat everywhere and anywhere, at least the Pals or Jordans as you like to call them , stayed through thick and thin. Now your trying to kill them off like those Hebrews in the OT did.

Seems Jews squat everywhere and anywhere

Not really.

at least the Pals or Jordans as you like to call them , stayed through thick and thin.

I know, like an uninvited house guest who just won't leave.

Now your trying to kill them off

Tzipi Hotovely told Israeli diplomatic representatives aboard that the Holy Land belongs to the Jews

Sounds good to me.
So you have no problem with stealing land that others were living on and taking it for your own, even though it was never yours to begin with? So now say if Iran bombed Tel Aviv and moved Iranians in that would be just fine as well.

How about if an Indian comes to your home or apt and said my relatives lived here 2600 years ago, and I want it now, would you say OK, let me pack my stuff?

So you have no problem with stealing land

Which land was stolen?
Who was it stolen from?

Whoever was living there, they are called Palestinians.

The Jordanians didn't own that land.
Just because they squatted there doen't make them owners.

Of course the Palestinians were owners of the land. Even after the European invasion the Christians and Muslims owned over 90% of the land in 1943:

land ownership only.jpg

A Survey of Palestine Volume 2 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner

As well as directly from a UN official records which show that even in 1947, at partition, Christians and Muslims still owned 85% of the land:



  • General Assembly

3 September 1947


"164. The Arab population, despite the strenuous efforts of Jews to acquire land in Palestine, at present remains in possession of approximately 85 per cent of the land. The provisions of the land transfer regulations of 1940, which gave effect to the 1939 White Paper policy, have severely restricted the Jewish efforts to acquire new land."

A 364 of 3 September 1947

So yes, the Jews stole the land.

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