Senators Leave Lobbyists Signature on Crafted Legislation


Information isnt Advocacy
Aug 5, 2010
Peaking out from the redwoods
Chemical bill came from industry

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) said she recieved a copy of the chemical reform bill that Sens. Tom Udall (D-N.M.) and David Vitter (R-La.) introduced last week by email that proves the legislation was created by the chemical industry.​

"It was clear from the computer coding that the final draft originated at the American Chemical Council itself,” she said.

Lobbyist Caught Drafting Legislation

Oh, and lookie there...Tom Udall is getting money from American Chemical...
Chemical bill came from industry

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) said she recieved a copy of the chemical reform bill that Sens. Tom Udall (D-N.M.) and David Vitter (R-La.) introduced last week by email that proves the legislation was created by the chemical industry.​

"It was clear from the computer coding that the final draft originated at the American Chemical Council itself,” she said.

Lobbyist Caught Drafting Legislation

Oh, and lookie there...Tom Udall is getting money from American Chemical...
So does this mean that Barbara Boxer is not aware that big Pharma was involved in the drafting of the ACA? Is she surprised that a vast amount of legislation is based on guidelines set by the lobbyists?

Better yet....are you surprised to hear that the crux of most legislation is designed by the lobbyists who represent the industries they affect?

Is there are better way? Should we have our legislators design legislation that directly affects an industry for good or bad even though none, or few of them, have ever been involved in the industry?

Are you not aware that our legislators are not supposed to draft and vote on legislation WITHOUT knowledge of how it will affect the people they serve?

Are you not aware that Barbara Boxer simply played politics and criticized something she knows will ruffle feathers of folks like you when, in fact, she is aware that it is the way it is supposed to be?

What is it like to support a representative that sees you as so naïve that she is aware you will spread her spin?
What's wrong with that?

What's wrong with Lobbies and Lobbyists?

Who would speak for certain industries were it not for lobbyists?

the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM doesn't need lobbyists. Neither does the Military or any other exttaordianarily powerful group.

But farmers might. Beauticians might. Small machine shops might. Engineering firms might. Fishermen might. Environmentalists might. Roofers, Carpenters, Insurance, Doctors, Nurses, Radiologists and about ten thousand (literally) other under-represented firms, employees and interest might need someone to bring their wants and needs to the attention of those we elect to office.

You have a lobby representing you. Whatever you do, there is a lobbyist that brings your wants and needs to the attention of elected Representatives.

How is it possible for an elected Representative (most of whom are stupid fucking lawyers) to be aware of the wants and needs of his/her constituents unless someone tells him/her about them?


You just don't understand how the system works.

Is it open to abuse? Of course it is. So is everything else.

You seem to believe that an all-powerful, all-knowing, centralized government with input from the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM can solve every problem.

Which is why you're a dimocrap. You're immature, not very bright and juvenile.
Tit for tat is illegal, no matter who in government does it.....

We will see if this turns out to be that...
There is nothing illegal here. Lobbyists are the reason certain legislation is drafted. WHy do you think they exist?
So we are suppose to believe the Democrats don't form a bill with people who lobbied them?

Start with UNIONS, environmentalist , planned parenthood/abortions etc

Boxer is just another Democrat hypocrite/snake in that party
I can see where the idea that the people writing legislation would benefit from knowing what they are talking about.
Perhaps the appropriate input from industries involved could help avoid totally ignorant legislation written by people who don't have a clue what they are doing.

It's good for all of us to KNOW who is behind all legislation. We should be made aware of this on every piece introduced on the floor...So we know who was influential in its creation.


That is......if people don't just KNEE JERK defend it for pure PARTISAN reasons.... without even researching whether the Bill hurts us, as a Nation.
It's good for all of us to KNOW who is behind all legislation. We should be made aware of this on every piece introduced on the floor...So we know who was influential in its creation.


That is......if people don't just KNEE JERK defend it for pure PARTISAN reasons.... without even researching whether the Bill hurts us, as a Nation.

Yeah ... That might have solved the "We need to pass it so we can see what is in it" crap surrounding the ACA.

People fall for this bs from someone like Boxer (like this is SOMETHING new) and now you see why we are swimming up a shit creek without a paddle.
Chemical bill came from industry

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) said she recieved a copy of the chemical reform bill that Sens. Tom Udall (D-N.M.) and David Vitter (R-La.) introduced last week by email that proves the legislation was created by the chemical industry.​

"It was clear from the computer coding that the final draft originated at the American Chemical Council itself,” she said.

Lobbyist Caught Drafting Legislation

Oh, and lookie there...Tom Udall is getting money from American Chemical...
Tom Udall? Yea he is a scummy liberal Democrat
Chemical bill came from industry

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) said she recieved a copy of the chemical reform bill that Sens. Tom Udall (D-N.M.) and David Vitter (R-La.) introduced last week by email that proves the legislation was created by the chemical industry.​

"It was clear from the computer coding that the final draft originated at the American Chemical Council itself,” she said.

Lobbyist Caught Drafting Legislation

Oh, and lookie there...Tom Udall is getting money from American Chemical...
When you have a Lobbyists controlled U.S. Congress, this is just par for the course. It would be rare and very unusual to hear of legislation that wasn't greatly influenced by outside sources. Corruption, favoritism, and pay-back, are all normal for The Washington Brotherhood. Anyone believing differently, is living in a fairy tale world of make believe.

No surprise here, nor is it news. It's just another day in Washington politics. --------- AMERICA ...... Taxation without fair, equal, and just representation, period.
No wonder our laws are crud in this Nation, if our Congress critters don't even read let alone write, the very bills they say and are given credit for introducing and writing....
None of you batted an eyelash over Gruber writing that fascist pos called, OscamCare

You're still in favor of it even after he call you all STUPID people because it was pitched by your Dear leader, Obama

so give us a break
It's good for all of us to KNOW who is behind all legislation. We should be made aware of this on every piece introduced on the floor...So we know who was influential in its creation.


That is......if people don't just KNEE JERK defend it for pure PARTISAN reasons.... without even researching whether the Bill hurts us, as a Nation.
Who determines that?
It's good for all of us to KNOW who is behind all legislation. We should be made aware of this on every piece introduced on the floor...So we know who was influential in its creation.


That is......if people don't just KNEE JERK defend it for pure PARTISAN reasons.... without even researching whether the Bill hurts us, as a Nation.

Yeah ... That might have solved the "We need to pass it so we can see what is in it" crap surrounding the ACA.

yep....but congress did have 6 months to read all the parts of the Bill, just not the final draft put together.
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That is......if people don't just KNEE JERK defend it for pure PARTISAN reasons.... without even researching whether the Bill hurts us, as a Nation.

You gotta admit that it's pretty strange to read the fucked up Republicans on here saying how wonderful it is that lobbyists have the power and influence to have legislation written that could put the fucks to people who have to live with the legislation written.

Of course our resident right wrongers on here will say that lobbyists ONLY propose legislation that would benefit ALL the people of a certain area.

But it is weird to vote for a politician who promises to do something for the voters, then the politician gets into office, says fuck the voters who put me here, I work for the lobbyists.

And the right wrongers on here all cheer. Weird.

Why not cut to the chase and just vote for what lobbyists we want representing us? Makes about as much sense as the fucked up system we have now.
It's good for all of us to KNOW who is behind all legislation. We should be made aware of this on every piece introduced on the floor...So we know who was influential in its creation.


That is......if people don't just KNEE JERK defend it for pure PARTISAN reasons.... without even researching whether the Bill hurts us, as a Nation.

Who determines that?

We The people, should...Lobbyists would be included with their opinions.
Here you go. Not one of you protested over this. Just who the hell is Warren Buffet that Obama wanted to name a rule/tax with his name:

Buffett Rule
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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The Buffett Rule is part of a tax plan proposed by President Barack Obama in 2011.[1] The tax plan would apply a minimum tax rate of 30 percent on individuals making more than a million dollars a year.[2][3] According to a White House official, the new tax rate would directly affect 0.3 percent of taxpayers.[1]

ALL of it here:
Buffett Rule - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

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