Someone finally explained who created ISIS

This is probably the same.propaganda the left says the tea party was created just because Obama was black.
Not watching your dumb ass propaganda video, Obama made a vacuum by not making a deal to keep our troops in, Iraq parliament didn't ok our troops in this time, they didn't ok for us to bomb their country did they?
So you blaming bush Jr. is bullshit he has not been president for over 6 years
I believe the same institution behind the creation of Islam is behind the creation of ISIS. You have their religious cross in your avatar. (Catholic Nazi Symbol) It's even named after one of their gods. As for the link - this story on the same link you provided appears to be more likely to be true. Putting people in jail if they don't vote. Well, if a law could be passed putting people in jail for now having healthcare insurance I suppose this could be the next step.

Obama Calls For Mandatory Voting in U.S.

“It would be transformative if everybody voted,” said the politician who raised over a billion – with a B – dollars during each of his two presidential runs. “That would counteract [campaign] money more than anything. If everybody voted, then it would completely change the political map in this country.”

“Other countries have mandatory voting,” the President said referencing nations like Australia, which passed compulsory voting laws in 1924. Down Under, a citizen will be fined and can even be jailed in certain situations if they do not cast a ballot.

I watched it.

It was pretty good. And it was pretty factual.

It asked a lot of "why's" that it didn't give answers to though. I knew all this information already. This policy was deliberate. The agenda is called, The Project for a “New Middle East”

The secret most Americans don't know, the secret that is to painful for them to look directly at, is that WE are the aggressors, we are the fascists. They don't educate us, or our children to this fact. That is the nature of compulsory education.

Plans for Redrawing the Middle East: The Project for a “New Middle East”
Plans for Redrawing the Middle East The Project for a New Middle East Global Research

New Middle East Map

"Secretary Condoleezza Rice stated during a press conference that “[w]hat we’re seeing here [in regards to the destruction of Lebanon and the Israeli attacks on Lebanon], in a sense, is the growing—the ‘birth pangs’—of a ‘New Middle East’ and whatever we do we [meaning the United States] have to be certain that we’re pushing forward to the New Middle East [and] not going back to the old one.”1 Secretary Rice was immediately criticized for her statements both within Lebanon and internationally for expressing indifference to the suffering of an entire nation, which was being bombed indiscriminately by the Israeli Air Force.

The Anglo-American Military Roadmap in the Middle East and Central Asia

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s speech on the “New Middle East” had set the stage. The Israeli attacks on Lebanon –which had been fully endorsed by Washington and London– have further compromised and validated the existence of the geo-strategic objectives of the United States, Britain, and Israel. According to Professor Mark Levine the “neo-liberal globalizers and neo-conservatives, and ultimately the Bush Administration, would latch on to creative destruction as a way of describing the process by which they hoped to create their new world orders,” and that “creative destruction [in] the United States was, in the words of neo-conservative philosopher and Bush adviser Michael Ledeen, ‘an awesome revolutionary force’ for (…) creative destruction…”2"


Our 4th Amendment Rights are being eroded over there in the Middle East. We need WWIII to set it right.


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