Senator’s husband stands to profit big from government deal


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Once again it is the democrat rich taking the American people for a ride.

Senator 8217 s husband stands to profit big from government deal Page Six

Ever wonder how lowly paid lawmakers leave office filthy rich?

Sen. Dianne Feinstein is showing how it’s done.

The US Postal Service plans to sell 56 buildings — so it can lease space more expensively — and the real estate company of the California senator’s husband, Richard Blum, is set to pocket about $1 billion in commissions.
Crony Capitalism, all the Great Progressive Dictatorships worked the same way

Can you imagine if she were a Republican?

Dems have or had Senators who lied about being a veteran, were a Grand Kleagle of the KKK, one who said her cheekbones make her a Cherokee, a guy who is a drug mule for the Las Vegas Mafia, and then there's Feinstein
This has been going on since our progressive Founding Father's fought to make this nation independent...
Once again it is the democrat rich taking the American people for a ride.

Senator 8217 s husband stands to profit big from government deal Page Six

Ever wonder how lowly paid lawmakers leave office filthy rich?

Sen. Dianne Feinstein is showing how it’s done.

The US Postal Service plans to sell 56 buildings — so it can lease space more expensively — and the real estate company of the California senator’s husband, Richard Blum, is set to pocket about $1 billion in commissions.
Isn't that what we've grown accustom to? No surprise here. It's just par for the course. It's no secret that the members of "The Washington Brotherhood" are self-serving and practice greed at every available chance. Personally, I fail to see how anyone could be shocked at this news, or any news concerning self-service within government. Yet, what is amazing and shocking, is the fact that voters actually put these people in Washington to run this once great nation.
we desperately need a LAW that demands term limits. But maybe it's too late now anyway. They are out for THEMSELVES. Occasionally, they'll throw a bone towards the little people to keep them happy. This type of stuff should piss every citizens off
Once again it is the democrat rich taking the American people for a ride.

Horseshit. You all love plutocrats if they vote Republican.

This is just another example of plutocrats taking care of other plutocrats.

And you act like a Republican wouldn't be all over this deal IF they could get the same deal.

Once again it is the democrat rich taking the American people for a ride.

Horseshit. You all love plutocrats if they vote Republican.

This is just another example of plutocrats taking care of other plutocrats.

And you act like a Republican wouldn't be all over this deal IF they could get the same deal.


But it is not a Republican, it is, once again, a Democrat getting rich off their position. Just like LBJ became rich.
we desperately need a LAW that demands term limits. But maybe it's too late now anyway. They are out for THEMSELVES. Occasionally, they'll throw a bone towards the little people to keep them happy. This type of stuff should piss every citizens off

What we need is more voters willing to impose term limits on Congress criters, like was done with Cantor. And you noticed when that was done how the left wing said that was showing Republicans as fragmented? They didn't understand how people can go against their party.
Once again it is the democrat rich taking the American people for a ride.

Horseshit. You all love plutocrats if they vote Republican.

This is just another example of plutocrats taking care of other plutocrats.

And you act like a Republican wouldn't be all over this deal IF they could get the same deal.

In other words, you have no comment on the situation other than "your guys would do it too".

I guess in your warped mind, that makes it acceptable.
Once again it is the democrat rich taking the American people for a ride.

Horseshit. You all love plutocrats if they vote Republican.

This is just another example of plutocrats taking care of other plutocrats.

And you act like a Republican wouldn't be all over this deal IF they could get the same deal.


BTW, it is interesting and quite a display of you knowing yourself the way you signed your post. Most people use their first name or handle but you, you make a statement, Bravo.
Once again it is the democrat rich taking the American people for a ride.

Horseshit. You all love plutocrats if they vote Republican.

This is just another example of plutocrats taking care of other plutocrats.

And you act like a Republican wouldn't be all over this deal IF they could get the same deal.


Yeah, but if she were a Republican you'd be organizing an Occupy protest screaming about the one percent. Funny when it's a Democrat your attitude suddenly becomes, "well, they all do it."
Once again it is the democrat rich taking the American people for a ride.

Horseshit. You all love plutocrats if they vote Republican.

This is just another example of plutocrats taking care of other plutocrats.

And you act like a Republican wouldn't be all over this deal IF they could get the same deal.


Yeah, but if she were a Republican you'd be organizing an Occupy protest screaming about the one percent. Funny when it's a Democrat your attitude suddenly becomes, "well, they all do it."

Yeah but once again, she is not.
we desperately need a LAW that demands term limits. But maybe it's too late now anyway. They are out for THEMSELVES. Occasionally, they'll throw a bone towards the little people to keep them happy. This type of stuff should piss every citizens off

Term limits would not stop this!

Besides - we have term limits already. It's called the ballot box!

American voters have the ultimate word on how long any politician should remain in office.

That's the way our republic is supposed to work.

The same laws should apply to Congressmembers the same as individuals in the private sector. If you want real change in corruption, don't permit any politician leaving office to work for or receive benefits from entities that were under the purview.

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