Senator Paul vows to hold up any spending bill to keep the government open past Sept 30 that includes money for Ukraine

This war has been horrific since the very beginning. The idiots who cheer for sides as though it was a sporting event, should be forced to view every dead body, military and civilian. Putin was evil to launch it but NATO/US were evil to back him into this corner and leave him no options.

Anyone who thinks all of this will end with Putin's forces pushed all the way out of Ukraine, especially Crimea, is a fool who will deserve what comes if nukes are finally employed. Putin has never been timid about killing to maintain his power and if he believes he will die at any point, why wouldn't he take millions with him? I just hope that if America sustains a nuclear attack, I live long enough to hear that DC has been turned into a glowing crater. It has become a place of genuine evil.
Yes, Putin will die before this ends. It is the only way.
What else is Paul to do when today he sees the CIA re-dance their marionette, Bidenochio, back onto the stage to do a Pimp-Ukrainian Panhandler imitation?

Congress is, again, working against the clock on this. Either they pass a spending bill before the end of the month or there will e=be a government shut down. And, as GOP leader say, the repubs will get the blame for it, if it happens. We all know that when repubs capture one of the chambers and a Dem President is in the WH, a shut down is in the cards.
They will pass his ass like they have done for years.

Congress is, again, working against the clock on this. Either they pass a spending bill before the end of the month or there will e=be a government shut down. And, as GOP leader say, the repubs will get the blame for it, if it happens. We all know that when repubs capture one of the chambers and a Dem President is in the WH, a shut down is in the cards.
Shut it the fuck down. Pass a CLEAN spending bill or no bill at all. Sometimes you must do the right thing regardless of consequences. Protecting Americans hard earned money from THIEVERY is the right thing, always.
Trump's school wasn't Ivy league....try again.

Dubya was a friggin' surprise here.
The University of Pennsylvania is one of the eight private colleges and universities in the vaunted Ivy League, known for accepting unusually smart students, great test takers, legacies, and the sons and daughters of famous and/or very wealthy people.
We can do both

In the 1960s we funded the Vietnam War, Apollo Program, completed the Interstate Hwy System and the War on Poverty…..all with a balanced budget

We can afford to support Ukraine against a Russian Invasion and secure our border
We have been supporting like crazy. 0 has been done about the border.

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