Senator Feinstein thinks POTUS will Resign

There has never been a sitting President that within the 2 months of being in office has been in office has been so embroiled in serious scandals.
Yeah, fake scandals created by the left and spread by the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party. Better known as the msm. The American people are wise to your games.
Senator Feinstein Was a lowly city government staffer on a measly union pay scale when she ran for office in the 80's now she and her do nothing husband are filthy rich. See what Trump is up against?
There's no chance. He's simply not a quitter, he enjoys the spotlight as much as anyone, and, he feels he has an obligation to those who supported him.

Oh poster please. Rump's never "felt an obligation" to anyone in his life but Numero Uno. Ever.
That's absurd. He's got more ways to weasel out of any and all responsibility than a greased eel on a hot stove.
Feinstein is a Jew. You can't trust a Jew, especially her.
That is asinine. STFU loser. Go ahead, switch parties and join the Jew hating Dems. Damn, we have some incredible idiots.
I see I have triggered you by calling out the Jew. Excellent!
You are the trash that holds our country back. Did a Jew rape your mother? Are you half Jew? What exactly is your deal?
I voted for our new holy glorious leader, Donald Trump. We're taking this country forward and making America great again. As for the Jew, I expose them and their treachery that puts the nation in jeopardy.
Thank god I left California circling the drain just in time



Senator Hints That Trump May Resign: "I Think He Is Going To Get Himself Out

It’s no secret that there is a concerted effort underway to do everything possible to remove President Donald Trump from office.

From Russian ties to business conflicts of interests, both Democrats and Republicans are actively working to find chinks in the President’s armor.

But for those with hope of change in their hearts, Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein says there is a possibility that Trump will eventually remove himself from office by filing his own resignation.

Senator Hints That Trump May Resign: "I Think He Is Going To Get Himself Out" | Zero Hedge

I hope she's right. There has never been a sitting President that within the 2 months of being in office has been in office has been so embroiled in serious scandals.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

His conflicts of interest are coming out of everywhere. In violation of the Emolument Clause in the Constitution--and it's glaring.

So Trump can still hold onto his enormous ego by walking out or go down in the firestorm that is coming.

Oreo, you are in to deep to think rationally. Wild allegations by leftists pigs in the media, dem lite repugs, and National Socialist fascists in the dem party are expected. Still waiting on proof for any the ridiculous shit they have spewed.

This isn't coming from the left dumbass it's coming from Republicans. Now you can live your life like this for the next 4 years--(every day) trying to defend the indefensible--while taking the entire Republican party down with you, or realise that you made one YUUUUGE mistake and choose to save the party by dumping Trump asap.

There are no other options. If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not real hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Coverup when they take over in 2018. It's not to hard to imagine what Democrats will do with the Emolument clause in the Constitution regarding his numerous foreign conflicts of interest.

This is NOT going away. This is just the start. I imagine this is why Diane Fienstein stated he'll resign. You don't like her because she is a Democrat, but she's really not stupid. In fact she has been a ranking member of the Senate Intelligence committee for quite some time. And she doesn't have a fond opinion of Russia.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

This is a 1000 times worse than Watergate
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Thank god I left California circling the drain just in time



Senator Hints That Trump May Resign: "I Think He Is Going To Get Himself Out

It’s no secret that there is a concerted effort underway to do everything possible to remove President Donald Trump from office.

From Russian ties to business conflicts of interests, both Democrats and Republicans are actively working to find chinks in the President’s armor.

But for those with hope of change in their hearts, Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein says there is a possibility that Trump will eventually remove himself from office by filing his own resignation.

Senator Hints That Trump May Resign: "I Think He Is Going To Get Himself Out" | Zero Hedge

I agree with Senator Feinstein.
IMO we as Americans have to take back California not flee it! Get the illegal aliens out and make sure the elections are not rigged and ridiculous turds like Feinstein will be voted out!

oreo, I formally request you limit your posting of the video clip of homosexual Shep Smith to one per thread. Thanks in advance!
IMO we as Americans have to take back California not flee it! Get the illegal aliens out and make sure the elections are not rigged and ridiculous turds like Feinstein will be voted out!

oreo, I formally request you limit your posting of the video clip of homosexual Shep Smith to one per thread. Thanks in advance!
What have you succeeded at?
Thank god I left California circling the drain just in time



Senator Hints That Trump May Resign: "I Think He Is Going To Get Himself Out

It’s no secret that there is a concerted effort underway to do everything possible to remove President Donald Trump from office.

From Russian ties to business conflicts of interests, both Democrats and Republicans are actively working to find chinks in the President’s armor.

But for those with hope of change in their hearts, Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein says there is a possibility that Trump will eventually remove himself from office by filing his own resignation.

Senator Hints That Trump May Resign: "I Think He Is Going To Get Himself Out" | Zero Hedge

He'll have to eventually
Thank god I left California circling the drain just in time



Senator Hints That Trump May Resign: "I Think He Is Going To Get Himself Out

It’s no secret that there is a concerted effort underway to do everything possible to remove President Donald Trump from office.

From Russian ties to business conflicts of interests, both Democrats and Republicans are actively working to find chinks in the President’s armor.

But for those with hope of change in their hearts, Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein says there is a possibility that Trump will eventually remove himself from office by filing his own resignation.

Senator Hints That Trump May Resign: "I Think He Is Going To Get Himself Out" | Zero Hedge

I hope she's right. There has never been a sitting President that within the 2 months of being in office has been in office has been so embroiled in serious scandals.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

His conflicts of interest are coming out of everywhere. In violation of the Emolument Clause in the Constitution--and it's glaring.

So Trump can still hold onto his enormous ego by walking out or go down in the firestorm that is coming.

Oreo, you are in to deep to think rationally. Wild allegations by leftists pigs in the media, dem lite repugs, and National Socialist fascists in the dem party are expected. Still waiting on proof for any the ridiculous shit they have spewed.

Proof that most of the crap coming from Trump's mouth is lies from Alex Jones and his bunch? You're kidding, right?
45 is not stepping down. Where else can you watch TV all day long and then take a 2 day $3 million dollar vacation every single weekend and still be called the leader of the free world?
What scandals??

All I've read about is a bunch of unverified bullshit. No one coming out and accusing Trump of anything. No names. Just loads of supposition.

Just unverified crap.

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