Senator Feinstein thinks POTUS will Resign

Feinstein is playing to the uneducated angry democrat base. You gotta wonder how smart democrat politicians are when they continue to use the old 60's democrat playbook when they lost their leadership position and over 2,000 state and local elections not to mention the governors in the last couple of years. Duh Mrs Feinstein, it ain't Cronkite's world anymore, Americans are smarter and better informed than y'all stodgy old liberal remnants who can barely use a freaking cell phone.

Feinstein has been a ranking member of the Senate Intelligence committee for quite some time now. Fienstein may be giving Trump ae a heads up right now. Suggesting that Trump resigns, or face the consequences.

Again, if Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not to hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Cover-up when they take over in 2018. Let alone investigating his many foreign conflicts of interest. When they take over, the first thing they'll do is get Trump's income tax returns via the Ways & Means committee, which Republicans refused to do a couple of weeks ago. This is politics 101.

You have given Democrats the BEST GIFT they've ever recieved by electing Donald Trump.

So Republicans have two choices: They can be the spear and remove Trump from office asap, or write their own obituaries for 2018-2020 and beyond.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

One more thing to keep in mind: Obama ordered this Russian investigation to be done BEFORE he left office. It is reported by several sources including FOX NEWS--(link below) that he PRESERVED damming intelligence. Meaning he's not going to turn it ALL over to FBI Director, James Comey who is also under investigation for his interference into this election, and he's certainly NOT going to give it all to Republicans that would have squashed it. He's got the ace card and he won't release it until Democrats take over in 2018.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

So this current ongoing Republican Senate investigation is the 2nd investigation, for "show" only.

Trump and company have been wholly outfoxed by Barack Obama.

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I didn't "take off work" Klown, nor was O'bama in the White House then. Go buy a history book --- maybe you can find one in way big obnoxious type.

But I did take a FEMA check when I was displaced by Katrina and my car was underwater up to its roof and my posessions were submerged under 8 feet of it and I had to go live somewhere. You want that back now? Talk to George Bush.

Yes, failed. Anybody who makes a living not only being an asshole but being one on TV is automatically a failure.
You have some serious emotional problems that need attention. Maybe it stems from when your car was under water. Lets look at this. So you and all of your possessions were lost when your car was in a hurricane? You had access to a car but still you got caught up in a hurricane? A forecasted hurricane? A hurricane that gave us a weeks notice before it hit land and you got caught in it? You had a car but didn't leave? I wouldn't have given you shit for you and your car...You got a FEMA check because you were too stupid to drive inland in your car. You are as stupid today as you were back then.

Well being from Texas I rode out Ike and drove out the next morning when winds were still high. Most of my family live up North in Canada or Illinois, so evacuating to another spot was not optional.

I stayed at the job for a week before the lights came back on and afterwards moved out near Victoria.

What is my point with my story!?!

1. Not everyone has somewhere to go and driving out of town on limited resources ( not saying POGO resources were limited ) may have not been an option.

2. People that did leave were already booked in hotels and motels across the region and there were not many places to head to unless you went to Texas.

3. No one thought Katrina would sink New Orleans. So it made sense to ride it out.


I have been through three hurricanes and Ike was the worst because of it size and the amount of time it lasted.

I will never ride another one out...

You went to Victoria as in BC?

I went to relatives in Mississippi. Me and my GF and her dog. Her cat had taken off somewhere and we didn't find him. They lost power there too for a while but I had brought a battery-powered radio and stayed up all Monday night listening to WWL and the reports and call-in reports. I remember hearing the first call-in report of encroaching water and the guy reporting his neighbor calling for help. Eerie.

My GF's neighbors in the same house chose to ride it out, even though they had a brand new car. They woke that night to find themselves floating in their bed. Eventually broke in to the upstairs apartment where they were eventually rescued by helicopter. It was about 8 feet there in that section of Mid-city.

Katrina was the first hurricane I ever evacuated for. There was at least one (Georges maybe?) when I was out of town.

Victoria Texas which is about hundred miles from Houston..

Been through a few Hurricanes but Ike was my last ride.

Katrina no one expected to be as bad and when the flood happen it just blew everyone mind.
I didn't "take off work" Klown, nor was O'bama in the White House then. Go buy a history book --- maybe you can find one in way big obnoxious type.

But I did take a FEMA check when I was displaced by Katrina and my car was underwater up to its roof and my posessions were submerged under 8 feet of it and I had to go live somewhere. You want that back now? Talk to George Bush.

Yes, failed. Anybody who makes a living not only being an asshole but being one on TV is automatically a failure.
You have some serious emotional problems that need attention. Maybe it stems from when your car was under water. Lets look at this. So you and all of your possessions were lost when your car was in a hurricane? You had access to a car but still you got caught up in a hurricane? A forecasted hurricane? A hurricane that gave us a weeks notice before it hit land and you got caught in it? You had a car but didn't leave? I wouldn't have given you shit for you and your car...You got a FEMA check because you were too stupid to drive inland in your car. You are as stupid today as you were back then.

No stoopid. Learn to read what's on the page and not what's in your head.

My car was stashed in a parking lot. We evacuated in the GF's car, which was smaller and lower, hence more vulnerable to water. I saw my car on a satellite photo back in New Orleans after the levees broke from my base upriver in Mississippi, just its roof above the water.

We did not get "caught up in a hurricane" --- we evacuated Sunday. The storm landed Monday morning. We had had less than 18 hours notice so it was hardly "forecasted" [sic] but we scrambled and left anyway. As we pulled out Sunday moring there was a truck perusing the neighborhood selling fruit. Selling fruit, like a normal day. That's just an illustration of how uncertain the whole thing was and how word had not entirely disseminated or if it had wasn't universally acted on. I knew nothing of a coming storm until Saturday afternoon when a co-worker called me and said "so what are you gonna do about this hurricane?" and I said "what hurricane"? There's another example, both of which probably sail over your pointed little head.

Go see if you can find a remedial reading course. Perhaps the government will pay for it. It should, since at your present level of abject ignorance you're a danger to the public.
Rump was a failed TV goon who showed up at fake wrestling events to take his narcissism out for a walk and worked a string of bankruptcies as long as your arm. See what we're all up against?

What's with the giant type dood? Posting for the nursing home?
President Trump paid 36 million dollars in federal income tax in 2005 so you and your buddies could take off of work for 2 and 1/2 years on Obama handouts. Now the free ride is ending and you're pissed off and butt hurt. Failed TV goon? he mastered his role on television and that is when America found out they like the man, so you failed twice in one post. The big type is used in the hope that you brain dead libs can adsorb some intelligence from it. Guess it didn't work.

I didn't "take off work" Klown, nor was O'bama in the White House then. Go buy a history book --- maybe you can find one in way big obnoxious type.

But I did take a FEMA check when I was displaced by Katrina and my car was underwater up to its roof and my posessions were submerged under 8 feet of it and I had to go live somewhere. You want that back now? Talk to George Bush.

Yes, failed. Anybody who makes a living not only being an asshole but being one on TV is automatically a failure. Of course that all depends on what your values are. If you actually find some aesthetic redemption in the vast wasteland of television, you're too far gone.
Ha! So you were displaced by Katrina along with your 9th Ward friends while I sat back in a gated white community on the Northshore and relished in finally having NO purged of scum. Most excellent! Most very, very excellent!

What a wonderful and compassionate person you are... Yes, sarcasm...

That's why he hides behind a gate. Doesn't have the balls to face the real world.

Which of course readily explains his pig-ignorance about "Joos" and "Neeegrows" and "wetbacks" and of course, that avatar.

You can readily tell by their content which of the posters here actually venture out into the real world and which hide behind their mother's basement or the grownup equivalent "gated communities" where they can allow their ignorance to ferment and then take it to the internets because by definition they have zero social life. Two of them just self-identified.
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I didn't "take off work" Klown, nor was O'bama in the White House then. Go buy a history book --- maybe you can find one in way big obnoxious type.

But I did take a FEMA check when I was displaced by Katrina and my car was underwater up to its roof and my posessions were submerged under 8 feet of it and I had to go live somewhere. You want that back now? Talk to George Bush.

Yes, failed. Anybody who makes a living not only being an asshole but being one on TV is automatically a failure.
You have some serious emotional problems that need attention. Maybe it stems from when your car was under water. Lets look at this. So you and all of your possessions were lost when your car was in a hurricane? You had access to a car but still you got caught up in a hurricane? A forecasted hurricane? A hurricane that gave us a weeks notice before it hit land and you got caught in it? You had a car but didn't leave? I wouldn't have given you shit for you and your car...You got a FEMA check because you were too stupid to drive inland in your car. You are as stupid today as you were back then.

No stoopid. Learn to read what's on the page and not what's in your head.

My car was stashed in a parking lot. We evacuated in the GF's car, which was smaller and lower, hence more vulnerable to water. I saw my car on a satellite photo back in New Orleans after the levees broke from my base upriver in Mississippi, just its roof above the water.

We did not get "caught up in a hurricane" --- we evacuated Sunday. The storm landed Monday morning. We had had less than 18 hours notice so it was hardly "forecasted" [sic] but we scrambled and left anyway. As we pulled out Sunday moring there was a truck perusing the neighborhood selling fruit. Selling fruit, like a normal day. That's just an illustration of how uncertain the whole thing was and how word had not entirely disseminated or if it had wasn't universally acted on. I knew nothing of a coming storm until Saturday afternoon when a co-worker called me and said "so what are you gonna do about this hurricane?" and I said "what hurricane"? There's another example, both of which probably sail over your pointed little head.

Go see if you can find a remedial reading course. Perhaps the government will pay for it. It should, since at your present level of abject ignorance you're a danger to the public.
Sorry that happened to you....
Thank god I left California circling the drain just in time



Senator Hints That Trump May Resign: "I Think He Is Going To Get Himself Out

It’s no secret that there is a concerted effort underway to do everything possible to remove President Donald Trump from office.

From Russian ties to business conflicts of interests, both Democrats and Republicans are actively working to find chinks in the President’s armor.

But for those with hope of change in their hearts, Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein says there is a possibility that Trump will eventually remove himself from office by filing his own resignation.

Senator Hints That Trump May Resign: "I Think He Is Going To Get Himself Out" | Zero Hedge

I hope she's correct.

Yea, I felt the same way for 8 years under the Idiot Obama

I voted for Trump. Because I really really really really really wanted to send a subtle message to liberals that don't listen to us...But that backfired, I GOT Trump. Enough of this bi partisan divisiveness. Middle America, we are lost, drowning. In a sea of political ethical >redirect< monetary BULLSHIT. This is STILL AMERICA. We are at war with ourselves. I don't accept the paradigm that current batch of liberals were trying force down our collective throats. Sorry I voted. For Trump, even. The audacity...never mind.

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