Senate Report Reveals Christine Blasey Ford Had an Encounter Similar to Her Kavanaugh Claim!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
A Senate Judiciary Committee report released Saturday revealed that committee investigators interviewed a man who described a sexual encounter with Christine Blasey Ford that shared similarities to the one she claimed she had with Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh.

According to the report, a man — whose name is redacted — told committee investigators in an interview on September 26, 2018, that when he was a 19-year-old college student, he had visited D.C. over spring break and kissed a girl he believes was Christine Blasey Ford. According to the report:

He said that the kiss happened in the bedroom of a house which was about a 15-to 20 minute walk from the Van Ness Metro, that Dr. Ford was wearing a swimsuit under her clothing, and that the kissing ended when a friend jumped on them as a joke. [Redacted] said that the woman initiated the kissing and that he did not force himself on her.The man’s description of his encounter with Ford is similar to the one Ford alleged she had with Kavanaugh in three ways.

First, the man said the incident took place in the bedroom of a house that was near the Van Ness Metro station, which is located in Northwest Washington, DC, near the border of Montgomery County, Maryland. Ford claimed the incident with Kavanaugh took place in a bedroom of a house in Montgomery County.

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Ford and her retired FBI "Beach Friend" worked with current and former FBI and CIA to rehearse her false statements that is was Judge Kavanaugh who "assaulted" her in this incident

- When a person says the same things, over, and over, and over again, the person is conditioned to believe the lie


- They then initiated a lie detector test with 2 questions, and had to keep repeating the same test over, and over again until they got a "favorable response" that "proved" Ford was not lying!
kissed a girl he believes was Christine Blasey Ford

She was 100% certain her abuser was Kavanaugh. She also testified under oath, and this guy believe it was her and he is not coming forward?? Why, because he or Grassley made it up, that is why.

Sure doesn't change my mind.
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kissed a girl he believes was Christine Blasey Ford

She was 100% certain her abuser was Kavanaugh. She also testified under oath, and this guy believe it was her and he is not coming forward?? Why, because he or the paper made it up, that is why.

Doesn't matter, Ford lied Kavanaugh sits on the Supreme Court and America is better off for it

Another win for Trump
kissed a girl he believes was Christine Blasey Ford

She was 100% certain her abuser was Kavanaugh. She also testified under oath, and this guy believe it was her and he is not coming forward?? Why, because he or Grassley made it up, that is why.

Sure doesn't change my mind.

She also testified under oath,


So did Kavanaugh.
kissed a girl he believes was Christine Blasey Ford

She was 100% certain her abuser was Kavanaugh. She also testified under oath, and this guy believe it was her and he is not coming forward?? Why, because he or Grassley made it up, that is why.

Sure doesn't change my mind.
The loopy kunt lies, that much is obvious
A Senate Judiciary Committee report released Saturday revealed that committee investigators interviewed a man who described a sexual encounter with Christine Blasey Ford that shared similarities to the one she claimed she had with Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh.

According to the report, a man — whose name is redacted — told committee investigators in an interview on September 26, 2018, that when he was a 19-year-old college student, he had visited D.C. over spring break and kissed a girl he believes was Christine Blasey Ford. According to the report:

He said that the kiss happened in the bedroom of a house which was about a 15-to 20 minute walk from the Van Ness Metro, that Dr. Ford was wearing a swimsuit under her clothing, and that the kissing ended when a friend jumped on them as a joke. [Redacted] said that the woman initiated the kissing and that he did not force himself on her.The man’s description of his encounter with Ford is similar to the one Ford alleged she had with Kavanaugh in three ways.

First, the man said the incident took place in the bedroom of a house that was near the Van Ness Metro station, which is located in Northwest Washington, DC, near the border of Montgomery County, Maryland. Ford claimed the incident with Kavanaugh took place in a bedroom of a house in Montgomery County.

Read more at ...

Ford and her retired FBI "Beach Friend" worked with current and former FBI and CIA to rehearse her false statements that is was Judge Kavanaugh who "assaulted" her in this incident

- When a person says the same things, over, and over, and over again, the person is conditioned to believe the lie


- They then initiated a lie detector test with 2 questions, and had to keep repeating the same test over, and over again until they got a "favorable response" that "proved" Ford was not lying!
How many times was the test administered? You do know that with a tack positioned in the correct spot on the human body and with applied pressure you can give off the same body rhythms with every question? Plus a lie detector is not evidence that is admissible in a court of law.
kissed a girl he believes was Christine Blasey Ford

She was 100% certain her abuser was Kavanaugh. She also testified under oath, and this guy believe it was her and he is not coming forward?? Why, because he or Grassley made it up, that is why.

Sure doesn't change my mind.

She also testified under oath,


So did Kavanaugh.

and he lied under oath.
Reality check: Spend some time in the courtroom and you will learn one conspicuous thing about liars: They are ALWAYS "100% certain" of their story. Of course they are! If they admitted to being uncertain, then there is no point in lying in the first place.

As an attorney cross-examining someone who is lying, you learn NEVER to ask, "Are you sure?" Because they always say they are sure. "I'd swear on a stack of Bibles!"

But for people remembering REAL EVENTS from 30 or 40 years ago THERE IS ALWAYS UNCERTAINTY.

I have been to numerous reunions with people from high school and a constant thing is people saying, "That was YOU?!!!' Because through the passage of time things become blurred, and your mind fills in gaps - sometimes erroneously.

Looking at the whole picture from the Kavanaugh hearings, it is obvious that Ford engaged in a planned, scripted, fabrication, from beginning to end. Even HER VOICE gave it away. That mousy little squeak was total bullshit. She is not some lowly file clerk who never speaks in public.
kissed a girl he believes was Christine Blasey Ford

She was 100% certain her abuser was Kavanaugh. She also testified under oath, and this guy believe it was her and he is not coming forward?? Why, because he or Grassley made it up, that is why.

Sure doesn't change my mind.
Yeah no one ever lies under oath

And she might think she was telling the truth and could still be wrong

she had been drinking after all
Reality check: Spend some time in the courtroom and you will learn one conspicuous thing about liars: They are ALWAYS "100% certain" of their story. Of course they are! If they admitted to being uncertain, then there is no point in lying in the first place.

As an attorney cross-examining someone who is lying, you learn NEVER to ask, "Are you sure?" Because they always say they are sure. "I'd swear on a stack of Bibles!"

But for people remembering REAL EVENTS from 30 or 40 years ago THERE IS ALWAYS UNCERTAINTY.

I have been to numerous reunions with people from high school and a constant thing is people saying, "That was YOU?!!!' Because through the passage of time things become blurred, and your mind fills in gaps - sometimes erroneously.

Looking at the whole picture from the Kavanaugh hearings, it is obvious that Ford engaged in a planned, scripted, fabrication, from beginning to end. Even HER VOICE gave it away. That mousy little squeak was total bullshit. She is not some lowly file clerk who never speaks in public.

Now you are picking on her voice. You are right about one thing, a memory is dependent on the last memory of the subject, which is why the focus on the people involved in her terrible attack and the facts surrounding it will never leave her mind, it was traumatic enough to wipe most of the other memories of the day out.
That guy who lied in the report insinuating it was him should of been investigated more thoroughly , he might assault women today, but no they just took his word for it. LIAR, that is what he is, to give Kav and out.
She was 100% certain her abuser was Kavanaugh. She also testified under oath, and this guy believe it was her and he is not coming forward?? Why, because he or Grassley made it up, that is why

She also testified under oath,


So did Kavanaugh.

and he lied under oath.

Your own personal bias isn't evidence

It was proven he lied under oath.
kissed a girl he believes was Christine Blasey Ford

She was 100% certain her abuser was Kavanaugh. She also testified under oath, and this guy believe it was her and he is not coming forward?? Why, because he or the paper made it up, that is why.

Doesn't matter, Ford lied Kavanaugh sits on the Supreme Court and America is better off for it

Another win for Trump
Ford didn't lie in her testimony before the senate, but Kavanaugh did lie before the Senate committee.

The alleged man saying it was him, is simply a made up creature trying to get his 15 minutes of fame or a PAID PLANT by the Trumpsters.... they made up a whole bunch of lies about Ford....

the safeway didn't have 2 doors lie

revenge because Kavanaugh's mom took the Balsey's home away lie...

She practiced lying for her lie detector test lie

her brother was some democratic operative lie...

she was some democratic operative lie...

and this anonymous dude claiming it was him lie... is Grassley going to recommend him to the Judicial Branch for lying?

Ford working with Soros lie...

Pictures/captions in yearbook lies...

YOU, rightwingers CREATED one lie after another about Ford... to DEFLECT from the actual truth.... why else would you all create and or pass these lies around like they were candy on Halloween?

Meanwhile Kavanaugh told one lie after another in his testimony and Grassley and Republicans give him a hi five, for LYING....

and Kavanaugh is sitting as a Justice on the Supreme court when he broke every single ethical standard and protocol for judges.

yes, every single one of them! :eek:

And YOU call that WINNING!? just plain cuckoo!

Falsehoods About Ford -

and this

For a nominee to the nation’s highest court, an arms-length relationship with truth ought to be disqualifying in itself. Period.

Many Americans, whether as private citizens or in professional capacities, struggle in the modern news cycle of hot-takes, not to be mental prisoners of the moment. Last week's Senate Judiciary Hearing hearing was not mere reality TV so much as a critical inflection point for our nation’s commitment to the rule of law. It is especially important to reflect today on just how fundamental the role of Supreme Court judges are in promoting faith in the American legal system — and as such, the concept of justice itself. Where would we be as nation if that faith were to be undermined or worse, eradicated?

Socrates is widely attributed with the saying: “Four things belong to a judge: to hear courteously; to answer wisely; to consider soberly; and to decide impartially.” By this Socratic standard, Judge Brett Kavanaugh failed on all four points during his testimony last week. His remarks were completely antithetical to the values we demand from our jurists.

Exactly what happened in Bethesda, Maryland three decades ago can never be precisely known given the passage of time. What happened in Washington, D.C. mere days ago, however, was easy for reasonable persons to determine: Kavanaugh lied. Repeatedly. Under oath. Indeed, Judge Kavanaugh would never accept the rampant misrepresentations of truth that Witness Kavanaugh offered in front of U.S. senators.

Even if one takes the position that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s highly credible allegations of sexual misconduct shouldn’t derail Kavanaugh’s nomination, his response to them should. Why? Because, as many have detailed carefully and thoughtfully, he lied, misled, displayed extraordinary partisan animus straying at times toward unhinged conspiracy theorizing.

The sheer scope of Kavanaugh’s dishonesty under oath has been detailed in numerous articles, perhaps none as exquisitely comprehensive as Nathan J. Robinson’s essay in Current Affairs. Honesty is important in any job, of course, but for the particular job Kavanaugh seeks, truth is utterly paramount and non-negotiable.

In saner times, the Canons of the Model Code of Judicial Conduct read like quaint truisms. For example, Canon 2A of the Model Code speaks in the mandatory language of “shall,” and requires that judges “shall respect and comply with the law” and “shall act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the fairness and impartiality of the judiciary.”

Opinion | Any law student can tell you why Kavanaugh's lying disqualifies him

How We Know Kavanaugh Is Lying | Current Affairs
kissed a girl he believes was Christine Blasey Ford

She was 100% certain her abuser was Kavanaugh. She also testified under oath, and this guy believe it was her and he is not coming forward?? Why, because he or the paper made it up, that is why.

Doesn't matter, Ford lied Kavanaugh sits on the Supreme Court and America is better off for it

Another win for Trump
Ford didn't lie in her testimony before the senate, but Kavanaugh did lie before the Senate committee.

The alleged man saying it was him, is simply a made up creature trying to get his 15 minutes of fame or a PAID PLANT by the Trumpsters.... they made up a whole bunch of lies about Ford....

the safeway didn't have 2 doors lie

revenge because Kavanaugh's mom took the Balsey's home away lie...

She practiced lying for her lie detector test lie

her brother was some democratic operative lie...

she was some democratic operative lie...

and this anonymous dude claiming it was him lie... is Grassley going to recommend him to the Judicial Branch for lying?

Ford working with Soros lie...

Pictures/captions in yearbook lies...

YOU, rightwingers CREATED one lie after another about Ford... to DEFLECT from the actual truth.... why else would you all create and or pass these lies around like they were candy on Halloween?

Meanwhile Kavanaugh told one lie after another in his testimony and Grassley and Republicans give him a hi five, for LYING....

and Kavanaugh is sitting as a Justice on the Supreme court when he broke every single ethical standard and protocol for judges.

yes, every single one of them! :eek:

And YOU call that WINNING!? just plain cuckoo!

Falsehoods About Ford -

and this

For a nominee to the nation’s highest court, an arms-length relationship with truth ought to be disqualifying in itself. Period.

Many Americans, whether as private citizens or in professional capacities, struggle in the modern news cycle of hot-takes, not to be mental prisoners of the moment. Last week's Senate Judiciary Hearing hearing was not mere reality TV so much as a critical inflection point for our nation’s commitment to the rule of law. It is especially important to reflect today on just how fundamental the role of Supreme Court judges are in promoting faith in the American legal system — and as such, the concept of justice itself. Where would we be as nation if that faith were to be undermined or worse, eradicated?

Socrates is widely attributed with the saying: “Four things belong to a judge: to hear courteously; to answer wisely; to consider soberly; and to decide impartially.” By this Socratic standard, Judge Brett Kavanaugh failed on all four points during his testimony last week. His remarks were completely antithetical to the values we demand from our jurists.

Exactly what happened in Bethesda, Maryland three decades ago can never be precisely known given the passage of time. What happened in Washington, D.C. mere days ago, however, was easy for reasonable persons to determine: Kavanaugh lied. Repeatedly. Under oath. Indeed, Judge Kavanaugh would never accept the rampant misrepresentations of truth that Witness Kavanaugh offered in front of U.S. senators.

Even if one takes the position that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s highly credible allegations of sexual misconduct shouldn’t derail Kavanaugh’s nomination, his response to them should. Why? Because, as many have detailed carefully and thoughtfully, he lied, misled, displayed extraordinary partisan animus straying at times toward unhinged conspiracy theorizing.

The sheer scope of Kavanaugh’s dishonesty under oath has been detailed in numerous articles, perhaps none as exquisitely comprehensive as Nathan J. Robinson’s essay in Current Affairs. Honesty is important in any job, of course, but for the particular job Kavanaugh seeks, truth is utterly paramount and non-negotiable.

In saner times, the Canons of the Model Code of Judicial Conduct read like quaint truisms. For example, Canon 2A of the Model Code speaks in the mandatory language of “shall,” and requires that judges “shall respect and comply with the law” and “shall act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the fairness and impartiality of the judiciary.”

Opinion | Any law student can tell you why Kavanaugh's lying disqualifies him

How We Know Kavanaugh Is Lying | Current Affairs

Nobody is going to read that left loon novel
kissed a girl he believes was Christine Blasey Ford

She was 100% certain her abuser was Kavanaugh. She also testified under oath, and this guy believe it was her and he is not coming forward?? Why, because he or Grassley made it up, that is why.

Sure doesn't change my mind.

She also testified under oath,


So did Kavanaugh.

and he lied under oath.

I know you have to desperately believe that to keep from exploding, but if that was such a slam dunk accusation, democrats would have been all over it like flies on crap. The fact that they are not indicates that their legal counsel has informed them that it would be fruitless to pursue.

Thus, they leave it to random internet keyboard jockeys to maintain the narrative.
Ford's story was never credible and it had nothing to do with anything Kavanaugh said. The minute Ford's friend said it never happened, Ford's story was no longer credible.
She was 100% certain her abuser was Kavanaugh. She also testified under oath, and this guy believe it was her and he is not coming forward?? Why, because he or Grassley made it up, that is why

She also testified under oath,


So did Kavanaugh.

and he lied under oath.

Your own personal bias isn't evidence
Neither were the personal biases of the clown car collection of democRATS that came forward to smear Justice Kavanaugh
Their failure to succeed was a stark repudiation of America's favorite Stalinist political party...the democrats.

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