Senate Report: New Evidence Of Hunter Biden’s Business Ties With Chinese Communist Party


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Senate Report:
New Evidence Of Hunter Biden’s Business Ties With Chinese Communist Party

19 Nov 2020 ~~ By Rusty Weiss

wo Senate Republicans released a supplemental report that alleges millions of dollars in questionable financial transactions between Hunter Biden and associates with ties to the Chinese Communist Party and the Russian government.
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI) released the information on Wednesday.
They say the documents contain new evidence “that confirm the connections between the Biden family and the communist Chinese government.”
The information is based in part on information turned over by Tony Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter’s turned whistleblower.
Many of the documents in the supplemental report involve discussions with a business venture called CEFC China Energy, which was chaired by Ye Jianming.
Jianming, according to a Real Clear Investigations finding, has previously been “an officer in an organization controlled by the Chinese Communist Party and also has ties to the People’s Liberation Army.”
Millions of dollars allegedly exchanged hands between Ye and Hunter’s business associates.
Evidence Of Troubling Ties Is Mounting
Bobulinski, prior to the election, claimed that presumed president-elect Joe Biden discussed business dealing with his son, and suggested the Democrat is also compromised by the Chinese Communist Party.
An email obtained by Fox News at the time appeared to outline a payout for Biden in a joint venture with a Chinese energy firm.
It included a proposed equity split of “20” for “H” and “10 held by H for the big guy?”
Bobulinski, in an interview with Tucker Carlson, insists ‘big guy’ is a reference to Joe Biden.

Senator Johnson indicates that their report has led to more witnesses coming forward. Could there be more evidence forthcoming?
“Our report obviously raised serious questions and broke a logjam of information, and now we have whistleblowers coming forward with new information showing even more troubling ties back to the Chinese government,” Johnson told Just the News.
“These are the people that Hunter Biden associated with and Joe Biden knew full well his family was engaged with.”

China Joe and his family are National Security risks. They are paid foreign operatives... I am in favor for starting a serious, deep digging into China Joe, Hunter and the Biden familys' activities with foreign governments and businesses during and after Joe's terms in office. This would be doing exactly what they did to President Trump the minute he was inaugurated. Appoint a Special counsel. Expand the scope of their investigation to include the election allegations. There seemed to be no limits to the scope of the Special Counsel that investigated Trump
The entire nation needs to take a closer look at the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats now in CHARGE of Washington. While accusing Trump of everything they could think up for the past four years they've concealed what they been doing behind that as a cover to take over the government.
If an independent Council were ever needed to investigate this supposed administration, it's definitely now, especially with this fraudulent election of China Joe and his PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists.
Just waiting for the special prosecutor to be appointed. A lot more information then there was in the lefts Russia Russia.
Senate Report:
New Evidence Of Hunter Biden’s Business Ties With Chinese Communist Party

19 Nov 2020 ~~ By Rusty Weiss

wo Senate Republicans released a supplemental report that alleges millions of dollars in questionable financial transactions between Hunter Biden and associates with ties to the Chinese Communist Party and the Russian government.
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI) released the information on Wednesday.
They say the documents contain new evidence “that confirm the connections between the Biden family and the communist Chinese government.”
The information is based in part on information turned over by Tony Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter’s turned whistleblower.
Many of the documents in the supplemental report involve discussions with a business venture called CEFC China Energy, which was chaired by Ye Jianming.
Jianming, according to a Real Clear Investigations finding, has previously been “an officer in an organization controlled by the Chinese Communist Party and also has ties to the People’s Liberation Army.”
Millions of dollars allegedly exchanged hands between Ye and Hunter’s business associates.
Evidence Of Troubling Ties Is Mounting
Bobulinski, prior to the election, claimed that presumed president-elect Joe Biden discussed business dealing with his son, and suggested the Democrat is also compromised by the Chinese Communist Party.
An email obtained by Fox News at the time appeared to outline a payout for Biden in a joint venture with a Chinese energy firm.
It included a proposed equity split of “20” for “H” and “10 held by H for the big guy?”
Bobulinski, in an interview with Tucker Carlson, insists ‘big guy’ is a reference to Joe Biden.

Senator Johnson indicates that their report has led to more witnesses coming forward. Could there be more evidence forthcoming?
“Our report obviously raised serious questions and broke a logjam of information, and now we have whistleblowers coming forward with new information showing even more troubling ties back to the Chinese government,” Johnson told Just the News.
“These are the people that Hunter Biden associated with and Joe Biden knew full well his family was engaged with.”

China Joe and his family are National Security risks. They are paid foreign operatives... I am in favor for starting a serious, deep digging into China Joe, Hunter and the Biden familys' activities with foreign governments and businesses during and after Joe's terms in office. This would be doing exactly what they did to President Trump the minute he was inaugurated. Appoint a Special counsel. Expand the scope of their investigation to include the election allegations. There seemed to be no limits to the scope of the Special Counsel that investigated Trump
The entire nation needs to take a closer look at the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats now in CHARGE of Washington. While accusing Trump of everything they could think up for the past four years they've concealed what they been doing behind that as a cover to take over the government.
If an independent Council were ever needed to investigate this supposed administration, it's definitely now, especially with this fraudulent election of China Joe and his PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists.

Operative words...'that alleges'..
Senate Report:
New Evidence Of Hunter Biden’s Business Ties With Chinese Communist Party

19 Nov 2020 ~~ By Rusty Weiss

wo Senate Republicans released a supplemental report that alleges millions of dollars in questionable financial transactions between Hunter Biden and associates with ties to the Chinese Communist Party and the Russian government.
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI) released the information on Wednesday.
They say the documents contain new evidence “that confirm the connections between the Biden family and the communist Chinese government.”
The information is based in part on information turned over by Tony Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter’s turned whistleblower.
Many of the documents in the supplemental report involve discussions with a business venture called CEFC China Energy, which was chaired by Ye Jianming.
Jianming, according to a Real Clear Investigations finding, has previously been “an officer in an organization controlled by the Chinese Communist Party and also has ties to the People’s Liberation Army.”
Millions of dollars allegedly exchanged hands between Ye and Hunter’s business associates.
Evidence Of Troubling Ties Is Mounting
Bobulinski, prior to the election, claimed that presumed president-elect Joe Biden discussed business dealing with his son, and suggested the Democrat is also compromised by the Chinese Communist Party.
An email obtained by Fox News at the time appeared to outline a payout for Biden in a joint venture with a Chinese energy firm.
It included a proposed equity split of “20” for “H” and “10 held by H for the big guy?”
Bobulinski, in an interview with Tucker Carlson, insists ‘big guy’ is a reference to Joe Biden.

Senator Johnson indicates that their report has led to more witnesses coming forward. Could there be more evidence forthcoming?
“Our report obviously raised serious questions and broke a logjam of information, and now we have whistleblowers coming forward with new information showing even more troubling ties back to the Chinese government,” Johnson told Just the News.
“These are the people that Hunter Biden associated with and Joe Biden knew full well his family was engaged with.”

China Joe and his family are National Security risks. They are paid foreign operatives... I am in favor for starting a serious, deep digging into China Joe, Hunter and the Biden familys' activities with foreign governments and businesses during and after Joe's terms in office. This would be doing exactly what they did to President Trump the minute he was inaugurated. Appoint a Special counsel. Expand the scope of their investigation to include the election allegations. There seemed to be no limits to the scope of the Special Counsel that investigated Trump
The entire nation needs to take a closer look at the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats now in CHARGE of Washington. While accusing Trump of everything they could think up for the past four years they've concealed what they been doing behind that as a cover to take over the government.
If an independent Council were ever needed to investigate this supposed administration, it's definitely now, especially with this fraudulent election of China Joe and his PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists.

Senate Republicans is corrupt. Johnson is a crook and will be dealt with in 2022.
Senate Report:
New Evidence Of Hunter Biden’s Business Ties With Chinese Communist Party

19 Nov 2020 ~~ By Rusty Weiss

wo Senate Republicans released a supplemental report that alleges millions of dollars in questionable financial transactions between Hunter Biden and associates with ties to the Chinese Communist Party and the Russian government.
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI) released the information on Wednesday.
They say the documents contain new evidence “that confirm the connections between the Biden family and the communist Chinese government.”
The information is based in part on information turned over by Tony Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter’s turned whistleblower.
Many of the documents in the supplemental report involve discussions with a business venture called CEFC China Energy, which was chaired by Ye Jianming.
Jianming, according to a Real Clear Investigations finding, has previously been “an officer in an organization controlled by the Chinese Communist Party and also has ties to the People’s Liberation Army.”
Millions of dollars allegedly exchanged hands between Ye and Hunter’s business associates.
Evidence Of Troubling Ties Is Mounting
Bobulinski, prior to the election, claimed that presumed president-elect Joe Biden discussed business dealing with his son, and suggested the Democrat is also compromised by the Chinese Communist Party.
An email obtained by Fox News at the time appeared to outline a payout for Biden in a joint venture with a Chinese energy firm.
It included a proposed equity split of “20” for “H” and “10 held by H for the big guy?”
Bobulinski, in an interview with Tucker Carlson, insists ‘big guy’ is a reference to Joe Biden.

Senator Johnson indicates that their report has led to more witnesses coming forward. Could there be more evidence forthcoming?
“Our report obviously raised serious questions and broke a logjam of information, and now we have whistleblowers coming forward with new information showing even more troubling ties back to the Chinese government,” Johnson told Just the News.
“These are the people that Hunter Biden associated with and Joe Biden knew full well his family was engaged with.”

China Joe and his family are National Security risks. They are paid foreign operatives... I am in favor for starting a serious, deep digging into China Joe, Hunter and the Biden familys' activities with foreign governments and businesses during and after Joe's terms in office. This would be doing exactly what they did to President Trump the minute he was inaugurated. Appoint a Special counsel. Expand the scope of their investigation to include the election allegations. There seemed to be no limits to the scope of the Special Counsel that investigated Trump
The entire nation needs to take a closer look at the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats now in CHARGE of Washington. While accusing Trump of everything they could think up for the past four years they've concealed what they been doing behind that as a cover to take over the government.
If an independent Council were ever needed to investigate this supposed administration, it's definitely now, especially with this fraudulent election of China Joe and his PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists.

Senate Republicans is corrupt. Johnson is a crook and will be dealt with in 2022.

Sayeth the illiterate and uninformed lemming.
Just how will they be dealt with? Re-education camps or execution?
Just waiting for the special prosecutor to be appointed. A lot more information then there was in the lefts Russia Russia.
You're waiting for a prosecutor in hundreds of phoney scandals, brainwashed functional moron. Keep waiting. The GOP is the swamp duh

No, you're incorrect.

Both parties are the swamp. They've just done a great job dividing you to believe otherwise.
Masters of division
with Biden now Prez, this will get about as far as a soaking wet paper airplane.

Put a fork in it. Total exoneration.

Sad but true.... I'll wait until after 21 January 2021. There's still the possiblity that Joey Xi will turn it over to his round heeled "Ho" in charge of vice.
with Biden now Prez, this will get about as far as a soaking wet paper airplane.

Put a fork in it. Total exoneration.

I'll wait until after 21 January 2021. There's still the possiblity that Joey Xi will turn it over to his round heeled "Ho" in charge of vice.

You don't know The Establishment.
Search my posts over the last few years for.......
"The Establishment will never go after it's own operatives"
You had zero chance of justice on this when Trump was Prez, now the odds are somewhere in the triple negative digits of probability

I'll take atronomical odds on this one. a million to one perhaps?
Just waiting for the special prosecutor to be appointed. A lot more information then there was in the lefts Russia Russia.
You're waiting for a prosecutor in hundreds of phoney scandals, brainwashed functional moron. Keep waiting. The GOP is the swamp duh

No, you're incorrect.

Both parties are the swamp. They've just done a great job dividing you to believe otherwise.
Masters of division
I will go with the journalists and law enforcement around the world, not your misinformation. Rupert Murdoch is a scumbag and runs your party this point period my question is do you think Trump actually believes everything he says?
with Biden now Prez, this will get about as far as a soaking wet paper airplane.

Put a fork in it. Total exoneration.

I'll wait until after 21 January 2021. There's still the possiblity that Joey Xi will turn it over to his round heeled "Ho" in charge of vice.

You don't know The Establishment.
Search my posts over the last few years for.......
"The Establishment will never go after it's own operatives"
You had zero chance of justice on this when Trump was Prez, now the odds are somewhere in the triple negative digits of probability

I'll take atronomical odds on this one. a million to one perhaps?
Pure brainwashed idiotic conspiracy theories period no evidence no chance. Change the channel.
Senate Report:
New Evidence Of Hunter Biden’s Business Ties With Chinese Communist Party

19 Nov 2020 ~~ By Rusty Weiss

wo Senate Republicans released a supplemental report that alleges millions of dollars in questionable financial transactions between Hunter Biden and associates with ties to the Chinese Communist Party and the Russian government.
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI) released the information on Wednesday.
They say the documents contain new evidence “that confirm the connections between the Biden family and the communist Chinese government.”
The information is based in part on information turned over by Tony Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter’s turned whistleblower.
Many of the documents in the supplemental report involve discussions with a business venture called CEFC China Energy, which was chaired by Ye Jianming.
Jianming, according to a Real Clear Investigations finding, has previously been “an officer in an organization controlled by the Chinese Communist Party and also has ties to the People’s Liberation Army.”
Millions of dollars allegedly exchanged hands between Ye and Hunter’s business associates.
Evidence Of Troubling Ties Is Mounting
Bobulinski, prior to the election, claimed that presumed president-elect Joe Biden discussed business dealing with his son, and suggested the Democrat is also compromised by the Chinese Communist Party.
An email obtained by Fox News at the time appeared to outline a payout for Biden in a joint venture with a Chinese energy firm.
It included a proposed equity split of “20” for “H” and “10 held by H for the big guy?”
Bobulinski, in an interview with Tucker Carlson, insists ‘big guy’ is a reference to Joe Biden.

Senator Johnson indicates that their report has led to more witnesses coming forward. Could there be more evidence forthcoming?
“Our report obviously raised serious questions and broke a logjam of information, and now we have whistleblowers coming forward with new information showing even more troubling ties back to the Chinese government,” Johnson told Just the News.
“These are the people that Hunter Biden associated with and Joe Biden knew full well his family was engaged with.”

China Joe and his family are National Security risks. They are paid foreign operatives... I am in favor for starting a serious, deep digging into China Joe, Hunter and the Biden familys' activities with foreign governments and businesses during and after Joe's terms in office. This would be doing exactly what they did to President Trump the minute he was inaugurated. Appoint a Special counsel. Expand the scope of their investigation to include the election allegations. There seemed to be no limits to the scope of the Special Counsel that investigated Trump
The entire nation needs to take a closer look at the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats now in CHARGE of Washington. While accusing Trump of everything they could think up for the past four years they've concealed what they been doing behind that as a cover to take over the government.
If an independent Council were ever needed to investigate this supposed administration, it's definitely now, especially with this fraudulent election of China Joe and his PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists.

Senate Republicans is corrupt. Johnson is a crook and will be dealt with in 2022.

Senate Republicans is corrupt?
Do you speak in ebonics often?
Senate Report:
New Evidence Of Hunter Biden’s Business Ties With Chinese Communist Party

19 Nov 2020 ~~ By Rusty Weiss

wo Senate Republicans released a supplemental report that alleges millions of dollars in questionable financial transactions between Hunter Biden and associates with ties to the Chinese Communist Party and the Russian government.
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI) released the information on Wednesday.
They say the documents contain new evidence “that confirm the connections between the Biden family and the communist Chinese government.”
The information is based in part on information turned over by Tony Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter’s turned whistleblower.
Many of the documents in the supplemental report involve discussions with a business venture called CEFC China Energy, which was chaired by Ye Jianming.
Jianming, according to a Real Clear Investigations finding, has previously been “an officer in an organization controlled by the Chinese Communist Party and also has ties to the People’s Liberation Army.”
Millions of dollars allegedly exchanged hands between Ye and Hunter’s business associates.
Evidence Of Troubling Ties Is Mounting
Bobulinski, prior to the election, claimed that presumed president-elect Joe Biden discussed business dealing with his son, and suggested the Democrat is also compromised by the Chinese Communist Party.
An email obtained by Fox News at the time appeared to outline a payout for Biden in a joint venture with a Chinese energy firm.
It included a proposed equity split of “20” for “H” and “10 held by H for the big guy?”
Bobulinski, in an interview with Tucker Carlson, insists ‘big guy’ is a reference to Joe Biden.

Senator Johnson indicates that their report has led to more witnesses coming forward. Could there be more evidence forthcoming?
“Our report obviously raised serious questions and broke a logjam of information, and now we have whistleblowers coming forward with new information showing even more troubling ties back to the Chinese government,” Johnson told Just the News.
“These are the people that Hunter Biden associated with and Joe Biden knew full well his family was engaged with.”

China Joe and his family are National Security risks. They are paid foreign operatives... I am in favor for starting a serious, deep digging into China Joe, Hunter and the Biden familys' activities with foreign governments and businesses during and after Joe's terms in office. This would be doing exactly what they did to President Trump the minute he was inaugurated. Appoint a Special counsel. Expand the scope of their investigation to include the election allegations. There seemed to be no limits to the scope of the Special Counsel that investigated Trump
The entire nation needs to take a closer look at the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats now in CHARGE of Washington. While accusing Trump of everything they could think up for the past four years they've concealed what they been doing behind that as a cover to take over the government.
If an independent Council were ever needed to investigate this supposed administration, it's definitely now, especially with this fraudulent election of China Joe and his PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists.

Senate Republicans is corrupt. Johnson is a crook and will be dealt with in 2022.

Senate Republicans is corrupt?
Do you speak in ebonics often?

That would be ‘senate republicans be corrupt’.
with Biden now Prez, this will get about as far as a soaking wet paper airplane.

Put a fork in it. Total exoneration.

I'll wait until after 21 January 2021. There's still the possiblity that Joey Xi will turn it over to his round heeled "Ho" in charge of vice.

You don't know The Establishment.
Search my posts over the last few years for.......
"The Establishment will never go after it's own operatives"
You had zero chance of justice on this when Trump was Prez, now the odds are somewhere in the triple negative digits of probability

I'll take atronomical odds on this one. a million to one perhaps?
Pure brainwashed idiotic conspiracy theories period no evidence no chance. Change the channel.
ya all those pics on the laptop were photo shopped as well as the most recent one a couple of weeks ago of the 2 holding hands
No one is going to believe these ridiculous lies.
Senate Report:
New Evidence Of Hunter Biden’s Business Ties With Chinese Communist Party

19 Nov 2020 ~~ By Rusty Weiss

wo Senate Republicans released a supplemental report that alleges millions of dollars in questionable financial transactions between Hunter Biden and associates with ties to the Chinese Communist Party and the Russian government.
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI) released the information on Wednesday.
They say the documents contain new evidence “that confirm the connections between the Biden family and the communist Chinese government.”
The information is based in part on information turned over by Tony Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter’s turned whistleblower.
Many of the documents in the supplemental report involve discussions with a business venture called CEFC China Energy, which was chaired by Ye Jianming.
Jianming, according to a Real Clear Investigations finding, has previously been “an officer in an organization controlled by the Chinese Communist Party and also has ties to the People’s Liberation Army.”
Millions of dollars allegedly exchanged hands between Ye and Hunter’s business associates.
Evidence Of Troubling Ties Is Mounting
Bobulinski, prior to the election, claimed that presumed president-elect Joe Biden discussed business dealing with his son, and suggested the Democrat is also compromised by the Chinese Communist Party.
An email obtained by Fox News at the time appeared to outline a payout for Biden in a joint venture with a Chinese energy firm.
It included a proposed equity split of “20” for “H” and “10 held by H for the big guy?”
Bobulinski, in an interview with Tucker Carlson, insists ‘big guy’ is a reference to Joe Biden.

Senator Johnson indicates that their report has led to more witnesses coming forward. Could there be more evidence forthcoming?
“Our report obviously raised serious questions and broke a logjam of information, and now we have whistleblowers coming forward with new information showing even more troubling ties back to the Chinese government,” Johnson told Just the News.
“These are the people that Hunter Biden associated with and Joe Biden knew full well his family was engaged with.”

China Joe and his family are National Security risks. They are paid foreign operatives... I am in favor for starting a serious, deep digging into China Joe, Hunter and the Biden familys' activities with foreign governments and businesses during and after Joe's terms in office. This would be doing exactly what they did to President Trump the minute he was inaugurated. Appoint a Special counsel. Expand the scope of their investigation to include the election allegations. There seemed to be no limits to the scope of the Special Counsel that investigated Trump
The entire nation needs to take a closer look at the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats now in CHARGE of Washington. While accusing Trump of everything they could think up for the past four years they've concealed what they been doing behind that as a cover to take over the government.
If an independent Council were ever needed to investigate this supposed administration, it's definitely now, especially with this fraudulent election of China Joe and his PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists.

Senate Republicans is corrupt. Johnson is a crook and will be dealt with in 2022.

Senate Republicans is corrupt?
Do you speak in ebonics often?

That would be ‘senate republicans be corrupt’.

Oh,sorry I'm not fluent.
Senate Report:
New Evidence Of Hunter Biden’s Business Ties With Chinese Communist Party

19 Nov 2020 ~~ By Rusty Weiss

wo Senate Republicans released a supplemental report that alleges millions of dollars in questionable financial transactions between Hunter Biden and associates with ties to the Chinese Communist Party and the Russian government.
Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI) released the information on Wednesday.
They say the documents contain new evidence “that confirm the connections between the Biden family and the communist Chinese government.”
The information is based in part on information turned over by Tony Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter’s turned whistleblower.
Many of the documents in the supplemental report involve discussions with a business venture called CEFC China Energy, which was chaired by Ye Jianming.
Jianming, according to a Real Clear Investigations finding, has previously been “an officer in an organization controlled by the Chinese Communist Party and also has ties to the People’s Liberation Army.”
Millions of dollars allegedly exchanged hands between Ye and Hunter’s business associates.
Evidence Of Troubling Ties Is Mounting
Bobulinski, prior to the election, claimed that presumed president-elect Joe Biden discussed business dealing with his son, and suggested the Democrat is also compromised by the Chinese Communist Party.
An email obtained by Fox News at the time appeared to outline a payout for Biden in a joint venture with a Chinese energy firm.
It included a proposed equity split of “20” for “H” and “10 held by H for the big guy?”
Bobulinski, in an interview with Tucker Carlson, insists ‘big guy’ is a reference to Joe Biden.

Senator Johnson indicates that their report has led to more witnesses coming forward. Could there be more evidence forthcoming?
“Our report obviously raised serious questions and broke a logjam of information, and now we have whistleblowers coming forward with new information showing even more troubling ties back to the Chinese government,” Johnson told Just the News.
“These are the people that Hunter Biden associated with and Joe Biden knew full well his family was engaged with.”

China Joe and his family are National Security risks. They are paid foreign operatives... I am in favor for starting a serious, deep digging into China Joe, Hunter and the Biden familys' activities with foreign governments and businesses during and after Joe's terms in office. This would be doing exactly what they did to President Trump the minute he was inaugurated. Appoint a Special counsel. Expand the scope of their investigation to include the election allegations. There seemed to be no limits to the scope of the Special Counsel that investigated Trump
The entire nation needs to take a closer look at the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats now in CHARGE of Washington. While accusing Trump of everything they could think up for the past four years they've concealed what they been doing behind that as a cover to take over the government.
If an independent Council were ever needed to investigate this supposed administration, it's definitely now, especially with this fraudulent election of China Joe and his PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists.

Senate Republicans is corrupt. Johnson is a crook and will be dealt with in 2022.

Senate Republicans is corrupt?
Do you speak in ebonics often?

That would be ‘senate republicans be corrupt’.

You’d better get up to speed or you’ll be called racist! Of course, if you do speak Ebonics you’re still racist.

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