Senate OKs bill to let police officers use radar guns?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2017
Pittsburgh, PA
Ok well this is new to me. I never knew that State Troopers were the only type of law enforcement that were legally able to use radar guns? I thought the reason you see police vehicles sitting on a side of a random road, was that they were looking for speeders? That they had a device that will tell them how fast a car is going?

I have a pretty big issue with this. One day I was driving on a road that has a 45 mph speed limit. I looked at my rear view mirror and there was not a single car in sight, and I was able to see a distance back far enough at least a football field or more that if there was a vehicle traveling behind me I would of seen it. Not even 10-15 seconds after I took my eyes off the rear view and focused back on the road ahead, I seen the red and blue lights no one ever wants to see. He came out of no where. He had to be somewhere on the side of the road that hid him pretty well. If he was driving behind me I would of saw him and there would of been no way he could of caught up with me in that short amount of time.
I pulled over immediately and shut my car off and put both hands on top of they steering wheel. Reason the hands on top of steering wheel is due to personal experience with the law. Just make sure your car is off and they can see your hands. Anyways he came up to window said do you know why I pulled you over? I responded I probably was going to little to fast? He said I was going 54 in a 45.

Ok my question is, did I just straight up get played? Since police officers were never legally allowed to use radar guns, and for the fact he came out of nowhere and immediately turned on lights seconds after I took my focus off rear view, how did he know the exact speed I was going? I mean I started slowing down because I was coming to a bend in the road. No longer than 5 seconds after hitting the brake to slow down he pulled me. I would of had to pass him and he would have to be sitting somewhere out of sight and use a radar to know exact speed I was going. I mean he wasn't even behind me enough to reach the speed I was going before turning his lights on, and wasn't caught up even seconds after slowing down even more. So how did he know exact speed? I got played didn't I ?

What are your thoughts on police officers legally being allowed to use radar guns?
Or you got lit up by another cop car who radioed ahead to the guy that pulled you over?
I have no idea, he said "he" clocked me at. While he was standing at my window another car went flying past and another cop got behind him and pulled him over also. They came out of no where for real.
He said I was going 54 in a 45.

Ok my question is, did I just straight up get played?

Depends! Did you get a speeding ticket or a warning? But usually when a police officer asks you a question like that its best to just say I don't know.
And here are a few suggestions on how to win in court if you so chose to go there.

"What Should I Do If I Have Been Pulled Over with a Radar Gun?

As an accused speeder, you do have certain rights when caught with a radar gun. You can challenge the police officer’s radar training and you can subpoena the calibration records for the radar or laser gun that was used to determine your speed. The radar has to be calibrated at certain intervals, and if it has been more than a certain number of days since it was calibrated, you could win your case. In other words, if it was supposed to be calibrated every 10 days, and you got your ticket 11 days after it was last calibrated, you may be able to challenge the ticket successfully. If you want to know the calibration laws in your state, they generally are available on your state government's website or by calling the police department.

Getting Help for Your Radar Gun Infraction

If you plan on fighting a traffic ticket or trying to get the ticket thrown out because of an improperly calibrated radar gun, you should seriously consider getting legal help. A lawyer can assist you in building your case and maximizing your chances of success getting rid of the ticket - especially for ticket cases involving radar guns and other faulty equipment."

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