Senate Inquiry To Shine A Light On Corporate Tax Avoidance


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014
United Voice welcomes the establishment today (2 October) by the Australian Senate of an inquiry into corporate tax in Australia.

David O’Byrne, National Secretary of United Voice, who launched the ground-breaking report into corporate tax Who Pays for our Common Wealth? on Monday (29 September), said it was an important first step in ensuring all Australian corporations are paying their fair share of tax.

“Following the release of the report the community was shocked to learn that many of Australia’s largest corporations are legally eliminating the need to pay tax at all or reducing their tax bills to 10% or less.

“It has been particularly pleasing that members of the business community, like Richard Goyder andGerry Harvey, have also spoken out against tax avoidance by some large corporations.

“The Senate Inquiry will help the Australian people understand how Australia’s corporate tax system is broken and hopefully how we can begin to fix it,” Mr O’Byrne said.

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