Senate Democrats block VA accountability bill

And from the above article

Republican Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama said: "This bill would spend more than we agreed to spend. The ink is hardly dry and here we have another bill to raise that spending again."

Let's change the bill after it's agreed upon, by the feckless, Dems!:cuckoo:


Yep, outrageous!
There's plenty of money to create veterans...not enough to look after them.

Just look what we got by passing the bill to find out what's in it!:cuckoo:
No, that's not a typo. It happened. Senate Democrats do not want more accountability at the VA. They blocked a VA accountability bill (HR 4031) that would have made it easier to fire VA officials for misconduct or incompetence. The bill passed with overwhelming bipartisan support in the house, by a margin of 390-33.

House Speaker John Boehner on Thursday slammed Washington's response to the scandal at the Department of Veterans Affairs, charging that "these are men and women who served our country — and we’ve not just let them down, we’ve let them die."

"The reports that continue to come are appalling," the Ohio Republican told reporters at his weekly news briefing on Capitol Hill. "This is awful stuff, and someone ought to be held accountable for it."

The speaker praised the House's swift approval of the VA Accountability Act on Wednesday, which gives the VA secretary the authority to remove senior executive service employees based on performance.

The bill passed on a 390-33 vote, with 162 Democrats breaking ranks to support the legislation with 228 Republicans.

"We all share the American people’s outrage about the horrors at the VA — outrage the president belatedly echoed yesterday," Boehner said, referring to President Barack Obama's vow to hold any VA official accountable for delaying treatment for returning service members and to "fix whatever is wrong" with the agency.

"The White House keeps talking about its efforts to increase VA funding, but where’s the accountability?" the speaker asked.

He also attacked Senate Democrats for blocking the House-passed accountability bill. Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio asked senators to bring up the legislation and pass it, but Democrats objected.

"As we head into the Memorial Day weekend, I am disappointed, and – frankly – shocked that Senate Democratic leaders chose to block legislation that would hold VA managers accountable," Boehner said. "This bill is not the whole solution to the systemic problems plaguing the VA, but it is a crucial first step — and there is no substantive objection to it at all. None.

"As we head home to honor the men and women who have sacrificed so much for our freedom, it’s fair to ask why Senate Democrats won’t stand up for more accountability?"

Boehner on Veterans Healthcare Scandal: 'We've Let Them Die'

The admin is dead wrong. Also Boehner has not been a hero for armed forces or vets before this. At least he is on the right side, and I am grateful for that.
Good. Since it's already proven republicans hate veterans, I'm sure there's some ulterior motive.
Just another example that the democrats hate our vets..
No, that's not a typo. It happened. Senate Democrats do not want more accountability at the VA. They blocked a VA accountability bill (HR 4031) that would have made it easier to fire VA officials for misconduct or incompetence. The bill passed with overwhelming bipartisan support in the house, by a margin of 390-33.

House Speaker John Boehner on Thursday slammed Washington's response to the scandal at the Department of Veterans Affairs, charging that "these are men and women who served our country — and we’ve not just let them down, we’ve let them die."

"The reports that continue to come are appalling," the Ohio Republican told reporters at his weekly news briefing on Capitol Hill. "This is awful stuff, and someone ought to be held accountable for it."

The speaker praised the House's swift approval of the VA Accountability Act on Wednesday, which gives the VA secretary the authority to remove senior executive service employees based on performance.

The bill passed on a 390-33 vote, with 162 Democrats breaking ranks to support the legislation with 228 Republicans.

"We all share the American people’s outrage about the horrors at the VA — outrage the president belatedly echoed yesterday," Boehner said, referring to President Barack Obama's vow to hold any VA official accountable for delaying treatment for returning service members and to "fix whatever is wrong" with the agency.

"The White House keeps talking about its efforts to increase VA funding, but where’s the accountability?" the speaker asked.

He also attacked Senate Democrats for blocking the House-passed accountability bill. Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio asked senators to bring up the legislation and pass it, but Democrats objected.

"As we head into the Memorial Day weekend, I am disappointed, and – frankly – shocked that Senate Democratic leaders chose to block legislation that would hold VA managers accountable," Boehner said. "This bill is not the whole solution to the systemic problems plaguing the VA, but it is a crucial first step — and there is no substantive objection to it at all. None.

"As we head home to honor the men and women who have sacrificed so much for our freedom, it’s fair to ask why Senate Democrats won’t stand up for more accountability?"

Boehner on Veterans Healthcare Scandal: 'We've Let Them Die'
[SIZE=+1]N.M. VA Hospital Assigned Vets to Doctors Who No Longer Worked There[/SIZE]

National Review ^

A new report from NBC News reveals that a Veterans Affairs hospital in Albuquerque, N.M., assigned patients to unavailable doctors and treated patients rudely when they inquired about the problem. One veteran said she stopped going to the VA after she was badly treated following her diagnosis of breast cancer.
“Because I didn’t get a response and they didn’t seem to care, I really wasn’t comfortable going there,” said Retired Air Force lieutenant colonel Renee Sussman. She recounted a telephone conversation with a VA pathologist after a two-month delay in which she was told to “call the president” to take up her problems with the system before being hung up on.
NBC News also found that VA clerks falsified wait times at the hospital by making two lists for patients: one showing a false wait time of “zero” days, while another reflected the actual wait time, which could be months. One current employee, who spoke with the network on the condition of anonymity, said patients would be assigned doctors who were no longer seeing patients or working at the hospital. According to an inspector general’s report, one clerk described the situation at the Raymond G. Murphy Medical Center in Albuquerque as “a climate of deceit.” The hospital is in the process of ordering an external review of its practices.
Hey idb? Didn't Democrats block unemployment benefits for the poor? You're kidding me with this right? Not to mention yours is a giant deflection. Seriously, why did Democrats block this bill? Can you give me a straight answer?
Just another example that the democrats hate our vets..
No, that's not a typo. It happened. Senate Democrats do not want more accountability at the VA. They blocked a VA accountability bill (HR 4031) that would have made it easier to fire VA officials for misconduct or incompetence. The bill passed with overwhelming bipartisan support in the house, by a margin of 390-33.

House Speaker John Boehner on Thursday slammed Washington's response to the scandal at the Department of Veterans Affairs, charging that "these are men and women who served our country — and we’ve not just let them down, we’ve let them die."

"The reports that continue to come are appalling," the Ohio Republican told reporters at his weekly news briefing on Capitol Hill. "This is awful stuff, and someone ought to be held accountable for it."

The speaker praised the House's swift approval of the VA Accountability Act on Wednesday, which gives the VA secretary the authority to remove senior executive service employees based on performance.

The bill passed on a 390-33 vote, with 162 Democrats breaking ranks to support the legislation with 228 Republicans.

"We all share the American people’s outrage about the horrors at the VA — outrage the president belatedly echoed yesterday," Boehner said, referring to President Barack Obama's vow to hold any VA official accountable for delaying treatment for returning service members and to "fix whatever is wrong" with the agency.

"The White House keeps talking about its efforts to increase VA funding, but where’s the accountability?" the speaker asked.

He also attacked Senate Democrats for blocking the House-passed accountability bill. Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio asked senators to bring up the legislation and pass it, but Democrats objected.

"As we head into the Memorial Day weekend, I am disappointed, and – frankly – shocked that Senate Democratic leaders chose to block legislation that would hold VA managers accountable," Boehner said. "This bill is not the whole solution to the systemic problems plaguing the VA, but it is a crucial first step — and there is no substantive objection to it at all. None.

"As we head home to honor the men and women who have sacrificed so much for our freedom, it’s fair to ask why Senate Democrats won’t stand up for more accountability?"

Boehner on Veterans Healthcare Scandal: 'We've Let Them Die'

shut up you twat.....Go educate yourself for once and realize why the dems blocked this bill. Boner added in other things. This is a typical Political move both sides to. Thus it creates headlines like the OP posted about, which is a douche move to show your opponent hates a certain thing.

Id just be embarrassed to be you.

The OP posted a lazy amateur move by the GOP and he bought it without reading it further. The OP is lazy and Amateur as well.
Hey idb? Didn't Democrats block unemployment benefits for the poor? You're kidding me with this right? Not to mention yours is a giant deflection. Seriously, why did Democrats block this bill? Can you give me a straight answer?

you got an answer you lazy sack of shit. jesus you are fucking lazy.
Hey idb? Didn't Democrats block unemployment benefits for the poor? You're kidding me with this right? Not to mention yours is a giant deflection. Seriously, why did Democrats block this bill? Can you give me a straight answer?

You mean to say that you don't know why they blocked it? What kind of researcher are you? This question should have been very important to you. An intelligent person would have found out the answer before starting the thread.

Do you need us to feed you the answer?

By the way......when was this bill introduced? That is also an interesting question......once you know the answer.
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Hey idb? Didn't Democrats block unemployment benefits for the poor? You're kidding me with this right? Not to mention yours is a giant deflection. Seriously, why did Democrats block this bill? Can you give me a straight answer?

They didn't.

Senate Democrats are working on the bill and will support it when it's finished. Rubio tried to force an immediate vote as a political stunt (for the purpose of pushing people like you to get super outraged).

Senate Democrats Signal Support for Bill to Ease Firing of VA Executives -

Shockingly enough, if you didn't rely on garbage like Newsmax, you wouldn't have gotten suckered yet again.
The bill should have been a clean bill without anything attached. Rs attached Iran sanctions to the bill. Boo. Hiss. Then again, they attached it because Reid refuses to hold a separate vote on it. Boo. Hiss. So sick and tired of this shit.

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