Senate bipartisan "gang of 6" releases plan


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
This plan does not include a "public option" but proposes "co-ops" instead.....I wonder how much of this plan Obama will support in his health speech tomorrow...?

Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.), who is leading bipartisan health talks with a handful of senators called the "gang of six," released a framework for comprehensive health care reform on Tuesday.
Below are some of the provisions outlined in the 18-page framework:

• Indvidual mandate. Beginning in 2013, all U.S. citizens and legal residents would be required to have health insurance. There would be an exemption for those for whom coverage is deemed unaffordable. For everyone else who fails to get coverage, there would be annual penalties ranging from $750 for an individual to $3800 for a family.

• Co-ops. The proposal authorizes funding to foster the creation of nonprofit, member-run health insurance companies. Federal loans and grants would be provided to assist with start-up costs and state solvency requirements. The framework does not suggest who would start the co-ops, but it lays out guidelines for the kinds of organizations that might. For instance, it says a co-op must not be an existing organization that provides insurance, must not be sponsored by the government and governance of the organization must be subject to a majority vote of its members.

• Employer responsibility. Employers with more than 50 full-time employees that do not offer health coverage must pay a fee for each employee who receives the tax credit for health insurance through an exchange. The fee would be based on the amount of the tax credit received by the employees, but it would be capped.

• State-based health insurance exchange. State-based "exchanges" will be established to facilitate enrollment for individuals and separately for small companies (or small groups).

• Interstate Sale of Insurance. Starting in 2015, states may form "health care choice compacts" to allow for the purchase of non-group health insurance across state lines.

• Market Regulations for Small Group and Individual Markets. The framework proposes out-of-pocket limits, prohibiting annual or lifetime limits on benefits and prohibiting insurers from excluding coverage for pre-existing health conditions. All plans would be required to cover a number of benefits including preventive and primary care, physician services, outpatient services, emergency services, hospitalization, day surgery and related anesthesia, maternity and newborn care.

• Tax Credits for Individuals. Beginning in 2013, tax credits would be available on a sliding scale basis for individuals and families between 134 percent and 300 percent of the federal poverty level to help offset the cost of private health insurance premiums. They would be later available to individuals and families between 100 percent and 133 percent of poverty. Individuals between 300 percent and 400 percent of poverty would be eligible for a premium credit at a flat percent of income.

• Small Business Tax Credits. Tax credits would be available for firms with fewer than 25 employees and average wages below $40,000.

• Tax on Insurers. An excise tax of 35 percent would be levied on insurance companies for any health insurance plan that is above $8,000 for singles and $21,000 for family plans.

• Cost Savings. The framework proposes limiting Health Flexible Savings Account contributions to $2,000 per year. It also proposes an annual fee of $6 billion on the health insurance sector beginning in 2010.

• Expansion of Medicaid. Medicaid would be expanded to parents and children six and older who fall at or under 133 percent of the poverty line. Childless adults making up to 133 percent of poverty would be eligible for the first time.

• Linking Medicare Payments to Quality Outcomes. The framework proposes methods of making Medicare more efficient, such as creating a Medicare Commission that would submit proposals to Congress to extend Medicare solvency and improve quality in the Medicare program. The Secretary of Health and Human Services would be required to implement the provisions included in the proposal, unless Congress offered an alternative plan.

Sen. Baucus Releases Health Care Framework - Political Hotsheet - CBS News
This looks interesting. If it can garner bipartisan support, it could make it. I have always felt the Co-Op is the best option. Government has enough to deal with now.
• Expansion of Medicaid. Medicaid would be expanded to parents and children six and older who fall at or under 133 percent of the poverty line. Childless adults making up to 133 percent of poverty would be eligible for the first time.

Why all the rest of the crap? Just add people the insurance companies won't take on and we're set.

Co-ops are already allowed, don't need a bill for that.
• Expansion of Medicaid. Medicaid would be expanded to parents and children six and older who fall at or under 133 percent of the poverty line. Childless adults making up to 133 percent of poverty would be eligible for the first time.

Why all the rest of the crap? Just add people the insurance companies won't take on and we're set.

Co-ops are already allowed, don't need a bill for that. tell us....why is it the Left isn't calling for that simple, direct solution.....? :eusa_whistle:
Ah yes, the "Gang of 6".

For those of you who don't know this colorful cast of characters, some of the members:

Senator Max Baucus (D)

Max Baucus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Baucus has come under criticism for his ties to the health insurance and pharmaceutical industries while significant numbers of his own constituents lack health insurance and access to health care. The University of Montana Bureau of Business and Economic Research found that Montana has always ranked near the bottom in cross-state and national comparisons of health insurance coverage. [36] Despite this backdrop in his home state, Senator Baucus has been one of the biggest Senate beneficiaries of campaign contributions from the pharmaceutical and health insurance industries. From 2003 to 2008, Baucus received $3,973,485 from the health sector, including $852,813 from pharmaceutical companies, $851,141 from health professionals, $784,185 from the insurance industry and $465,750 from HMOs/health services, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

Only three senators have more former staffers working as lobbyists on K Street, at least two dozen in Baucus's case.

Gee, I wonder who he has in mind when he goes to vote, the people who have given him almost $4 million in 5 years or the people who he's suppose to represent? Tough one.

Senator Chuck Grassley (R)

Chuck Grassley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sen. Chuck Grassley, is considered to be the ranking Republican on taking funds from lobbyists for anti-health reform according to The Center for Responsive Politics. Sen. Grassley took in more than $2 million from health-related companies since 2003. [34]

Hmm, so 1/3 of the Gang 6 is on the payroll so far.

Mike Enzi (R)

Well, there must be hope from him right?

Mike Enzi, Gang Of Six Republican, Admits He's Simply Blocking Health Care Reform // Current

Not Quite..:eusa_eh:

While what was listed above seems nice, I'm sure it can be easily reversed.
Yes, that is what the solution is.

Which means....the Left wants to manage EVERYBODYS health care....not just provide care to those few who don't have it and need it...'s all about CONTROL... my last signature line...
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No, you call it compromising. The stonewall is beginning to show.

I know several people who are staunch republicans who are collecting retirement checks from a Government agency along with the accompanying health benefits AND/OR collecting retirement from a Union shop. They shout the evils of Government, while they survive on it's benefits. Without Social Security, another evil Government program, they would be dragging their butts out of the sack each day and going to work.

What is the word that I am looking for?
Won't work.

the private insurance companies will cherrypick the hell out of the co-ops.

That's exactly how they destroyed the other not-for-profit HC insurers, too.

Nobody in the White House knows this?!

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