Sen. Sessions embraces media slur of nativism. "Whats wrong with putting america first"


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
The stinking press thinks it's bad to support your own country !!! Liberals are america-haters.

Jeff Sessions: What's Wrong with Favoring Americans?

sep 15 2015 Alabamaā€™s Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL)80%
is pro-American, and he doesnā€™t care if heā€™s called a ā€œnativistā€ by post-national advocates for massive immigration.

ā€œWhatā€™s wrong with that? ā€¦ Whatā€™s wrong with putting America[ns] first?ā€ he told a reporter for Roll Call, which published an article headlined as ā€œSessions Feels Vindicated by [Donald] Trumpā€™s Nativist Surge.ā€

The mere existence of the would-be ā€œnativistā€ slur shows the deep contempt that internationalists have for ordinary Americans, said a Hill staffer. ā€œIt should go without saying that the country exists to serve the interests of its citizensā€¦ so that fact that we have the [sneering] term ā€˜nativistā€™ implies that some people think the citizens shouldnā€™t have that priority,ā€ the staffer said.
I do not like the term "nativist", though I fully support the sentiment. The term just sounds too negro to me. "Nationalist" would be better, but the left has fucked up that term by attaching xenophobia and racism to it. Maybe we ought to just call it what it is: Enforcement of existing laws in order to protect our nation in a manner than comports with the norms recognized and practiced by virtually every other nation-state in the world. It is a mouthful, but when you look at what it is then it does not sound so bad or nefarious, does it?
"Whats[sic] wrong with putting america[sic] first"

Just about everything, in most cases. There are other people in the world my little infants, and they matter just as much as you do...
Nativist may be fair, though Sessions' racism is hardly news. But Nativists were anti-immigration. But, I'm not sure what Sessions wants. Carson wants to limit the number of people who are not gonna be deported or unemployed and un-welfarized (-:, but at the same time he notes that some illegal aliens have been here for decades and working, so the reality is they don't have anywhere else to go.
The stinking press thinks it's bad to support your own country !!! Liberals are america-haters.

Jeff Sessions: What's Wrong with Favoring Americans?

sep 15 2015 Alabamaā€™s Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL)80%
is pro-American, and he doesnā€™t care if heā€™s called a ā€œnativistā€ by post-national advocates for massive immigration.

ā€œWhatā€™s wrong with that? ā€¦ Whatā€™s wrong with putting America[ns] first?ā€ he told a reporter for Roll Call, which published an article headlined as ā€œSessions Feels Vindicated by [Donald] Trumpā€™s Nativist Surge.ā€

The mere existence of the would-be ā€œnativistā€ slur shows the deep contempt that internationalists have for ordinary Americans, said a Hill staffer. ā€œIt should go without saying that the country exists to serve the interests of its citizensā€¦ so that fact that we have the [sneering] term ā€˜nativistā€™ implies that some people think the citizens shouldnā€™t have that priority,ā€ the staffer said.

the left enjoys inventing and/or using inflammatory words to label people...their main tactic is to keep voters distracted with name calling and innuendo and hope they don't get informed..
Just to be clear, Sessions is not just after illegal immigrants, he wants to deport kids born to legally documented guest workers, and he wants to end visa for high tech workers too.
Just to be clear, Sessions is not just after illegal immigrants, he wants to deport kids born to legally documented guest workers, and he wants to end visa for high tech workers too.
bullshit. It's in the briebart op.

if you're making the charge idiot; then the least you can do is provide the Breitbart article that proves Sessions supports what you're saying he supports
Pretty typical of racist Sessions. And since when does he put America first?

It's your god obozo who is letting millions of unscreened, unskilled, illiterate foreigners invade america and go on welfare and vote for his party. THINK
Just to be clear, Sessions is not just after illegal immigrants, he wants to deport kids born to legally documented guest workers, and he wants to end visa for high tech workers too.
bullshit. It's in the briebart op.

if you're making the charge idiot; then the least you can do is provide the Breitbart article that proves Sessions supports what you're saying he supports

He's trying to get by with cherry picking certain portions and distorting the rest to fit his ideology...I guess they think people are stupid...
Just to be clear, Sessions is not just after illegal immigrants, he wants to deport kids born to legally documented guest workers, and he wants to end visa for high tech workers too.
bullshit. It's in the briebart op.

if you're making the charge idiot; then the least you can do is provide the Breitbart article that proves Sessions supports what you're saying he supports

He's trying to get by with cherry picking certain portions and distorting the rest to fit his ideology...I guess they think people are stupid...
Again, bullshit. Briebart "reports "Sessions' focus, however, is not just on people born in the United States. He's looking beyond ancestry and birthplace to include immigrants and they're kids who've been welcomed legally into the United States. 'We [politicians] represent people who voted for us. That's who are duty is owed to. To them, we should be doing what's in their best interest,' he stated"

Now you could disagree with him that it's not in our interests to have really smart electronic engineers from India, working legally here, and giving birth to citizens, in accord with Wong, but you can't honestly disagree with what he said. Assuming Briebart honestly reports it. In short, you're a liar.
This is like a construction worker going "Hey Babe, NICE TITS"

Then throwing his hands up going "Whoa, Cant a man compliment a lady anymore?"
Just to be clear, Sessions is not just after illegal immigrants, he wants to deport kids born to legally documented guest workers, and he wants to end visa for high tech workers too.
bullshit. It's in the briebart op.

if you're making the charge idiot; then the least you can do is provide the Breitbart article that proves Sessions supports what you're saying he supports

He's trying to get by with cherry picking certain portions and distorting the rest to fit his ideology...I guess they think people are stupid...
Again, bullshit. Briebart "reports "Sessions' focus, however, is not just on people born in the United States. He's looking beyond ancestry and birthplace to include immigrants and they're kids who've been welcomed legally into the United States. 'We [politicians] represent people who voted for us. That's who are duty is owed to. To them, we should be doing what's in their best interest,' he stated"

Now you could disagree with him that it's not in our interests to have really smart electronic engineers from India, working legally here, and giving birth to citizens, in accord with Wong, but you can't honestly disagree with what he said. Assuming Briebart honestly reports it. In short, you're a liar.

you show somebody saying the words "focus on". it says nowhere of a wish to deport people here on work permits legally

THIS is your example of backing up what you say?????


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