Second teacher at Missouri high school caught peddling porn on OnlyFans

I think we are missing the point here.

The real point is this poor woman had 125,000 in Student loan debt and the School District was paying her only $42,000 a year. She was never going to get ahead at that rate.

Instead of condemning this poor woman for trying to meet her obligations, we should condemn our system for making teaching so difficult to make a living doing.

The article doesn't say if she was married and if she was doing porn with her husband or unmarried and doing it with other men, or even if she was just doing "solo" acts on camera. it doesn't matter though. What should concern us all is that we've made teaching such an unprofitable profession that we aren't getting the best and the brightest.
How does that make them different than 90% of women? I've had enough friends taken to the Cleaners in a divorce to almost respect a Stripper's "transparency".

Figures the most curmudgeonly cynical poster on this board would be curmudgeonly and cynical,
I researched it a bit... and the whole thing is quite sad really.
All of the popular models have people that answer texts for them, send the same "custom" photos to different people etc.
And that doesn't take a genius to figure out. Even a small time model with only a 1000 fans could not possibly do everything herself. There isn't enough time in a day.
Which is why young men who sub them are called "simps". A foolish person.
That interaction you speak of is mostly not real at all. You are paying as much as $20/minute to have "private" text with who knows who pretending to be this person.
I mean.. how frigging pathetic can you get?
Of course it is not real and of course they are going to have surrogates managing the individual actions. The 'realism' is really no different than the 'realism' in a porn when that bus full of cheerleaders pulls up on the random hitchhiker. However you want to categorize it, the question was why pay these girls when there is free porn out there. The answer is that onlyfans is materially different than porn. This is not just porn, it is interactive in nature. The prevalence of only fans just highlights there is something missing from modern interpersonal interactions for many people.

Wait until vr gets significantly better, that is coming, and pair that with LLM tech which is progressing at breakneck speed. Then onlyfans will be replaced by a much more pervasive monster.
How is it out in the open? Do the students have access to Only Fans?
There is a reasonable question that good order and discipline is lost in a classroom when the students know you are in porn.

Even if there is no fault or moral injunction involved, it may become impossible to actually run a classroom once that type of information is out in the open which is exactly what happened as far as I can tell. It is unlikely that you become that successful and also maintain anonymity. Not that it matters to her to be honest when she can become a millionaire so fast. She can start her own school.
Of course it is not real and of course they are going to have surrogates managing the individual actions. The 'realism' is really no different than the 'realism' in a porn when that bus full of cheerleaders pulls up on the random hitchhiker. However you want to categorize it, the question was why pay these girls when there is free porn out there. The answer is that onlyfans is materially different than porn. This is not just porn, it is interactive in nature. The prevalence of only fans just highlights there is something missing from modern interpersonal interactions for many people.

Wait until vr gets significantly better, that is coming, and pair that with LLM tech which is progressing at breakneck speed. Then onlyfans will be replaced by a much more pervasive monster.
Oh for sure... Elon Musk touched on this with Rogan.
There will be no depravity that individuals can't engorge on with the combination of advanced AI/VR, or worse - AI in a wired sex doll.
We are all headed down a hedonistic trail like never before. With the onset of anonymous interactivity online, the inhibitions really come down.
If we are not already there, young people will soon PREFER artificial online sex than the real thing.
And THAT is the end of us.
George Soros is winning big.
Oh for sure... Elon Musk touched on this with Rogan.
There will be no depravity that individuals can't engorge on with the combination of advanced AI/VR, or worse - AI in a wired sex doll.
We are all headed down a hedonistic trail like never before. With the onset of anonymous interactivity online, the inhibitions really come down.
If we are not already there, young people will soon PREFER artificial online sex than the real thing.
And THAT is the end of us.
George Soros is winning big.
People have been claiming technology will 'become the end of us' for a millennia. It never happens that way and is unlikely to this time as well. There will be massive social upheaval and problems but after a few generations it will simply become part of the backdrop like all other tech has become in our life. I do not doubt there will be massive problems but humanity will manage it.

And the wired AI sex dolls are already here. There are a multitude of sex toys that already know and respond to vr avatars or movement in images. There have existed for years.

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