Second man accuses Creepy Representative Jim Jordan of covering up sex abuse at Ohio State Wrestling

Is the accuser jusse smolett or christine blassy ford?

Or an "whistleblower" who will remain nameless forever & ever amen?
First. You don’t fuck with wrestlers. They will wipe the floor with you. Second. If he did something wrong to a wrestler, after they were done kicking his ass they would say something. Wrestlers have the highest employment rate out of any sport. This is due to there commitment, dedication and intelligence. There is no one on the mat with them, it’s just them. No teammates and no help.
Third It’s bullshit because why all of a sudden is this coming out now. Nice timing. Fourth. My nephew is a coach at Ohio State and we talk all the time. So good try by a bunch of liars trying to help the Demtards in there wasteful pursuit of trying to impeach President Trump. More waste of time and money. I wish congress would do there jobs they get paid for instead of almost 3 years of nothing.

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OP is a moron

Jim Jordan is a hero........GOD Bless Jim Jordan!:clap:

"House Oversight Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan has been assigned by Republican leadership to serve on the House Intelligence Committee so he can participate in questioning in the open Trump impeachment hearings starting next week"

Published 8 hours ago

Jim Jordan assigned to Intel Committee ahead of Trump impeachment hearings

What is heroic about hiding when young men are being molested.

An anonymous person that the Lame Stream Media says was a referee makes an allegation without any proof..

Sounds like bullshit.

Further, this supposed informant was a ref, Rep. Jordan was just a student at the time. Why didn't the informant snitch on Dr. Strauss? If it happened, of course. But there is no DNA evidence linking the anonymous Liberal liar with the late Dr. Strauss or Rep. Jordan.
OP is a moron

Jim Jordan is a hero........GOD Bless Jim Jordan!:clap:

"House Oversight Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan has been assigned by Republican leadership to serve on the House Intelligence Committee so he can participate in questioning in the open Trump impeachment hearings starting next week"

Published 8 hours ago

Jim Jordan assigned to Intel Committee ahead of Trump impeachment hearings

What is heroic about hiding when young men are being molested.

There is no actual proof that Rep Jordan even hid. Besides, he was one of the young men who may have been on the homosexual physicians hit list.
There is apparently a lot of Penn State graduates on this site. Molestation doesn't seem to bother them. They rally around those possibly guilty without any real curiosity for the truth.
There is apparently a lot of Penn State graduates on this site. Molestation doesn't seem to bother them. They rally around those possibly guilty without any real curiosity for the truth.
"possibly guilty" How fucking priceless!
I believe you are "possibly guilty" of something you "possibly" did. I'll be alerting the FBI. Then you can spend every fucking penny you've got attempting to prove yourself innocent.
Spanish Inquisition 2019 edition.
Sick fuck!
There is apparently a lot of Penn State graduates on this site. Molestation doesn't seem to bother them. They rally around those possibly guilty without any real curiosity for the truth.
"possibly guilty" How fucking priceless!
I believe you are "possibly guilty" of something you "possibly" did. I'll be alerting the FBI. Then you can spend every fucking penny you've got attempting to prove yourself innocent.
Spanish Inquisition 2019 edition.
Sick fuck!

What's wrong with considering that someone may have done something wrong based on numerous accusations? Are you incapable of weighing facts?

You sound like an idiot......a vulgar idiot because you think throwing the f-bomb makes your argument more relevant.
OP is a moron

Jim Jordan is a hero........GOD Bless Jim Jordan!:clap:

"House Oversight Committee Ranking Member Jim Jordan has been assigned by Republican leadership to serve on the House Intelligence Committee so he can participate in questioning in the open Trump impeachment hearings starting next week"

Published 8 hours ago

Jim Jordan assigned to Intel Committee ahead of Trump impeachment hearings

What is heroic about hiding when young men are being molested.

There is no actual proof that Rep Jordan even hid. Besides, he was one of the young men who may have been on the homosexual physicians hit list.

There never is in the minds of Trump Humpers.
Accusing someone of something doesn't make them guilty of it. I know this innocent till proven guilty deal really fucks up people's prejudices but it is how our justice system works.
Your whole idea depends if you are a Dem or Repub. Accusing means "already guilty", depends who you are.
Innocent till proven guilty applies to everyone Republican or Democrat accusations never mean guilty no matter who you are.
My humor is very sarcastic. I was referring to the press and their double standards. Lol
Sorry it's late and I had rough day I usually pick up on stuff like that.
No apologies needed. My fault. Most of my posts will be very dry, sarcastic humor. I like making people laugh, not scream at me...LOL
Another angle to my thought.

This pedo Olympic doctor that was convicted of sexually abusing 250 girls.....Didn't any of these girls tell their mom what was going on???...Their dad???...Their aunt??....Their sister????....Their best friends???...Didn't the 250 girls talk to each other about it????

250 girls..........My question is not who, what, where.....It is HOW. How could this have gone on without one parent knowing about it??????????????????????????????????????????

Was the dream of Olympic Gold so intoxicating that every one just didn't give a S at the time??
Another angle to my thought.

This pedo Olympic doctor that was convicted of sexually abusing 250 girls.....Didn't any of these girls tell their mom what was going on???...Their dad???...Their aunt??....Their sister????....Their best friends???...Didn't the 250 girls talk to each other about it????

250 girls..........My question is not who, what, where.....It is HOW. How could this have gone on without one parent knowing about it??????????????????????????????????????????

Was the dream of Olympic Gold so intoxicating that every one just didn't give a S at the time??

If you watched the documentary you would have answers to your questions. It's amazing what you learn when you actually look for facts.

One of the dad's committed suicide because he didn't believe his daughter and later found out it was true so he killed himself.

Maybe that reaction will sway you in believing it's possible?
Another angle to my thought.

This pedo Olympic doctor that was convicted of sexually abusing 250 girls.....Didn't any of these girls tell their mom what was going on???...Their dad???...Their aunt??....Their sister????....Their best friends???...Didn't the 250 girls talk to each other about it????

250 girls..........My question is not who, what, where.....It is HOW. How could this have gone on without one parent knowing about it??????????????????????????????????????????

Was the dream of Olympic Gold so intoxicating that every one just didn't give a S at the time??

If you watched the documentary you would have answers to your questions. It's amazing what you learn when you actually look for facts.

One of the dad's committed suicide because he didn't believe his daughter and later found out it was true so he killed himself.

Maybe that reaction will sway you in believing it's possible?
THERE YOU GO. THANKS......The father was so INTOXICATED by OLYMPIC GOLD that he did not BELIEVE HER!!!!
Thanks for that fact. BTW, he did the right thing for putting his daughter through that

Now. the other 249????????
Another angle to my thought.

This pedo Olympic doctor that was convicted of sexually abusing 250 girls.....Didn't any of these girls tell their mom what was going on???...Their dad???...Their aunt??....Their sister????....Their best friends???...Didn't the 250 girls talk to each other about it????

250 girls..........My question is not who, what, where.....It is HOW. How could this have gone on without one parent knowing about it??????????????????????????????????????????

Was the dream of Olympic Gold so intoxicating that every one just didn't give a S at the time??

If you watched the documentary you would have answers to your questions. It's amazing what you learn when you actually look for facts.

One of the dad's committed suicide because he didn't believe his daughter and later found out it was true so he killed himself.

Maybe that reaction will sway you in believing it's possible?
THERE YOU GO. THANKS......The father was so INTOXICATED by OLYMPIC GOLD that he did not BELIEVE HER!!!!
Thanks for that fact. BTW, he did the right thing for putting his daughter through that

Now. the other 249????????

Nice try. There's no way you could afford my hourly rate so you're going to have to do your own research from here on out. Good luck (grin)

Lol....more engineered hooey from progressives. These people are sub humans and we see it every day now. There are no surprises anymore. That's ok though....keep it up!! Like with impeachment! Go....go!

This does not end well....just want to point that out! Not talking about the ballot box either!!:flirtysmile4::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:

Lol....more engineered hooey from progressives. These people are sub humans and we see it every day now. There are no surprises anymore. That's ok though....keep it up!! Like with impeachment! Go....go!

This does not end well....just want to point that out! Not talking about the ballot box either!!:flirtysmile4::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:

Must be from the DDDDEEEEEEEPPPPPP State.

Lol....more engineered hooey from progressives. These people are sub humans and we see it every day now. There are no surprises anymore. That's ok though....keep it up!! Like with impeachment! Go....go!

This does not end well....just want to point that out! Not talking about the ballot box either!!:flirtysmile4::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:

Well that's super smart. Now you get to be on the FBI's watch list.

The problem with you guys is you're just not very smart. That's why you have to force your views and will using threats and physical violence.
Another angle to my thought.

This pedo Olympic doctor that was convicted of sexually abusing 250 girls.....Didn't any of these girls tell their mom what was going on???...Their dad???...Their aunt??....Their sister????....Their best friends???...Didn't the 250 girls talk to each other about it????

250 girls..........My question is not who, what, where.....It is HOW. How could this have gone on without one parent knowing about it??????????????????????????????????????????

Was the dream of Olympic Gold so intoxicating that every one just didn't give a S at the time??

If you watched the documentary you would have answers to your questions. It's amazing what you learn when you actually look for facts.

One of the dad's committed suicide because he didn't believe his daughter and later found out it was true so he killed himself.

Maybe that reaction will sway you in believing it's possible?
THERE YOU GO. THANKS......The father was so INTOXICATED by OLYMPIC GOLD that he did not BELIEVE HER!!!!
Thanks for that fact. BTW, he did the right thing for putting his daughter through that

Now. the other 249????????

Nice try. There's no way you could afford my hourly rate so you're going to have to do your own research from here on out. Good luck (grin)
You answered my question perfectly and want to thank you. I wish I got a real response so left to wonder...But I do need all I need to know......BTW....Did he physically sexually rape 250 girls. Stick his fingers up their A? Give them a Happy Ending after a hard work out.??.I'm not concerned about the Whats, Whos, Whens..I want to know the HOWS.

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