Screw Abstinence Party

-Cp said:
It's not an "unfounded assertion" - anyone who turned out to be a lib - had a poor upbringing and obviously had liberal parents too - who also had liberal parents - the cycle continues....

My kids can't turn out to be libs - they're all too smart for that - plus, I'd beat their asses... :D

So you are saying that becoming a liberal means you had bad parenting. Right gee wiz Beaver Im sure mom and dad are good parents so I wont become an evil liberal. Way to make baseless accusations. How many people do you know who are liberals....maybe like one, more importantly how many parents of liberals do you actually know, why dont you suprise me and tell me that you made this remark after meeting with everyone in the Democratic party and their parents and children. You did you say, well what about my bleeding heart parents...did you talk to them about their son who screams and rants about the well then I guess I must have been adopted when I was like 17 because according to your logic, children are just too dumb to decide things for themselves.

I will give you that some famous dems I wont take the time to list them, are pretty stupid, however most people in the Dumbocratic party are merely misguided
xandy123 said:
So you are saying that becoming a liberal means you had bad parenting. Right gee wiz Beaver Im sure mom and dad are good parents so I wont become an evil liberal. Way to make baseless accusations. How many people do you know who are liberals....maybe like one, more importantly how many parents of liberals do you actually know, why dont you suprise me and tell me that you made this remark after meeting with everyone in the Democratic party and their parents and children. You did you say, well what about my bleeding heart parents...did you talk to them about their son who screams and rants about the well then I guess I must have been adopted when I was like 17 because according to your logic, children are just too dumb to decide things for themselves.

I will give you that some famous dems I wont take the time to list them, are pretty stupid, however most people in the Dumbocratic party are merely misguided

I'm saying kids that turn out to be libs obviously didn't get enough beatings growing up - so therefore they went down the wrong path of life...
-Cp said:
I'm saying kids that turn out to be libs obviously didn't get enough beatings growing up - so therefore they went down the wrong path of life...

You sound like a very loving parent. Beating smaller, defenseless people turns you on? Do you get aroused when you beat your children? Be honest.
nucular said:
You sound like a very loving parent. Beating smaller, defenseless people turns you on? Do you get aroused when you beat your children? Be honest.

Nah, I am sure the arousal comes later in the evening. THAT is how you keep your kids in line and make sure they become meek, obedient conservatives. :baby:
nucular said:
You sound like a very loving parent. Beating smaller, defenseless people turns you on? Do you get aroused when you beat your children? Be honest.

Speaking of beating... do you get an arousal from aborting defenseless people?
KarlMarx said:
Speaking of beating... do you get an arousal from aborting defenseless people?

Now I'm an abortionist? Wow, you guys just love to speculate don't you? Where does this moronic question come from?

xandy123 said:
So you are saying that becoming a liberal means you had bad parenting. Right gee wiz Beaver Im sure mom and dad are good parents so I wont become an evil liberal. Way to make baseless accusations. How many people do you know who are liberals....maybe like one, more importantly how many parents of liberals do you actually know, why dont you suprise me and tell me that you made this remark after meeting with everyone in the Democratic party and their parents and children. You did you say, well what about my bleeding heart parents...did you talk to them about their son who screams and rants about the well then I guess I must have been adopted when I was like 17 because according to your logic, children are just too dumb to decide things for themselves.

I will give you that some famous dems I wont take the time to list them, are pretty stupid, however most people in the Dumbocratic party are merely misguided

I think that "misguided" is a better term. Liberals, in my opinion, come in two flavors. First, are those who sincerely believe in what they profess and believe that by those methods, society will be improved. Second, are those who may or may not believe in what they profess and their goal is not to improve society, but to increase their own power, status or satisfy some other lust of theirs. The second group is deceiving the first, in many cases, either deliberately (i.e. they realize that what they profess is nothing but a collection of falsehoods) or because they themselves are deluded.

Liberals seem to have bought into a system of beliefs that have long ago been proven to be utter nonsense, either because of ignorance or that they lack the ability to think logically or critically.

To label present day liberals as "liberals" actually does a disservice to those great minds in the past who actually were liberals, in the classic sense. I believe that the term "radical" is actually a better term. No one, other than the most zealous adherents of the liberal creed, could actually claim with a straight face that Madison, Adams, Jefferson, Hamilton, Jay and the other founding fathers endorsed the abortion of unborn children, the matrimony of sodomites, the banishment of religion from the public discourse as fundamental or even desirable rights of persons.

To the classic liberals, the study of the classics e.g. the writings of the Greeks and Romans, the study of ancient western civilization and of course, the schooling in one form of religion or another was essential to the formation of liberal thought. Anyone who listens or reads the Federalist Papers will see that the authors had an extensive knowledge of ancient history. To these liberals, society was inherently good in that it regulated the passions and vices of human nature.

Contrast this with the present day "liberals", who disdain Western Civilization as being a series of abuses against mankind, either through the enslavement of the African, the oppression of women, or the conquest and persecution of non-Christian peoples e.g. the Muslims or the Jews. To the modern day liberals, society is evil and the individual is good. This idea is based not only on the philosophies of Marx, but on the writings of the psychologist Maslow. Both have since been disproved. In the case of the first, the economic theories of Marx have brought nothing but ruin to the countries that practice them. In the case of Maslow, no evidence exists that the "actualization of the self" or the improvement of individual's self esteem produces better minds, better character or a better society. In fact, evidence exists to the contrary, many of the great minds of the past were in fact, maladjusted people or dealt with their problems in less than admirable ways. And the result of applying Maslow's thinking to our society has produced a generation of people who cannot think critically, are ignorant of the past and as a result are doomed to repeat the mistakes of their ancestors.

The great majority of people who subscribe to liberal thought are generally ignorant of the past or choose to look at the contributions of Western thought through the lens of socialism. These people are the "useful idiots" of the second group of liberals, who, like the evil Emperor of the Star Wars saga, have ulterior motives and use deception, self righteous pretense and self aggrandizement to achieve their objectives. Those objectives are, in my mind, the complete and utter annihilation of private property, the usurpation of fundamental rights, the establishment of an elite ruling class that is accountable to no one and that will exploit through manipulation and coercion, the under classes. In short, this second class of liberals have no other desire in their breasts but the defeat of Democracy, the usurpation of traditional society and the establishment of Worldwide Socialism.
nucular said:
Now I'm an abortionist? Wow, you guys just love to speculate don't you? Where does this moronic question come from?

It was moronic to make a point and to give you a taste of your own medicine.

My statement was no more moronic than your previous statement accusing a previous poster of getting his kicks out of the beating of defenseless persons.

Furthermore, I'd rather be an asshole, a bodily orifice that serves a purpose of eliminating wastes and poisons from the body (I like to think that I eliminate the waste and poison of radical/socialist thought), than a vacuous empty headed boob who makes silly pronouncements that serve absolutely no purpose.
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-Cp said:
Your point is??

Ah, but people just love to mistakenly quote this one line in defense of their sin, and disregard all the other teachings of Jesus. They always conveniently leave out that Jesus' last words to this same woman/adultress were "Go and sin no more." And never mind the fact that Jesus spoke this because the the crowd was repeatedly asking Him what they should do to the woman, so as to bait Him into speaking out against the law and be arrested. The entire incident must be understood in this context.
It has been mentioned several times in this thead that teenagers will not listen, and will do stupid things. What I don't understand is why one would think they won't listen to their parents and yet they will listen to school officials.

I personally think knowledge is power. The more knowledge one has, the more they are able to make the right choices in their life.

What I don't agree with is not holding them accountable for their choices. If they are educated on the results of "not abstaining", and they make the choice to have sex, then they should be held accountable for the results. Giving them the option of abortion is teaching them that they don't have to have consequences for their choices. Abortion should not be used as a form of birth control.

And, abstinence (or self denial) should not just be taught in reference to sex, but should be encouraged in all aspects of one's life.....especially for our children. The lack of encouraging abstinence in all areas of society has, in my opinion, led to our current belief of "entitlement".
kurtsprincess said:
And, abstinence (or self denial) should not just be taught in reference to sex, but should be encouraged in all aspects of one's life.....especially for our children. The lack of encouraging abstinence in all areas of society has, in my opinion, led to our current belief of "entitlement".

Can you ellaborate on that?
I personally think knowledge is power. The more knowledge one has, the more they are able to make the right choices in their life.

That is a remarkable statement. Thanks for bringing that up.

And since we are painting with a very large brush here, why do the same people who oppose abortion also rabidly support the death penalty? Aren't they both killing people?
The fetus is someone who has not even drawn its first breath. The convicted criminal is a living, breathing adult. He must be a criminal, but, according to the tenets of abortion opponents, no one has the right to end a human life except for God.
I have always believed that the worst criminals should receive life in prison without the possibility of parole. Which is exactly what you are sentencing some unborn children to if you force them to be born in some instances. They will often live a lifetime of poverty, hardship and cruelty. It is a life sentence without the possibility of success.
Not that I except many conservatives to understand this. That are too jacked up on the stimulant that is the impending death of those they dislike.
Gabriella84 said:
That is a remarkable statement. Thanks for bringing that up.

And since we are painting with a very large brush here, why do the same people who oppose abortion also rabidly support the death penalty? Aren't they both killing people?
The fetus is someone who has not even drawn its first breath. The convicted criminal is a living, breathing adult. He must be a criminal, but, according to the tenets of abortion opponents, no one has the right to end a human life except for God.
I have always believed that the worst criminals should receive life in prison without the possibility of parole. Which is exactly what you are sentencing some unborn children to if you force them to be born in some instances. They will often live a lifetime of poverty, hardship and cruelty. It is a life sentence without the possibility of success.
Not that I except many conservatives to understand this. That are too jacked up on the stimulant that is the impending death of those they dislike.

See, abortion activists like yourselves basically justify your argument by claiming somebody's life isn't worth living. That's a little arrogant, don't you think? I dare you to find just one person who would rather have been aborted who didn't get to their current situation through the choices they made. You can't find anybody. You know why? It's because everyone' life is worth living and it's the bad choices people make that makes them suicidal. An unborn child deserves the right to succeed or fail. A criminal has already failed. Now, I don't fully advocate the death penalty, but the argument that anybody pro-life and pro-death penalty is a hypocrite is ludicrous. First off, lemme give you an example of a person you would have aborted.

There was a man who was born to a crack-addicted street junkie. She got knocked up at 16 and wanted an abortion. Her mother said, "If you're old enough to make a baby, you're old enough to care for one." He grew up in a junkie's house with his younger half-sister, eating dog food for sustinence. He lived like that until his mother was found unfit, and he'd been given to his father, who was fresh out of prison. His father beat him until he left home. He then became a criminal, alcoholic, junkie, and was on his way to prison when he was saved by a church's alternative program, a program that gave him one, last chance before he went to prison. Through this program, he cleaned up his life and got over his hate for his father. Now, he is a nationally known preacher and married to the daughter of another precher who was horribly scarred in Vietnam. Through his efforts, hundreds of troubled teenagers have been given the encouragement they need to clean up their lives. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people who society had given up on now lead healthy, productive lives. If it had been then as it is now, without even parental consent or notification for abortion, he would've been killed as a fetus, and all those people would still be stuck in their sad, former lives.

The greatest physicist of our time, Stephen Hawking, has a genetic nerve disease. Should he have been aborted to save him the trouble of living that life?

My dad's cousin and his wife have two adopted children that they got straight from the mother's womb. Should they have been aborted?

Let's also not forget some of the health drawbacks of abortions. Abortions incresae the likelyhood of complications should the woman ever carry a pregnancy to term. It can also cause chemical imbalances that lead to psychological disorders.

Now, on to the last, probably most compelling argument against this. The next step goes to holocaust. There are already abortion advocates who think you should be able to get an abortion a year AFTER the pregnancy. What's next? Do we slaughter the retarded? The deaf? The blind? Do we get a panel to decide whose life is worth living and execute everyone else? If not, then who decides?

Now, you may think I'm crazy, but the Nazi Holocaust all started with *one* couple who gave birth to a deformed child. They begged the Furher to let them kill their child, and Hitler had *mercy* on them and had the child killed. Before long, the idea that some people didn't have a life worth living lead them to simply "cleanse" the gene pool of all "inferior" genes, such as the Jews, so that nobody would ever have to live a less than perfect life again.
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kurtsprincess said:
Sure! By not teaching or requiring some self-denial, we are allowing society to feel entitled to, and do, whatever they wish without consequences.

I was looking more for a list of other things besides sex that you believe should be abstained from.
Hobbit, everytime I am exposed to your ridiculous, hate-ridden viewpoints, I become sympathetic about how horrible it must be to be you. No wonder you've never had a date.
Gabriella84 said:
That is a remarkable statement. Thanks for bringing that up.

You're welcome.

And since we are painting with a very large brush here, why do the same people who oppose abortion also rabidly support the death penalty? Aren't they both killing people?

Yes, one is killing of innocents and one is killing of convicted. However, some don't see the difference.

I'm not opposed to abortion, just the use of it for birth control. And, I am for the death penalty.

The fetus is someone who has not even drawn its first breath. The convicted criminal is a living, breathing adult. He must be a criminal, but, according to the tenets of abortion opponents, no one has the right to end a human life except for God.

Not everyone who is opposed to abortion is religious. As I said previously, I am opposed to using it as a birth control method.

I have always believed that the worst criminals should receive life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Well, I disagree with this. The money that supports those criminals could be used to help unwanted children.

Which is exactly what you are sentencing some unborn children to if you force them to be born in some instances. They will often live a lifetime of poverty, hardship and cruelty. It is a life sentence without the possibility of success.

Again, money used to house criminals could be used to help children get out of those situations. Money that could be used to educate all those involved in those children's lives. I just don't see why anyone would advocate keeping a truly sick individual (criminal) alive at the thought that a child MIGHT be born into a life of poverty, hardship and cruelty. I admit that it's a possibility, but not always a certainty.

Not that I except many conservatives to understand this. That are too jacked up on the stimulant that is the impending death of those they dislike.

Dislike? Are you saying that it's wrong to dislike criminals?

As for being stimulated about the death of a murderer......Perhaps you are right about this, but I would think it is much better than satisfaction at not having to deal with the problem of a child created because of jacked up hormones and the inability to deal with the results of one's choices.
MissileMan said:
I was looking more for a list of other things besides sex that you believe should be abstained from.

Just for clarification........I advocate abstinence in lieu of irresponsible and unprotected sex.

Rudeness would be one that I would teach my children to abstain from.

How about you? Do you think there is anything one should abstain from?
Gabriella84 said:
Hobbit, everytime I am exposed to your ridiculous, hate-ridden viewpoints, I become sympathetic about how horrible it must be to be you. No wonder you've never had a date.

Wow....did I miss something here? I didn't think Hobbitt's post reflected any hate whatsoever.

But yours sounds like a pretty personal frontal assault Gabrielle.
KP, I appreciate you obviously well-thought viewpoints, even as I disagree with them.
My opinion of the death penalty changed when I was a senior in high school. I was writing a term paper about it. I read about a man whose two teenage daughters were raped and killed by two men, who were caught and charged. Surprising, the father pleaded for life imprisionment. I don't remember his exact statement (which was incredibly powerful), but this was the gist of it.

"These two men are animals, the lowest of the low. Death is too good for them. Why should they get off? I have to think about the loss of my children every day. Every god damn day!
I want these two men to suffer the same way. I want them in prison for the rest of their lives. I want every man in their prison block to know they raped and murdered two children. I want them to live in fear for the rest of their lives. I want them to spend every waking moment, for the rest of their worthless lives, thinking about what they did. I want them to know that they will never be free. They will never spend time with their friends and families. Everyone in their lives will scorn and abandon them. They will spend the rest of their lives as worthless garbage, like spoiled fruit forgotten on a shelf.
When I am 50, 60, 70 years old, I want to know that they are still in prison. I want to know that they are forgotten and rotting away. Killing is too good for some people. It's too easy. Let them suffer, like my children suffered."

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