SCOTUS sucks


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

You have the right to expose kids to drag shows, but you do not have the right to bodily autonomy free of forced COVID mRNA jabs. That’s the upshot of the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent refusal to hear a pair of cases — one from New Jersey, the other from Florida — that go to the heart of the First Amendment.

Once again, Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett proved to be disappointments. And once again, we see how federal courts that are missing in action in the fight to protect real rights in blue states can be counted on to impose phantom rights in red states.

The justices denied an appeal from New Jersey nurses who were forced to get the dangerous COVID jab or lose their jobs in state hospitals. A federal district court ruled in 2022 that no rights were violated by the state. By the time the case reached the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit earlier this year, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy had lifted the mandate, so the matter was considered moot.

And if you think overturning Roe vs Wade was a win, it wasn't. The Left now has no restrictions on abortion as they push abortion Constitutional amendments all across the country.

Stabbed in the back again, and again, and again, and again............................

You have the right to expose kids to drag shows, but you do not have the right to bodily autonomy free of forced COVID mRNA jabs. That’s the upshot of the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent refusal to hear a pair of cases — one from New Jersey, the other from Florida — that go to the heart of the First Amendment.

Once again, Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett proved to be disappointments. And once again, we see how federal courts that are missing in action in the fight to protect real rights in blue states can be counted on to impose phantom rights in red states.

The justices denied an appeal from New Jersey nurses who were forced to get the dangerous COVID jab or lose their jobs in state hospitals. A federal district court ruled in 2022 that no rights were violated by the state. By the time the case reached the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit earlier this year, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy had lifted the mandate, so the matter was considered moot.

And if you think overturning Roe vs Wade was a win, it wasn't. The Left now has no restrictions on abortion as they push abortion Constitutional amendments all across the country.

Stabbed in the back again, and again, and again, and again............................
I don't see what the excitement is about.

Even if the Kung Flu was a total farce created so dimocrap FILTH could steal an election, the people making rules about vax at the time didn't know that.

Now that we know it was a farce, that's different but at the time......
I don't see what the excitement is about.

Even if the Kung Flu was a total farce created so dimocrap FILTH could steal an election, the people making rules about vax at the time didn't know that.

Now that we know it was a farce, that's different but at the time......
Europe has banned Moderna from being given to young men, for example, but only in Europe.

In the US they may force them to get the jab Moderna even though evidence shows it is far too risky due to heart inflammation studies.
I don't see what the excitement is about.

Even if the Kung Flu was a total farce created so dimocrap FILTH could steal an election, the people making rules about vax at the time didn't know that.

Now that we know it was a farce, that's different but at the time......
Oh I think they knew.....or were too weak-kneed to stand up and refuse like my state.

You have the right to expose kids to drag shows, but you do not have the right to bodily autonomy free of forced COVID mRNA jabs. That’s the upshot of the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent refusal to hear a pair of cases — one from New Jersey, the other from Florida — that go to the heart of the First Amendment.

Once again, Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett proved to be disappointments. And once again, we see how federal courts that are missing in action in the fight to protect real rights in blue states can be counted on to impose phantom rights in red states.

The justices denied an appeal from New Jersey nurses who were forced to get the dangerous COVID jab or lose their jobs in state hospitals. A federal district court ruled in 2022 that no rights were violated by the state. By the time the case reached the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit earlier this year, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy had lifted the mandate, so the matter was considered moot.

And if you think overturning Roe vs Wade was a win, it wasn't. The Left now has no restrictions on abortion as they push abortion Constitutional amendments all across the country.

Stabbed in the back again, and again, and again, and again............................

Poor little cuck whites. Too stupid to realize covid vaccines are just one of the numerous vaccines nurses are required to have to practice responsible patient care.

You have the right to expose kids to drag shows, but you do not have the right to bodily autonomy free of forced COVID mRNA jabs. That’s the upshot of the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent refusal to hear a pair of cases — one from New Jersey, the other from Florida — that go to the heart of the First Amendment.

Once again, Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett proved to be disappointments. And once again, we see how federal courts that are missing in action in the fight to protect real rights in blue states can be counted on to impose phantom rights in red states.

The justices denied an appeal from New Jersey nurses who were forced to get the dangerous COVID jab or lose their jobs in state hospitals. A federal district court ruled in 2022 that no rights were violated by the state. By the time the case reached the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit earlier this year, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy had lifted the mandate, so the matter was considered moot.

And if you think overturning Roe vs Wade was a win, it wasn't. The Left now has no restrictions on abortion as they push abortion Constitutional amendments all across the country.

Stabbed in the back again, and again, and again, and again............................

As long as they at a minimum reduce and at best destroy Chevron Deference, I'll be happy with them.
Europe has banned Moderna from being given to young men, for example, but only in Europe.

In the US they may force them to get the jab Moderna even though evidence shows it is far too risky due to heart inflammation studies.
They MAY?

We don't work on hypotheticals. They either do or they don't. I know the whole thing was a hoax but you can't expect the Court to do everything, to be our Nanny.

I just don't see where the Court has jurisdiction here.
They may have suspected but what is SCOTUS supposed to do? They don't MAKE Federal law, they interpret it.
I don't know about SCOTUS....right, they don't make the law but it certainly is against the law to force anyone to get a vaccine...and somebody has to stand up for that if your state fails you like New Jersey.
Strange, isn't nurses and pilots and others stand up for their rights, get fired, then we wonder why the airlines have such problems and healthcare is so stretched....again, somebody has to make sure ridiculous mandates are not allowed.
I don't know about SCOTUS....right, they don't make the law but it certainly is against the law to force anyone to get a vaccine...and somebody has to stand up for that if your state fails you like New Jersey.
Strange, isn't nurses and pilots and others stand up for their rights, get fired, then we wonder why the airlines have such problems and healthcare is so stretched....again, somebody has to make sure ridiculous mandates are not allowed.
I gotta be blunt with you, anybody that still lives in the Break-Wind State..... I have a hard time feeling sorry for them.

America is a big, really big place.
I gotta be blunt with you, anybody that still lives in the Break-Wind State..... I have a hard time feeling sorry for them.

America is a big, really big place.
I get that, have moved away from idiocy myself. But some folks are where they are to stay....born there, never leave.
You have the right to expose kids to drag shows

There cannot be a "right" to expose kids to drag shows. If there were, and you refused to take your kid to a drag show or took your kid out from watching a drag show, the parents could then be sued for violating the rights of the show producers.

In effect, the state would be mandating how your kids are raised and what they are exposed to, in effect, they could deny you your wish to remove your kids from public school and put them in private school.
There cannot be a "right" to expose kids to drag shows. If there were, and you refused to take your kid to a drag show or took your kid out from watching a drag show, the parents could then be sued for violating the rights of the show producers.

In effect, the state would be mandating how your kids are raised and what they are exposed to, in effect, they could deny you your wish to remove your kids from public school and put them in private school.
You're stupid. The right to do something isn't the same as the obligation to do that thing.

You have the right to expose kids to drag shows, but you do not have the right to bodily autonomy free of forced COVID mRNA jabs. That’s the upshot of the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent refusal to hear a pair of cases — one from New Jersey, the other from Florida — that go to the heart of the First Amendment.

Once again, Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett proved to be disappointments. And once again, we see how federal courts that are missing in action in the fight to protect real rights in blue states can be counted on to impose phantom rights in red states.

The justices denied an appeal from New Jersey nurses who were forced to get the dangerous COVID jab or lose their jobs in state hospitals. A federal district court ruled in 2022 that no rights were violated by the state. By the time the case reached the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit earlier this year, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy had lifted the mandate, so the matter was considered moot.

And if you think overturning Roe vs Wade was a win, it wasn't. The Left now has no restrictions on abortion as they push abortion Constitutional amendments all across the country.

Stabbed in the back again, and again, and again, and again............................
They’re complete fucking disasters, little Souters. Next time nominate Alito and Thomas law clerks

You have the right to expose kids to drag shows, but you do not have the right to bodily autonomy free of forced COVID mRNA jabs. That’s the upshot of the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent refusal to hear a pair of cases — one from New Jersey, the other from Florida — that go to the heart of the First Amendment.

Once again, Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett proved to be disappointments. And once again, we see how federal courts that are missing in action in the fight to protect real rights in blue states can be counted on to impose phantom rights in red states.

The justices denied an appeal from New Jersey nurses who were forced to get the dangerous COVID jab or lose their jobs in state hospitals. A federal district court ruled in 2022 that no rights were violated by the state. By the time the case reached the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit earlier this year, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy had lifted the mandate, so the matter was considered moot.

And if you think overturning Roe vs Wade was a win, it wasn't. The Left now has no restrictions on abortion as they push abortion Constitutional amendments all across the country.

Stabbed in the back again, and again, and again, and again............................
They MAY?

We don't work on hypotheticals. They either do or they don't. I know the whole thing was a hoax but you can't expect the Court to do everything, to be our Nanny.

I just don't see where the Court has jurisdiction here.
so what is the law that authorizes forced jabs? Aren't they supposed to interpret the law? Just asking.
so what is the law that authorizes forced jabs? Aren't they supposed to interpret the law? Just asking.
It's not a law. It's an Agency. Not sure which one but the Courts are reticent to interfere with them.

DeSantis just refused to enforce their bullshit.

Elections matter, people

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