SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

If you don't like Marriage Equality, don't marry someone of your own sex. I no longer have time to debate "silly" with opponents. Get over it or not. I don't care.
So who is surprised this court who consistently pisses on the constitution pisses on it once more? Not me. Now all you homosexuals can now start doing what your progressives masters want of you and start suing churches and kill more freedoms..... Fucking retards.
Can't states just interpret this ruling to mean whatever they want? That's the precedent now. Words don't really have meaning.
NAMBLA is thrilled with all this going on..... gives them hope.

(if you don't know what NAMBLA is I'll be happy to inform you..)
You are a hateful, sick fuck.

I'm a realistic person with open eyes. You are the hateful one... look what you just typed...
You compare adults who want to enter into a loving, committed relationship to pedophiles; to adults who prey on children. How can anything be more hateful than that, you sick fuck?

Acceptability of damaging and unnatural behavior as a way of slowly creeping in..... please don't call me hateful again... you look silly saying that and then proving your own hatred in return....
I would like to take this time to congratulate the gay folks on this decision. Please step away from the authoritarians who are pissing into the wind and take this time to celebrate liberty!
Kennedy wrote in protections for religious objections so this is going to be a fun ride.
So they can be pretend married? LMAO
That's denial.

The first of the five stages of grief.

The first stage is anger, dickweed. The response the majority had over yesterdays SCOTUS decision.
Settle down.

The five stages, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance are a part of the framework that makes up our learning to live with the one we lost. They are tools to help us frame and identify what we may be feeling
NaziCon nutters are having a really bad week.

No, not really. We are still in afterglow from the shellacking the Democratic Party took in the last election. RED....everywhere. :thup:

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