Scott Walker's Farewell


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
He couldn't hack in the big leagues, his "bold" policies failed in WI, and he ran out of money.

On his way out he blamed Trump for his failure.

A man some once saw as a potential leader in National politics turns out to be as petty as Sarah Palin.

Why does the Republic Base gravitate toward the fringe - Carson, Trump, and dicknose Cruz, the new Carly (who pretends she cares about abortions)...??


Why? does the smart Bush son who supports education reform and immigration reform struggle to hold his ground in your early polls?
I think it'll come down to a Republican with a track record who'll bury any Democratic candidate in his tracks. Just my opinion.
The public picking trump far over every Republican running against him tells us the GOP has no such candidate to beat Hillery.
Who's the libertarian and what is his poll numbers? How's Rand Paul doing? That's what I thought.
I think it'll come down to a Republican with a track record who'll bury any Democratic candidate in his tracks. Just my opinion.
The public picking trump far over every Republican running against him tells us the GOP has no such candidate to beat Hillery.

There hasn't been a single vote cast for trump. No one has picked him.

Anyone remember the 2004 election? Democrats were going crazy over Howard Dean. He was going to beat all the other candidates. Who was their nominee?

John Kerry

Anyone remember 2008? We were told that the race was going to be Giuliani vs Clinton. There was no way anyone could catch them in the polls. McCain was on the verge of dropping out and Obama was a rising star with no shot.

Who were the candidates? McCain vs Obama.

Or 2012? It was going to be anyone but Romney. Herman Cain. Rick Santorum. Anyone but Romney.


Seriously why would this race be different? Polls are meaningless once people start voting
as much as i admired him, as we got into the summer, i didnt see him even coming close, but I do believe that Lindsey Lowhand,,err...Graham will take out Trump this fall.:iagree:
I think it'll come down to a Republican with a track record who'll bury any Democratic candidate in his tracks. Just my opinion.
The public picking trump far over every Republican running against him tells us the GOP has no such candidate to beat Hillery.

There hasn't been a single vote cast for trump. No one has picked him.

Anyone remember the 2004 election? Democrats were going crazy over Howard Dean. He was going to beat all the other candidates. Who was their nominee?

John Kerry

Anyone remember 2008? We were told that the race was going to be Giuliani vs Clinton. There was no way anyone could catch them in the polls. McCain was on the verge of dropping out and Obama was a rising star with no shot.

Who were the candidates? McCain vs Obama.

Or 2012? It was going to be anyone but Romney. Herman Cain. Rick Santorum. Anyone but Romney.


Seriously why would this race be different? Polls are meaningless once people start voting
Point is no one loves jeb santorum Perry Paul Walker kasich Christie.

I'll give you this. I'm going to be nervous election night but I see another McCain or Romney ass whoopin coming and you and Karl Rove will be pointing to rassmusin polls real soon.
I think it'll come down to a Republican with a track record who'll bury any Democratic candidate in his tracks. Just my opinion.
The public picking trump far over every Republican running against him tells us the GOP has no such candidate to beat Hillery.
Who's the libertarian and what is his poll numbers? How's Rand Paul doing? That's what I thought.
The libertarian/tea party public. Libertarian politicians like the Pauls are 'from the 90s' libertarians. Things have changed.
This amuses me:


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