Scott Walker, Replacement Reps and the future

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Union busting Gov. Walker must be a proud supporter of the National Football Leagues and it's union busting efforts.

If and when Walker and his cohorts get their way, the same sort of expertise we have seen the past three Sundays will be on exhibit everyday when the untrained and under qualified build our homes and highways, teach our kids and respond when emergencies occur & help is needed.

I'm sure Packer Fans are thrilled with the idea.
The replacement refs are more like lolberal policy put into action.

Lower the bar of competence and promote a bunch of boobs who have no business in the big leagues, because it's all nice and "fair"...Just like they've done with competence standards for cops and firefighters.

Nice try, tho, sport-o.
Union busting Gov. Walker must be a proud supporter of the National Football Leagues and it's union busting efforts.

If and when Walker and his cohorts get their way, the same sort of expertise we have seen the past three Sundays will be on exhibit everyday when the untrained and under qualified build our homes and highways, teach our kids and respond when emergencies occur & help is needed.

I'm sure Packer Fans are thrilled with the idea.

So non union automatically equals under trained and under qualified?

Nice job pissing off a majority of the country. Also my non union brother in law who owns his own carpentry contractor says go fuck yourself.
It will all work out in the end.

August 1981 strike
On August 3, 1981, during a press conference regarding the PATCO strike, President Reagan stated: "They are in violation of the law and if they do not report for work within 48 hours they have forfeited their jobs and will be terminated."On August 3, 1981, the union declared a strike, seeking better working conditions, better pay and a 32-hour workweek. In addition, PATCO no longer wanted to be included within the civil service clauses that had haunted it for decades. In doing so, the union violated a law — 5 U.S.C. (Supp. III 1956) 118p. — that banned strikes by government unions. Ronald Reagan declared the PATCO strike a "peril to national safety" and ordered them back to work under the terms of the Taft-Hartley Act of 1947. Only 1,300 of the nearly 13,000 controllers returned to work. Subsequently, Reagan demanded those remaining on strike return to work within 48 hours, otherwise their jobs would be forfeited. At the same time, Transportation Secretary Drew Lewis organized for replacements and started contingency plans. By prioritizing and cutting flights severely, and even adopting methods of air traffic management that PATCO had previously lobbied for, the government was initially able to have 50% of flights available.

On August 5, following the PATCO workers' refusal to return to work, Reagan fired the 11,345 striking air traffic controllers who had ignored the order, and banned them from federal service for life. In the wake of the strike and mass firings, the FAA was faced with the task of hiring and training enough controllers to replace those that had been fired, a hard problem to fix as, at the time, it took three years in normal conditions to train a new controller.[2] They were replaced initially with nonparticipating controllers, supervisors, staff personnel, some nonrated personnel, and in some cases by controllers transferred temporarily from other facilities. Some military controllers were also used until replacements could be trained. The FAA had initially claimed that staffing levels would be restored within two years; however, it would take closer to ten years before the overall staffing levels returned to normal. PATCO was decertified from its right to represent workers by the Federal Labor Relations Authority on October 22, 1981. The decision was appealed.

Some former striking controllers were allowed to reapply after 1986 and were rehired; they and their replacements are now represented by the National Air Traffic Controllers Association, which was organized in 1987 and had no connection with PATCO. The civil service ban on the remaining strike participants was lifted by President Bill Clinton in 1993.

LegacyIn 2003, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, speaking on the legacy of Ronald Reagan noted:

Perhaps the most important, and then highly controversial, domestic initiative was the firing of the air traffic controllers in August 1981. The President invoked the law that striking government employees forfeit their jobs, an action that unsettled those who cynically believed no President would ever uphold that law. President Reagan prevailed, as you know, but far more importantly his action gave weight to the legal right of private employers, previously not fully exercised, to use their own discretion to both hire and discharge workers.
I work with many lazy, under-performing, bitch-all-day union members who should have been fired several times over by now but still have their jobs because of union protection. Having awful work ethics mixed with an entitlement attitude never makes for a good workplace environment.
I work with many lazy, under-performing, bitch-all-day union members who should have been fired several times over by now but still have their jobs because of union protection. Having awful work ethics mixed with an entitlement attitude never makes for a good workplace environment.

Racist! :eusa_angel:
The replacement refs are more like lolberal policy put into action.

Lower the bar of competence and promote a bunch of boobs who have no business in the big leagues, because it's all nice and "fair"...Just like they've done with competence standards for cops and firefighters.

Nice try, tho, sport-o.

The replacement refs are the perfect example of the right wing machine in action.

Tell those top notch union workers to go to hell and that they are greedy bastards, and bring in some non-union idiots because they will do the work for less.
To hell if they do shitty work or are unqualified, as long as more money goes to the fat cats, that's all that matters!
The replacement refs are more like lolberal policy put into action.

Lower the bar of competence and promote a bunch of boobs who have no business in the big leagues, because it's all nice and "fair"...Just like they've done with competence standards for cops and firefighters.

Nice try, tho, sport-o.

The replacement refs are the perfect example of the right wing machine in action.

Tell those top notch union workers to go to hell and that they are greedy bastards, and bring in some non-union idiots because they will do the work for less.
To hell if they do shitty work or are unqualified, as long as more money goes to the fat cats, that's all that matters!

I work with many lazy, under-performing, bitch-all-day union members who should have been fired several times over by now but still have their jobs because of union protection. Having awful work ethics mixed with an entitlement attitude never makes for a good workplace environment.

The replacement refs are more like lolberal policy put into action.

Lower the bar of competence and promote a bunch of boobs who have no business in the big leagues, because it's all nice and "fair"...Just like they've done with competence standards for cops and firefighters.

Nice try, tho, sport-o.

The replacement refs are the perfect example of the right wing machine in action.

Tell those top notch union workers to go to hell and that they are greedy bastards, and bring in some non-union idiots because they will do the work for less.
To hell if they do shitty work or are unqualified, as long as more money goes to the fat cats, that's all that matters!


The replacement refs are more like lolberal policy put into action.

Lower the bar of competence and promote a bunch of boobs who have no business in the big leagues, because it's all nice and "fair"...Just like they've done with competence standards for cops and firefighters.

Nice try, tho, sport-o.

The replacement refs are the perfect example of the right wing machine in action.

Tell those top notch union workers to go to hell and that they are greedy bastards, and bring in some non-union idiots because they will do the work for less.
To hell if they do shitty work or are unqualified, as long as more money goes to the fat cats, that's all that matters!
Right...But ignore the greedy bastard striking refs, who want full-time pay and pensions for "working" 20 - 25 days a year.

God, you lolberal hack turds are a hoot! :lmao:
Union busting Gov. Walker must be a proud supporter of the National Football Leagues and it's union busting efforts.

If and when Walker and his cohorts get their way, the same sort of expertise we have seen the past three Sundays will be on exhibit everyday when the untrained and under qualified build our homes and highways, teach our kids and respond when emergencies occur & help is needed.

I'm sure Packer Fans are thrilled with the idea.

The NFL referee situation has a lot more to do with EXPERIENCE than it does with labor union "expertise".

When I think of U.S. labor unions, I think of corruption, outrageous wage and benefit demands, work stoppages, fat cat union bosses, millions of dollars funneled to Democrat politicians, high-paying/low-skill jobs for lazy people, and millions of American jobs lost to overseas entities due to "all of the above".
Union busting Gov. Walker must be a proud supporter of the National Football Leagues and it's union busting efforts.

If and when Walker and his cohorts get their way, the same sort of expertise we have seen the past three Sundays will be on exhibit everyday when the untrained and under qualified build our homes and highways, teach our kids and respond when emergencies occur & help is needed.

I'm sure Packer Fans are thrilled with the idea.

The NFL referee situation has a lot more to do with EXPERIENCE than it does with labor union "expertise".

When I think of U.S. labor unions, I think of corruption, outrageous wage and benefit demands, work stoppages, fat cat union bosses, millions of dollars funneled to Democrat politicians, high-paying/low-skill jobs for lazy people, and millions of American jobs lost to overseas entities due to "all of the above".

Because you clearly watch too much fox.

Union workers are the best of the best in their professions, and joining a union isn't as simple as filling out a registration form and getting a "welcome to the club!" sticker. You have to show that they are a master at your skill and often times take required courses up and beyond what is required by the non-union.
Union workers are the best of the best in their professions, and joining a union isn't as simple as filling out a registration form and getting a "welcome to the club!" sticker. You have to show that they are a master at your skill and often times take required courses up and beyond what is required by the non-union.
No, they're not...And they're often the biggest whiners and snivelers on the job site.

I take on nothing but non-union subs.
Union busting Gov. Walker must be a proud supporter of the National Football Leagues and it's union busting efforts.

If and when Walker and his cohorts get their way, the same sort of expertise we have seen the past three Sundays will be on exhibit everyday when the untrained and under qualified build our homes and highways, teach our kids and respond when emergencies occur & help is needed.

I'm sure Packer Fans are thrilled with the idea.

Is Google unionized? How about Intel?

The answer is no.

Our cutting edge industries are virtually non-union. So this idea of "untrained and under qualified" is FAIL.

Unions are the biggest proponents of unproductive protectionism. Protect the outdated and incompetent. They are covered in cobwebs.

Union busting Gov. Walker must be a proud supporter of the National Football Leagues and it's union busting efforts.

If and when Walker and his cohorts get their way, the same sort of expertise we have seen the past three Sundays will be on exhibit everyday when the untrained and under qualified build our homes and highways, teach our kids and respond when emergencies occur & help is needed.

I'm sure Packer Fans are thrilled with the idea.

The NFL referee situation has a lot more to do with EXPERIENCE than it does with labor union "expertise".

When I think of U.S. labor unions, I think of corruption, outrageous wage and benefit demands, work stoppages, fat cat union bosses, millions of dollars funneled to Democrat politicians, high-paying/low-skill jobs for lazy people, and millions of American jobs lost to overseas entities due to "all of the above".

Because you clearly watch too much fox.

Union workers are the best of the best in their professions, and joining a union isn't as simple as filling out a registration form and getting a "welcome to the club!" sticker. You have to show that they are a master at your skill and often times take required courses up and beyond what is required by the non-union.

Have you ever actually worked on a union site, and then worked on a non union site?

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