Scott Walker Open To Building Wall Along Border With Canada

This is a stupid thread. Walker didn't say we need a northern wall. He said it was an issue we need to look at, in response to a question.
Walker said building a northern wall is a "legitimate" issue to look at.

WASHINGTON -- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R), a staunch advocate of beefing up security on the southern border, said Sunday he is open to building a wall on the U.S. border with Canada as well.

The Republican presidential candidate said the idea of building a northern wall was brought up to him during a recent town hall in New Hampshire.

"That is a legitimate issue for us to look at," Walker said Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press."

Republicans typically take a tough approach on securing the southern border, but few have said a wall should also be built along the U.S.-Canada border.

Walker reasoned that it's about much more than building a wall, arguing, "It starts with securing the homeland."

"It wasn't just about building a wall and securing our borders," he said. "It was also about making sure our intelligence community has the ability for counterterrorism and the ability to go after the infrastructure they need to protect us."

More: Scott Walker Open To Building Wall Along Border With Canada

What would such a wall cost? Would Canada pay for it? Would Canada even want such a wall? It seems to me that Walker should be much more concerned about America's crumbling infrastructure than building a northern wall that we can't afford.

Lahooka, you just love to make shit up and present it as fact. lol!
This is a stupid thread. Walker didn't say we need a northern wall. He said it was an issue we need to look at, in response to a question.

Okay, sparky, read the thread title very SLOWLY. You'll see the word "open". Why would any sane person be open to even discussing building a wall on our northern border with Canada?
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This is a stupid thread. Walker didn't say we need a northern wall. He said it was an issue we need to look at, in response to a question.

Seriously! He is on one of the biggest heavy weight political discussion of the week and he pulls out this statement. This would be a joke on a comedy festival.

The boarder is 5,500 miles long... This is bat shit crazy stuff...
This is a stupid thread. Walker didn't say we need a northern wall. He said it was an issue we need to look at, in response to a question.

Seriously! He is on one of the biggest heavy weight political discussion of the week and he pulls out this statement. This would be a joke on a comedy festival.

The boarder is 5,500 miles long... This is bat shit crazy stuff...

Saying it was worthy of a discussion doesn't translate into building it.

And it is border not boarder.
Walker said building a northern wall is a "legitimate" issue to look at.

WASHINGTON -- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R), a staunch advocate of beefing up security on the southern border, said Sunday he is open to building a wall on the U.S. border with Canada as well.

The Republican presidential candidate said the idea of building a northern wall was brought up to him during a recent town hall in New Hampshire.

"That is a legitimate issue for us to look at," Walker said Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press."

Republicans typically take a tough approach on securing the southern border, but few have said a wall should also be built along the U.S.-Canada border.

Walker reasoned that it's about much more than building a wall, arguing, "It starts with securing the homeland."

"It wasn't just about building a wall and securing our borders," he said. "It was also about making sure our intelligence community has the ability for counterterrorism and the ability to go after the infrastructure they need to protect us."

More: Scott Walker Open To Building Wall Along Border With Canada

What would such a wall cost? Would Canada pay for it? Would Canada even want such a wall? It seems to me that Walker should be much more concerned about America's crumbling infrastructure than building a northern wall that we can't afford.

Huffington was taking this out of context. He was only referring to Quebec.

This is an example of a liberal setting up a "gotcha"e question, and then taking the quote out of context to twist the mean into something totally different.

In other words, the liberals are deceiving people, which is nothing new for them. Any lies they tell is justified by their agenda.
Walker said building a northern wall is a "legitimate" issue to look at.

WASHINGTON -- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R), a staunch advocate of beefing up security on the southern border, said Sunday he is open to building a wall on the U.S. border with Canada as well.

The Republican presidential candidate said the idea of building a northern wall was brought up to him during a recent town hall in New Hampshire.

"That is a legitimate issue for us to look at," Walker said Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press."

Republicans typically take a tough approach on securing the southern border, but few have said a wall should also be built along the U.S.-Canada border.

Walker reasoned that it's about much more than building a wall, arguing, "It starts with securing the homeland."

"It wasn't just about building a wall and securing our borders," he said. "It was also about making sure our intelligence community has the ability for counterterrorism and the ability to go after the infrastructure they need to protect us."

More: Scott Walker Open To Building Wall Along Border With Canada

What would such a wall cost? Would Canada pay for it? Would Canada even want such a wall? It seems to me that Walker should be much more concerned about America's crumbling infrastructure than building a northern wall that we can't afford.

Huffington was taking this out of context. He was only referring to Quebec.


Only Quebec? That's funny.
Dishonest thread. Lahooka knows it. It's his specialty, dishonesty.

What's dishonest about this thread? Walker said it.

You took him out of context and you know it, he said it would be worthy of a discussion, that is a long way from saying we should build a wall.

You are either being dishonest or you are incredibly stupid.
I'm thinking the rest of the world is now thinking "yeah, America should build a 50 foot wall all the way around its borders to keep the cray-cray in.
Walker seems even crazier than usual. The U.S./Canadian border is 5,525 miles long.

In discussing immigration on Sunday, Walker said constructing a wall on the U.S. border with Canada — the longest in the world at 5,525 miles — is “a legitimate issue for us to look at.”

More: What happened to Scott Walker?
Walker is a tough-talking little wuss. I've known he was in way over his head for quite some time. He's not even governor material - let alone presidential material.

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