Scott Rasmussen on the Republican Brand


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
Scott Rasmussen, the pollster who consistently overrated Romney’s chances of winning the election. Rasmussen blasted the assembled Republicans with one crushing statistic after another. The exit poll data, he said, “create a negative brand image of the Republican Party as a party that only cares about white people.”

The audience murmured unhappily.

“And that image is hurting among the youth,” he continued. “It is hurting across the culture. It is something that has to be addressed across the party. It has to be addressed. You can’t just wish it away.”

A Dispatch From the 'National Review's Post-Election Cruise -- New York Magazine

I like this paragraph from the article.

This was a phenomenon that was common on the cruise—the conservative pundits and columnists from the National Review attempting to gently disinter their followers from unhelpful conservative propaganda. For people who believe in the truth of works like Dreams From My Real Father, a conspiracy-*theory documentary that argues that Obama’s real father was a communist propagandist who turned Obama into a socialist Manchurian Candidate, this could be difficult work.

Sounds very, very familiar.

The 2012 GOP walked straight into the biggest electoral sucker punch of all time, allowing the Democrats to take the focus off of the economy and put it on things like "sluts" and "legitimate rape" and gay marriage and abortion and the 47%.

Self inflicted wound.


The 2012 GOP walked straight into the biggest electoral sucker punch of all time, allowing the Democrats to take the focus off of the economy and put it on things like "sluts" and "legitimate rape" and gay marriage and abortion and the 47%.

Self inflicted wound.


That's as close to the truth as we'll ever get

The 2012 GOP walked straight into the biggest electoral sucker punch of all time, allowing the Democrats to take the focus off of the economy and put it on things like "sluts" and "legitimate rape" and gay marriage and abortion and the 47%.

Self inflicted wound.

That's what happens when you nominate a greasy used car salesman, who refuses to fight in the general as hard as he did to win the nomination.

The dumbshit was too busy trying to market and project out the "nice guy" image and playing "me too", to talk about issues that mattered.

The 2012 GOP walked straight into the biggest electoral sucker punch of all time, allowing the Democrats to take the focus off of the economy and put it on things like "sluts" and "legitimate rape" and gay marriage and abortion and the 47%.

Self inflicted wound.

That's as close to the truth as we'll ever get

But will it be recognized as the truth? From what I've seen, they seem to think more of the same will do the trick.

The 2012 GOP walked straight into the biggest electoral sucker punch of all time, allowing the Democrats to take the focus off of the economy and put it on things like "sluts" and "legitimate rape" and gay marriage and abortion and the 47%.

Self inflicted wound.

That's as close to the truth as we'll ever get

But will it be recognized as the truth? From what I've seen, they seem to think more of the same will do the trick.
Doing more of the same means nominating more "moderate" losers like Juan McWeasel and Vinnie Vitalis.

The 2012 GOP walked straight into the biggest electoral sucker punch of all time, allowing the Democrats to take the focus off of the economy and put it on things like "sluts" and "legitimate rape" and gay marriage and abortion and the 47%.

Self inflicted wound.

That's as close to the truth as we'll ever get

But will it be recognized as the truth? From what I've seen, they seem to think more of the same will do the trick.

Depends on who you're talking about. There are pragmatists in the party, but they're being shouted down right now.


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