CDZ Schumer offers 35 year-old trick_ open government and then we’ll talk border control


Gold Member
May 24, 2009

See: Dem Response: End Shutdown, Then Negotiate Border Security

”Schumer called for Trump to sign bipartisan legislation that would reopen the government and withhold funding for a border barrier so that the debate can be continued when the entire government is back to work and getting paid.”

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer really think the American People are stupid and don’t recall the dirty trick the Democrat Party Leadership played on them 35 years ago when, in 1985, the Republican Party Leadership reluctantly agreed to granting amnesty to 2.5 million illegal entrants in return for a guarantee to build a wall, secure our border and discourage illegal immigration.

And here we are today, almost 35 years later, and still no adequate protection to stop illegal border crossings; no legislation passed to discourage illegal immigration, or visa overstays; no merit based standards set for immigration to benefit the United States; and no legislation passed to criminally punish public office holders forming sanctuary cities which violate federal “harboring” laws.

But we do have an additional 10-15 million new illegal entrants in the country, and the devastating social and economic impact of illegal immigration, which is suffered by American citizens and destroying their local communities, and bankrupting their schools and emergency rooms! And Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi want the American People to once again grab their ankles, give up their political leverage, and capitulate as they did in 1985?

Hey Nancy Botox Pelosi and Lying Chuck Schumer . . . rub your dirty trick on your chest, the American People are not as stupid as you think.


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance a maternity ward for the poverty stricken populations of other countries who invade America’s borders to give birth.

Question is, will the Republican Leadership give up their political leverage in return for another promise?


Reaching across the aisle and bipartisanship is the Democrat Party Leadership’s Newspeak to subvert the Constitution and screw the American People.

See: Dem Response: End Shutdown, Then Negotiate Border Security

”Schumer called for Trump to sign bipartisan legislation that would reopen the government and withhold funding for a border barrier so that the debate can be continued when the entire government is back to work and getting paid.”

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer really think the American People are stupid and don’t recall the dirty trick the Democrat Party Leadership played on them 35 years ago when, in 1985, the Republican Party Leadership reluctantly agreed to granting amnesty to 2.5 million illegal entrants in return for a guarantee to build a wall, secure our border and discourage illegal immigration.

And here we are today, almost 35 years later, and still no adequate protection to stop illegal border crossings; no legislation passed to discourage illegal immigration, or visa overstays; no merit based standards set for immigration to benefit the United States; and no legislation passed to criminally punish public office holders forming sanctuary cities which violate federal “harboring” laws.

But we do have an additional 10-15 million new illegal entrants in the country, and the devastating social and economic impact of illegal immigration, which is suffered by American citizens and destroying their local communities, and bankrupting their schools and emergency rooms! And Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi want the American People to once again grab their ankles, give up their political leverage, and capitulate as they did in 1985?

Hey Nancy Botox Pelosi and Lying Chuck Schumer . . . rub your dirty trick on your chest, the American People are not as stupid as you think.


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance a maternity ward for the poverty stricken populations of other countries who invade America’s borders to give birth.

So why didn't republicans do anything during the last 2 years when they had control of every aspect of the government?

I'll only put it in this far

So why didn't republicans do anything during the last 2 years when they had control of every aspect of the government?

You will have to survey members of Congress to get your answer. What we are talking about is the Democrat Party Leadership trying to pull the same dirty trick they used in 1985 when amnesty was given to 2.5 million illegal entrants in return for a guarantee that a wall would be built, our border would be secured, and immigration laws would be altered to promote the general welfare of the United States and her citizens as a priority.

Do you object to the Democrat Party Leadership making good on that guarantee now?


Illegal immigration is now costing American citizens over $18 billion a year in healthcare costs alone! Far more than the measly $5.7 billion asked for to build a wall! LINK
So why didn't republicans do anything during the last 2 years when they had control of every aspect of the government?

You will have to survey members of Congress to get your answer. What we are talking about is the Democrat Party Leadership trying to pull the same dirty trick they used in 1985 when amnesty was given to 2.5 million illegal entrants in return for a guarantee that a wall would be built, our border would be secured, and immigration laws would be altered to promote the general welfare of the United States and her citizens as a priority.

Do you object to the Democrat Party Leadership making good on that guarantee now?


Illegal immigration is now costing American citizens over $18 billion a year in healthcare costs alone! Far more than the measly $5.7 billion asked for to build a wall! LINK

You understand that the right had just as much responsibility to do that as the Democrats did, don't you? Securing the border and building a wall aren't the same thing.
You understand that the right had just as much responsibility to do that as the Democrats did, don't you? Securing the border and building a wall aren't the same thing.

And building a wall where the geographical terrain requires it is part of "securing the border".

Now, the question is, do you object to today's Democrat Party Leadership making good on that 35 year old promised guarantee?


The Democrat Party Leadership has been encouraging this ongoing invasion of our southern border since 1985 when amnesty was granted to 2.5 million illegal entrants in return for a guarantee to build a wall and secure our border. And here we are today, no wall, but 10-15 million more illegal entrants and the invasion continues

See: Dem Response: End Shutdown, Then Negotiate Border Security

”Schumer called for Trump to sign bipartisan legislation that would reopen the government and withhold funding for a border barrier so that the debate can be continued when the entire government is back to work and getting paid.”

Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer really think the American People are stupid and don’t recall the dirty trick the Democrat Party Leadership played on them 35 years ago when, in 1985, the Republican Party Leadership reluctantly agreed to granting amnesty to 2.5 million illegal entrants in return for a guarantee to build a wall, secure our border and discourage illegal immigration.

And here we are today, almost 35 years later, and still no adequate protection to stop illegal border crossings; no legislation passed to discourage illegal immigration, or visa overstays; no merit based standards set for immigration to benefit the United States; and no legislation passed to criminally punish public office holders forming sanctuary cities which violate federal “harboring” laws.

But we do have an additional 10-15 million new illegal entrants in the country, and the devastating social and economic impact of illegal immigration, which is suffered by American citizens and destroying their local communities, and bankrupting their schools and emergency rooms! And Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi want the American People to once again grab their ankles, give up their political leverage, and capitulate as they did in 1985?

Hey Nancy Botox Pelosi and Lying Chuck Schumer . . . rub your dirty trick on your chest, the American People are not as stupid as you think.


American citizens are sick and tired of being made into tax-slaves to finance a maternity ward for the poverty stricken populations of other countries who invade America’s borders to give birth.
I truly hate to be the one to point this out, but the American people are exactly as stupid as Pelosi and Schumer believe they are.
You understand that the right had just as much responsibility to do that as the Democrats did, don't you? Securing the border and building a wall aren't the same thing.

And building a wall where the geographical terrain requires it is part of "securing the border".

Now, the question is, do you object to today's Democrat Party Leadership making good on that 35 year old promised guarantee?


The Democrat Party Leadership has been encouraging this ongoing invasion of our southern border since 1985 when amnesty was granted to 2.5 million illegal entrants in return for a guarantee to build a wall and secure our border. And here we are today, no wall, but 10-15 million more illegal entrants and the invasion continues

Illegal immigration is at a 46 year low point, and walking across the desert is not the way the large majority of illegal immigrants get here. There are better, lower cost, and more effective ways to solve the problems we have. It's stupid to waste that money on a wall.
You understand that the right had just as much responsibility to do that as the Democrats did, don't you? Securing the border and building a wall aren't the same thing.

And building a wall where the geographical terrain requires it is part of "securing the border".

Now, the question is, do you object to today's Democrat Party Leadership making good on that 35 year old promised guarantee?


The Democrat Party Leadership has been encouraging this ongoing invasion of our southern border since 1985 when amnesty was granted to 2.5 million illegal entrants in return for a guarantee to build a wall and secure our border. And here we are today, no wall, but 10-15 million more illegal entrants and the invasion continues

Illegal immigration is at a 46 year low point, and walking across the desert is not the way the large majority of illegal immigrants get here. There are better, lower cost, and more effective ways to solve the problems we have. It's stupid to waste that money on a wall.

This is such a weak talking point

"this isn't the WORST problem we have, so we should do nothing"
I dont understand why anyone would want the gov to open back up???

the left thinks the constitution is oppressive

the right says they stand with the constitution

so this is a great opportunity to see the progams and agencies that are oppressive and not within constitutional authority

use this to clean the system and return the country to what did make it great

total freedom and total liberty through a constitutionally limited government
So why didn't republicans do anything during the last 2 years when they had control of every aspect of the government?

You will have to survey members of Congress to get your answer. What we are talking about is the Democrat Party Leadership trying to pull the same dirty trick they used in 1985 when amnesty was given to 2.5 million illegal entrants in return for a guarantee that a wall would be built, our border would be secured, and immigration laws would be altered to promote the general welfare of the United States and her citizens as a priority.

Do you object to the Democrat Party Leadership making good on that guarantee now?


Illegal immigration is now costing American citizens over $18 billion a year in healthcare costs alone! Far more than the measly $5.7 billion asked for to build a wall! LINK

Securing the border and building a wall aren't the same thing
But, they aren't mutually exclusive either.
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You understand that the right had just as much responsibility to do that as the Democrats did, don't you? Securing the border and building a wall aren't the same thing.

And building a wall where the geographical terrain requires it is part of "securing the border".

Now, the question is, do you object to today's Democrat Party Leadership making good on that 35 year old promised guarantee?


The Democrat Party Leadership has been encouraging this ongoing invasion of our southern border since 1985 when amnesty was granted to 2.5 million illegal entrants in return for a guarantee to build a wall and secure our border. And here we are today, no wall, but 10-15 million more illegal entrants and the invasion continues

Illegal immigration is at a 46 year low point and walking across the desert is not the way the large majority of illegal immigrants get here. There are better, lower cost, and more effective ways to solve the problems we have. It's stupid to waste that money on a wall.

You wrote: "Illegal immigration is at a 46 year low point". The truth is, in the last three months there has been a major increase in activity at our border not to mention a huge spike in unaccompanied children and mothers with their children. The fact is, the border is still not secured and illegal border crossings continue.

You also wrote: "walking across the desert is not the way the large majority of illegal immigrants get here." So, from what you wrote above, you concede the fact that illegal border crossings do occur. And, from what I have read, illegal border crossings are a major path for illegal immigration. Finally, did you miss the news about the caravans with thousands upon thousands of foreigners looking to cross our border?

You end by writing: "There are better, lower cost, and more effective ways to solve the problems we have. It's stupid to waste that money on a wall" If you are talking about protecting our border, you forgot to identify those "more effective ways". Additionally, you allege a wall is stupid and a waste of money. And yet, the evidence is readily available that walls do work!

Israel’s border wall along the Gaza Strip is very effective, and its southern border wall is likewise effective;

The two-story corrugated steel fence built under Bush in El Paso, Texas has also proven to prevent illegal border crossings;

And let us not forget Yuma, Arizona’s bipartisan wall cut illegal border crossings to a 10th of what they were in 2006.

Walls do work, and for you to suggest otherwise is very, very suspicious. :rolleyes:


Illegal immigration is now costing American citizens over $18 billion a year in healthcare costs alone! Far more than the measly $5.7 billion asked for to build a wall! LINK

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You understand that the right had just as much responsibility to do that as the Democrats did, don't you? Securing the border and building a wall aren't the same thing.

And building a wall where the geographical terrain requires it is part of "securing the border".

Now, the question is, do you object to today's Democrat Party Leadership making good on that 35 year old promised guarantee?


The Democrat Party Leadership has been encouraging this ongoing invasion of our southern border since 1985 when amnesty was granted to 2.5 million illegal entrants in return for a guarantee to build a wall and secure our border. And here we are today, no wall, but 10-15 million more illegal entrants and the invasion continues

Illegal immigration is at a 46 year low point and walking across the desert is not the way the large majority of illegal immigrants get here. There are better, lower cost, and more effective ways to solve the problems we have. It's stupid to waste that money on a wall.

You wrote: "Illegal immigration is at a 46 year low point". The truth is, in the last three months there has been a major increase in activity at our border not to mention a huge spike in unaccompanied children and mothers with their children. The fact is, the border is still not secured and illegal border crossings continue.

You also wrote: "walking across the desert is not the way the large majority of illegal immigrants get here." So, from what you wrote above, you concede the fact that illegal border crossings do occur. And, from what I have read, illegal border crossings are a major path for illegal immigration. Finally, did you miss the news about the caravans with thousands upon thousands of foreigners looking to cross our border?

You end by writing: "There are better, lower cost, and more effective ways to solve the problems we have. It's stupid to waste that money on a wall" If you are talking about protecting our border, you forgot to identify those "more effective ways". Additionally, you allege a wall is stupid and a waste of money. And yet, the evidence is readily available that walls do work!

Israel’s border wall along the Gaza Strip is very effective, and its southern border wall is likewise effective;

The two-story corrugated steel fence built under Bush in El Paso, Texas has also proven to prevent illegal border crossings;

And let us not forget Yuma, Arizona’s bipartisan wall cut illegal border crossings to a 10th of what they were in 2006.

Walls do work, and for you to suggest otherwise is very, very suspicious. :rolleyes:


Illegal immigration is now costing American citizens over $18 billion a year in healthcare costs alone! Far more than the measly $5.7 billion asked for to build a wall! LINK

We are at a 46 year low. The large majority still come across at regular points of entry, not walking across the desert. The following chart is marked in 200,000 person increments. A few thousand either way won't make much of a difference.

Those better, more effective ways include better security at regular points of entry, and appointing more judges to deal with the people who are here. Nobody is going to wait at the border for a year or more just to get a hearing. Trump's fantasy is a waste of time and money.
You understand that the right had just as much responsibility to do that as the Democrats did, don't you? Securing the border and building a wall aren't the same thing.

And building a wall where the geographical terrain requires it is part of "securing the border".

Now, the question is, do you object to today's Democrat Party Leadership making good on that 35 year old promised guarantee?


The Democrat Party Leadership has been encouraging this ongoing invasion of our southern border since 1985 when amnesty was granted to 2.5 million illegal entrants in return for a guarantee to build a wall and secure our border. And here we are today, no wall, but 10-15 million more illegal entrants and the invasion continues

Illegal immigration is at a 46 year low point and walking across the desert is not the way the large majority of illegal immigrants get here. There are better, lower cost, and more effective ways to solve the problems we have. It's stupid to waste that money on a wall.

You wrote: "Illegal immigration is at a 46 year low point". The truth is, in the last three months there has been a major increase in activity at our border not to mention a huge spike in unaccompanied children and mothers with their children. The fact is, the border is still not secured and illegal border crossings continue.

You also wrote: "walking across the desert is not the way the large majority of illegal immigrants get here." So, from what you wrote above, you concede the fact that illegal border crossings do occur. And, from what I have read, illegal border crossings are a major path for illegal immigration. Finally, did you miss the news about the caravans with thousands upon thousands of foreigners looking to cross our border?

You end by writing: "There are better, lower cost, and more effective ways to solve the problems we have. It's stupid to waste that money on a wall" If you are talking about protecting our border, you forgot to identify those "more effective ways". Additionally, you allege a wall is stupid and a waste of money. And yet, the evidence is readily available that walls do work!

Israel’s border wall along the Gaza Strip is very effective, and its southern border wall is likewise effective;

The two-story corrugated steel fence built under Bush in El Paso, Texas has also proven to prevent illegal border crossings;

And let us not forget Yuma, Arizona’s bipartisan wall cut illegal border crossings to a 10th of what they were in 2006.

Walls do work, and for you to suggest otherwise is very, very suspicious. :rolleyes:


Illegal immigration is now costing American citizens over $18 billion a year in healthcare costs alone! Far more than the measly $5.7 billion asked for to build a wall! LINK

We are at a 46 year low. The large majority still come across at regular points of entry, not walking across the desert. The following chart is marked in 200,000 person increments. A few thousand either way won't make much of a difference.

Those better, more effective ways include better security at regular points of entry, and appointing more judges to deal with the people who are here. Nobody is going to wait at the border for a year or more just to get a hearing. Trump's fantasy is a waste of time and money.

You are repeating yourself. Instead of addressing my response to you, and the evidence contained therein, you resort to an old and tired stupid debating trick ___ ignore your opponent's rebuttal and repeat your irrelevant remarks.



Illegal immigration is now costing American citizens over $18 billion a year in healthcare costs alone! Far more than the measly $5.7 billion asked for to build a wall! LINK
You understand that the right had just as much responsibility to do that as the Democrats did, don't you? Securing the border and building a wall aren't the same thing.

And building a wall where the geographical terrain requires it is part of "securing the border".

Now, the question is, do you object to today's Democrat Party Leadership making good on that 35 year old promised guarantee?


The Democrat Party Leadership has been encouraging this ongoing invasion of our southern border since 1985 when amnesty was granted to 2.5 million illegal entrants in return for a guarantee to build a wall and secure our border. And here we are today, no wall, but 10-15 million more illegal entrants and the invasion continues

Illegal immigration is at a 46 year low point and walking across the desert is not the way the large majority of illegal immigrants get here. There are better, lower cost, and more effective ways to solve the problems we have. It's stupid to waste that money on a wall.

You wrote: "Illegal immigration is at a 46 year low point". The truth is, in the last three months there has been a major increase in activity at our border not to mention a huge spike in unaccompanied children and mothers with their children. The fact is, the border is still not secured and illegal border crossings continue.

You also wrote: "walking across the desert is not the way the large majority of illegal immigrants get here." So, from what you wrote above, you concede the fact that illegal border crossings do occur. And, from what I have read, illegal border crossings are a major path for illegal immigration. Finally, did you miss the news about the caravans with thousands upon thousands of foreigners looking to cross our border?

You end by writing: "There are better, lower cost, and more effective ways to solve the problems we have. It's stupid to waste that money on a wall" If you are talking about protecting our border, you forgot to identify those "more effective ways". Additionally, you allege a wall is stupid and a waste of money. And yet, the evidence is readily available that walls do work!

Israel’s border wall along the Gaza Strip is very effective, and its southern border wall is likewise effective;

The two-story corrugated steel fence built under Bush in El Paso, Texas has also proven to prevent illegal border crossings;

And let us not forget Yuma, Arizona’s bipartisan wall cut illegal border crossings to a 10th of what they were in 2006.

Walls do work, and for you to suggest otherwise is very, very suspicious. :rolleyes:


Illegal immigration is now costing American citizens over $18 billion a year in healthcare costs alone! Far more than the measly $5.7 billion asked for to build a wall! LINK

We are at a 46 year low. The large majority still come across at regular points of entry, not walking across the desert. The following chart is marked in 200,000 person increments. A few thousand either way won't make much of a difference.

Those better, more effective ways include better security at regular points of entry, and appointing more judges to deal with the people who are here. Nobody is going to wait at the border for a year or more just to get a hearing. Trump's fantasy is a waste of time and money.

You are repeating yourself. Instead of addressing my response to you, and the evidence contained therein, you resort to an old and tired stupid debating trick ___ ignore your opponent's rebuttal and repeat your irrelevant remarks.



Illegal immigration is now costing American citizens over $18 billion a year in healthcare costs alone! Far more than the measly $5.7 billion asked for to build a wall! LINK

Your response was irrelevant.
And building a wall where the geographical terrain requires it is part of "securing the border".

Now, the question is, do you object to today's Democrat Party Leadership making good on that 35 year old promised guarantee?


The Democrat Party Leadership has been encouraging this ongoing invasion of our southern border since 1985 when amnesty was granted to 2.5 million illegal entrants in return for a guarantee to build a wall and secure our border. And here we are today, no wall, but 10-15 million more illegal entrants and the invasion continues

Illegal immigration is at a 46 year low point and walking across the desert is not the way the large majority of illegal immigrants get here. There are better, lower cost, and more effective ways to solve the problems we have. It's stupid to waste that money on a wall.

You wrote: "Illegal immigration is at a 46 year low point". The truth is, in the last three months there has been a major increase in activity at our border not to mention a huge spike in unaccompanied children and mothers with their children. The fact is, the border is still not secured and illegal border crossings continue.

You also wrote: "walking across the desert is not the way the large majority of illegal immigrants get here." So, from what you wrote above, you concede the fact that illegal border crossings do occur. And, from what I have read, illegal border crossings are a major path for illegal immigration. Finally, did you miss the news about the caravans with thousands upon thousands of foreigners looking to cross our border?

You end by writing: "There are better, lower cost, and more effective ways to solve the problems we have. It's stupid to waste that money on a wall" If you are talking about protecting our border, you forgot to identify those "more effective ways". Additionally, you allege a wall is stupid and a waste of money. And yet, the evidence is readily available that walls do work!

Israel’s border wall along the Gaza Strip is very effective, and its southern border wall is likewise effective;

The two-story corrugated steel fence built under Bush in El Paso, Texas has also proven to prevent illegal border crossings;

And let us not forget Yuma, Arizona’s bipartisan wall cut illegal border crossings to a 10th of what they were in 2006.

Walls do work, and for you to suggest otherwise is very, very suspicious. :rolleyes:


Illegal immigration is now costing American citizens over $18 billion a year in healthcare costs alone! Far more than the measly $5.7 billion asked for to build a wall! LINK

We are at a 46 year low. The large majority still come across at regular points of entry, not walking across the desert. The following chart is marked in 200,000 person increments. A few thousand either way won't make much of a difference.

Those better, more effective ways include better security at regular points of entry, and appointing more judges to deal with the people who are here. Nobody is going to wait at the border for a year or more just to get a hearing. Trump's fantasy is a waste of time and money.

You are repeating yourself. Instead of addressing my response to you, and the evidence contained therein, you resort to an old and tired stupid debating trick ___ ignore your opponent's rebuttal and repeat your irrelevant remarks.



Illegal immigration is now costing American citizens over $18 billion a year in healthcare costs alone! Far more than the measly $5.7 billion asked for to build a wall! LINK

Your response was irrelevant.

So, you really are not here to actually debate the issue. Who would have known?


The Democrat Party Leadership has been encouraging this ongoing invasion of our southern border since 1985 when amnesty was granted to 2.5 million illegal entrants in return for a guarantee to build a wall and secure our border. And here we are today, no wall, but 10-15 million new illegal entrants and the invasion continues
Your response was irrelevant.

So, you really are not here to actually debate the issue. Who would have known?


The Democrat Party Leadership has been encouraging this ongoing invasion of our southern border since 1985 when amnesty was granted to 2.5 million illegal entrants in return for a guarantee to build a wall and secure our border. And here we are today, no wall, but 10-15 million new illegal entrants and the invasion continues

Your claim that Schumer's offer was a trick is not something worthy of debate. It was nothing more than more right wing mud slinging. It was wrong, and the only correct response is " your remarks/response are irrelevant."
Your response was irrelevant.

So, you really are not here to actually debate the issue. Who would have known?


The Democrat Party Leadership has been encouraging this ongoing invasion of our southern border since 1985 when amnesty was granted to 2.5 million illegal entrants in return for a guarantee to build a wall and secure our border. And here we are today, no wall, but 10-15 million new illegal entrants and the invasion continues

Your claim that Schumer's offer was a trick is not something worthy of debate. It was nothing more than more right wing mud slinging. It was wrong, and the only correct response is " your remarks/response are irrelevant."

Historical facts seem to not be your friend.


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