Zone1 School forces 7th grader to remove ideological T shirt despite hanging ideological flags/posters

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
So this kid wore a T shirt that simply stated “There are only two genders”, and the kid was ordered to remove it, and when he refused he was kicked out of the school and his dad had to come pick him up.

Mind you, the school displayed pro LGBTQ flags and posters around the building.

The school said they ordered the removal because others complained about it and that it made them feel “unsafe”.

So here’s the question:
1. Are people unsafe from a biological statement on a T shirt? No.
2. Why are schools holding blatant double standards where they promote the minority opinion (that there are more than 2 genders) but yet feel they can suppress/intimidate/censor those who disagree (the majority opinion in America)?
3. By the schools standard, couldn’t he have claimed HE felt “unsafe”? Do his feelings not matter?

Sue the shit out of them. I wonder why parents aren't getting together and collectively suing the shit out of school boards, even if they loose it ties these leftist assholes up from their damage.

Shit, that's what filthy rich bed wetters do. They drag people into court over frivolous bullshit knowing they're going to lose, but they're costing someone with less money than they have a serious set back with legal fees.

That's a leftist sociopath for you though. We sacrifice for meritorious and righteous things, bed wetters sacrifice for hate.
IDK. Were schools that tried to ban AC/DC shirts back in the day that had Mozart posters on the music room bulletin boards practicing a "double standard"?

I think bans are silly and counter-productive because you are just giving people looking for a reaction the reaction they were looking for, but it isn't something I get too vested in being old enough to have seen these type pearl clutching moments change time and time again.
You haven’t the vaguest idea of what “culture” these people have because your mind is completely closed.

If someone doesn’t act just like YOU, they should be discriminated against and abused for it.
This 7th grader was discriminated against by the school, officially as a policy.

Do you support this type of ideological discrimination?

How is it that those who demanded someone be removed from the school for their mainstream largely uncontroversial opinion aren’t bigots?

Wouldn’t that be exactly what they are?
Because that is not what bigotry is. It's sensitive and snowflake like but it doesn't fit the definition of bigotry.
It's not a scientific argument that there are only two genders.
It absolutely is, there are clear differing behaviors that stem from the different sexes, thus affecting gender. You can’t separate the two. The behavioral science is ironclad and established.

Some weird perverts introduced the radical, outlandish theory in the 60’s/70’s (look them up it’s disgusting they tested orgasms on toddlers) and here you are believing it. It’s kooky stuff
It absolutely is, there are clear differing behaviors that stem from the different sexes, thus affecting gender. You can’t separate the two. The behavioral science is ironclad and established.
Is it?

What Do We Mean By Sex and Gender?
Some weird perverts introduced the radical, outlandish theory in the 60’s/70’s (look them up it’s disgusting they tested orgasms on toddlers) and here you are believing it. It’s kooky stuff
Is weird perverts the name of your scientific study?
Let me guess, “bigotry” is only when people you disagree with stand and promote things?


Bigotry is when you have unreasonable hatred or suspicion of others.
Is weird perverts the name of your scientific study?
Nope, nice avoidance attempt… but anyone who does studies involving the orgasms of children I think opens themselves up to being called “weird”, and is certainly open to being called a pervert.

You don’t agree?

You going to Jack some kids off in the name of science?


Bigotry is when you have unreasonable hatred or suspicion of others.
That’s a good definition.

So if I, and statistically-speaking all of mankind, maintain that there are two genders based on biology and behavioral science..

1. how is that “unreasonable”?
2. How does it display “hatred”?


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