Scarborough Suggests Trump is Tanking on Purpose: Looks Like a ‘Deliberate Attempt to Drive His Campaign Into the Ground’


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2012
Scarborough Suggests Trump is Tanking on Purpose: Looks Like a ‘Deliberate Attempt to Drive His Campaign Into the Ground’

Joe Scarborough believes that President Donald Trump could be taking a dive in the 2020 election.

On Friday’s edition of Morning Joe, the MSNBC host — during a conversation with guest Donny Deustch — posited his theory that Trump is trying to lose the race on purpose.

This guy that you and I have known for many years, not only is he not acting like he doesn’t want to get re-elected, he’s acting like he really wants to lose badly and take the Republican party down with him,” Scarborough said.

The Morning Joe host conceded that the theory is far-fetched, but said he cannot come up with another reason why the president is taking so many unpopular positions.

“None of this would make sense in the conventional sense,” Scarborough said. “But you look at every single move he’s making. He’s on the 25 percent of a 75/25 issue. And it keeps happening every day.”

Scarborough added, “This looks like a deliberate attempt to drive his campaign into the ground every day. He knows what he’s doing is going to lower the poll numbers, and they are. They are collapsing every day.”

Co-host Mika Brzezinski agreed.

“He doesn’t want four more years,” she said. “That’s clear. You can tell by his behavior. His attitude towards the health of the American people, he doesn’t want to be there.”

But, Brzezinski added, Trump does not like to lose. Scarborough concurred, and suggested that Trump could follow the example of Lyndon Johnson in 1968 and withdraw from the race.

“This is not a guy who is acting like he expects to be around on January 21st, 2021 in the White House. And he’s acting like he’s setting everything on fire before he leaves,” Scarborough said. He added, “He’s known when to leave the stage before. … I would not be surprised if he left the stage again.”

Trump is currently behind by 9.4 percentage points nationally
Wisconsin - behind Biden by 8 percentage points
Michigan - behind Biden by 8.6 percentages points
Pennsylvania - behind Biden by 6.3 percentage points

An incumbent President faced with this situation would be trying to appeal to a much of the population as possible if they still wanted a chance at winning in November. Trump instead is doubling down on support from the white, uneducated and racist part of American society. That won't save you in November.

Trump knows his goose is cooked and he is looking forward to private live on January 21, 2020.

The funny thing is how many people here think he is serious about winning and staying President for another four years.
I wrote a couple of weeks ago that I thought there was a chance, a very small chance at this point, that Trump would drop out in October if he saw that his chances of victory was nil. We know that Trump fears losing. His biggest fear is that he will lose in November and then go down as just another one term loser president that the voters rejected.

To avoid that, I can see the possibility that he goes on national TV and says he has done all he needs to do. That he is a winner. That he fixed the economy and restored American greatness. He will then go on to rail against the Democrats, the Deep State, the media, and even the Republicans for letting him down. It is always someone else's fault except Trump's.

We also know that Trump doesn't give a flyin' fig for his supporters. It is all about him.

Given that Trump supporters swallow all of Trump's effluence I expect if Trump starts a news channel they will all run out and subscribe.

You know what they say about fools and their money.
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It's not like he ever actually expected to win, and it's not like he's actually fit for the office he won.

Perhaps he's finally come to the realization that he's unfit or so hated that he can't make any further headway, and is slowly tossing-in the towel.

Then again, Cadet Bone Spurs is not the brightest crayon in the box, outside of his niche(s), and I'm not sure he's capable of executing such a sustained plan.
Trump is currently behind by 9.4 percentage points nationally
Wisconsin - behind Biden by 8 percentage points
Michigan - behind Biden by 8.6 percentages points
Pennsylvania - behind Biden by 6.3 percentage points

An incumbent President faced with this situation would be trying to appeal to a much of the population as possible if they still wanted a chance at winning in November. Trump instead is doubling down on support from the white, uneducated and racist part of American society. That won't save you in November.

Trump knows his goose is cooked and he is looking forward to private live on January 21, 2020.

The funny thing is how many people here think he is serious about winning and staying President for another four years.
Some one said and I quote, that on every 75-25 argument he's on the 25%
Trump is currently behind by 9.4 percentage points nationally
Wisconsin - behind Biden by 8 percentage points
Michigan - behind Biden by 8.6 percentages points
Pennsylvania - behind Biden by 6.3 percentage points

An incumbent President faced with this situation would be trying to appeal to a much of the population as possible if they still wanted a chance at winning in November. Trump instead is doubling down on support from the white, uneducated and racist part of American society. That won't save you in November.

Trump knows his goose is cooked and he is looking forward to private live on January 21, 2020.

The funny thing is how many people here think he is serious about winning and staying President for another four years.
"The funny thing is how many people here think he is serious about winning and staying President for another four years."

If there was a path forward to winning Drumpf would take it. Unless he is a complete idiot he would be better served winning. I can see the FBI bringing charges after he is out of office. He has to know that.
I wrote a couple of weeks ago that I thought there was a chance, a very small chance at this point, that Trump would drop out in October if he saw that his chances of victory was nil. We know that Trump fears losing. His biggest fear is that he will lose in November and then go down as just another one term loser president that the voters rejected.

To avoid that, I can see the possibility that he goes on national TV and says he has done all he needs to do. That he is a winner. That he fixed the economy and restored American greatness. He will then go on to rail against the Democrats, the Deep State, the media, and even the Republicans for letting him down. It is always everybody else's fault except Trump's.

We also know that Trump doesn't give a flyin' fig for his supporters. It is all about him.

Given that Trump supporters swallow all of Trump's effluence I expect if Trump starts a cable station they will all run out and subscribe.

You know what they say about fools and their money.
Wish you were right but think he leaves knowing the courts will be after his lying thieving butt?
Scarborough Suggests Trump is Tanking on Purpose: Looks Like a ‘Deliberate Attempt to Drive His Campaign Into the Ground’

Joe Scarborough believes that President Donald Trump could be taking a dive in the 2020 election.

On Friday’s edition of Morning Joe, the MSNBC host — during a conversation with guest Donny Deustch — posited his theory that Trump is trying to lose the race on purpose.

This guy that you and I have known for many years, not only is he not acting like he doesn’t want to get re-elected, he’s acting like he really wants to lose badly and take the Republican party down with him,” Scarborough said.

The Morning Joe host conceded that the theory is far-fetched, but said he cannot come up with another reason why the president is taking so many unpopular positions.

“None of this would make sense in the conventional sense,” Scarborough said. “But you look at every single move he’s making. He’s on the 25 percent of a 75/25 issue. And it keeps happening every day.”

Scarborough added, “This looks like a deliberate attempt to drive his campaign into the ground every day. He knows what he’s doing is going to lower the poll numbers, and they are. They are collapsing every day.”

Co-host Mika Brzezinski agreed.

“He doesn’t want four more years,” she said. “That’s clear. You can tell by his behavior. His attitude towards the health of the American people, he doesn’t want to be there.”

But, Brzezinski added, Trump does not like to lose. Scarborough concurred, and suggested that Trump could follow the example of Lyndon Johnson in 1968 and withdraw from the race.

“This is not a guy who is acting like he expects to be around on January 21st, 2021 in the White House. And he’s acting like he’s setting everything on fire before he leaves,” Scarborough said. He added, “He’s known when to leave the stage before. … I would not be surprised if he left the stage again.”

So YOURE the one who watches Scarborough!
Scarborough Suggests Trump is Tanking on Purpose: Looks Like a ‘Deliberate Attempt to Drive His Campaign Into the Ground’

Joe Scarborough believes that President Donald Trump could be taking a dive in the 2020 election.

On Friday’s edition of Morning Joe, the MSNBC host — during a conversation with guest Donny Deustch — posited his theory that Trump is trying to lose the race on purpose.

This guy that you and I have known for many years, not only is he not acting like he doesn’t want to get re-elected, he’s acting like he really wants to lose badly and take the Republican party down with him,” Scarborough said.

The Morning Joe host conceded that the theory is far-fetched, but said he cannot come up with another reason why the president is taking so many unpopular positions.

“None of this would make sense in the conventional sense,” Scarborough said. “But you look at every single move he’s making. He’s on the 25 percent of a 75/25 issue. And it keeps happening every day.”

Scarborough added, “This looks like a deliberate attempt to drive his campaign into the ground every day. He knows what he’s doing is going to lower the poll numbers, and they are. They are collapsing every day.”

Co-host Mika Brzezinski agreed.

“He doesn’t want four more years,” she said. “That’s clear. You can tell by his behavior. His attitude towards the health of the American people, he doesn’t want to be there.”

But, Brzezinski added, Trump does not like to lose. Scarborough concurred, and suggested that Trump could follow the example of Lyndon Johnson in 1968 and withdraw from the race.

“This is not a guy who is acting like he expects to be around on January 21st, 2021 in the White House. And he’s acting like he’s setting everything on fire before he leaves,” Scarborough said. He added, “He’s known when to leave the stage before. … I would not be surprised if he left the stage again.”

So YOURE the one who watches Scarborough!
Then I'm #2
It's not like something has changed. He's been like this since Day One.

How long can a President of the United States behave like a spoiled, petulant child before it begins to wear thin?
Hopefully for another four years... Then maybe we can actually get some good alternatives.

The only thing that scares me more than Biden as president... Is if Trump dies while in office. Pence scares me more.
It's not like something has changed. He's been like this since Day One.

How long can a President of the United States behave like a spoiled, petulant child before it begins to wear thin?
Hopefully for another four years... Then maybe we can actually get some good alternatives.

The only thing that scares me more than Biden as president... Is if Trump dies while in office. Pence scares me more.
Republicans Lied about Gore Lied about Hillary Lied about Obama and now it's Bidens turn Biden is ten times the man and leader than the trump moron is
I wrote a couple of weeks ago that I thought there was a chance, a very small chance at this point, that Trump would drop out in October if he saw that his chances of victory was nil. We know that Trump fears losing. His biggest fear is that he will lose in November and then go down as just another one term loser president that the voters rejected.

To avoid that, I can see the possibility that he goes on national TV and says he has done all he needs to do. That he is a winner. That he fixed the economy and restored American greatness. He will then go on to rail against the Democrats, the Deep State, the media, and even the Republicans for letting him down. It is always someone else's fault except Trump's.

We also know that Trump doesn't give a flyin' fig for his supporters. It is all about him.

Given that Trump supporters swallow all of Trump's effluence I expect if Trump starts a news channel they will all run out and subscribe.

You know what they say about fools and their money.
What a fascinating time.

On one hand, Trump and his base have created and maintained their own little world apart from everyone else. Because his need for approval is nothing less than pathological, he focuses on squeezing his psychological nourishment from them because of their absolutely unconditional devotion.

On the other hand, he clearly pays rapt attention to his detractors, and there's no doubt that they wound him pretty regularly. Even more interestingly, he makes absolutely no effort to hide the fact that they hurt him, as evidenced by the way he quotes and paraphrases them so regularly.

If I had to bet -- and I don't -- my guess is the adoration he gets from his flock will be a stronger pull for him. He's already laid the foundation for his excuse if he loses -- the Democrats cheated and the media helped them. He knows his flock will parrot exactly that line if it does come to pass.
Trump is currently behind by 9.4 percentage points nationally
Wisconsin - behind Biden by 8 percentage points
Michigan - behind Biden by 8.6 percentages points
Pennsylvania - behind Biden by 6.3 percentage points

An incumbent President faced with this situation would be trying to appeal to a much of the population as possible if they still wanted a chance at winning in November. Trump instead is doubling down on support from the white, uneducated and racist part of American society. That won't save you in November.

Trump knows his goose is cooked and he is looking forward to private live on January 21, 2020.

The funny thing is how many people here think he is serious about winning and staying President for another four years.
"The funny thing is how many people here think he is serious about winning and staying President for another four years."

If there was a path forward to winning Drumpf would take it. Unless he is a complete idiot he would be better served winning. I can see the FBI bringing charges after he is out of office. He has to know that.

Trump still has money left and the world is a big place. He has connections. He may not fear returning to private life at all.

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