SCANDAL: Clunton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting Documents Found


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...what kind of documents could exist pertaining to their discussion about GRANDKIDS, huh, snowflakes?

Judicial Watch says FBI has found Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting documents

"We won’t know what’s in them until we see them, unfortunately,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton told Fox News in an email Friday. “The fact they just ‘found’ them is yet another scandal.”

The FBI initially did not find any documents or records related to the tarmac meeting, according to an FBI letter reviewed by Fox News, but in a related case this summer, the Justice Department recovered email correspondence regarding the meeting.

“Upon further review, we subsequently determined potentially responsive documents may exist,” the FBI wrote to Judicial Watch in a letter on Aug. 10. The FBI wrote that the request had been “reopened” and is “currently in the process of searching for any responsive material.
I thought no meeting was ever even contemplated, until suddenly Bill noticed Loretta Lynch's plane on the tarmac near where his own would soon be. So he dropped in and they talked about their grandkids, then went their separate ways.

How could there be "documents"? Especially documents about BEFORE the meeting?
I thought no meeting was ever even contemplated, until suddenly Bill noticed Loretta Lynch's plane on the tarmac near where his own would soon be. So he dropped in and they talked about their grandkids, then went their separate ways.

How could there be "documents"? Especially documents about BEFORE the meeting?
30 pages of documents. That's 30 stenographers doing short hand for 30 minutes.
Nothing to see here ... move along.

Every time something like this is revealed, every time what the snowflakes bought from there lying Democratic party leadership, every time more details of their scandals are revealed, it makes the Democratic liberal apologist snowflakes look more and more like ignorant sheep...
She was giving him a blowjob... no blue dress though
Nothing to see here ... move along.

Every time something like this is revealed, every time what the snowflakes bought from there lying Democratic party leadership, every time more details of their scandals are revealed, it makes the Democratic liberal apologist snowflakes look more and more like ignorant sheep...

Every time something like this is revealed, nothing comes of it.
"Ok, Loretta, here's the deal. You direct Comey to let Hillary off for violating national security laws, and I will transfer 20 million from the Clinton foundation to your numbered account in Switzerland"

"Deal, how is Webb Hubbell's daughter doing?"
We have a full blown political crisis here and the Trumpbots are all still trying to beat Hilary. Hillary was last year, your man is right now and he is sucking at his job. You people won the election, continuing to go after the loser is just sad. You should be paying attention to what your messiah is fucking up right now rather than going after a politically irrelevant has-been whose career is as dead as Elvis.
Watchdog: FBI Has Found 30 Pages Of Docs Relating To Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Meeting

Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group, announced that the FBI has found 30 pages of documents concerning the 2016 tarmac meeting between former President Bill Clinton and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch.


The crooks that leftist retards love to support. Why because they think like them, act like them , want to control people like them. Yeah these are ANTI AMERICAN LEFTIST retard heroes.

Ever notice these same pos losers are the same ones who think Hollywood pedophiles is all just a conspiracy they enjoy supporting it all that's why leftist losers deny it all.

Ever notice these are the same assholes who do nothing but bash Trump act alike think alike.
The FBI initially did not find any documents or records related to the tarmac meeting, according to an FBI letter reviewed by Fox News, but in a related case this summer, the Justice Department recovered email correspondence regarding the meeting.

“Upon further review, we subsequently determined potentially responsive documents may exist,” the FBI wrote to Judicial Watch in a letter on Aug. 10. The FBI wrote that the request had been “reopened” and is “currently in the process of searching for any responsive material.”

The tarmac meeting fueled Republican complaints at the time that Lynch had improperly met with the husband of an investigation subject, just before the probe into Hillary Clinton's personal email use was completed with no charges filed.

Fired FBI Director James Comey, in Senate testimony in June, described that tarmac meeting as problematic.
Judicial Watch says FBI has found Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting documents
This is just another exposed example of the collusion and collaboration within the Obama Administration to protect Hillary Clinton from her crimes, from indictment, and from criminal charges in order for her to continue to run for president.

This is just a reminder that Hillary Clinton should never have been on the ballot on Election Day, that she should have been forced out of the race which is exactly what Democrats would have gone to any Republican in the same the situation.

This is just a reminder how none transparent the Obama Administration was, how crooked and illegal it was, and how Hillary Clinton should be in jail today.
So what if bill talked to her . He's an American, he can talk to whomever he wants .
We have a full blown political crisis here and the Trumpbots are all still trying to beat Hilary. Hillary was last year, your man is right now and he is sucking at his job. You people won the election, continuing to go after the loser is just sad. You should be paying attention to what your messiah is fucking up right now rather than going after a politically irrelevant has-been whose career is as dead as Elvis.
Let me see if I understand how this snowflakes have pushed investigations into a nonexistent "Russian collusion" for the better part of a year now...but when it's shown that the Clinton's actually DID collude with a sitting Attorney General of the United States to "fix" her want to move on? Too funny!

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