Say It Loud! I'm Black And I'm Proud!

If only we could pay people to evolve. I would pass the collection plate for 30 x 90.

Obsession and fantasy...

It wouldnt surprise me if she was wrong, she is wrong a lot.
I dont know anything about your posting history.

If you disagree with her you are a racist or a bigot. It really sad that she has to denigrate people she disagrees with she has to try to destroy them as well. Even if she is ignorant of the available facts and admits to being ignorant of the topic.

Read his posts, he's no better. Disagree with him and you get the same treatment he claims you are dishing out. Based on what I've read hypocrisy appears to be his middle name. As for being racist, based on his belief in bad "racial" science I would hazard a huge yes.
Probably another Stormfront troll.
Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The concept was speculative until the 1980s, when it was corroborated by a study of present-day mitochondrial DNA, combined with evidence based on physical anthropology of archaic specimens. According to genetic and fossil evidence, archaic Homo sapiens evolved to anatomically modern humans solely in Africa, between 200,000 and 150,000 years ago.

wiki???..seriously? THAT'S your "source"?
Look up "Parallel Origins" or "Multi Regional Evolution."

Look, the human genome has been one cares any more about "research" from the '80's. It's outdated and inaccurate.
Neanderthals are thought to have been light skin and the Neanderthal race or species is much older than Homo sapien 600,000 vs. 200,000 years. Asians and Caucasians have Neanderthal DNA...africans don't.
Cro Magnon were not Black, Neither are Bushmen, Neither were Neanderthals or any of the other people who preceded the Black Africans.
The Chinese believe they evolved from Homo Erectus independently of other Humans and have evidence to prove it.

The Black race is certainly closer to an original Congoid predecessor. However, no scientific study has suggested that the human race originated in the Congo.
You can't ignore the fact that the Congo valley is full of isolated species of primates including Chimpanzee, Bongo, Gorilla, and dozens of species of Monkey. It's a place where primates developed separately and distinctly from anywhere else on earth.
Otherwise we would find Gorilla in India and South America, but we don't. What happen in the Congo stayed in the Congo until more recent times.

Even the out of Africa crowd suggests the Horn of Africa close to Arabia. So I don't really see a close nexus between the Congoid populations and what may of been the original ancestor of White man.

Would you care to explain the differences between the various humanoids found around the world?

I can entertain different FACT BASED ideas ....but even if there were common ancestry, it hardly trumps the fact that divergent evolution has produced radically different cultures.

No Black culture has ever come near to what Whites have built. How can you look at the way Blacks and Whites live in their respective societies and not appreciate the fact that Whites are far better at building and maintaining desirable societies?
I may not have been born black but my street cred makes me an honorary brother.

Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The concept was speculative until the 1980s, when it was corroborated by a study of present-day mitochondrial DNA, combined with evidence based on physical anthropology of archaic specimens. According to genetic and fossil evidence, archaic Homo sapiens evolved to anatomically modern humans solely in Africa, between 200,000 and 150,000 years ago.

wiki???..seriously? THAT'S your "source"?
Look up "Parallel Origins" or "Multi Regional Evolution."

Look, the human genome has been one cares any more about "research" from the '80's. It's outdated and inaccurate.
Neanderthals are thought to have been light skin and the Neanderthal race or species is much older than Homo sapien 600,000 vs. 200,000 years. Asians and Caucasians have Neanderthal DNA...africans don't.
Cro Magnon were not Black, Neither are Bushmen, Neither were Neanderthals or any of the other people who preceded the Black Africans.
The Chinese believe they evolved from Homo Erectus independently of other Humans and have evidence to prove it.

The Black race is certainly closer to an original Congoid predecessor. However, no scientific study has suggested that the human race originated in the Congo.
You can't ignore the fact that the Congo valley is full of isolated species of primates including Chimpanzee, Bongo, Gorilla, and dozens of species of Monkey. It's a place where primates developed separately and distinctly from anywhere else on earth.
Otherwise we would find Gorilla in India and South America, but we don't. What happen in the Congo stayed in the Congo until more recent times.

Even the out of Africa crowd suggests the Horn of Africa close to Arabia. So I don't really see a close nexus between the Congoid populations and what may of been the original ancestor of White man.

Would you care to explain the differences between the various humanoids found around the world?

I can entertain different FACT BASED ideas ....but even if there were common ancestry, it hardly trumps the fact that divergent evolution has produced radically different cultures.

No Black culture has ever come near to what Whites have built. How can you look at the way Blacks and Whites live in their respective societies and not appreciate the fact that Whites are far better at building and maintaining desirable societies?

Dear misinformed poster.

You are of african desent along with the entire human population of this planet.

Spewing hate on sceince wont change that fact.
Obsession and fantasy...

It wouldnt surprise me if she was wrong, she is wrong a lot.
I dont know anything about your posting history.

If you disagree with her you are a racist or a bigot. It really sad that she has to denigrate people she disagrees with she has to try to destroy them as well. Even if she is ignorant of the available facts and admits to being ignorant of the topic.

Read his posts, he's no better. Disagree with him and you get the same treatment he claims you are dishing out. Based on what I've read hypocrisy appears to be his middle name. As for being racist, based on his belief in bad "racial" science I would hazard a huge yes.
Probably another Stormfront troll.
Skip the ad hom attacks and post some research or links...don't just be a cheerleader for "your" side...

I've attacked no one nor called anyone names.If someone disagrees with me I'm willing to debate.You guys grandstand for each other and avoid the subject.

I post facts...No one has refuted's more fun to type "racist racist racist"
Recent African origin of modern humans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The concept was speculative until the 1980s, when it was corroborated by a study of present-day mitochondrial DNA, combined with evidence based on physical anthropology of archaic specimens. According to genetic and fossil evidence, archaic Homo sapiens evolved to anatomically modern humans solely in Africa, between 200,000 and 150,000 years ago.

wiki???..seriously? THAT'S your "source"?
Look up "Parallel Origins" or "Multi Regional Evolution."

Look, the human genome has been one cares any more about "research" from the '80's. It's outdated and inaccurate.
Neanderthals are thought to have been light skin and the Neanderthal race or species is much older than Homo sapien 600,000 vs. 200,000 years. Asians and Caucasians have Neanderthal DNA...africans don't.
Cro Magnon were not Black, Neither are Bushmen, Neither were Neanderthals or any of the other people who preceded the Black Africans.
The Chinese believe they evolved from Homo Erectus independently of other Humans and have evidence to prove it.

The Black race is certainly closer to an original Congoid predecessor. However, no scientific study has suggested that the human race originated in the Congo.
You can't ignore the fact that the Congo valley is full of isolated species of primates including Chimpanzee, Bongo, Gorilla, and dozens of species of Monkey. It's a place where primates developed separately and distinctly from anywhere else on earth.
Otherwise we would find Gorilla in India and South America, but we don't. What happen in the Congo stayed in the Congo until more recent times.

Even the out of Africa crowd suggests the Horn of Africa close to Arabia. So I don't really see a close nexus between the Congoid populations and what may of been the original ancestor of White man.

Would you care to explain the differences between the various humanoids found around the world?

I can entertain different FACT BASED ideas ....but even if there were common ancestry, it hardly trumps the fact that divergent evolution has produced radically different cultures.

No Black culture has ever come near to what Whites have built. How can you look at the way Blacks and Whites live in their respective societies and not appreciate the fact that Whites are far better at building and maintaining desirable societies?

Dear misinformed poster.

You are of african desent along with the entire human population of this planet.

Spewing hate on sceince wont change that fact.

PROVE IT....don't sing it..BRING it...Prove we're all from africa..I've given dozens and dozens of references, links, etc...that indicate it isn't true.
I've "spewed" no hate..only posted facts that no one has courage enough to debate...

Last edited:
wiki???..seriously? THAT'S your "source"?
Look up "Parallel Origins" or "Multi Regional Evolution."

Look, the human genome has been one cares any more about "research" from the '80's. It's outdated and inaccurate.
Neanderthals are thought to have been light skin and the Neanderthal race or species is much older than Homo sapien 600,000 vs. 200,000 years. Asians and Caucasians have Neanderthal DNA...africans don't.
Cro Magnon were not Black, Neither are Bushmen, Neither were Neanderthals or any of the other people who preceded the Black Africans.
The Chinese believe they evolved from Homo Erectus independently of other Humans and have evidence to prove it.

The Black race is certainly closer to an original Congoid predecessor. However, no scientific study has suggested that the human race originated in the Congo.
You can't ignore the fact that the Congo valley is full of isolated species of primates including Chimpanzee, Bongo, Gorilla, and dozens of species of Monkey. It's a place where primates developed separately and distinctly from anywhere else on earth.
Otherwise we would find Gorilla in India and South America, but we don't. What happen in the Congo stayed in the Congo until more recent times.

Even the out of Africa crowd suggests the Horn of Africa close to Arabia. So I don't really see a close nexus between the Congoid populations and what may of been the original ancestor of White man.

Would you care to explain the differences between the various humanoids found around the world?

I can entertain different FACT BASED ideas ....but even if there were common ancestry, it hardly trumps the fact that divergent evolution has produced radically different cultures.

No Black culture has ever come near to what Whites have built. How can you look at the way Blacks and Whites live in their respective societies and not appreciate the fact that Whites are far better at building and maintaining desirable societies?

Dear misinformed poster.

You are of african desent along with the entire human population of this planet.

Spewing hate on sceince wont change that fact.

PROVE IT....don't sing it..BRING it...Prove we're all from africa..I've given dozens and dozens of references, links, etc...that indicate it isn't true.
I've "spewed" no hate..only posted facts that no one has courage enough to debate...

Just wondering.

Why do you care?

Lets say we all did come out of Africa. Who gives a damn. Seriously, it happened so long ago that the claim that we are all african is comical at best.
wiki???..seriously? THAT'S your "source"?
Look up "Parallel Origins" or "Multi Regional Evolution."

Look, the human genome has been one cares any more about "research" from the '80's. It's outdated and inaccurate.
Neanderthals are thought to have been light skin and the Neanderthal race or species is much older than Homo sapien 600,000 vs. 200,000 years. Asians and Caucasians have Neanderthal DNA...africans don't.
Cro Magnon were not Black, Neither are Bushmen, Neither were Neanderthals or any of the other people who preceded the Black Africans.
The Chinese believe they evolved from Homo Erectus independently of other Humans and have evidence to prove it.

The Black race is certainly closer to an original Congoid predecessor. However, no scientific study has suggested that the human race originated in the Congo.
You can't ignore the fact that the Congo valley is full of isolated species of primates including Chimpanzee, Bongo, Gorilla, and dozens of species of Monkey. It's a place where primates developed separately and distinctly from anywhere else on earth.
Otherwise we would find Gorilla in India and South America, but we don't. What happen in the Congo stayed in the Congo until more recent times.

Even the out of Africa crowd suggests the Horn of Africa close to Arabia. So I don't really see a close nexus between the Congoid populations and what may of been the original ancestor of White man.

Would you care to explain the differences between the various humanoids found around the world?

I can entertain different FACT BASED ideas ....but even if there were common ancestry, it hardly trumps the fact that divergent evolution has produced radically different cultures.

No Black culture has ever come near to what Whites have built. How can you look at the way Blacks and Whites live in their respective societies and not appreciate the fact that Whites are far better at building and maintaining desirable societies?

Dear misinformed poster.

You are of african desent along with the entire human population of this planet.

Spewing hate on sceince wont change that fact.

PROVE IT....don't sing it..BRING it...Prove we're all from africa..I've given dozens and dozens of references, links, etc...that indicate it isn't true.
I've "spewed" no hate..only posted facts that no one has courage enough to debate...


The DNA of all contenents populations proves it.

I just gave you the information and you just pretended it wasnt true.

Continue to hate yourself and deny cold hard facts is you wish but dont expect thinking people to join your self deception.
It wouldnt surprise me if she was wrong, she is wrong a lot.
I dont know anything about your posting history.

If you disagree with her you are a racist or a bigot. It really sad that she has to denigrate people she disagrees with she has to try to destroy them as well. Even if she is ignorant of the available facts and admits to being ignorant of the topic.

Read his posts, he's no better. Disagree with him and you get the same treatment he claims you are dishing out. Based on what I've read hypocrisy appears to be his middle name. As for being racist, based on his belief in bad "racial" science I would hazard a huge yes.
Probably another Stormfront troll.
Skip the ad hom attacks and post some research or links...don't just be a cheerleader for "your" side...

I've attacked no one nor called anyone names.If someone disagrees with me I'm willing to debate.You guys grandstand for each other and avoid the subject.

I post facts...No one has refuted's more fun to type "racist racist racist"

You forget one thing, I've read your posts.
I know the deflection tactics you're using all too well, there well played on a rather frequent basis here and elsewhere.
My point proven........ Thanks!
Dear misinformed poster.

You are of african desent along with the entire human population of this planet.

Spewing hate on sceince wont change that fact.

PROVE IT....don't sing it..BRING it...Prove we're all from africa..I've given dozens and dozens of references, links, etc...that indicate it isn't true.
I've "spewed" no hate..only posted facts that no one has courage enough to debate...

Just wondering.

Why do you care?

Lets say we all did come out of Africa. Who gives a damn. Seriously, it happened so long ago that the claim that we are all african is comical at best.

We are all africans you silly man.

EVERYONE of your ancestors are desended from Africans
It wouldnt surprise me if she was wrong, she is wrong a lot.
I dont know anything about your posting history.

If you disagree with her you are a racist or a bigot. It really sad that she has to denigrate people she disagrees with she has to try to destroy them as well. Even if she is ignorant of the available facts and admits to being ignorant of the topic.

Read his posts, he's no better. Disagree with him and you get the same treatment he claims you are dishing out. Based on what I've read hypocrisy appears to be his middle name. As for being racist, based on his belief in bad "racial" science I would hazard a huge yes.
Probably another Stormfront troll.
Skip the ad hom attacks and post some research or links...don't just be a cheerleader for "your" side...

I've attacked no one nor called anyone names.If someone disagrees with me I'm willing to debate.You guys grandstand for each other and avoid the subject.

I post facts...No one has refuted's more fun to type "racist racist racist"

Go fuck yourself. Your "facts" are slanted vitriol. Why don't you go back to planet limpdick with all your skinhead friends?:eusa_shhh:

The laughable point that you pass your vitriol off as "fact" shows just how biased and moronic your little mind is.:lol:

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