Saw this, Liked It. Rick Perry's Out in the Open Bigotry


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
I became the 599,464th person to dislike Rick Perry's anti-gay ad titled "Strong" on YouTube. Only 17,811 people have clicked they like it. This is the Rick Perry zinger:

You don't need to be in the pew every Sunday to know there's something wrong in this country when gays can serve openly in the military but our kids can't openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school.

Bigotry out loud. Perry probably can't pull off a win in the presidential primary at this point. He was the big anti-Romney hope of many GOP candidates, until he began speaking in debates.

My worry is that he'll rank up in the stratosphere for a cabinet level job if Romney or Newt managed to beat President Obama. Perry's bigotry will dog him for sure -- but so too will GOP strategist Mike Murphy's delicious tweet:
Listening to Perry try to a put a complicated policy sentence together is like watching a chimp play with a locked suitcase...

One can't retweet this too much.

By Steve Clemons writing in The Atlantic

PS: The video is so "popular" that the publisher has disabled comments. The publisher is

The organization is almost as dumb as the candidate.
I thought it was a terrible commercial, but someone got the idea that this was how Huckabee beat Romney in Iowa in 2008, so let's pander to the Christian Right.

The problem is that Bachmann and Santorum have more street Cred with the Christian Right.
What gets me is that his campaign puts out the video on YouTube...basically he self publishes.

The site goes nuts and he gets 600,000 people telling him to, in essence, shut the hell up.

So his campaign disables the comment portion of the video whereby you can't comment on that particular video (other publishers may have comments enabled).

But they still leave the video up itself to draw more fire? Amatuer hour is not over yet as we can tell.

Ooops...I'm not supposed to talk about fire and Perry in the same sentence. He hasn't mastered YouTube much less how to put out fires. LOL
I wonder if that idiot realizes the mess that putting DADT back in place will do to the military, because if gay soldiers and sailors are allowed in and then on active duty, it's gonna be a mass exodus of discharges which will do more to HARM the military than repealing DADT ever did.
I wonder if that idiot realizes the mess that putting DADT back in place will do to the military, because if gay soldiers and sailors are allowed in and then on active duty, it's gonna be a mass exodus of discharges which will do more to HARM the military than repealing DADT ever did.

Very true but I think where he left the reservation (assuming he ever found one to start with) was when he equated a soldier's sexuality to a war on religion.


When he ends his war on logic and thinking before speaking, perhaps he can talk about ending a supposed war on religion.
That's why I won't support him... If he is going to be an anti-gay, Christianity is the sole religion type of President, god only knows he could be the next Hitler (impossible, but still).
That's why I won't support him... If he is going to be an anti-gay, Christianity is the sole religion type of President, god only knows he could be the next Hitler (impossible, but still).

Nope, Perry doesn't have the charisma or the smarts to be like that.

Newt does however.
so in your dumb ass liberal minds it's not okay for Rick Perry to be bigoted about gays but you are just fine in being bigoted against Christians?? What a wrinkle in yer pad huh? :lol:
so in your dumb ass liberal minds it's not okay for Rick Perry to be bigoted about gays but you are just fine in being bigoted against Christians?? What a wrinkle in yer pad huh? :lol:

I hardly imagine all 600,000 dislikes he received were all from liberals. Just people with common sense. Tying a war on religion to gays serving their country in the military is just the tip of the incredibly stupid stance your boy has taken.
That's why I won't support him... If he is going to be an anti-gay, Christianity is the sole religion type of President, god only knows he could be the next Hitler (impossible, but still).

Nope, Perry doesn't have the charisma or the smarts to be like that.

Newt does however.

No I think you are confused sir... He would use our national funds (ill call it our national credit card) to buy his wife (and possible love affair) endless, not even necessary items at a Tiffany store.
so in your dumb ass liberal minds it's not okay for Rick Perry to be bigoted about gays but you are just fine in being bigoted against Christians?? What a wrinkle in yer pad huh? :lol:

People on the boards aren't running for the presidency. Perry is.

BIG difference.

And besides.........most Christians will consign anyone to hell for not believing in Jesus.
so in your dumb ass liberal minds it's not okay for Rick Perry to be bigoted about gays but you are just fine in being bigoted against Christians?? What a wrinkle in yer pad huh? :lol:

People on the boards aren't running for the presidency. Perry is.

BIG difference.

And besides.........most Christians will consign anyone to hell for not believing in Jesus.

your effen bigotry is showing. hypocrite.
so in your dumb ass liberal minds it's not okay for Rick Perry to be bigoted about gays but you are just fine in being bigoted against Christians?? What a wrinkle in yer pad huh? :lol:

not all christians hate gays, so there is no bigotry against christians.......

there is bigotry.. and rightfully so.. against gay hating christians and those who want to make them second class citizens.......

it is bigotry against people who hate those different than themselves........ which is a good thing.....
so in your dumb ass liberal minds it's not okay for Rick Perry to be bigoted about gays but you are just fine in being bigoted against Christians?? What a wrinkle in yer pad huh? :lol:

People on the boards aren't running for the presidency. Perry is.

BIG difference.

And besides.........most Christians will consign anyone to hell for not believing in Jesus.

your effen bigotry is showing. hypocrite.

He makes a valid point... I am a Republican but don't like Perry or his "Strong" add.... maybe you are just unwilling to admit that Republicans, not just liberals, hate Perry.
That's why I won't support him... If he is going to be an anti-gay, Christianity is the sole religion type of President, god only knows he could be the next Hitler (impossible, but still).
Because of his Christianity I support Perry. But I do not believe he will get the nomination. You are absolutely nuts if you think him being a Christian means he will be the next hitler, obamaturd claims to be a Christian and proves he is not all the time.
so in your dumb ass liberal minds it's not okay for Rick Perry to be bigoted about gays but you are just fine in being bigoted against Christians?? What a wrinkle in yer pad huh? :lol:

not all christians hate gays, so there is no bigotry against christians.......

there is bigotry.. and rightfully so.. against gay hating christians and those who want to make them second class citizens.......

it is bigotry against people who hate those different than themselves........ which is a good thing.....
It is not the gays themselves I hate. I hate the sin of homosexuallity.
That's why I won't support him... If he is going to be an anti-gay, Christianity is the sole religion type of President, god only knows he could be the next Hitler (impossible, but still).
Because of his Christianity I support Perry. But I do not believe he will get the nomination. You are absolutely nuts if you think him being a Christian means he will be the next hitler, obamaturd claims to be a Christian and proves he is not all the time.

I think you fail to comprehend what my message was. First off, it's called sarcasm but I guess you fail to realize it when you see it... Perry is a moron who can't name the three departments of which he wishes to cut to save money, and his "there is something wrong when gays can serve openly in the military" remark shows that he is a bigot anti-gay Christian who will push his beliefs on voters and the American people if elected president. So let me say this, I am a Christian myself, but would never judge a candidate on his/her religious views... I am pro-gay marriage/ gay rights because I am not a bigot anti-gay Christian (which I am judging you must be one yourself :cuckoo:).
so in your dumb ass liberal minds it's not okay for Rick Perry to be bigoted about gays but you are just fine in being bigoted against Christians?? What a wrinkle in yer pad huh? :lol:

not all christians hate gays, so there is no bigotry against christians.......

there is bigotry.. and rightfully so.. against gay hating christians and those who want to make them second class citizens.......

it is bigotry against people who hate those different than themselves........ which is a good thing.....
It is not the gays themselves I hate. I hate the sin of homosexuallity.

Where does it say in the 10 Commandments "thou shalt not be gay"?

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