Saved by a concealed carry permit holder, woman plans to get her own.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
To low lifes rob a store.....just so happens a concealed carry permit holder is a customer.....from the story, he kept his gun holstered until one of the low lifes threatened the wife of the owner, he drew his gun........and saved the the woman plans on getting her own concealed carry permit....

Amazing Armed Customer Thwarts Armed Robbery The Daily Caller

A Houston-area man is being hailed as a hero after he stopped an armed robbery with a gun of his own.

The incident occurred Saturday at K&S Seafood when two armed men barged into the store near closing time.

“All of a sudden my wife ran back panicking,” K&S owner Koy Sam told KHOU.

According to KRIV, the assailants confronted the couple in the kitchen and put a gun to Sam’s head and demanded money, which was actually kept at the front of the restaurant.

When they two assailants went to retrieve it, one of the two patrons, a regular customer named Mike, pulled out his 9 mm and forced one of the robbers to the ground.

Mike was able to hold him on the ground until police arrived. The other robber fled the scene.

He told KRIV that the robber pointed his weapon at Mike, prompting the good Samaritan to shoot in his direction, shattering a window in the process.

Better yet, Sam’s wife says she plans to obtain a concealed handgun license.

Notice....the law abiding gun owner only fired when it was absolutely necessary, and even then, he held one of the guys till the police arrived and the other guy fled the scene...

Because no one was shot, no one was killed, this most likely will not be counted in the stats for a legitimate use of a gun........
An armed citizenry is the ultimate check to govt power. Everybody should carry and know their wepon

But....according to anti gunners here on U.S......we live in a democracy....there is no reason to fear our there is no need for us to have guns....just let the police and military have them....
An armed citizenry is the ultimate check to govt power. Everybody should carry and know their wepon

But....according to anti gunners here on U.S......we live in a democracy....there is no reason to fear our there is no need for us to have guns....just let the police and military have them....
That is exactly what the govt wants and that is what should worry us.

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