
Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Per judicial order, the University of California system has been ordered to stop accepting SAT or ACT scores in their admissions process. This is a growing trend that may persist beyond the end of this covid craziness.

Per judicial order, the University of California system has been ordered to stop accepting SAT or ACT scores in their admissions process. This is a growing trend that may persist beyond the end of this covid craziness.


It's another virtue signaling suicide.. No good outcome here.. Just less meaning to diplomas.. The universities have joined the suicidal SELF CANCELING culture with the NBA, NFL, NASCAR, MLB, and a couple dozen notable large corporations.. Gonna be a mighty blowback on ALL of them..
Per judicial order, the University of California system has been ordered to stop accepting SAT or ACT scores in their admissions process. This is a growing trend that may persist beyond the end of this covid craziness.


It's another virtue signaling suicide.. No good outcome here.. Just less meaning to diplomas.. The universities have joined the suicidal SELF CANCELING culture with the NBA, NFL, NASCAR, MLB, and a couple dozen notable large corporations.. Gonna be a mighty blowback on ALL of them..

To be fair, it is a little more complicated than that. This particular case has to do with the availability of extra assistance for students with disabilities taking the test during this time of the coronavirus.
Unprepared students will be admitted. Will not be able to do the course work and drop out.
What a sad statement that Universities now think any expectation that students meet certain intelligence standards is biased against blacks.
Per judicial order, the University of California system has been ordered to stop accepting SAT or ACT scores in their admissions process. This is a growing trend that may persist beyond the end of this covid craziness.

Colleges have been obliterated by Affirmative action !!
Asians and Whites need not apply
Only engineering is intact and hard
The unwillingness of Academe to come to terms with racial genetics will ruin American universities, if it has not already done so.

The only valid way to measure academic knowledge and ability is through a TEST. It may be written or oral, but a test is imperative if the objective is to EVALUATE performance or ability. Academe has "discovered" that objective testing invariably exposes differences among racial and ethnic groups, the existence of which is appalling to Academics. (Sometimes reality sucks).

To illustrate with a point that I have previously made in this space, if it is necessary to have an IQ of at least 130 in order to legitimately obtain a BS in Electrical Engineering, then only a fraction of one percent of African Americans have even a chance of obtaining that degree (and only a single-digit percentage of "white" Americans, truth be told). If the goal of the academicians is to insist on African American "equality" - 13% of EE's being Black - then the ONLY path to that result is to dramatically water down the academic requirements for the BS, and to accept a large number of unqualified African Americans into the program, displacing more qualified "whites" and Asians.

Which is against the law for government institutions - but who's counting?

The rejection of the best available TESTS as an evaluation tool for incoming students by the University of California system - regardless of the pretext for doing so - is a frontal assault on MERITOCRACY, and an embrace of bigotry to achieve some twisted sort of "fairness." And we all know that if the tests are excluded now, they will NEVER be reinstated as requirements, even after the pandemic is relegated to an unfortunate historical oddity.

We are fucked.

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