Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked The Restaurant That Refused To Serve Her

1st post
Republican lies killed people with covid and lead to an insurrection over an election that wasn't stolen.

Freedom of speech is not the freedom to lie and mislead the American people.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy.....zzzzzzz. The lies were propagated by the Globalist Uniparty. In reality:

  • Covid was only a threat to the elderly, morbidly obese and people with co-morbidities
  • The "vaccines" are not vaccines - they are experimental MRNA gene therapy treatents.
  • The jabs were not safe and effective; the government has concealed the free form date in the VAERS database. Despite that concealment, we are seeing excess deaths far above what should happen in the waning phase of an epidemic.
  • Pfizer and Moderna his data that showed the vaccines aren't safe and the government gave them immunity while they hoovered up billions of dollars.

This entire fraud was a pretext to destroy our civil liberties. If you can't see that, then you need to find better news sources.
You mean privately held social media sites? Like this one? Nobody owes you a venue.

The government put the screws on social medial to comply with their "requests" that the block and ban content that contradicts the globalist narrative.
Oh blah blah blah so sleepy.....zzzzzzz. The lies were propagated by the Globalist Uniparty. In reality:

  • Covid was only a threat to the elderly, morbidly obese and people with co-morbidities
  • The "vaccines" are not vaccines - they are experimental MRNA gene therapy treatents.
  • The jabs were not safe and effective; the government has concealed the free form date in the VAERS database. Despite that concealment, we are seeing excess deaths far above what should happen in the waning phase of an epidemic.
  • Pfizer and Moderna his data that showed the vaccines aren't safe and the government gave them immunity while they hoovered up billions of dollars.

This entire fraud was a pretext to destroy our civil liberties. If you can't see that, then you need to find better news sources.

In reality, you've swallowed whole every bullshit lie right wing media sold you, which is why the USA continues to have the highest death rate in the free world from covid.

People didn't die from the vaccines. More than 80% of Canadians are vaccinated. Over 100 million shots given. Fewer than 100 people got sick from the vaccines.
5th post
In reality, you've swallowed whole every bullshit lie right wing media sold you, which is why the USA continues to have the highest death rate in the free world from covid.

People didn't die from the vaccines. More than 80% of Canadians are vaccinated. Over 100 million shots given. Fewer than 100 people got sick from the vaccines.

sigh You are willfully ignorant, but in the hopes that you have at least some capacity to have an open mind, I suggest you watch this in it's entirety. You have been lied to and duped by government propaganda into believing an untested MRNA treatment which alters DNA is safe. It's not. The Covid lies are just part of the campaign to control you.


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