Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked The Restaurant That Refused To Serve Her


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Sarah Sanders, not only abused her official position to try to destroy the Red Hen restaurant. She also broke the law. These laws exist to keep people in prominent government positions from abusing their power. Since Donald Trump views himself as above the law, this culture has trickled down through his entire administration.

Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked Restaurant That Kicked Her Out

Stop the whining pussy.

That post hurt your pussy snowflake?
Sarah Sanders, not only abused her official position to try to destroy the Red Hen restaurant. She also broke the law. These laws exist to keep people in prominent government positions from abusing their power. Since Donald Trump views himself as above the law, this culture has trickled down through his entire administration.

Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked Restaurant That Kicked Her Out

Get a grip. She handled it and left. Some jack ass posted his crap on FB which sent everyone in a tizzy. That's it. Don't even play that victim shit here.
Sarah Sanders, not only abused her official position to try to destroy the Red Hen restaurant. She also broke the law. These laws exist to keep people in prominent government positions from abusing their power. Since Donald Trump views himself as above the law, this culture has trickled down through his entire administration.

Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked Restaurant That Kicked Her Out

Stop the whining pussy.

That post hurt your pussy snowflake?

Not at all...I love watching you sackless little bitches come apart at the’s flat out fascinating. Carry on...please.
Sarah Sanders, not only abused her official position to try to destroy the Red Hen restaurant. She also broke the law. These laws exist to keep people in prominent government positions from abusing their power. Since Donald Trump views himself as above the law, this culture has trickled down through his entire administration.

Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked Restaurant That Kicked Her Out
Yes she should be prosecuted. Inwould advise the restaurant to sue. They’ve received death threats.
Sarah Sanders, not only abused her official position to try to destroy the Red Hen restaurant. She also broke the law. These laws exist to keep people in prominent government positions from abusing their power. Since Donald Trump views himself as above the law, this culture has trickled down through his entire administration.

Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked Restaurant That Kicked Her Out
Yes she should be prosecuted. Inwould advise the restaurant to sue. They’ve received death threats.
Think a democrat loon will follow them to baseball practice and start shooting them?
Sarah Sanders, not only abused her official position to try to destroy the Red Hen restaurant. She also broke the law. These laws exist to keep people in prominent government positions from abusing their power. Since Donald Trump views himself as above the law, this culture has trickled down through his entire administration.

Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked Restaurant That Kicked Her Out
Yes she should be prosecuted. Inwould advise the restaurant to sue. They’ve received death threats.

Yes she should be prosecuted. Inwould advise the restaurant to sue. They’ve received death threats.

From Sarah?
Sarah Sanders, not only abused her official position to try to destroy the Red Hen restaurant. She also broke the law. These laws exist to keep people in prominent government positions from abusing their power. Since Donald Trump views himself as above the law, this culture has trickled down through his entire administration.

Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked Restaurant That Kicked Her Out
Yes she should be prosecuted. Inwould advise the restaurant to sue. They’ve received death threats.
She broke no laws. There is no law against telling the truth and no one was condemned.
While this may or may not be illegal (likely not, the malice in her statement is barely there), it is still not appropriate. This is one of the responsibilities that comes with her position.
You clowns NEVER learn.

You going to make the man a martyr again.....dimwits.
Maybe the left wing sissies are offended by successful women. You almost gotta laugh that they promised to ruin the economy of North Carolina when the state refused to admit confused hairy men into the ladies room but they kick a real successful woman out of a restaurant in Virginia. Nobody ever attacked the press secretary of any administration in the history of the Republic. Are lefties really off the freaking deep end?
Sarah Sanders, not only abused her official position to try to destroy the Red Hen restaurant. She also broke the law. These laws exist to keep people in prominent government positions from abusing their power. Since Donald Trump views himself as above the law, this culture has trickled down through his entire administration.

Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked Restaurant That Kicked Her Out

You Fascists are always trying to squash free speech; but as we Normal People are on to you, your thug tactics aren't going to work.

But keep it up! The more you post crap like this, the more we get Trump 2020.
How did she attack the restaurant? It seems to me that she related a factual encounter with a crazy hostile nut case democrat. Don't Trump employees have the same freedom of social media that crazy lefties enjoy?
A Democrat tries to destroy your life, beats you over the head with a club.....and that's just justice.
A Republican tells us everything that a Democrat did to them and it's an attack.
Sarah Sanders, not only abused her official position to try to destroy the Red Hen restaurant. She also broke the law. These laws exist to keep people in prominent government positions from abusing their power. Since Donald Trump views himself as above the law, this culture has trickled down through his entire administration.

Sarah Sanders Broke The Law When She Attacked Restaurant That Kicked Her Out

She stated facts, proof has since been brought forward. Please describe this "attack".

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