Santorum: "We're not here to serve the earth"

This post is an example of just how absolutely STUPID the left is..... I dont recall ANY of the GOP candidates wanting to pollute the environment.

I am nearly speechless at how ridiculous you guys are getting as of late.

Really.... its unbelievable.

Their attacks on environmental regulation, climate science and environmentalists says that yes, they do want to pollute because it's cheaper than not polluting.


I am just astounded at how dumb things are getting.
The debate is being dumbed down with all the stupid accusations coming from the left.

I have been on and off the board all day, here and there, and I just cant believe how stupid folks are being regarding the GOP candidates.
No, they are not perfect, but to say we want women raped... we want to pollute the earth...we want to kill old people... we want to ban birth control... we want to take away SSI... we want to kill the homeless, and on and on.

I just almost dont want to hang out here any longer.

The debates are just plain silly now, and there is no middle ground.

I never thought it would come to this.

Which is why lahkota got the response he did from me. Not partisan, just stupid. You apparently have to relate to idiots on their level now. But I was most certainly not going to give a serious response to a troll thread.

I made a thread about the lack of serious debate earlier. Naturally I was mocked.
Their attacks on environmental regulation, climate science and environmentalists says that yes, they do want to pollute because it's cheaper than not polluting.


I am just astounded at how dumb things are getting.
The debate is being dumbed down with all the stupid accusations coming from the left.

I have been on and off the board all day, here and there, and I just cant believe how stupid folks are being regarding the GOP candidates.
No, they are not perfect, but to say we want women raped... we want to pollute the earth...we want to kill old people... we want to ban birth control... we want to take away SSI... we want to kill the homeless, and on and on.

I just almost dont want to hang out here any longer.

The debates are just plain silly now, and there is no middle ground.

I never thought it would come to this.

Which is why lahkota got the response he did from me. Not partisan, just stupid. You apparently have to relate to idiots on their level now. But I was most certainly not going to give a serious response to a troll thread.

I made a thread about the lack of serious debate earlier. Naturally I was mocked.

Things are really getting dumbed down here lately.

Its a SURE sign the left is scared shitless about Novembers elections.

Is it too much to ask the left to be intellectually honest about what is going on here in America?

Who is it that has turned their back on The Constitution? It certainly is'nt Santorum and oh...and neither has Romney, Gingrich or Paul. We have 4 decent men running for POTUS still.... any one of them would infinitely better than Obama.


I am just astounded at how dumb things are getting.
The debate is being dumbed down with all the stupid accusations coming from the left.

I have been on and off the board all day, here and there, and I just cant believe how stupid folks are being regarding the GOP candidates.
No, they are not perfect, but to say we want women raped... we want to pollute the earth...we want to kill old people... we want to ban birth control... we want to take away SSI... we want to kill the homeless, and on and on.

I just almost dont want to hang out here any longer.

The debates are just plain silly now, and there is no middle ground.

I never thought it would come to this.

Which is why lahkota got the response he did from me. Not partisan, just stupid. You apparently have to relate to idiots on their level now. But I was most certainly not going to give a serious response to a troll thread.

I made a thread about the lack of serious debate earlier. Naturally I was mocked.

Things are really getting dumbed down here lately.

Its a SURE sign the left is scared shitless about Novembers elections.

Is it too much to ask the left to be intellectually honest about what is going on here in America?

Who is it that has turned their back on The Constitution? It certainly is'nt Santorum and oh...and neither has Romney, Gingrich or Paul. We have 4 decent men running for POTUS still.... any one of them would infinitely better than Obama.

That may be the most dumbed down take on our elections I have heard in days. Are you going to address the topic or just complain about generalities?
Which is why lahkota got the response he did from me. Not partisan, just stupid. You apparently have to relate to idiots on their level now. But I was most certainly not going to give a serious response to a troll thread.

I made a thread about the lack of serious debate earlier. Naturally I was mocked.

Things are really getting dumbed down here lately.

Its a SURE sign the left is scared shitless about Novembers elections.

Is it too much to ask the left to be intellectually honest about what is going on here in America?

Who is it that has turned their back on The Constitution? It certainly is'nt Santorum and oh...and neither has Romney, Gingrich or Paul. We have 4 decent men running for POTUS still.... any one of them would infinitely better than Obama.

That may be the most dumbed down take on our elections I have heard in days. Are you going to address the topic or just complain about generalities?

Nahh.... have fun dumb ass

Im out.
Which is why lahkota got the response he did from me. Not partisan, just stupid. You apparently have to relate to idiots on their level now. But I was most certainly not going to give a serious response to a troll thread.

I made a thread about the lack of serious debate earlier. Naturally I was mocked.

Things are really getting dumbed down here lately.

Its a SURE sign the left is scared shitless about Novembers elections.

Is it too much to ask the left to be intellectually honest about what is going on here in America?

Who is it that has turned their back on The Constitution? It certainly is'nt Santorum and oh...and neither has Romney, Gingrich or Paul. We have 4 decent men running for POTUS still.... any one of them would infinitely better than Obama.

That may be the most dumbed down take on our elections I have heard in days. Are you going to address the topic or just complain about generalities?

I'll address the topic.

Were not here to serve the earth.

Case closed.

Stupid fucking topic from a stupid fucking hack.

Good enough?

Things are really getting dumbed down here lately.

Its a SURE sign the left is scared shitless about Novembers elections.

Is it too much to ask the left to be intellectually honest about what is going on here in America?

Who is it that has turned their back on The Constitution? It certainly is'nt Santorum and oh...and neither has Romney, Gingrich or Paul. We have 4 decent men running for POTUS still.... any one of them would infinitely better than Obama.

That may be the most dumbed down take on our elections I have heard in days. Are you going to address the topic or just complain about generalities?

I'll address the topic.

Were not here to serve the earth.

Case closed.

Stupid fucking topic from a stupid fucking hack.

Good enough?

Good enough for me to get a belly full of you people for today.
I believe strongly in clean air and water, but somethings are going to far. I believe It's going to far when we shut down clean coal plants just because.(for some eco-craze). We have two choices 1# To build wealth in hopefully grow our economy or 2# keep caping our selfs(not growing our wealth or energy resources). Seriously, how does a economy grow in size outside of the growth rate of the work force if we don't increase our wealth? Throughout human history- we have always explored and found more and more resources, but now we have stopped. That's part of the problem. We inflate our dollar by devaluing it as it becomes worth less and less. I don't believe that is the way to go.

Another advantage of mining off this planet is we don't have to mess up our planet.
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This post is an example of just how absolutely STUPID the left is..... I dont recall ANY of the GOP candidates wanting to pollute the environment.

I am nearly speechless at how ridiculous you guys are getting as of late.

Really.... its unbelievable.

Their attacks on environmental regulation, climate science and environmentalists says that yes, they do want to pollute because it's cheaper than not polluting.


I am just astounded at how dumb things are getting.
The debate is being dumbed down with all the stupid accusations coming from the left.

I have been on and off the board all day, here and there, and I just cant believe how stupid folks are being regarding the GOP candidates.
No, they are not perfect, but to say we want women raped... we want to pollute the earth...we want to kill old people... we want to ban birth control... we want to take away SSI... we want to kill the homeless, and on and on.

I just almost dont want to hang out here any longer.

The debates are just plain silly now, and there is no middle ground.

I never thought it would come to this.

Welcome to an election year with liberals :lol: Enter the world of smarmy out right lies taken from left wing media and blog sites that distort and take every quote out of context and twist it.

And there is no rational conversation left at all with the true left winger because they are too busy going "neener neener your candidate has cooties".


I am just astounded at how dumb things are getting.
The debate is being dumbed down with all the stupid accusations coming from the left.

I have been on and off the board all day, here and there, and I just cant believe how stupid folks are being regarding the GOP candidates.
No, they are not perfect, but to say we want women raped... we want to pollute the earth...we want to kill old people... we want to ban birth control... we want to take away SSI... we want to kill the homeless, and on and on.

I just almost dont want to hang out here any longer.

The debates are just plain silly now, and there is no middle ground.

I never thought it would come to this.

Which is why lahkota got the response he did from me. Not partisan, just stupid. You apparently have to relate to idiots on their level now. But I was most certainly not going to give a serious response to a troll thread.

I made a thread about the lack of serious debate earlier. Naturally I was mocked.

Things are really getting dumbed down here lately.

Its a SURE sign the left is scared shitless about Novembers elections.

Is it too much to ask the left to be intellectually honest about what is going on here in America?

Who is it that has turned their back on The Constitution? It certainly is'nt Santorum and oh...and neither has Romney, Gingrich or Paul. We have 4 decent men running for POTUS still.... any one of them would infinitely better than Obama.
We couldn't give a stuff if you are left or right.....In Australia we would have to lock you up and throw away the key,your attitude and ignorance on this subject (like many like minded conservatives) is on a CRETIN LEVEL.......what a pack of DUMB BASTARDS YOU ARE.

I'm the liq I kick Dumb ASSES like the Infidel......Dumb Bastard Dinosaur
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The Earth was put here to serve us with unlimited needs.

When will hippies die?
Which is why lahkota got the response he did from me. Not partisan, just stupid. You apparently have to relate to idiots on their level now. But I was most certainly not going to give a serious response to a troll thread.

I made a thread about the lack of serious debate earlier. Naturally I was mocked.

Things are really getting dumbed down here lately.

Its a SURE sign the left is scared shitless about Novembers elections.

Is it too much to ask the left to be intellectually honest about what is going on here in America?

Who is it that has turned their back on The Constitution? It certainly is'nt Santorum and oh...and neither has Romney, Gingrich or Paul. We have 4 decent men running for POTUS still.... any one of them would infinitely better than Obama.
We couldn't give a stuff if you are left or right.....In Australia we would have to lock you up and throw away the key,your attitude and ignorance on this subject (like many like minded conservatives) is on a CRETIN LEVEL.......what a pack of BUMB BASTARDS YOU ARE.

I'm the liq I kick Dumb ASSES like the Infidel......Dumb Bastard

Marxism is what you fight for! What you bastards don't understand is as you spend us into the ground you break our ability to give to people other peoples money. Without building more wealth, you quickly run out of wealth to give away and once its gone everything starts to go to hell. Theres your problem!

Seriously, I don't want to screw up the planet, but shutting down coal, oil and even nuclear isn't wise if you really do want to help people. The way to help people is to increase the living standard through increasing the wealth of our nation. More wealth=more resources and expanding our scope into the resources of space. I believe in the short term we can mine and drill for our resources, but there will come a time to expand.
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By Joshua Hersh

In a speech to Tea Party conservatives on Saturday in Columbus, Ohio, Santorum had dismissed Obama's politics as being based in "some phony theology."

"It's not about you. It's not about your quality of life. It's not about your jobs," Santorum said. "It's about some phony ideal, some phony theology. Oh, not a theology based on the Bible. A different theology."

An incredulous Bob Schieffer began his interview with Santorum Sunday by asking, "What in the world were you talking about?"

"I was talking about the radical environmentalists," Santorum said, suggesting that they believe man should protect the earth, rather than "steward its resources." "I think that is a phony ideal. I don't believe that's what we're here to do ... We're not here to serve the earth. That is not the objective, man is the objective."

More: Santorum Defends 'Phony Theology' Remarks, Doubles Down On Religious Critique Of Obama
What an idiot you are.

Yeah, stewardship of the Earth's resources is a really bad idea.

Too bad he's not black, you could show all of us how racist you are again.
I believe strongly in clean air and water, but somethings are going to far. I believe It's going to far when we shut down clean coal plants just because.(for some eco-craze). We have two choices 1# To build wealth in hopefully grow our economy or 2# keep caping our selfs(not growing our wealth or energy resources). Seriously, how does a economy grow in size outside of the growth rate of the work force if we don't increase our wealth? Throughout human history- we have always explored and found more and more resources, but now we have stopped. That's part of the problem. We inflate our dollar by devaluing it as it becomes worth less and less. I don't believe that is the way to go.

Another advantage of mining off this planet is we don't have to mess up our planet.

Can you provide credible proof of CLEAN coal plants being shut down? I was born and raised in coal country, and I've never seen CLEAN coal. I've never smelled CLEAN coal. I've never breathed CLEAN coal. I've also never seen CLEAN coal mining - especially mountaintop removal mining.
Marx never argued for environmental constraints on the environment, but lets make shit up.
I believe strongly in clean air and water, but somethings are going to far. I believe It's going to far when we shut down clean coal plants just because.(for some eco-craze). We have two choices 1# To build wealth in hopefully grow our economy or 2# keep caping our selfs(not growing our wealth or energy resources). Seriously, how does a economy grow in size outside of the growth rate of the work force if we don't increase our wealth? Throughout human history- we have always explored and found more and more resources, but now we have stopped. That's part of the problem. We inflate our dollar by devaluing it as it becomes worth less and less. I don't believe that is the way to go.

Another advantage of mining off this planet is we don't have to mess up our planet.
Don't worry by 2050,the responsibility of pollution moreover the world finiancal market (because by then the Yen will be the Reserve Currency) as China will take control.

You will no doubt have Sanctions against you as the world drags you kicking and screaming into the Clean Modern New World that you were incapabable of comprehending(AS YOU DO NOW)but hey you only had 80 years to get your act together......It's a real shame that a supposedly educated first world country,that some of its inhabitants are o so ignorant.but there you go.steve:cool: I note with dismay that on one hand you say "NOT TO!!!!!!!!!SHUT DOWN COAL PLANTS FOR SOME ECO-CRAZE" then you go on to say "ANOTHER ADVANTAGE OF MINING OFF THIS PLANET IS WE DON'T HAVE TO MESS UP OUR PLANET".....Matthew I know you are a good soul....BUT LIKE SO MANY IGNORANT AND BOORISH CONSERVATIVES.......YOU ARE OFF THE PLANET.

Think Matt,have your own mind and stop cajouling with the likes of the INFO and his tart.......because YOU are THINKING,and do you know something,you are actually half way there.steven
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Marx never argued for environmental constraints on the environment, but lets make shit up.

Because, he wasn't as evil as the left is today to want to completely kill the economic systems of nations.

Putting Constraints on our wealth making ability doesn't help anyone, but destroys our living standards at a even higher pace.
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Which is why lahkota got the response he did from me. Not partisan, just stupid. You apparently have to relate to idiots on their level now. But I was most certainly not going to give a serious response to a troll thread.

I made a thread about the lack of serious debate earlier. Naturally I was mocked.

Things are really getting dumbed down here lately.

Its a SURE sign the left is scared shitless about Novembers elections.

Is it too much to ask the left to be intellectually honest about what is going on here in America?

Who is it that has turned their back on The Constitution? It certainly is'nt Santorum and oh...and neither has Romney, Gingrich or Paul. We have 4 decent men running for POTUS still.... any one of them would infinitely better than Obama.
We couldn't give a stuff if you are left or right.....In Australia we would have to lock you up and throw away the key,your attitude and ignorance on this subject (like many like minded conservatives) is on a CRETIN LEVEL.......what a pack of DUMB BASTARDS YOU ARE.

I'm the liq I kick Dumb ASSES like the Infidel......Dumb Bastard Dinosaur

'Well aren't you the little enviro nazi. Gas chambers if you don't compost!

I would like to know how you are powering your computer. Solar or wind?

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