Santorum attack obamba on wright?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
(Been there, done that and no one give a shit)

Santorum falsely said “Obama sat in a pew and listen to Rev. Wright’s for 20 years” as if the history on racial issues was sermon every Sunday for 20 year? There is no evidence that obama was present to the snippet out of context in “one” of his sermons. WTF has what Wright said has anything to do with how Obama has done his job as leader of this country?
What Bills Ayers did before Obama was born has nothing to do with how Obama does his job? Ayers was a true American hero. He protested against the Vietnam war.

Santorum’s mouth is his worse enemy as is Romney’s when they attack Obama on non-issues.
Santorum pals around with wife cheaters and cover-up for them. That would make him an “accomplice” to the cheating. How about the “home schooling” scandal. How about Romney bankrupting companies and turn around and buy them and make millions? what did Mass and Penn do with the billions of stimulus money?

Obama made a billion dollar loan to Solyndra and no one died and Bush made a trillion dollar investment in Iraq and 5,000 US troop died and a million innocent Iraqis.
We send our children to school to listen to lies about how great a man Columbus and our founding father were for 12 years. How great slavery” was for this country. And we did Black a big favor by bringing them here from African, separating them from families and letting them work for 200 year without pay?

Romney, Santorum; “Judge not lest you be judged” “Remove the rafter in your eye so you can see the straw in some one else’s eye” “Ye without sin, cast the first stone.”Santorum and Romeny petty “non-issue attacks” on obama and “padding the truth” shows just how scared and desperate their have become.

When Santorum attacked Obama on Wright, Hannity said “Good for you”? And fox contributors said: “Amen”?
I was so happy that Santorum spoke up like that.
When someone says something off color like the guy did
why does Santorum get taken to task for that.

No one in the media except a few at Fox gave the President
any grief for his association with Rev.Wright.

Santorum did a great job in that spot with Charlie Rose.
Good for him.
Columbus Should be Rejected as a National Hero

"The policy and acts of Columbus for which he alone was responsible began the depopulation of the terrestrial paradise that was Hispaniola in 1492…one third were killed off between 1494 and 1496." (emphasis added)
- Samuel Eliot Morrison, Admiral of the Ocean Sea: A Life of Christopher Columbus (NY: Little, Brown and Co, 1942). pp 492-493
I was so happy that Santorum spoke up like that.
When someone says something off color like the guy did
why does Santorum get taken to task for that.

No one in the media except a few at Fox gave the President
any grief for his association with Rev.Wright.

Santorum did a great job in that spot with Charlie Rose.
Good for him.

Birth control is harmfull? :confused::cuckoo:Three members of my famly take birthcontrol for reasons other than birthcontol. Matter of life and death for them.
Should Catholic organizations pay for vigra for old men and does their government healthcare pay for it? With my money?:evil:
I was so happy that Santorum spoke up like that.
When someone says something off color like the guy did
why does Santorum get taken to task for that.

No one in the media except a few at Fox gave the President
any grief for his association with Rev.Wright.

Santorum did a great job in that spot with Charlie Rose.
Good for him.

Why dig the dead horse up and beat him over and over as FOXNEWS does. You know how many right right village idiots listen to FOXNEWS.:eek:
Rush made a good point.
When does it end.
When does it stop.
Why should contraceptives be free?
Should shoes and pants and corn flakes be covered as well?
I saw the lady's story where she had some major health issue because the university plan didn't cover
her birth control so she didn't get it....

If it was so necessary why didn't she get it herself.
Is this where we totally dependent on others that we just lay down...
Rush made a good point.
When does it end.
When does it stop.
Why should contraceptives be free?
Should shoes and pants and corn flakes be covered as well? :cuckoo:
I saw the lady's story where she had some major health issue because the university plan didn't cover
her birth control so she didn't get it....

If it was so necessary why didn't she get it herself.
Is this where we totally dependent on others that we just lay down...

How the fuck can you compare shoes and corn flacks to healthcare? Healthcare should cover health issues that's what you pay them for and what they provide. village idiot.:cuckoo:

Free is a little over the top as would free viagra. Most pay a co-payment usless got at PP>
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Rush made a good point.:lol::lol:
When does it end.
When does it stop.
Why should contraceptives be free?
Should shoes and pants and corn flakes be covered as well?
I saw the lady's story where she had some major health issue because the university plan didn't cover
her birth control so she didn't get it....

If it was so necessary why didn't she get it herself.
Is this where we totally dependent on others that we just lay down...

Rush made a good point?:cuckoo::lol:
Obama did attend Wright's church for 20 and he regularly donated money. Does he really expect that people are so stupid that they'll buy the lie that he had no idea how radical Wright was after all those years? Just amazing.
Rush made a good point.
When does it end.
When does it stop.
Why should contraceptives be free?
Should shoes and pants and corn flakes be covered as well? :cuckoo:
I saw the lady's story where she had some major health issue because the university plan didn't cover
her birth control so she didn't get it....

If it was so necessary why didn't she get it herself.
Is this where we totally dependent on others that we just lay down...

How the fuck can you compare shoes and corn flacks to healthcare? Healthcare should cover health issues that's what you pay them for and what they provide. village idiot.:cuckoo:

Free is a little over the top as would free viagra. Most pay a co-payment usless got at PP>

Some illnesses come no matter what you do. Pregnancy isn't one of those. That is something a person has control over and only a small percent of pregnancies are due to rape. So why are we expected to pay for women to have multiple abortions of covenience? Is that healthcare or just paying to erase someone's stupid choices?

And, hey, if you don't have shoes, your toes could get frostbite, so isn't that more important? I have asthma, but they just took rescue inhalers off the market. That is far more serious than birth control. I can't control when I'll get an attack. I have never gotten pregnant when I didn't want to. Shame I don't have the same control over other things.

If a woman wants an abortion, she can make payments on it after the fact. I have to go to the ER if I have a bad asthma attack and then I make payments on the bill. I don't go whining to politicians and ask them to make my neighbors pay for it. We all need lots of things and some never lift a finger to do for themselves. It's only getting worse now that Obama is seeking to increase the welfare rolls even more.
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Sooo, we've migrated from contraceptives to abortions. Last I heard, one could prevent the other.

And an aspirin between your knees prevents it as well. I know some didn't appreciate that guy saying that having some morals might be the best course.

Back to common sense, Obama knew damn well what Wright was all about. Wright is a radical loud mouth and always was. Is Obama lying about that or is he just that slow?

Some are trying awfully hard to stay away from the serious issues we are facing and trying to pick on Republicans over the abortion issue. It's just a smokescreen to avoid discussing things like the deficit, high unemployment, inflation, unconstitutional health care reform, cap and trade policies being shove through by EPA, selling guns to drug cartels, shady loan to Solyndra, oppressive government and many other real issues. Wonder why Obama and the Dems don't want to talk about this stuff.
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Sooo, we've migrated from contraceptives to abortions. Last I heard, one could prevent the other.

And an aspirin between your knees prevents it as well. I know some didn't appreciate that guy saying that having some morals might be the best course.

Back to common sense, Obama knew damn well what Wright was all about. Wright is a radical loud mouth and always was. Is Obama lying about that or is he just that slow?

What does Wright have to do with the Republican Taliban war on women?
Sooo, we've migrated from contraceptives to abortions. Last I heard, one could prevent the other.

And an aspirin between your knees prevents it as well. I know some didn't appreciate that guy saying that having some morals might be the best course.

Back to common sense, Obama knew damn well what Wright was all about. Wright is a radical loud mouth and always was. Is Obama lying about that or is he just that slow?

Some are trying awfully hard to stay away from the serious issues we are facing and trying to pick on Republicans over the abortion issue. It's just a smokescreen to avoid discussing things like the deficit, high unemployment, inflation, oppressive health care reform, cap and trade policies being shove through by EPA, selling guns to drug cartels and many other real issues. Wonder why Obama and the Dems don't want to talk about this stuff.

Really? It wouldn't work even if the knees were glued together.
Sooo, we've migrated from contraceptives to abortions. Last I heard, one could prevent the other.

And an aspirin between your knees prevents it as well. I know some didn't appreciate that guy saying that having some morals might be the best course.

Back to common sense, Obama knew damn well what Wright was all about. Wright is a radical loud mouth and always was. Is Obama lying about that or is he just that slow?

Some are trying awfully hard to stay away from the serious issues we are facing and trying to pick on Republicans over the abortion issue. It's just a smokescreen to avoid discussing things like the deficit, high unemployment, inflation, oppressive health care reform, cap and trade policies being shove through by EPA, selling guns to drug cartels and many other real issues. Wonder why Obama and the Dems don't want to talk about this stuff.

Really? It wouldn't work even if the knees were glued together.

Are you being deliberately difficult here? Obviously, it's an old fashioned way of telling women to keep their pants on and stay out of trouble. It's about choices. And some folks take issue with having to pay when others make choices that they wouldn't.
It still goes back to why is Santorum supposed to be held accountable for something someone else says.
No one held Obama accountable for what his radical Pastor spewed from the pulpit.
Even though contraceptives prevent unwanted pregancies and improve female health and reduce overall health care costs?

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