Sanders: Universal Healthcare and Free College Aren’t Radical Ideas, They Are ‘Human Rights’

Fuck..... Odium ...... I've asked you to not agree with things I say. I don't want my posts tainted by having you signal agreement. You and I will never be on the same team.....until you lose the bigot chip on your shoulder. Understand.
No can do. I am absolutely in 100% agreement with Sanders on this. I doubt me and you 100% agree I rarely 100% agree with take what you can get.
You agree with socialism....Fine.
You support a system incompatible with freedom and liberty.
Be careful what you wish for...
Socialism is the easy way out for a lazy and fearful part of society.
Which one are you?
You think that it's right that I made more money last year than you'll make in your entire life? And, I paid less percentage of my income in federal tax than you did too!

I seriously doubt that.

If you doubt that the wealthy pay less percentage of their income in federal tax than you and yours -- you're a complete fool. Loopholes are written for the rich, by Republicans.
The greatest nation on the face of the earth ought to have the healthiest and most well educated populace on the face of the earth. No?

Silly nutters.

Then how do you explain that our Democrat controlled public schools have 80% of students unable to read at grade level?

Cool stat, bro.......where'd ya get it?

I explain it by calling you out for BS. Schools are run locally. Blue states do better than counties DESTROY red counties when it comes to quality of education.

The CONSERVATIVE agenda to make higher education something that only wealthy people can afford has damaged this nation. Ya dumb shit.
and those blue urban centers where schools spend shit tons of money and less than half the students make it past high school?.....

NYC spends $19,000/yr per student yet over 1/3 don't even graduate high school.

You can lead the ponies to water...
Yep......BTW, Washington DC spends the most per student. Over $25k per year per student
You think that it's right that I made more money last year than you'll make in your entire life? And, I paid less percentage of my income in federal tax than you did too!

I seriously doubt that.

If you doubt that the wealthy pay less percentage of their income in federal tax than you and yours -- you're a complete fool. Loopholes are written for the rich, by Republicans.
yes ONLLY republicans. Because as we know. ONLY republicans are wealthy.
Ok, sunshine. How is it then that all those blue states where most of the nation's wealthy people are concentrated just happen to be, well, BLUE?
Oh, I forgot. That's different.
The ideas that all members of society should have access to a system of basic healthcare AND basic education regardless of their ability to pay

are simply commonsense ideas as to what a civilized society should be.

The uncivilized may disagree, but it is up to civilized society to render them powerless and irrelevant.

Here's the forum idiot yet again spouting off that taxpayers owe him free healthcare AND a college education. This from someone who doesn't even know that CVS fills prescriptions for contraceptives.
You think that it's right that I made more money last year than you'll make in your entire life? And, I paid less percentage of my income in federal tax than you did too!
BTW, YOU chose to pay less. You could have instructed you tax accountant to take the standard deduction. But, no. You did as everyone else does. And that is to use the tax code to reduce your tax burden as much as legally possible.
The blame is YOURS. Now, you are free to write a check indicating the amount of tax you believe you should have paid.

The tax code was intentionally designed for taxpayers to utilize to their utmost tax advantage. One would be especially stupid to not use it just exactly for the purpose to which it was designed.
Bernie is a socialist and that's how socialists think.

Of course he neglects to let everyone know that nothing is free and every taxpayer in America will be footing the bill for his "free" Stuff.

Of course those that can't pay their own way will love it but the taxpayers will be getting the shaft yet again.

Oh and as for universal health care?? Who in their right mind wants the Government responsible for the healthcare of 300 million Americans?

The Govt. who has never done anything cheaply or well in its entire history.

The Govt. where everything turns into mountains of red tape, regulations and bullshit.

Yep. That's what we need. The Govt. in control of our health care. Good God. Talk about a moronic idea.
We are already footing the bill for your republicans war adventures and tax breaks for the rich so...We would rather it go to help the majority of us not a rich 1%.

The rich paid for the wars as well as for your social programs. You've paid for nothing at all.
Bernie is a socialist and that's how socialists think.

Of course he neglects to let everyone know that nothing is free and every taxpayer in America will be footing the bill for his "free" Stuff.

Of course those that can't pay their own way will love it but the taxpayers will be getting the shaft yet again.

Oh and as for universal health care?? Who in their right mind wants the Government responsible for the healthcare of 300 million Americans?

The Govt. who has never done anything cheaply or well in its entire history.

The Govt. where everything turns into mountains of red tape, regulations and bullshit.

Yep. That's what we need. The Govt. in control of our health care. Good God. Talk about a moronic idea.
We are already footing the bill for your republicans war adventures and tax breaks for the rich so...We would rather it go to help the majority of us not a rich 1%.

So you want to do away with the military? Is that what you're saying?
Nope. Just using it for its legit purposes. Not invading nations based on lies and bullshit.
Fuck..... Odium ...... I've asked you to not agree with things I say. I don't want my posts tainted by having you signal agreement. You and I will never be on the same team.....until you lose the bigot chip on your shoulder. Understand.
No can do. I am absolutely in 100% agreement with Sanders on this. I doubt me and you 100% agree I rarely 100% agree with take what you can get.
You agree with socialism....Fine.
You support a system incompatible with freedom and liberty.
Be careful what you wish for...
Socialism is the easy way out for a lazy and fearful part of society.
Which one are you?
Society its self is socialist. An organized society is socialism. I am neither lazy nor fearful and if you want to call my tax dollars going to education,healthcare and other things that benefit the people of this country instead of war,foreign aid and millionaires tax breaks then that's your problem not mine. I am a RACIAL SOCIALIST but the jew had bastardized what socialism truly means.

THIS is what I believe in

As Klassen said, “What we are really concerned about is: what is the most practical and viable type of organised society for the White man to live in? What is best for the White Race?” He says that Racial socialism is teamwork elevated to its highest perfection for the welfare of the whole Race and led by its ablest leaders. Rejecting “individual enterprise” as fraud, Klassen cites the game of ‘Monopoly’ in which the eventual winner gains the upper hand long before the game is over. As he says the White Man’s natural mode of living is as a member of the tribe, as a member of a larger group. Were he to live outside it and live as an individual, again, his society would break down and he would perish.

And if you are actually interested in reading the chapter in the book that I consider my ideological and religious handbook then here you go

And just a tidbit from that

One other basic idea that the White Man is hopelessly confused about is socialism or collectivism, and I use these words interchangeably. Since this idea has been so terribly abused and confused by the Jews, the Communists and the Kosher Konservatives to the point where they could mean anything, I am going to set forth the position and meaning that the Creativity Movement gives to the term socialism: to us socialism means Organized Society, period. It does not at all imply state ownership of the means of production, nor does it, in our definition, imply confiscation of private property. On the contrary. Let us make it crystal clear: we, of the Creativity Movement are opposed to state ownership of the basic means of production, such as farms, factories, stores, etc. We are for the ownership of private property by individuals. We believe that there is a category of functions that are best performed by organized society as a whole. In this category we place highways, airports, harbors, national defense, law enforcement and many others.
Bernie is a socialist and that's how socialists think.

Of course he neglects to let everyone know that nothing is free and every taxpayer in America will be footing the bill for his "free" Stuff.

Of course those that can't pay their own way will love it but the taxpayers will be getting the shaft yet again.

Oh and as for universal health care?? Who in their right mind wants the Government responsible for the healthcare of 300 million Americans?

The Govt. who has never done anything cheaply or well in its entire history.

The Govt. where everything turns into mountains of red tape, regulations and bullshit.

Yep. That's what we need. The Govt. in control of our health care. Good God. Talk about a moronic idea.
We are already footing the bill for your republicans war adventures and tax breaks for the rich so...We would rather it go to help the majority of us not a rich 1%.

The rich paid for the wars as well as for your social programs. You've paid for nothing at all.
Oh yes I have. Every time I go tag my car,pay insurance,buy groceries,buy ANYTHING,my taxes are paying for war and foreign aide....I don't care how much goes towards it its just the simple fact it does.
Then how do you explain that our Democrat controlled public schools have 80% of students unable to read at grade level?

Republicans have been systematically removing monies from public education.

Then you have the droopy-skinned old that don't have kids in public school anymore, that haven't paid for their share of the public education they used, that think they can get away with ripping-off the current tax payers.
Bernie is a socialist and that's how socialists think.

Of course he neglects to let everyone know that nothing is free and every taxpayer in America will be footing the bill for his "free" Stuff.

Of course those that can't pay their own way will love it but the taxpayers will be getting the shaft yet again.

Oh and as for universal health care?? Who in their right mind wants the Government responsible for the healthcare of 300 million Americans?

The Govt. who has never done anything cheaply or well in its entire history.

The Govt. where everything turns into mountains of red tape, regulations and bullshit.

Yep. That's what we need. The Govt. in control of our health care. Good God. Talk about a moronic idea.
We are already footing the bill for your republicans war adventures and tax breaks for the rich so...We would rather it go to help the majority of us not a rich 1%.

The rich paid for the wars as well as for your social programs. You've paid for nothing at all.
Oh yes I have. Every time I go tag my car,pay insurance,buy groceries,buy ANYTHING,my taxes are paying for war and foreign aide....I don't care how much goes towards it its just the simple fact it does.

And everytime a rich person pays INCOME TAXES, buys TAGS for his CARS, buys GROCERIES for his dinners and parties, or adds to his house or builds an extra garage, or anything else, he is paying one hell of a lot more in taxes than you.
You think that it's right that I made more money last year than you'll make in your entire life? And, I paid less percentage of my income in federal tax than you did too!

I seriously doubt that.

If you doubt that the wealthy pay less percentage of their income in federal tax than you and yours -- you're a complete fool. Loopholes are written for the rich, by Republicans.

Of course I do, did you pay less than .00257% of your gross income? Also I don't know any wealthy people who spend their time on a message board.
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Bernie is a socialist and that's how socialists think.

Of course he neglects to let everyone know that nothing is free and every taxpayer in America will be footing the bill for his "free" Stuff.

Of course those that can't pay their own way will love it but the taxpayers will be getting the shaft yet again.

Oh and as for universal health care?? Who in their right mind wants the Government responsible for the healthcare of 300 million Americans?

The Govt. who has never done anything cheaply or well in its entire history.

The Govt. where everything turns into mountains of red tape, regulations and bullshit.

Yep. That's what we need. The Govt. in control of our health care. Good God. Talk about a moronic idea.
We are already footing the bill for your republicans war adventures and tax breaks for the rich so...We would rather it go to help the majority of us not a rich 1%.

The rich paid for the wars as well as for your social programs. You've paid for nothing at all.
Oh yes I have. Every time I go tag my car,pay insurance,buy groceries,buy ANYTHING,my taxes are paying for war and foreign aide....I don't care how much goes towards it its just the simple fact it does.

And everytime a rich person pays INCOME TAXES, buys TAGS for his CARS, buys GROCERIES for his dinners and parties, or adds to his house or builds an extra garage, or anything else, he is paying one hell of a lot more in taxes than you.
Oh so now you want to pick and choose who gets to have a bigger say so....that's like letting the rich buy elections/candidates simply because they do realize how STUPID that sounds.I hope.
Bernie is a socialist and that's how socialists think.

Of course he neglects to let everyone know that nothing is free and every taxpayer in America will be footing the bill for his "free" Stuff.

Of course those that can't pay their own way will love it but the taxpayers will be getting the shaft yet again.

Oh and as for universal health care?? Who in their right mind wants the Government responsible for the healthcare of 300 million Americans?

The Govt. who has never done anything cheaply or well in its entire history.

The Govt. where everything turns into mountains of red tape, regulations and bullshit.

Yep. That's what we need. The Govt. in control of our health care. Good God. Talk about a moronic idea.
We are already footing the bill for your republicans war adventures and tax breaks for the rich so...We would rather it go to help the majority of us not a rich 1%.

The rich paid for the wars as well as for your social programs. You've paid for nothing at all.
Oh yes I have. Every time I go tag my car,pay insurance,buy groceries,buy ANYTHING,my taxes are paying for war and foreign aide....I don't care how much goes towards it its just the simple fact it does.

And everytime a rich person pays INCOME TAXES, buys TAGS for his CARS, buys GROCERIES for his dinners and parties, or adds to his house or builds an extra garage, or anything else, he is paying one hell of a lot more in taxes than you.
Oh so now you want to pick and choose who gets to have a bigger say so....that's like letting the rich buy elections/candidates simply because they do realize how STUPID that sounds.I hope.

It may sound stupid to you that the rich and corporations and special interest groups BUY candidates but I assure you, it's happening every day.
We are already footing the bill for your republicans war adventures and tax breaks for the rich so...We would rather it go to help the majority of us not a rich 1%.

The rich paid for the wars as well as for your social programs. You've paid for nothing at all.
Oh yes I have. Every time I go tag my car,pay insurance,buy groceries,buy ANYTHING,my taxes are paying for war and foreign aide....I don't care how much goes towards it its just the simple fact it does.

And everytime a rich person pays INCOME TAXES, buys TAGS for his CARS, buys GROCERIES for his dinners and parties, or adds to his house or builds an extra garage, or anything else, he is paying one hell of a lot more in taxes than you.
Oh so now you want to pick and choose who gets to have a bigger say so....that's like letting the rich buy elections/candidates simply because they do realize how STUPID that sounds.I hope.

It may sound stupid to you that the rich and corporations and special interest groups BUY candidates but I assure you, it's happening every day.
I know it happens. It should stop. Oh and if the RICH want more people to pay more maybe they should pay their workers more therefore those workers would have more money to pay taxes with :)

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