Sanders: Universal Healthcare and Free College Aren’t Radical Ideas, They Are ‘Human Rights’


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
U.S. Uncut ^ | September 27, 2015 | Hugh Wharton
This interview is amazing.As the Bernie Sanders campaign surges, the socialist senator continues to bring the national conversation back from the right after 30 years of bellicose class war rhetoric. In the clip below, he shames those (including Jeb Bush) who would cut taxes for the rich while stripping Social Security. Sanders states clearly that every other industrialized country invests in their own citizens and children and it’s high time that we followed suit. While Sanders is heavily-criticized for identifying as a democratic socialist, he embraces the label. Sanders says countries that abide by the principles of democratic socialism, like...

Single payer health care would cover everyone for less than we are paying now.

How can we expect to stay on top of the world economy if we treat education as an extra cost option?
The greatest nation on the face of the earth ought to have the healthiest and most well educated populace on the face of the earth. No?

Silly nutters.
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Bernie is a socialist and that's how socialists think.

Of course he neglects to let everyone know that nothing is free and every taxpayer in America will be footing the bill for his "free" Stuff.

Of course those that can't pay their own way will love it but the taxpayers will be getting the shaft yet again.

Oh and as for universal health care?? Who in their right mind wants the Government responsible for the healthcare of 300 million Americans?

The Govt. who has never done anything cheaply or well in its entire history.

The Govt. where everything turns into mountains of red tape, regulations and bullshit.

Yep. That's what we need. The Govt. in control of our health care. Good God. Talk about a moronic idea.
The greatest nation on the face of the earth ought to have the healthiest and most well educated populace on the face of the earth. No?

Silly nutters.

Then how do you explain that our Democrat controlled public schools have 80% of students unable to read at grade level?

Cool stat, bro.......where'd ya get it?

I explain it by calling you out for BS. Schools are run locally. Blue states do better than counties DESTROY red counties when it comes to quality of education.

The CONSERVATIVE agenda to make higher education something that only wealthy people can afford has damaged this nation. Ya dumb shit.
By the way, stupid....I learned to read before I ever went to school. My mother was able to stay at home and teach me because we were able to live a middle class standard of living on my father's blue collar wage.

CONSERVATIVE economic policies have led us to a point where mom and dad both need to work and kids enter school far less prepared than was the case forty years ago.

Learn something.
REMEMBER how Pelosi TOLD YOU OscamCare would take of the FREELOADERS TO SELL it in your backs?

Nancy Pelosi: ‘ObamaCare Tax is Needed Because of All You Uninsured Free Loaders’
Posted 28/06/2012

Remember when Queen Nancy ranted about those millions of poor uninsured Americans who should be pushed into a government-mandated socialist health care system, and if anyone refuted that, they were “unAmerican”?

Well guess what? If you’re one of those uninsured, you’re a derelict getting a free ride.

Queen Nancy says so.

From Big Government:

Now that the Supreme Court has concluded that Obamacare is a tax, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has trashed the uninsured–those whom the Affordable Care Act was supposed to benefit–as “free riders.” Pelosi, speaking to Audie Cornish of National Public Radio, explained that new taxes were necessary because some (many?) of the uninsured actively choose not to buy health insurance, even though they can afford it.
Pelosi’s change in attitude towards the uninsured is a complete about-face from the rhetoric that she and the Democrats used in pushing for the massive legislation in 2009-10. Then, Democrats bombarded Americans with heart-wrenching stories–many of them false, particularly those told by President Barack Obama–about the 30, 40, or 50 million people without health insurance. Those who pointed to research that over 40 percent of the uninsured were “voluntary” were dismissed as heartless corporate shills or racists.

Today, Pelosi tells us that the uninsured deserve our contempt because they impose a cost on all of us when they show up injured or ill in the hospital. They are “free riders,” she said, and the new taxes in Obamacare are needed to solve the problems they create. That almost sounds like a conservative argument–but it does not explain why the health insurance system has to be overhauled for the other 300-million-plus Americans.

What about those millions of illegal aliens in this country, who have no insurance and get free healthcare, thanks to the Democratic Party? What about the 40% of Americans who pay no income taxes, don’t work, and collect welfare?

Aren’t they “free riders” too?

ALL of it here:
Nancy Pelosi: 'ObamaCare Tax is Needed Because of All You Uninsured Free Loaders'
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Then pass the Schumer/Lindsay Graham Immigration Bill with a good SS ID card and END THIS PUB MESS.

And of course all quintiles pay about the same (20-30% in all taxes and fees), hater dupe.
You think that it's right that I made more money last year than you'll make in your entire life? And, I paid less percentage of my income in federal tax than you did too!

You're the boards biggest Poseur, bigger than Starkey
Agreed. He's not the biggest idiot here though. Only because competition is keen.
The greatest nation on the face of the earth ought to have the healthiest and most well educated populace on the face of the earth. No?

Silly nutters.

Then how do you explain that our Democrat controlled public schools have 80% of students unable to read at grade level?

Cool stat, bro.......where'd ya get it?

I explain it by calling you out for BS. Schools are run locally. Blue states do better than counties DESTROY red counties when it comes to quality of education.

The CONSERVATIVE agenda to make higher education something that only wealthy people can afford has damaged this nation. Ya dumb shit.
Kewl story bro.
In fact Frank is correct. Inner city schools have been controlled by Dems for decades. And they fail students very badly.

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