Safety net for the poor

Only $431 billion since 1967?

Hell! that's not much at all if that number is even right. (which I have my doubts about).

Also, the link takes us to your chart which included employment compensation as WEFARE.

Employment conpensation is not welfare.

It's prepaid emplyment insurance.

Meanwhile how much was spent on other items in the budget since 1967?
Just look at it as insurance against looting, widespread revolt and food riots. It's cheaper to feed the poor than to keep them locked up in jails. Don't think it can't happen here, a hungry man will steal to eat in any country.

Here in Texas we have the right to shoot and ask questions later.

952 billion from the same chart for defense. Defense is important, but aiding citizens in need is not? What then are we defending?

That defense figure is hiding many social programs, its the only way dems would sign off on the defense budget.

So those figures can not be trusted. That isnt from me either but the recent audit by the GOA
Where would we be if that money stopped circulating through our economy?

We would still be a free country where individuals would be free to invest their money thereby creating real jobs. Investors would know that their property is respected thereby attracting Capital. We would not be a militaristic imperialistic belligerent sponsor of state terrorism.

$431B was the budget for 2012. The OP lies... it's not since 1967 that it's been $431B/year.

More Faux Outrage from the "Johnny can't read(or comprehend)" Faction.

I stand corrected.

The War on Poverty began in 1964 not in 1967.

The "Safety Net For The Welfare state Politicians back then was a mere :


8 BBBBillions was chicken shit in 1964.

Feed me Seymour...........



Fuck, that ain't shit.

They need mo'


Perhaps if the Education budget of 3% came even close to the Defense budget of 25% we wouldn't be spending 12% of our budget on welfare.


One of the principal reasons we got into the mess we're in is that we allowed schooling to become a very profitable monopoly, guaranteed its customers by the police power of the state. Systematic schooling attracts increased investment only when it does poorly, and since there are no penalties at all for such performance, the temptation not to do well is overwhelming. That's because school staffs, both line and management, are involved in a guild system; in that ancient form of association no single member is allowed to outperform any other member, is allowed to advertise or is allowed to introduce new technology or improvise without the advance consent of the guild. Violation of these precepts is severely sanctioned – as Marva Collins, Jaime Escalante and a large number of once-brilliant teachers found out."

Just look at it as insurance against looting, widespread revolt and food riots. It's cheaper to feed the poor than to keep them locked up in jails. Don't think it can't happen here, a hungry man will steal to eat in any country.

Here in Texas we have the right to shoot and ask questions later.


Ahhhh..... the real Conservative Ideology... Shoot the poor.... glad you fuckers finally admitted it.


Fuck, that ain't shit.

They need mo'


431 BBBBBBBBBBBillion dollar per year.

So WHY the fucketh are they still poe'.


Yes... they're squandering all that money. They could be rich if only they stopped squandering it all!

Don't be so stupid.

OK Vern, where is the money going? The "war on poverty" has been going on for over 25 years .

can we declare victory already?


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