S&P soars to record as Russian stocks sink

Roflmao at the obamaspergs. Russians seize all Ukie bases in Crimea, but president muhdick inflicted a stock market dip on their creepy commie cracka asses, therefore he wins. Are we applying affirmative action to geopolitics now? So Obama gets a leg up, a head start, for his massive foreign policy blunders versus ex-kgb putin?

It wouldn't be so funny if the OP wasn't serious...

I really do not know if we should just go with the economic sanctions or go full throttle forward and bury Putin for good. We have an opportunity here to see to it that Ukraine is permitted to join NATO. We also have an opportunity to use this as reason to place military bases in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and even possible Ukraine. All of these things could be done and there is not a thing Putin could do to stop it. Of course, he might threaten to start WWIII, but he wouldn't. The truth is that if he tried, he would probably get whacked by his own people.
What percentage of Ukrainians prefer to join NATO?
The last poll I've seen puts the number at less than 50%.

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